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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Jinx was sightly disturbed but even more fascinated by that the Nekros had been able to rip someones soul out and managed to hold on to it. Standing still and philosophize about it was something she didn't had time for however, so she looked back down the corridor from which she came towards a T-crossing that had been closed off. If it was for repairs or that simply was sealed for visitors, she didn't know, but she was going to find out.


Jinx mind reached out towards the sealed off hallway and as light and easy as a breeze began to explore it.



Meanwhile Jinx brother and the older Nekros had found very little as far as information goes. The few guests who had been in the cafeteria ether didn't know much or were simply reluctant to talk to them. 

Samantha looked to the Nyx for a moment then rummaged around in her jacket pocket "Hope they didn't take them..." She thought to herself "Ah!" she said excitedly and pulled out a paper bag, she shaked it a bit and checked it. "Perfect" And Samantha took a sweet that was shaped into a strawberry and put it in her mouth, chewing on it. 


"Maybe..." Thought Samantha as she offered the Bag to Jinx "Strawberry sweets?"

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"Then let me help!" Cardina insisted quickly. "There must be something, have- have the refugees been moved somewhere safe? Has the Nyx been dealt with? Are all the Derelict's systems repaired?" Cardina made a motion to bring up a status report, then realized she wasn't wearing her helmet. "Where the hell did I leave it?" She frowned, struggling to remember.


Seeing that Cardina and Temperance were safe for the time being, Arkas linked his suit with the derelict's sensor array, thanks to Cyrill's uplink.

I can't shake the feeling Ephialtes wasn't working alone, surely she would have had a backup plan if something went wrong. Those mobile explosives have encrypted transmissions so you can't triangulate their origin...that is unless you know the encryption.


How convenient that I happen to know it eh?


Ark smirked.

Inputting the encryption key, he began a search of the archived scans the ship constantly makes, hoping to pin point the location of the bomber was when the explosion went off. It wouldn't be much, but it's start none the less.

"Where the hell did I leave it?"

Looking up, Arkas noticed the frustrated look on Cardina's face.

She must be looking for her helmet. I think I remember seeing it on the way here...

Since the archive search was going to take some time anyway, he headed off to go and see if he could retrieve Cardina's helmet.

"I think I know where your helmet is Cardina, I'll go get it"

Then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


Edited by Arkitect_ShadowFrame
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"Then let me help!" Cardina insisted quickly. "There must be something, have- have the refugees been moved somewhere safe? Has the Nyx been dealt with? Are all the Derelict's systems repaired?" Cardina made a motion to bring up a status report, then realized she wasn't wearing her helmet. "Where the hell did I leave it?" She frowned, struggling to remember.


Seeing that Cardina and Temperance were safe for the time being, Arkas linked his suit with the derelict's sensor array, thanks to Cyrill's uplink.

I can't shake the feeling Ephialtes wasn't working alone, surely she would have had a backup plan if something went wrong. Those mobile explosives have encrypted transmissions so you can't triangulate their origin...that is unless you know the encryption.


How convenient that I happen to know it eh?


Ark smirked.

Inputting the encryption key, he began a search of the archived scans the ship constantly makes, hoping to pin point the location of the bomber was when the explosion went off. It wouldn't be much, but it's start none the less.

"Where the hell did I leave it?"

Looking up, Arkas noticed the frustrated look on Cardina's face.

She must be looking for her helmet. I think I remember seeing it on the way here...

Since the archive search was going to take some time anyway, he headed off to go and see if he could retrieve Cardina's helmet.

"I think I know where your helmet is Cardina, I'll go get it"

Then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.



"You know, he and I have had our differences, but Arkas really isn't such a bad sort," Temperance observed.  "As to some of your other questions, Cardina, I left Ephialtes to the tender mercies of Mortos after informing him of her standing execution  warrant.  I can't speak directly to the state of the refugees or the derelict's systems, but considering that we've had over one hundred engineers working around the clock, and that there are no longer crowds of civilians swarming the halls, I would say that both situations are well in hand."


His tone softened.  "Cardina, when was the last time you slept?  And being knocked unconscious does not count."

