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Whats Your Most Hated Warframe?


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By that logic, nobody should ever play anything that doesn't have a support aspect to it. In any MMO with a 'blizzard of snowflakes' aspect to it, you have to have your warrior.

What he excels at, is assassination of difficult targets. While Loki can accomplish the same with Invisibility and a decent melee weapon, he's slower when it comes to laying down collateral damage.

Blade Storm doesn't just eliminate the threat, it isolates it, should it survive. 

I'll agree with you on one thing though, he doesn't contribute as much to a team as other frames and frankly, is better at soloing than anything else.

Perhaps I only enjoy him because I prefer to solo everything and anything I can, because trying to avoid stepping on peoples' toes is like trying to make it to your 50th birthday without breathing and I really, REALLY dislike relying on people who have nothing but contempt for me and criticize everything I do, almost as much as I dislike sharing the fruits of my labors with them.

Do you really believe in all this promo "assasination of difficult targets" BS? Like what? Can Bladestorm do better, than, say, Molecular Prime, with the latter being a team-oriented debuff even if it can't instakill highlvl mobs, whilst being as energy-efficient/spammable? And, if i play as a support frame, like Trinity or Necros, who will i prefer on my team, your Ash or anything rather/really useful, that can deal equally good or better with both the "difficult targets" and trash mobs alike? Each tool, each frame has it's own purpose. Ash is for solo play. Respect other players, keep him for solo. Thank you.

P.S. Loki with decoy, penta and radial disarm can be even more devastating, than Ash and his maxed bladestorm. And more energy-efficient, for that matter. If you add in a vortex Vauban and a shred-flux Necro, you get the best farming setup for corpus/grineer/void.

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My two most HATED frames (I'm not even using the word lightly, I've built up great animosity for the two) have to be Mag and Ash.


My reason for hating Mag is quite simple. Bullet Attractor makes it so that Banshee's best ability, Sonar, is useless on bosses. Headshots and whatnot are impossible with it up. I've always been a fan of Banshee and have always loved her, but I hate playing missions as her when there are Mags around.


My hate for Ash comes only from the fact that he's useless to me. He's overhyped and not very powerful. There is no reason to choose him over Nova, Rhino, Nekros, or Trinity. It's not that the Warframes need to be nerfed to his level, it's just that Ash needs to get on their level.

I also mentioned he's overhyped. He is.

He is currently an inferior Loki who, like many other Warframes, becomes obsolete during high level missions and waves.


I also dislike Valkyr a bit. She's fairly melee based, and like Ash, not as practical as other Warframes (but still better than Ash). I dislike her ultimate ability because it looks stupid and isn't as effective as other ultimate abilities. 


Don't get me wrong, I do like Valkyr and the idea behind her. They could have just done a better job in many areas.

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by that logic you can state the problems of other frames:


Saryn: coward wants to resort biological warfare

Rhino: coward needs protection

Oberon: coward needs aoe

Valkyr: channels the rage of raging gamers into a set of claws

Frost: coward hides in a transparent igloo, and aoe

Nova: coward needs aoe

Vauban: coward...in general

Hydroid: coward needs to call upon a horror from the deep, and calls that an ability



Nope, I am ok with all of those. Why? 


Because only cowards want to turn invisible. 

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I haven't touched Nekros in a few months but I decided to use him for farming.   I now realize how annoying Nova can be when you are trying to desecrate.  I don't hate her but I understand her high annoyance level now when playing frames like Nekros.  

Edited by Ishki88
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Oberon is at the top of my list now, it used to be. His first is a bad copy of Nekros, his second is useless, 3rd is a useless heal and his 4th is a copy of mag to me.   Ember is up there as well. She's cool but, pretty dang weak. And loki isn't useless. btw..

I don't want to like, say anything rude or mean. But his second ability is actually extremely useful for me. I like Oberon a lot though, so I'm kind of biased, but I've been able to kill hordes of enemies using that trap. And if you think about it, his 4th isn't really a copy. It's just an AOE that can produce healing nodes.


