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How Would You Summarize This New Update?


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negatives are only needed to be said, good ones are expected and doesnt need to be told

- you see, my mellee weapons are formad well and potatoed with good mods in it, 1 ~ 2 hitting mobs , there is no room for combos.

- i have to disable sentinel attacks since its also well potatoed and formad, 1 hitting mobs even before i get close, there is no room for mellee-ing

- i do not enjoy the blocking because of stamina problem, dont tell me i have to put stamina mods, my abilities will suffer alot and it isnt worth it.

- the ceres rain is getting my fps real bad, performance issues again, playing with people makes bad fps

- Black screen on extraction returns

- dojo tenno lab, gray screen.

- i enjoy phantasy star online 2 gameplay.

Edited by Ritchel
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Don't you tell me I can't voice my opinions because I'm not wailing and gnashing teeth every time there's a change to the game, especially with that "positive opinion/outlook = WHITE KNIGHT FANBOI OMG stop liking things I hate" bullcrap. Also, speak for yourself about this "crumbled into dush" melodrama; I'm having fun and so are thousands of others playing right now.


Yeah no, this isn't just "voicing your opinions": "Another excuse for whiners with instant gratification issues to plug up the forums and covering up real grievances from being addressed." 



Anyways, as far as U13 goes, I can't really give a verdict. Contrary to what DE said before about lowering grind, they seemed to just keep on raising that RNG wall higher and higher(especially with the recent Vay Hek keys). So far, this update hasn't been the best, and a part of the problem is that we can't give an opinion on some of the new features due to them being locked behind the RNG wall.

Edited by Centurus
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-The fact that players start with no stance mods, which seem like a crucial component of the new melee system, is incredibly disappointing. Even starting out all players with one of the basic sword stances would have been sufficient to let people get their hands dirty and play around with the new system.


-I do not understand why DE continues to come up with increasingly byzantine rituals for assembling various kinds of keys and collecting components in order to access new boss content. Nobody liked it with Lephantis, nobody seems to like it now. How many disparate systems for building keys do we need? I understand that the goal here is to prevent people from immediately finding all the Hydroid blueprints and having the frame cooking within 30 minutes of the patch, but this solution is just really inelegant and unpalatable.

Edited by Barnago
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Good on paper, poor execution.

Changes some stances from Uncommon to Rare was a poor idea, stances don't do much since mobs die ridiculously quickly (not like they can help this. If mobs die too slowly as insentive to combo, melee wouldn't be as good), RNG walls, ect ect.

Rest of U13, I dunno. Havn't really experienced much else. So what do I know?

Edited by Triburos
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The fact that players start with no stance mods, which seem like a crucial component of the new melee system, is incredibly disappointing. Like, completely sapped my will to even play and look for them.


I do not understand why DE continues to come up with increasingly byzantine rituals for assembling various kinds of keys and collecting components in order to access new boss content. Nobody liked it with Lephantis, nobody seems to like it now. How many disparate systems for building keys do we need?


Aye, a big problem is they continuously create "new key systems" that are essentially the same, just with differently named components and drop sources. I predict that at the end of this game's life, we're probably going to be looking at dozens of different keys and different key components restricted to each new feature that's released.

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IMHO what DE should do to actually improve Melee system like they planned is to do the following things:

* Remove the combo system entirely and bring back the way the system functioned before, regular attacks + charged attacks.

* Revamp the Channeling system into something less than "Wow such shiny. Much dmg,". For example make the channeling feature actually true to its name. May our melee weapons channel the element we apply to it. For example channeling on Heat Sword makes it slash with fire.

* Revamp energy drain for channeling. Give us different resource thats regained by killing enemies. I'd rather fill up two energy bars than rely on ability energy loot orbs.

* Revamp the stance mods. Instead having it give us combos and attacks, make these mods change the way our swords and melee weapons hit. Such as making a mod [Lightweight Blade] that increases attack speed but reduces dmg dealt. Like the corrupted mods work for other things.

* And if DE wants a combo system so bad, make it a two button one without the need for stances that are not easily obtained. Mouse button 1 regular attack and mouse button 2 heavy attack that leads to a charged attack.


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U13: Farming 2.0

It's not. Both Nikanas are in the Tenno lab in the dojo

Did they hotfix it in? When i checked after the patch last night, there was only one and i saw someone mention that DE_Megan confirmed the stronger one wasn't meant to be.

There was also two Skanas in the market, both with same stats.

i really can't be the only one thinking that this is just a bad idea waiting to happen.

Way ahead of you.


Edited by Shackram
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                                         System: "you have been playing for over an hour , dont forget to take a break"


                                                                                      very thoughtful.

Edited by Ritchel
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- The resource cost for the Nikana is ridiculous. Almost feels like you're having your arm twisted to just pay platinum for it. Platinum cost for the basic version is quite a lot, especially considering the Dragon Nikana is the same platinum price and is 2x as good.


- Getting tired of the "Farm components. Build key. Try boss/event mission. Rinse and repeat." thing. I get the reasoning, about preventing everyone from getting Hydroid within an hour, but still.


- Not sure why we're adding new resources. Indifferent on the decay thing for it though.


- Not having at least one basic melee stance mod to start out with is irritating.


- Melee 2.0 has some great things (Being able to actually switch to melee weapons for example), but suffers from far too many things (Melee still dependent on stamina when it should have a resource of it's own, combos hit-or-miss, attack speed mega nerfs, etc.). Still doesn't feel like a equally viable alternative to gunplay at higher levels. It's got the potential, but still needs a lot of work. Really disappointed to test out my Orthos Prime, only to find it's been reduced to like 2-3 animations now (Which I'm assuming will change with a stance mod. Correct me if I'm wrong in this).


- Melee cosmetics are pretty cool.


- Dreading the end of the event, when I'm assuming Hydroid will be dumped into dojos for research.


Overall, I'm glad we have the update. As many problems as melee 2.0 has, it's still better than the old system. It just needs a lot of work and changes in my opinion.

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After the last event being a departure from the normal grind wall I was hopefull that DE had learnt....


But no, seems that even after an extra week they had no creative non grindy soul sucking way to implement new content and stuck firmly behind multiple layers of RNG...again...


I downloaded the update, equipped a few melee weapons, went into a mission and found that they do pretty much what they did before with a x1000000 damage multiplier, went to check out these new combos and........


....found that you need a stance to do anything even remotely fun or different! Where do stances drop? Well to be honest I don't give a S#&$, telling me I have to grind my &#! off to find a bunch of new super rare mods when I only recently got hold of most the 'old' super rare mods after hours of grinding to even experience this shiny new content is a joke.


RNG will be the death of this game, it's lazy design to hide actual content behind walls of RNG


I've already given up hope or getting the Detron & the Brakk barrel I need, I am not even gonna start trying for these stances, it's bullS#&$ I tells ya

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1. More RNG struggle!

2. Even more struggling with broken RNG. Oh, pardon, it's working as intended, right...

3. Broken W+E Combos which don't let you mash "E" in peace!

4. Overhyped Katanas! One of them is sort of terrible, the other, for some reason, is amazing.

5. Nova stealing all your melee kills!

5.5. Melee? Cool, fun moves? LOL, NOPE, LET'S JUST SPAM MPRIME.

6. 3 guys in my squad: "What melee 2.0? I got Boltor Prime in need of forma".

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