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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Miho looked at her out yukata and smiled, "Oh this? You can say it's a gift from my boyfriend, he's a Pendragon Excalibur of the Sun Clan." while Tatsuya was away doing the errand she accessed a computer in their ship and looked up the clan her boyfriend was in.


"Alright. What about place of origin. Orokin, earth, grineer?" Shinkiro was very curios as to where the yukata came from.

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"Alright. What about place of origin. Orokin, earth, grineer?" Shinkiro was very curios as to where the yukata came from.


"Traditional Japanese garment of the Old Earth, way before the Orokin existed, right now clothes like these are widely used in the Sun Clan on both genders, I believe it keeps the 'Soul of the Rising Sun' alive." Miho responded with enthusiasm as there were not many people of Japanese descent these days.

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Still pressed against her, Temperance shook his head.  "Don't apologize Cardina.  Not to me.  The need for control is a part of you, but it is not you."  He sighed.  "I know you're getting tired of hearing this, but  you don't have to take everything on yourself.  You have the Divinities; you have more than a few Acolytes who are fairly intelligent, and you have me."  


He pulled back just enough to meet her eyes, a slightly rueful smile on his lips, then leaned in to rest his forehead against hers.


"If you're feeling better, we should probably get out of here.  People will start to talk.  But afterwards, if we're both still alive, maybe we can find someplace quite and...talk.  Just the two of us.  What do you say?"

Cardina leaned forward into Temperance, gripping his hands as they touched their foreheads together. "But- I am control, Temperance. And even if I wasn't, I still have to be for my Church. The Divinities will never agree on a course of action, by their nature. Without a Herald, the Church splits in two. I have to be in control, if we are to walk the razor's edge of true balance."

The air in the cocoon became warmer as Cardina sighed. "For now, anyway. If you lock me in a box for five days, I'll forget everything about who I am and you can make me whatever you like."

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"Traditional Japanese garment of the Old Earth, way before the Orokin came, right now clothes like these are widely used in the Sun Clan on both genders, I believe it keeps the 'Soul of the Rising Sun' alive." Miho responded with enthusiasm as there were not many people of Japanese descent these days.


"Traditional Japanese you say?" Shinkiro let out a small chuckle. "Well then, seems I have something to learn. The names Shinkiro. Mirage in Japanese."

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"Traditional Japanese you say?" Shinkiro let out a small chuckle. "Well then, seems I have something to learn. The names Shinkiro. Mirage in Japanese."


Miho smiled at that, "My name means beauty." Miho hears a familiar voice in the distance, "Miho!" she looks around and spots her favorite Excalibur walking up to her, "There you are I've been looking for you when I found out you weren't in the ship, oh and I see you found a new friend," he holds out his hand, "I'm Tatsuya, Miho's boyfriend."

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Miho smiled at that, "My name means beauty." Miho hears a familiar voice in the distance, "Miho!" she looks around and spots her favorite Excalibur walking up to her, "There you are I've been looking for you when I found out you weren't in the ship, oh and I see you found a new friend," he holds out his hand, "I'm Tatsuya, Miho's boyfriend."


Shinkiro doesn't return the shaek, but instead bows. "Tatsuya, greetings. Shinkiro. Tenno, Assassin, Gatherer, and 4th member."

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Shinkiro doesn't return the shaek, but instead bows. "Tatsuya, greetings. Shinkiro. Tenno, Assassin, Gatherer, and 4th member."


Tatsuya grinned even wider, recognizing that type of introduction and answered back by bowing as well, "Tatsuya. Tenno. Soldier. Hunter, 7th member, and apprentice to the Frost Prime Sigurd."


Miho looked at them in confusion and turned to Pyre, "Uhm. Pyre does this happen often?"

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Miho smiled at that, "My name means beauty." Miho hears a familiar voice in the distance, "Miho!" she looks around and spots her favorite Excalibur walking up to her, "There you are I've been looking for you when I found out you weren't in the ship, oh and I see you found a new friend," he holds out his hand, "I'm Tatsuya, Miho's boyfriend."


Pyre looked Tatsuya up and down. "Hello, nice to meet you. We certainly have no shortage of interesting visitors."


Gaia came walking along, having followed Tatsuya since she had wanted to see his ship. "Oh hello, Pyre." She then turned to Shinkiro. "And you must be Shinkiro, correct? On behalf of the church, you have our thanks for your donations."


Tatsuya grinned even wider, recognizing that type of introduction and answered back by bowing as well, "Tatsuya. Tenno. Soldier. Hunter, 7th member, and apprentice to the Frost Prime Sigurd."


