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Gtx 770 Diver Crashing


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I have the most recent driver and a relatively brand new $2k PC (2 Months old). This has only started happening within the last month. The game doesn't need to have tons of fancy particle effects flying around the screen to induce a crash. There were times where I was on my arsenal screen and crashed. Below is a picture of the msg I receive. Any ideas?

p.s. After about 40minutes in a survival I prefer to NOT have this happen~ (=



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Did you download beta drivers? I dont have any experience with nvidia but lately i have been seeing this issue on forums and its likely related to latest beta drivers which provide drastical raise in performance. You may would like to go back to latest non beta driver

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@ DiBBz - this is the ONLY game it happens in (= .. hence my posting on warframe forums.

Other games I play on (Ultra Settings or Highest possible) include:Planet Side 2, War Thunder, DayZ standalone, BF3, Hawken, Star Citizen, Guns of Icarus, Diablo III, SWTOR, Space Engine,  Space Engineers, Path of Exile, Kerbal Space Program, APB Reloaded, Defiance, Torchlight II, Natural Selection 2, Borderlands 2.

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I have a GTX 770 also. Tried this with 3 different non-beta Nvidia drivers from this year. I've also used a plethora of different settings. The game runs more than perfect, and then without warning just stops running and causes the same exact error as the OP. It has even done this while letting the game idle on the planet map. I'm lucky to get through one mission, and its only recently started since the first 13 hotpatch. Pisses me off because I have 90 day boosters and it was not crashing when I bought them. Now its just been going to waste.

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I had the same issue on a 780. I find that enabling v sync helps.


I find that i mostly crash on ceres now.

Vsync is a good lead. Warframe is told to have uncapped fps and eventually making gpu too hot to work or causes malfunctions. I suggest you monitor your gpu heat constantly and note if its over 90 when crashes happen

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i have a 680 and i'am gettin alot of driver crashes aswell using newest beta drivers... well 2nd newest i'am downloading the 337.61 hotfix right now but looking at the change notes i dont think it will.. but it may help in one way..


every time i get a driver crash in warframe i'am unable to start the game until i restart my pc. i'am gonna test now if installing new drivers makes me able to start the game. this could give an idea off where the 2nd problem is located:


1) if i can start it after the driver install it would look to me like the nvidia drivers is preventing me of starting the game 

2) if it does not then warframe may have some temp files or somthing that causes this problem or atleast that is my guess


as for error codes i cant give any,,,, when the driver crash i dont get a error report screene. when i try to start the game after i doo get one but i get a error saying the error report was not sent before i get the war code thingy



update: just installed the new drivers without a reinstall and was able to start the game with no issues. that said i will now restart my pc as one should always do after installing any drivers

Edited by aivadarker
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I got 760 GTX and warfarme also crashes my drivers. Its not about overheating, i keep my fps locket at 120. Enabling vsync corrects the crashing issue, but it replaces it with few seconds of freezes time to time. 


Heres my recent crash code: WAR-221474

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for me it started after update 13. have crashed many times before that but thoes issues were fixed and did not pop up a grafic driver crash thingy


as for the idea that it is because of heat. i can tell you that playing warframe with vsync off. in my case leaves my gfx card at around 64 degrees celsius so not even close to the tempratures needed for overheating.


i do have a slight overclock though, but have been duing test resetting them to the normal clock speeds to see if the new drivers caused it to be unstable but no luck. it still crashes.


one funny thing i have found out though is that if the drivers crash and iam unable to start the game after. going into the launcher settings and setting it into window mode will enable me to start the game with no problems. if i then ingame switch to full screen it will crash right after doing so.


hope this is any help


also i'am running windows 8.1 and iam wondering how many here do so aswell 

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