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[Event Concept] -Stalker Stalked


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During this possible event, you will hunt for Stalker, by maybe doing similar things as others events (collecting parts to build a triangulator).That triangulator will take us to the stalker's lair, where he would be much more powerful, that could eventually be a new boss fight :D.

-Enemies in stalker lairs (or none)
-Boss fight stages [needs ideas]
-very own taunts [also need idea]

Stalker's helmet
A unique stance mode for scythes
A rare chance to drop Stalker's weapon without blueprint
[suggest more ideas d3rp]



Edited by Eksdevil
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I hate the rewards....

Nullifies the What Stalker pack completely... Plus people that have smoke and all his weapons would be urgghh. Really, this is the best DE could come up with?

Edit: here ya go


Plus I don't think DE would give a free color pack that was and is still in the game by being purchased through plats. A new color pack maybe

Edited by izzatuw
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I hate the rewards....

Nullifies the What Stalker pack completely... Plus people that have smoke and all his weapons would be urgghh. Really, this is the best DE could come up with?

Edit: here ya go


Plus I don't think DE would give a free color pack that was and is still in the game by being purchased through plats. A new color pack maybe

Thanks , I understand I deleted that, I just keep thinking why you give much hate on rewards and not paying attention to the actual concept?

But , haters gonna hate, not going to start a fight right now, thats not the point of it.

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how bout for rewards (common-rare):

his weapon without bp

(i few others i haven't thought of)

shadow strike (his unique stance mod)

I put the weapon idea, people disagreed, so I deleted it, but for the stance mod, could be interesting (adding it now , ty :D)

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I like the concept+

I don't understand what's the problem with the stalker package. I got all his weapons without farming or paying and they're not THAT op.

Eventually, a smoke skin, a unique stance and dispel as an aura would be cool. Though, not the stalker's helmet, that should be the only exclusive for him.

Edited by Scarab14
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I like the concept+

I don't understand what's the problem with the stalker package. I got all his weapons without farming or paying and they're not THAT op.

Eventually, a smoke skin, a unique stance and dispel as an aura would be cool. Though, not the stalker's helmet, that should be the only exclusive for him.

Well I added the smoke skin once , and some replied this:

I hate the rewards....

Nullifies the What Stalker pack completely... Plus people that have smoke and all his weapons would be urgghh. Really, this is the best DE could come up with?

Edit: here ya go


Plus I don't think DE would give a free color pack that was and is still in the game by being purchased through plats. A new color pack maybe 

Edited by Eksdevil
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What I'd rather see is something akin to the Orokin Derelict with the keys either being a very rare drop or crafted from rare drops. This would be a ridiculously difficult, end-game area.


Using this key would bring the team to the Stalker's dojo, where he has gathered a following of other Tenno who have defected from the Lotus. With the tenno specters in the rail sabotage missions, this seems much more plausible from a technical standpoint.


Following OD's model, the players could have to scour for components to build the Assassination key from other missions, which could vary from OD's set to include things like Spy, Mobile Defense, and Sabotage. The assassination target would obviously be the Stalker himself, though preferably in a more difficult capacity than his death-mark instance, and rewards could include the usual weapon drops, as a means of procurement outside of the RNG-based system; or even a way to acquire the Stalker's warframe, as while it resembles Excalibur it is clearly not one. A frame borrowing abilities from pre-existing ones would be interesting as well - it could be the first frame with a customizable skillset, drawing from Slash Dash, Shuriken, Teleport, Smoke Screen/Invisibility, Absorb, and a unique skill in Dispel.


Given the unlikelihood of that happening, more feasible rewards could include dojo customization rewards such as a statue or rooms based on the tileset of the new area, new mods, or new weapons, as it can be inferred that the Stalker made his loadout himself, and surely he and his clan would have made other weapons besides Despair, Dread, and Hate.

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