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What Tyl Regor Could Be With Melee 2.0


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I know Warframe Melee will propably never reach the level of melee dedicated games but a man can dream, can't he?


Since Vay Hek is finally done here are my suggesstions for a Tyl Regor remake:


- give him a unique grineer katana

- add unique combo chains and a gap closer (maybe teleport?)

- enhance with zanuka movement skills

- also counter attacks and guardbreak moves would be the icing on the cake


Aaaand you have a badass Grineer melee boss and since he is a professor of genetic engineering to remove the sideeffects of cloning they could remake his appreance into a very sleek and dynamic looking fighter with a touch of keenness.


Maybe you guys can post some others ideas of unique mechanics for Tyl Regor that are realizable in Warframe to give the devs some ideas.

Edited by Zeranov
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But the Grineer were supposed to look rotund, robust and technologically 'primitive' (but effective, think AK47). How about a new machete? About time we see some new melee units with a machete other than the Scorpions.

Make him akin to Jetstream and I will want Difficulty 2.0.

Edited by Shinobi-kun
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But the Grineer were supposed to look rotund, robust and technologically 'primitive' (but effective, think AK47). How about a new machete? About time we see some new melee units with a machete other than the Scorpions.

Make him akin to Jetstream and I will want Difficulty 2.0.

Tyl Regor is sort of an exception, considering his purpose in Warframe is to restore the Grineer gene seed so that cloning (clones of clones of clones of clones of...) isn't this slow process of decay with each generation.  One would expect that not only is he successfully restoring that gene seed when he finally becomes a figure head when DE gets around to his story, that he'll push the human genome beyond conventional limits, even making it competitive with the Tenno, minus the technocyte virus (or possibly because of the technocyte virus.)


Also, Corpus and Grineer do business from time to time.  Valkyr was captured and experimented on, among other captured Warframes.  Tyl Regor might have had some interest in live specimens of the Grineer empire's much loathed enemy.  Clone a tenno?  Sure, why not at least try?


Of course, we could also look into replacing Tyr Regor's sword wielding boss concept with one of his latest generation clones, something of a Tenno hunter, and make Regor himself something more along the lines of the Armstrong fight in the video's same game.

Edited by Littleman88
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Tyl Regor is sort of an exception, considering his purpose in Warframe is to restore the Grineer gene seed so that cloning (clones of clones of clones of clones of...) isn't this slow process of decay with each generation.  One would expect that not only is he successfully restoring that gene seed when he finally becomes a figure head when DE gets around to his story, that he'll push the human genome beyond conventional limits, even making it competitive with the Tenno, minus the technocyte virus (or possibly because of the technocyte virus.)

I meant his base design, like his armor, weapons, mods etc. Putting Regor in a sleek cyborg ninja suit will definitely make us Tenno an endangered species again. 

Then again, a somewhat deformed but still tough Tenno clone is a good candidate for the next boss rework, or that a somewhat 'perfected' Grineer clone boss doing Regor's bidding. 

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