Miho looked at them in confusion and turned to Pyre, "Uhm. Pyre does this happen often?"


"Does what happen often? If you mean that style of introduction, no. Here in the church, we don't really greet each other in that manner."

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Pyre looked Tatsuya up and down. "Hello, nice to meet you. We certainly have no shortage of interesting visitors."


Gaia came walking along, having followed Tatsuya since she had wanted to see his ship. "Oh hello, Pyre." She then turned to Shinkiro. "And you must be Shinkiro, correct? On behalf of the church, you have our thanks for your donations."



"Does what happen often? If you mean that style of introduction, no. Here in the church, we don't really greet each other in that manner."


Miho nodded, "Tatsuya mentioned a Tenno taking him in one time, but never told me his name, who is this Frost Prime named Sigurd? I bet he is famous among the Tenno."

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Miho nodded, "Tatsuya mentioned a Tenno taking him in one time, but never told me his name, who is this Frost Prime named Sigurd? I bet he is famous among the Tenno."


Pyre shrugged. "Actually, I have no idea. It wasn't very long ago that I came out of my pod. I'm still catching up on what has happened throughout the system."


Shinkiro pulls out a small rectangular box. "I almost forgot. Got cha a present, Pyre." He smiles to Gaia. "No  problem. By the way, did you get my latest shipment?"


Gaia nodded. "Why yes, we did. However, due to an incident in the hangar earlier, we have taken to scanning everything we try to bring in and all Rhinos are required to have their Iron Skin activated while moving cargo."


Pyre smiled behind her helmet, wondering what it could be that he had gotten her. "Oh that's so sweet of you. Thank you. I wanted to get you something too after I read your note earlier but I didn't have any luck finding something you might like."

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Pyre shrugged. "Actually, I have no idea. It wasn't very long ago that I came out of my pod. I'm still catching up on what has happened throughout the system."



Gaia nodded. "Why yes, we did. However, due to an incident in the hangar earlier, we have taken to scanning everything we try to bring in and all Rhinos are required to have their Iron Skin activated while moving cargo."


Pyre smiled behind her helmet, wondering what it could be that he had gotten her. "Oh that's so sweet of you. Thank you. I wanted to get you something too after I read your note earlier but I didn't have any luck finding something you might like."


While this was going on she gave Tatsuya a loving look and gave him kiss, "So how did your errand go?" Tatsuya chuckled, "It went well, with the Corpus coming into this sector, we are going to need every edge we get." Miho's smile vanished at the mention of the Corpus, she still hasn't forgotten what they did to her and her boyfriend, Tatsuya noticed and gave her another kiss, "Don't worry Miho, this time they are not taking you away from me. Might I add, I love the yukata you are wearing, makes you look even more beautiful..... hime-sama*"


Miho blushed at that, "Mouuu, Tatsu don't embarass me infront of our new friends." Tatsuya laughes at that, and then turned to Gaia, "Gaia I believe you want to take a look at my ship in the hangar before we all retire for a goodnight's sleep, Shinkiro and Pyre, it is of most pleasure to meet you both." he bows to both of them, but quickly remember something, "Oh and one more thing Shinkiro," he hands Shinkiro a data stick, "I believe you will need upgrades for your ship." he then intertwines his hand with Miho's and leads Gaia to his ship.



*Hime-sama - Princess

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While this was going on she gave Tatsuya a loving look and gave him kiss, "So how did your errand go?" Tatsuya chuckled, "It went well, with the Corpus coming into this sector, we are going to need every edge we get." Miho's smile vanished at the mention of the Corpus, she still hasn't forgotten what they did to her and her boyfriend, Tatsuya noticed and gave her another kiss, "Don't worry Miho, this time they are not taking you away from me. Might I add, I love the yukata you are wearing, makes you look even more beautiful..... hime-sama*"


Miho blushed at that, "Mouuu, Tatsu don't embarass me infront of our new friends." Tatsuya laughes at that, and then turned to Gaia, "Gaia I believe you want to take a look at my ship in the hangar before we all retire for a goodnight's sleep, Shinkiro and Pyre, it is of most pleasure to meet you both." he bows to both of them, but quickly remember something, "Oh and one more thing Shinkiro," he hands Shinkiro a data stick, "I believe you will need upgrades for your ship." he then intertwines his hand with Miho's and leads Gaia to his ship.