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Samantha looked to the Nyx for a moment then rummaged around in her jacket pocket "Hope they didn't take them..." She thought to herself "Ah!" she said excitedly and pulled out a paper bag, she shaked it a bit and checked it. "Perfect" And Samantha took a sweet that was shaped into a strawberry and put it in her mouth, chewing on it. 


"Maybe..." Thought Samantha as she offered the Bag to Jinx "Strawberry sweets?"

The words uttered in close proximity caused Jinx to quickly snap back, the previous so easy breeze turning into a mental door-slam. She blinked a few times and grimaced under her helmet. I really need to be more careful when withdrawing she thought as she looked at the bag offered to her "Uh-what?"

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The words uttered in close proximity caused Jinx to quickly snap back, the previous so easy breeze turning into a mental door-slam. She blinked a few times and grimaced under her helmet. I really need to be more careful when withdrawing she thought as she looked at the bag offered to her "Uh-what?"

"Would you like a Strawberry sweet?" Samantha repeated the Sentence, still holding her bag of sweets

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Miho woke up from a wonderful sleep she hasn't had in years, "Oh hey you're awake." she turns her head to see her lover carrying a tray of food, "Breakfast in bed?" she could only smile at that, no one has ever done something like that for her, "Morning Tatsu."


Tatsuya really loved her smile, no one else can make a smile as beautiful as that, he placed the tray down on a table and gave her a kiss, "Morning to you too, we have a lot to do today, from your training to meeting a representative of the Red Veil resistance, but for now, let's enjoy our breakfast." Miho could smile and nod, she was glad Tatsuya is with her.

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"You know, he and I have had our differences, but Arkas really isn't such a bad sort," Temperance observed.  "As to some of your other questions, Cardina, I left Ephialtes to the tender mercies of Mortos after informing him of her standing execution  warrant.  I can't speak directly to the state of the refugees or the derelict's systems, but considering that we've had over one hundred engineers working around the clock, and that there are no longer crowds of civilians swarming the halls, I would say that both situations are well in hand."


His tone softened.  "Cardina, when was the last time you slept?  And being knocked unconscious does not count."

Cardina glanced away. "I don't, not if I can help it. There's always something to be done," and anything can happen while I'm not awake, she finished to herself. Then, without her noticing, another thought drifted across the link. They'll find me.

"What did you expect?" she tried to casually roll her eyes, but instead it looked like she was scanning her Garden for imperfections or invaders. "My room doesn't even have a bed, as you've likely noticed."

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Staying where he is the Volt keeps a lookout as he tries to keep a good grasp on the solid energy orb. After everything that had happened he was a bit nervous.

'Who are these Tenno?' he thinks to himself. 'Is she battling an Infested mind? Like I once did?


What do you mean once? Aren't I still here?


The Volt covers the left half of his helmet as the voice reache his mind.


'Stay out! You know I left you powerless!'

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"Would you like a Strawberry sweet?" Samantha repeated the Sentence, still holding her bag of sweets

"Sure, why not" Jinx said and took one from the bag. She then held it up to take a better look at it before proceeding to take off her helmet. The seal opened with a hiss and when the helmet was finally off it relieved a woman in her mid-twenties with dark brown hair and red eyes.


She chewed on the sweet a few times before saying "Not bad"

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Cyrios walked through the many halls of the Derelict, aiming himself in the general direction of the cafeteria. His mind was only partially on food, however, because as he walked he read what data Ephialtes' warframe held. As he did so, an idea slowly formed in his mind... He'd need someone far more mechanically minded than he to make that idea come to fruitition, however, and he opened him comms unit...

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Miho and Tatsuya in their warframes are walking in the main hall heading for the dueling room for Miho's training, today she will be learing the Tranquil Cleave stance for the nikana. They are hoping to catch some Tenno as well training in the dueling room. As they enter the dueling room they spot two Tenno sparring.

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Cardina glanced away. "I don't, not if I can help it. There's always something to be done," and anything can happen while I'm not awake, she finished to herself. Then, without her noticing, another thought drifted across the link. They'll find me.

"What did you expect?" she tried to casually roll her eyes, but instead it looked like she was scanning her Garden for imperfections or invaders. "My room doesn't even have a bed, as you've likely noticed."


