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Dark Sector *needs Repairs* Fast.


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There is a human (EXPLOIT) and a design (BUG)


2 times I was Waiting 1 hour or more to deploy our Solar Rail. Timer stops 00.01, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, omg it's forever because there's no REFRESH. Someone had already stole the Deployment by (adding no message), and adding no % of Tribute, thus CHEATING the system. 


The map does not AUTO REFRESH, you have to Zoom out then Back IN to start the deployment. After waiting 30 minutes at the 00.01 screen I realized groups had already deployed as I waited @ the 00.01 screen. Next, I discovered the groups that lost had Deployed another mission having no Credits ( 0 ), having just (lost a previous War), they have no reason  to be involved, and they had already started a New Deploy without adding any information (Basically they cheated)


What they did was (Cheated) by not adding any group message, leaving all of the Pay options (DEFAULT), they submitted a (blank) in order to deploy faster than the ethical groups that did things right. The Clans that are doing things right are getting screwed. They selected Start, (no message) , left all defaults 15% / 10% / etc. just to deploy first. New Wars need to be forced to add FULL INFORMATION or not deploy, its a cheat.


Missions must *Force* the Clan to have the necessary credits to participate., I watched 72 hours a clan fight with an offer of 0% for Battle pay. If they have no credits they have no business in a War. This whole system is flawed so bad I am at my breaking point. The rules need to be adjusted right now, this is stupid to watch two groups offer 0 0 0 0 for 72 hours and blocking clans that can pay the Attackers Battle Pay. No credits, no Promise message, no % of Tribute set, no play, no deploy...


#1 Mission Map needs fast auto refresh after 00.01 while a Clan sets on the Page. (Must set an order system Timed)

#2 Groups must have CREDITS to offer Battle pay or be denied.

#3 Groups that deploy and LOOSE must wait 3 days so others get a chance to Deploy.

#4 When starting a War the (Message) and the payments 15%, etc. CANNOT BE LEFT BLANK.

#5 Once deployed if no pay is offered or the TRUE % is not corrected the battle ends in 1 hour.

#6 The initial battle pay % of Tribute must be the locked. The Clans must be held Accountable for the lies.


We have a bunch of wars that are based on LIES. They say it will be 0% after the War because they leave 15[% at the start in order to get the War. Then after 24 hours of two Clans offering 0% battle Pay the winner now gets 15% of the credits for the next 24 hours during deployment because they left all defaults and (lied) after saying it will be 0% if we win.


Where is the credibility?


(GROUPS MUST ENTER) the true % of Tribute (before) they are allowed to deploy because it's cheating just to get a fast deploy. The history must show the message of promise so they will be held accountable to the Tenno. There is so much wrong with these Wars I can only address a few issues here.

Edited by Terry3373
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It doesn't sound like you ever had a chance of deploying as soon as the timer ran out, but do note that there is an announcement in chat when a dark sector node has changed its status (if one side won, lost, or has another rail deployed). I don't believe anyone has to do anything in these instances, you simply feel cheated because you don't realize that all of those values can change once the rail has deployed and a dark sector is in conflict. Tribute, tax, all of those things can be changed at will by either force in a conflict.

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Reading this post (made my head hurt).  I'm surprised you're so mad (that someone clicked a button before you) and I really hope that you don't think requiring a text message will fix the dark sectors (in any meaningful way).  In any case, I can't help but wonder (why all the damned parenthesis).

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Dude , they left everything BLANK, the page does not refresh.


No I never do get a chance to deploy because @ 00.01 I sat there 30 minutes hoping to keep my place in line?


What I did was selected Start (Typed a message) set a true Tribute and other % then I select submit, oh low and behold the Clan that just lost submitted a DEFAUL blank with (no message)? Yes it hurts, I fill out the forms correctly and I loose every time because others simply under cut you with a cheap blank, it needs addressed.


You guys are defending an exploit vs. doing things correctly.

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Where the hell is the Integrity? Why don't you take a stand for Honesty and Fairness? I tried to do the right thing.


If you stand at the end of the mission 00.01 waiting to get a chance to deploy, you will be waiting forever because the page doesn't refresh and by the time you figure this out some other clan (That just lost a War) already submitted a (BLANK) just to secure a spot thus making you pay 15%. They then edit the blank message After the fact.,


The page does not refresh.