*Hime-sama - Princess


Pyre blinked behind her helmet then looked to Shinkiro before looking back at Tatsuya and Miho, now feeling somewhat confused by their displays of affection towards each other. They're certainly open with their expressions of love for one another.


Gaia followed behind the pair and when she saw Tatuya's ship, she gave it a brief glance before walking around to see it from various sides. She then returned to Tatsuya and Miho. "I must say, it is visibly an improvement over the standard Tenno interceptor. It is unfortunate that our people are still a bit of a way from having our own fleets for defence and we have had to hide along the edge of the system."

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Pyre smiled behind her helmet, wondering what it could be that he had gotten her. "Oh that's so sweet of you. Thank you. I wanted to get you something too after I read your note earlier but I didn't have any luck finding something you might like."


"Heh, only your satisfied smile is all I need in return from one as lovely as you." Inside the box was something from earth. A rare find, like a blueprint in the orokin towers.


Miho blushed at that, "Mouuu, Tatsu don't embarass me infront of our new friends." Tatsuya laughes at that, and then turned to Gaia, "Gaia I believe you want to take a look at my ship in the hangar before we all retire for a goodnight's sleep, Shinkiro and Pyre, it is of most pleasure to meet you both." he bows to both of them, but quickly remember something, "Oh and one more thing Shinkiro," he hands Shinkiro a data stick, "I believe you will need upgrades for your ship." he then intertwines his hand with Miho's and leads Gaia to his ship.


"Eh...?" Shinkiro stares at the data stick and the thought of his ship came to mind. ".... Have you been going through my ship?"

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Pyre blinked behind her helmet then looked to Shinkiro before looking back at Tatsuya and Miho, now feeling somewhat confused by their displays of affection towards each other. They're certainly open with their expressions of love for one another.


Gaia followed behind the pair and when she saw Tatuya's ship, she gave it a brief glance before walking around to see it from various sides. She then returned to Tatsuya and Miho. "I must say, it is visibly an improvement over the standard Tenno interceptor. It is unfortunate that our people are still a bit of a way from having our own fleets for defence and we have had to hide along the edge of the system."


Tatsuya nodded sadly at Gaia, "Indeed, but thankfully with these blueprints we can take the next step to that, as much I would like to discuss more about our ship designs and preparations for the Corpus, I believe a goodnight's rest is in order, it has been pleasure speaking with you Gaia." with that both Tatsuya and Miho bowed and went back into their ship for some well deserved sleep.

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"Heh, only your satisfied smile is all I need in return from one as lovely as you." Inside the box was something from earth. A rare find, like a blueprint in the orokin towers.



"Eh...?" Shinkiro stares at the data stick and the thought of his ship came to mind. ".... Have you been going through my ship?"


"Well maybe we could collect food at the cafeteria and have dinner together in the room we're sharing?", she asked as she looked at the contents of the box after having opened it.


Tatsuya nodded sadly at Gaia, "Indeed, but thankfully with these blueprints we can take the next step to that, as much I would like to discuss more about our ship designs and preparations for the Corpus, I believe a goodnight's rest is in order, it has been pleasure speaking with you Gaia." with that both Tatsuya and Miho bowed and went back into their ship for some well deserved sleep.


Gaia nodded. Mortos already had plans regarding the idea of a Tenno fleet but she had never been particularly interested in that so she never asked him about it. Regardless, she left to head back to her chambers. She needed her rest, especially after the chain of recent events.

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"Well maybe we could collect food at the cafeteria and have dinner together in the room we're sharing?", she asked as she looked at the contents of the box after having opened it.


"Oh...? Are you asking me out for dinner? I'm flattered, dear." The Ash snickered before turning to make his way to the cafeteria. Inside the box was a round glass cylinder held on a stand of sorts that contained a set of roses with a variety of colors.

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Cardina leaned forward into Temperance, gripping his hands as they touched their foreheads together. "But- I am control, Temperance. And even if I wasn't, I still have to be for my Church. The Divinities will never agree on a course of action, by their nature. Without a Herald, the Church splits in two. I have to be in control, if we are to walk the razor's edge of true balance."

The air in the cocoon became warmer as Cardina sighed. "For now, anyway. If you lock me in a box for five days, I'll forget everything about who I am and you can make me whatever you like."


"Maybe," Temperance said sadly.  He reached up to brush the hair back from her face, cupping his hand to her cheek.  "But I think we both know that you wouldn't want that.  And neither would I.  It's not my place to mold you, Cardina.  It's yours.  For now, just let me share your burden.  After that...we'll see."