"There's never a shortage of errands to run," Temperance conceded, "but you can't do everything, no matter how hard you try.  So I'll make you a deal.  You'll be useless if you're exhausted when the Corpus arrive.  There's a berth on my ship that's never been used; go there, or any place you're comfortable, and just sleep for an hour.  I'll make sure the derelict doesn't shake itself apart in your absence."


And if They come for you, all you have to do is call.  I'll be there.

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"There's never a shortage of errands to run," Temperance conceded, "but you can't do everything, no matter how hard you try.  So I'll make you a deal.  You'll be useless if you're exhausted when the Corpus arrive.  There's a berth on my ship that's never been used; go there, or any place you're comfortable, and just sleep for an hour.  I'll make sure the derelict doesn't shake itself apart in your absence."


And if They come for you, all you have to do is call.  I'll be there.

Cardina frowned, thinking it over. "Fine," she conceded with a sigh. "If you and mother Gaia insist, there must be some truth in it. But first," she tapped a finger on Temperance's nose teasingly.

"I have to find my helmet, record my memories, and change out of my frame. I have some robes I use for meditation, they're a lot more comfortable than this old Nyx armor." Cardina grabbed his hand and started walking purposefully out of the garden. "I'm fairly certain I left it in my room."

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Cardina frowned, thinking it over. "Fine," she conceded with a sigh. "If you and mother Gaia insist, there must be some truth in it. But first," she tapped a finger on Temperance's nose teasingly.

"I have to find my helmet, record my memories, and change out of my frame. I have some robes I use for meditation, they're a lot more comfortable than this old Nyx armor." Cardina grabbed his hand and started walking purposefully out of the garden. "I'm fairly certain I left it in my room."


"As I recall, you did," Temperance said, trotting to catch up and avoid having his arm dislocated.  "Ark said something about knowing where your helmet was; I'll tell him where to meet us."  His helmet folded back into place as they left the Garden, and he sent the other Ash a waypoint to their destination, with instructions to bring Cardina's helmet along.


Are you sure you want to keep holding my hand like this all the way to your room? 

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"As I recall, you did," Temperance said, trotting to catch up and avoid having his arm dislocated. "Ark said something about knowing where your helmet was; I'll tell him where to meet us." His helmet folded back into place as they left the Garden, and he sent the other Ash a waypoint to their destination, with instructions to bring Cardina's helmet along.

Are you sure you want to keep holding my hand like this all the way to your room?

I'm rarely this certain of anything, She smiled, everyone who's seen us has been thinking it anyways, we'd hardly surprise them if we were locked at the lips the whole way. Cardina's eyes widened as she felt Temperance's burst of emotion through the link. Whoah, don't get too excited! She nudged him, blushing and barely stifling a giggle. I already agreed to change into something more comfortable and lie down in your bed!

The thundercrack startles Cardina out of her pleasant thoughts, her Wraith Vipers leaping into her hands. Immediately, she dumps both clips at the location of the noise.

"GODS... DAMN IT!" Cardina screams, holstering the pistols and drawing a crackling Machete Wraith, stalking towards whatever survived. "I WAS SO CLOSE TO RELAXING! I PUT MY GUARD DOWN FOR TWENTY GODS DAMNED SECONDS-"

Edited by SnaleKing
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The two tenno they met were just a Loki and another Excalibur, they conversed for the while and gave the dueling room to the couple as they were more than happy to have Miho start out her training, Tatsuya grabs two practice Nikanas from the wall and gave one to his girlfriend, "Okay first off I will be showing you the basics for the first hour and then we will see what else we can work on from there okay?" Miho nods nervously, "You'll be fine Miho, I was nervous as well when I got my first lessons, okay let's show you the stance with the Nikana...."


They spent the next three hours with basic stance and attacks with a small spar in the end, deciding that was enough for the morning, they made their way down the hallway to the cafeteria hand in hand intertwining their fingers, they noticed some people giving them looks but thanks to Tatsuya, Miho wasn't bothered at all, she was just happy that her lover was willing to show the people that they were lovers.

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Ansilm was packing and rebuilding his rifle send a message to docking station responsible "Any signs of trouble there? Getting bored by hanging out here waiting for a fight" Ansilm said as had rebuilt his rifle three times already (Are we going to fight at all or not?) he thinks a moment as he puts his rifle away thinking about this maddened Nyx being possessed by Corpus. "I should have done the execution" he says to himself takes off the helmet and slowly the virus gives up on being the captain of the head. (It has had been a really long time since I had breathed air by myself) he thought.