Also. I want to point out. Necromancers and Paladins have always been similar in games, but with opposite elements. Soul punch sends a very powerful singular blast in the direction of the shot, and whatever Oberon's first is called sends 4 nodes that bounce and deal minor damage, with the initial shot being the most powerful.


Again, no hate on what you said, but I just wanted to throw that out there.

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As a person who's first frame was Loki and is waiting on the prime this thread makes me feel like a loser. When you add the fact that I play mostly Ash I feel like I might as well leave the room.


On a serious note I feel like I don't hate any frame, all of them have their uses in different situations. The players are what can turn the game from fun to not very and that's something true since the start of open beta. Here's my list of people I've seen that get on my nerves.


Rhino players that typically just press four and do everything themselves, I've rarely seen them stick with the group and rush everything, though I'm one of those people that likes to look in every room once it's cleared so maybe I'm in the wrong there.

I feel like it's been beaten to death at this point but Nova ruins the game at lower levels for me. I hate the explosions and I hate it even more when everything is dead before everyone gets a go at the enemies.


Ash and Loki players but not for the reasons of team play, some players of both frames typically rush ahead and offer nothing to the team. They seem to forget that you can still help the team in various ways on both frames, I guess the invis makes them think they're invincible. 

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Ash and Loki players but not for the reasons of team play, some players of both frames typically rush ahead and offer nothing to the team. They seem to forget that you can still help the team in various ways on both frames, I guess the invis makes them think they're invincible. 

To be fair, Invisibility and Smoke Screen might as WELL be invincibility. It's not out of the realms of reality.

It's kind of the whole Iron Skin dilema with Rhinos thinking they can never die. For the most part, neither can Ash or Loki.

Anyways- I'd like to hear what Ash can do to help out teams. At the moment, I see him as completely useless. His ult being buffed is his only hope.

Hell, I was a near useless Loki in defense until I decided to stop being stupid and start spamming Radial Disarm everywhere. Now people have actually been giving me praise for it.

"Wow, a Loki is actually using Radial Disarm."

"Dem infested-tier Corpus"

So on and so forth.

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To be fair, Invisibility and Smoke Screen might as WELL be invincibility. It's not out of the realms of reality.

It's kind of the whole Iron Skin dilema with Rhinos thinking they can never die. For the most part, neither can Ash or Loki.

Anyways- I'd like to hear what Ash can do to help out teams. At the moment, I see him as completely useless. His ult being buffed is his only hope.

Hell, I was a near useless Loki in defense until I decided to stop being stupid and start spamming Radial Disarm everywhere. Now people have actually been giving me praise for it.

"Wow, a Loki is actually using Radial Disarm."

"Dem infested-tier Corpus"

So on and so forth.

Trinity Master Race.

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I don't like Oberon.

He has low stamina and frame speed, which irks the heck out of a speed freak like me. I wanna dodge bullets and run circles around those Grineer/Corprus, not run for 15 seconds before needing to catch some breath!

Oh, and his over-decorated aesthetics displeases me.

Edited by LangFu
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I dislike most Nova players, there are some exceptions to the rule but most of the time I am with a nova its like being with a 6 year old kiddie who has to hit Molecular Prime as soon as they see one enemy. Its as if no one else is allowed a kill, and I am talking players doing it in Mercury survival when the enemies are level 1.

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I dont hate her but banshee is the biggest piece of crap warframe has to offer right now. She needs a rework, or they could just delete her.

She is the official "Crapframe" of warframe!

I remember when she used to be one of the strongest frames a year ago, then nerf nerf nerf and lack of a rework.


I never got my Loki past 25 because I found him boring and useless, havent got Vauban past 22 either. I dont like these new ember powers either. So those are my dislike frames.


Rhino and his stomp is annoying.

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I dislike most Nova players, there are some exceptions to the rule but most of the time I am with a nova its like being with a 6 year old kiddie who has to hit Molecular Prime as soon as they see one enemy. Its as if no one else is allowed a kill, and I am talking players doing it in Mercury survival when the enemies are level 1.