I could almost fall asleep here.  That wouldn't be so bad.  To stay, just like this...connected.  Together.

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Ansilm and CB 12 waited at the space levitating at the void like silence "Me emme saa kaatua ystäväni. Meitä tarvitaan" Ansilm said to himself "Saatamme ehkä olla vain tassuja muille mutta me aiomme todistaa arvomme tässä taistelussa tänään. Vain Corpus saa tuta veren vuodon ja kappaleiksi räjähtämisen" CB 12 said "Today only our enemies shall feel the rage and despair when we hit them!" Ansilm continued "I am ready!" CB 12 said at the chatter between them and all Tenno nearby. Both there gathering some moral and psych up for incoming trial. Both readied up an old earth's Finnish created power Steel Fist, Teräs Nyrkki.


(Me emme saa kaatua ystäväni. Meitä tarvitaan = We can not fall my friend. We are needed)

(Saatamme ehkä olla vain tassuja muille mutta me aiomme todistaa arvomme tässä taistelussa tänään. Vain Corpus saa tuta veren vuodon ja kappaleiksi räjähtämisen = We might be pawns to the others but we are going to prove our worth today in this battle. Only Corpus shall feel the blood loss and exploded to the pieces)

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"Maybe," Temperance said sadly. He reached up to brush the hair back from her face, cupping his hand to her cheek. "But I think we both know that you wouldn't want that. And neither would I. It's not my place to mold you, Cardina. It's yours. For now, just let me share your burden. After that...we'll see."

I could almost fall asleep here. That wouldn't be so bad. To stay, just like this...connected. Together.

Hmm, we still have work to do. Regrettably, the Corpus won't kill themselves, not without a little help anyway. She snuggled up closer to him one last time, feeling his fingers tease the corner of her smile. Play your cards right, and I think I can figure something out.

The vines slackened, an Cardina stood up with an air of grim determination. "Mother Gaia, where am I needed?"

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"Oh...? Are you asking me out for dinner? I'm flattered, dear." The Ash snickered before turning to make his way to the cafeteria. Inside the box was a round glass cylinder held on a stand of sorts that contained a set of roses with a variety of colors.


"Maybe...", she responded when Shinkiro asked about dinner. Pyre gave Shinkiro a quick hug before he could go too far. "Thank you. It's really something to behold."


Hmm, we still have work to do. Regrettably, the Corpus won't kill themselves, not without a little help anyway. She snuggled up closer to him one last time, feeling his fingers tease the corner of her smile. Play your cards right, and I think I can figure something out.

The vines slackened, an Cardina stood up with an air of grim determination. "Mother Gaia, where am I needed?"


Gaia replied through her helmet's communicator, "It is good to hear from you, Cardina. How do you feel? As for where you are needed, I recommend that you rest for a bit in your quarters. The influx of visitors has dropped drastically and things aren't as hectic though we are spread thin at the moment."

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"Maybe...", she responded when Shinkiro asked about dinner. Pyre gave Shinkiro a quick hug before he could go too far. "Thank you. It's really something to behold."


The Ash stopped for a moment, smiling at the hug she gave. "Heh, glad ya like it, milady." He quickly turned around to return the hug before walking off to the cafeteria.

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"Maybe...", she responded when Shinkiro asked about dinner. Pyre gave Shinkiro a quick hug before he could go too far. "Thank you. It's really something to behold."



Gaia replied through her helmet's communicator, "It is good to hear from you, Cardina. How do you feel? As for where you are needed, I recommend that you rest for a bit in your quarters. The influx of visitors has dropped drastically and things aren't as hectic though we are spread thin at the moment."

"Then let me help!" Cardina insisted quickly. "There must be something, have- have the refugees been moved somewhere safe? Has the Nyx been dealt with? Are all the Derelict's systems repaired?" Cardina made a motion to bring up a status report, then realized she wasn't wearing her helmet. "Where the hell did I leave it?" She frowned, struggling to remember.

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Jinx was sightly disturbed but even more fascinated by that the Nekros had been able to rip someones soul out and managed to hold on to it. Standing still and philosophize about it was something she didn't had time for however, so she looked back down the corridor from which she came towards a T-crossing that had been closed off. If it was for repairs or that simply was sealed for visitors, she didn't know, but she was going to find out.


Jinx mind reached out towards the sealed off hallway and as light and easy as a breeze began to explore it.



Meanwhile Jinx brother and the older Nekros had found very little as far as information goes. The few guests who had been in the cafeteria ether didn't know much or were simply reluctant to talk to them. 

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