If you and I click the START at the same time, I set the Tribute %'s, I add an honest message, you simply click *start* you win the mission because you left everything blank? Your empty statement of whining over a SLOW selection of the button is wrong dude.

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I can prove my point. Go look at some of the Wars, all defaults and this is how they win the Solar Rail acceptance...


Default, Default, Default http://i.imgur.com/kV2TE8E.png  These guys promised Free Tenno, Free? 10% lol


Free Tenno, it will be 0% http://i.imgur.com/R2XB20o.png  20%, 20%, [No Message] Lies, cheating to Win, wheres the Honor lol


[No Message] Default

[Credit Tribute 15%] Default

[Resource Tribute 5%] Default


Go look, they made the claim [it will be 0% Tenno if we win] right now they are charging 10% and 5%. For 24 hours until the rail deploys, they get a full 15% of Tributes when they promised our rail will be 0% Tenno. We need to start a page that show the truth or the Clans need to be forced to live with the promise they made with us, the Tenno.


Where the hell is the integrity, where are the Solar Rail Police ?


Like I said, they need to be FORCED to keep their word by LOCKING in the offer!!! Did you think Humans could be trusted?

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Yes Najil one of the reasons I am mad is because I could not deploy my Solar Rail. The Whole front end design needs a *Waiting List* so after sitting there 6 hours I get to deploy my Solar Rail. U would be upset too... I stayed up 3 hours past bed each time, I actually waited (on the page) only to get burned...

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Here you go, we waited 4 hours, tried to deploy, said Deploy Rail and these %$#%^'s that already have 3 or 4 wars going cheated by adding no message and leaving everything Default 15% - 5% [No Message] My God at least keep it to 1 DEPLOY per Alliance.


Now another 72 hours, is this some sick joke? Maybe in 5 months we can deploy a rail after the 40 group Alliances get bored? This has to be changed... I had 3 people trying to Deploy and still couldn't. http://i.imgur.com/hrrzjQK.png [No Message]


Now Tenno Americana has 4 Wars going, lets see out of 15 planets that's like 1/3 of the total lol


You have tons of Clans dead in the water yet we must wait 72 hours, please make it so when the Battle STARTS let it Deploy in minutes, when the Rail runs out of money LET IT BLOW UP, why the torturous wait for the Inevitable? Let the Wars be Fluent, you are restricting what could be a great and fun Warfare system for no reason.

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Ty for your support in this matter, I say lets have Live wars, I say instant Begin, I say no money no play, no message no start, once out of money THE SHIP BLOWS UP, lets have realistic Wars in real time. If I shoot a Rocket it doesn't take 72 Hours to hit the target. Lets have real-time battles, no battle pay set, No War. Countries do not go to war then say oh, we have no money, or oh, lets wait 72 hours. They have no business fighting with 0 0 0 0 recourses...


When a group ran out of food the group would  surrender the War because they have too...


If you REFUSE SURRENDER, 2 Week punishment and Ship Blows up 1 hour.


If you ACCEPT SURRENDER you save you're SHIP and you can fight again 1 Week Later.

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One more thing. The actual GMT Time for deploying Solar Rails in the game is around 1:00 AM Easter Standard time. I thought this game was pretty much English speaking? Even in Canada the actual Rail Deployment time is around 1:00 AM EST and most of the people are already in Asleep or should be asleep long after Rail Deployment is available? The rest of the World has an advantage because we are asleep before the Rails are up for deployment and this needs to be addressed.


The Rail Deployment should be separated by Country and in the United States and Canada we have always had a real disadvantage as far as Rail Deployment times. That's what I cannot believe, Rail Deployment gave Foreign clans a total advantage over the US and Canadian groups and as you see 80% of the Rails Deployed are not English speaking. How are we to form Alliances when Time and Language are absolutely against us. We have been at a disadvantage the whole time. Please, I ask that the Time of Deployment and multiple separate Time divisions are looked into so we can form better Alliances and get a chance to Deploy a Solar Rail.


Separating the Groups by Time and Language will Allow for many more groups to participate in the Solar Rail Wars, ty

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Well here we go another several days go by.... 


I shot a video of me sitting on like 5 planets attempting to deploy and once again you have 2  groups with 4 deployments and a bunch of unknowns after staying up 2 hours past bed time. I don't have words to express my anguish and disgust with the whole process. Now I have to wait another 48 hours watching 2 alliance's with 8 out 15 planets and a bunch random's from distant countries take the rest of the planets. I actually attempted deployment on a minimum of 5 wars and on time. Anyway, another day of un deserved torment, hopefully they will limit alliances to 1 deploy since there's only 15 %%&$#$'n planets to deploy on....