^Nova's listen well, this is why you're hated. To be a good Nova, a player must not be a deek and slow down the waves in defense (know your fricking ranges guys), and really only use their ulti when it's necessary such as high level missions, or when someones been knocked and the shield lancers are treating their body like a ping pong ball and they can't get up and will die soon. To be a good Nova, simple follow some gamer etiquette. Or at least that's my opinion. Oh and don't run into someone elses spawning zone, kill everything with the ulti and then sprint all the way across the map and do it to someone else, that just lowers probabilities for life support drops and is a noob a-hole thing to do. 

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Personally I hate Nova and Loki.


Why Nova?

"Hey look at me, I'll be amazing and use M-Prime all the time! Oh, you thought you got those kills? LOLNOPE"


Why Loki?

"I'ma just be invisible... Even though I have this thing called Decoy... meh, its not useful at all. Nope. I can get more melee damage if I just stay invisible. And whats that Radial Disarm all about? It does nothing at all..." *invis ends* "Huh? OH SHI-" *dead* 


The only exception to this case is the very rare Loki who actually uses disarm. Especially in Defense. Decoy is kinda meh, but Disarm can save alot of situations. I dont play Loki myself, but I have seen very few actually do it. It was helpful. Oh, if only more Lokis would use it....

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Loki and Nyx. Found them to be useless.

Although i respect your opinion, i must disagree and add that if you think Loki and Nyx are "useless", then you have no idea how to use them. These two scale the best in the game. It's ok to claim you dislike/hate them and then offer a logical reason, but claiming they're useless is just ridiculous.


And no, most of you in this thread do not hate the frame itself, but the idiots who trolled you and happened to be using that frame. You hate Loki because some dumb kid kept trolling you. That doesn't mean Loki is a bad/useless frame.


No matter the opinion you have, i respect those who claim "X doesn't fit my playing style" and I must dis those saying "X is useless". No, it's not useless, you're ignorant. You dislike/hate it because it just doesn't fit you or you think it's fugly or whatever? Yeah, I can understand that, it makes sense, but saying a frame is useless shows you're ignorant.


A frame doesn't play by itself, a person uses it.


on topic: Loki's and Trinity's helmets look like trash cans D: other than that, they're awesome.

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Oberon, not because I hate him completely. Just because I feel he's not given a "one skill to rule them all" like every other frame that exists. No doubt he is useful. It's just a question for me of: "WTF do I do with him?"


Might not even be down to Oberon just down to my inability to use him correctly. He seems to be the only frame I have this problem with. That and Hydroid but I actually have a rough idea of what to use him for.

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Mag - Can't stand her "pull" skill.


Volt - Waste of Tenno.  built a Volt back in July and never used it once.


Ash - Blade storm is too long and is never worth it.


Rhino P. - Speed boost was BS to the Nth degree.


Ember(after DE got finish trolling her) - Used to be my favorite but now after DE make her "better"...(Looks at that worthless fireblast that cost 75 energy)


(currently pending) Hydroid - I have it but haven't use it yet.  Just ain't feeling that ultimate. feels outta place to me.

Edited by AcceI
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Probably Banshee, Loki and Ash because all stealth types are @(*()$ useless right now and probably the hardest to level up because of having close to no offensive attacks.

Disarm and melee....


Ash can teleport and stuff...


Idk about banshee because i havnt yet played her seriously

Edited by Azawarau
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Have to add that i hate endgame statistics too, because it makes so many people get butthurt over nothing. Do you really think that the killcounter actually means something? 

Esp. all the Nova hate. If you're leveling a frame, having a Nova nearby on a survival means having quite a lot of exp equally spread between your frame and weapons (learn how the system works). Nova is actually the sufferer. She gets all that EXP mostly on her frame, whereas you, my dear leech, get the same amount of EXP, but it's equally spread between your frame and all 3 of your weapons.

You'll be surprised, but one of the effective ways to level a frame is to go ODD and let a good Nyx carry you. And it benefits from the EXP share system described above.

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