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Wait, The Vay Hek Triangulator Requires How Many Beacons?


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I'm counting 26 beacons for the Vay Hek triangulator.  That means 26 missions, and then only if you're increadibly lucky.  As far as I've seen only one prosecutor shows up per mission.  Of course, not every mission seems to spawn a prosecutor, so who knows how many it will actually take.


I hope this isn't a one-time-use thing.  Gettting the new frame will take years if it is.

Edited by TheDamDog
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i made a couple of runs now: 


-not every prosecuter is dropping beacons


I did: 


1x Survival 11min: one kappa beacon

1x Defense 5 waves: one gamma beacon

4x Sabotages: 3 times no drop. one gamma beacon

1x Ext: 1 time no drop

1x Invasion no drop


8 Runs => 3 drops.


needs a buff!

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i made a couple of runs now: 


-not every prosecuter is dropping beacons


I did: 


1x Survival 11min: one kappa beacon

1x Defense 5 waves: one gamma beacon

4x Sabotages: 3 times no drop. one gamma beacon

1x Ext: 1 time no drop

1x Invasion no drop


8 Runs => 3 drops.


needs a buff!

So they DO show up in non-survival missions?  Odd.  I've only seen them there.

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Actually, it is MORE than 26 missions. Because you may end up getting 26 Omega beacons and none of the others. You have to pray for RNG to be merciful to you because you may get one per mission if you are lucky. You might be lucky to get off with 350 missions to get enough for one locator.


Anyone remember CICERO CRISIS? And of course, I assume the resulting locator will be consumed? This means that even if you can actually can construct 4 locators, there is only a 25% chance you get all 4 different parts with them. Which is NEVER the case. Most likely to get one systems blueprint and 3 helmets instead.


DE, didn't you learn anything from Cicero Crisis? This. Is. Not. Funny.

Edited by SoanoS
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OK this is just ridiculous


I think it actually went beyond ridiculous...


My realisation when I did a few missions and had a look at the key component requirements: "WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUC*????"

Edited by SoanoS
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"Oh, man. I'm complaining that there is nothing to do in game, and DE added smth, that I need do many attempts to get it. Better to start complain about this. " That how you look like guys. I'm playing since CBT start and im just happy, that game advance and that DE adding in game smth, that I can't get from point.

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Too many. I certainly won't grind so much just to meet new uncle Hek. I'd rather drop him a letter. Mr Puddle can wait, just like Zephyr did.

Bad news, Hydroid is probably going to be like Nekros.  It won't ever appear in research.

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From what I've noticed, only the glowing Prosecutors drop the beacon parts. The other regular Prosecutors who appear in droves do not drop them. And the glowing ones appears quite quickly so a 5 min Defense or Survival will get you what you would need and extract. Rinse and repeat.


That way, you can cut down on the grind. For those comparing this to Nekros, at least there's a guaranteed chance of getting a beacon within ~5mins. For Nekros, you had to hope that you could find even 1 Golem Nav in the crates and spend even longer than 5 mins scouting the entire tileset for them. + you have to craft those OD keys.

Edited by AxialBlue
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Bad news, Hydroid is probably going to be like Nekros.  It won't ever appear in research.

I was talking about the oxium required to craft her. With Hydroid, I'll just do missions on Ceres when I feel like it, without specifically hunting the prosecutors. When I'll get enough droppables to craft the craftable thing, I'll go see Hek. I have enough stuff to keep me entertained until then.

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