Now how do I explain again to my group, I had 5 legit attempts but as I am sitting at 00.01 waiting for a winner to be determined even though it was 100% on 1 rail and 73% on another rail and having to zoom out then watch the 1 minute winner stamp and wait for it to process then click the planet I was already first in line on again only to find the planets are already taken. Man I am excited. At least I can go back and look at the Hall of Honor and the Observatory and play with my Nikina lol

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Really an Armistice? The good ideas just keep on coming...


Eclipse and others made (arrogant Battle Plans) and now you give them 2 or 3 day's to collect 25% credits? Seriously? Are they friends?


Eclipse and others made the FATAL mistake of taking on 4 wars and spent all of the credits for QUOTE (Epic Battle Pay) now they get a reprieve?


DE this time I will openly say you have destroyed any faith I had left in your good judgment and now you have made a bad situation even worse. Oh and BTW my players keep asking if we are Tenno brothers in arms united for a common cause, why on earth are we suddenly Greedy for resources and gold and killing each other? This goes against everything written in lore so far?


DE you are making the mistake many game developers have made, you continue to (destroy the heart of the original game)...

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Complaining that others aren't spending extra time setting unimportant information strikes me as a little like complaining that you keep losing drag races because you decide to clean out your glove compartment before hitting the pedal.

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Let's be honest, the whole design was not well thought out period. In fact "Tenno vs Tenno" goes against all lore, this whole project was ill conceived.

Now to throw more gasoline on the fire they give all clans Armstice on 15 total planets after the other clans waited like 140 hours for a chance and now Eclipse and others with 4 planets bit off more then they can chew get 3 days to collect 25% extra after promising 0%. This whole idea needs to be scrapped. I think DE sold the soul of the game when they broke down and sold Mods, I knew at that point they were going to sell Blue Prints, etc.

You realize I can buy any crappy weapon at level 2 or at level 2 I can buy all primes for 20 Plat each or even trade for them? You realize how the Veterans and Warlords that worked there azz off for 8 months to earn them felt? They made huge mistakes, lets face it. Not once have they come forward and said sorry or "yes we made a mistake". So far Warframe has implemented everything they said they wouldn't do, that damages their integrity, it's hard to have the respect I once had after seeing the game be destroyed by ill conceived or implemented ideas that were thrown together over night and make no sense. Tell that to the Warlords that loose 50 players each time they make random changes and implement things they were never suppose to violate. Nothing is sacred any more and once you go back on your word people loose faith like the boy whom cried wolf. Eventually no one believes what you say. I think DE needs to quit hiding and say " WE ARE SORRY" for the bad decisions we made or going against everything sacred and sorry for the damage we have done to clans.

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Sick man , this absolutely Sick, I waited 72 hours and two weeks to deploy and now they can choose Armistice on 5 planets every single time?


Someone in  DE has a twisted mind, this is an Outrage, instead of fixing Solar Rail conflicts they have it set to Auto Armistice? I keep loosing people daily because of these (Bad) decisions. Why DE, why do you torment us. You can now use Armistice every war on every rail and be involved in 10 Wars on 10 Planets and have 10 Armistice after we waited 72 to 96 hours? This is sickening, I'm down to 5 people logging in form 30 again, please stop the bleeding, this is Horrible decision making. (You are giving a continuous free Win for Alliances like Eclipse) it's sickening.


Eclipse is taking full advantage of the BAD design decisions by adding more Rails, stop this madness... 1 planet per Alliance, this is sick...


1 war per Alliance on 1 planet, its so simple, this is an outrage, hostility is putting it lightly I feel like just deleting an 8 month Moon clan with everything including an Observatory. You are pushing me to a breaking point, please someone in the Office add some Sanity back to the game. My players are quitting, our credits got lost, previously we waited 72 hours now they added Armistice to make it 96 hours, this is some sick torture for the Warlords. Please this needs addressed, please stop the bleeding, you have lost all integrity in the Solar Rail design issue and your loosing my Clan members for me in droves (again). I have had it with this game after 8 months you are making bad choices daily in the whole design, it's very evident it was BAD IDEA once again... Armistice is being abused and IT MADE IT WORSE for the clans trying to DEPLOY a Rail...

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