(How could Corpus even manage to do something like that? And still control her? Or is this really a Corpus in a Nyx warframe?. Questions, Questions, Questions but no answers) he thinks his eyes strafes around the ship "May I ask is this rogue Nyx or whatever she is. Still alive?" he sends message to same location where he send last one.

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The sudden hailstorm of bullets and shouts kicks he Volt into action.


"Sprite. The Flying Blade Disappears into The Sun.", he says to the Shade.


Drawing his modified Cronus, attached directly to his Frame via Orokin cable. He begins a quick climb of the plant he is hiding behind as the Shade cloaks both of them. As he reaches the top of the plant he sets his sights on the furious Tenno, unsure if he is in the right to attack her.

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I'm rarely this certain of anything, She smiled, everyone who's seen us has been thinking it anyways, we'd hardly surprise them if we were locked at the lips the whole way. Cardina's eyes widened as she felt Temperance's burst of emotion through the link. Whoah, don't get too excited! She nudged him, blushing and barely stifling a giggle. I already agreed to change into something more comfortable and lie down in your bed!

The thundercrack startles Cardina out of her pleasant thoughts, her Wraith Vipers leaping into her hands. Immediately, she dumps both clips at the location of the noise.

"GODS... DAMN IT!" Cardina screams, holstering the pistols and drawing a crackling Machete Wraith, stalking towards whatever survived. "I WAS SO CLOSE TO RELAXING! I PUT MY GUARD DOWN FOR TWENTY GODS DAMNED SECONDS."


Cardina's outburst, and the attendant crackle of pistol fire, snapped Temperance rudely out of his blissful thoughts.


A stir in the smoke and a dual phase signature drew his attention upwards, to a Shade-cloaked Volt wielding a heavily modded Cronus ceramic blade.


Temperance drew his Soma and nailed the hovering Sentinel with magnetic rounds, sending the little bio-machine plummeting to the ground in the machine equivalent of a coma.  Then he shifted aim to the Volt.


"I'm going to ask once!" he shouted.  "Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?"

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Cardina's outburst, and the attendant crackle of pistol fire, snapped Temperance rudely out of his blissful thoughts.


A stir in the smoke and a dual phase signature drew his attention upwards, to a Shade-cloaked Volt wielding a heavily modded Cronus ceramic blade.


Temperance drew his Soma and nailed the hovering Sentinel with magnetic rounds, sending the little bio-machine plummeting to the ground in the machine equivalent of a coma.  Then he shifted aim to the Volt.


"I'm going to ask once!" he shouted.  "Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?"


Seeing his companion fall the Volt jumps after the Sprite Shade and catches it before it hits the ground. Noting the distance between himself and the other two Tenno he decides to try the peaceful approach.


"I am the Volt Ahteryl and I mean you no harm", hesays calmly placing his sword on the ground, feeding energy to his companion in an attempt to wake it. " A Corpus Scout ship I was...ah...hitching a ride from was near this Derelict so I thought it might be fun to explore it. I didn't realize that there were Tenno here. I mean no harm to anyone."


Ahteryl stays in a crouched position, to ensure he can move quickly if either of them becomes any more hostile.

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Cardina's outburst, and the attendant crackle of pistol fire, snapped Temperance rudely out of his blissful thoughts.


A stir in the smoke and a dual phase signature drew his attention upwards, to a Shade-cloaked Volt wielding a heavily modded Cronus ceramic blade.


Temperance drew his Soma and nailed the hovering Sentinel with magnetic rounds, sending the little bio-machine plummeting to the ground in the machine equivalent of a coma.  Then he shifted aim to the Volt.


"I'm going to ask once!" he shouted.  "Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?"


Tatsuya recognized that voice, he looked to Miho who nodded as well and they rushed seeing Cardina and Temperence pointing their weapons at an unknown Volt, seeing that the Volt might be a threat, he rushes over and pulls his Vasto pointing it at the Volt's head, "Temp, Cardina you guys okay!?"


Miho who was given Dual Vipers as a gift from Tatsuya in the morning in the moring decided to point them at the Volt as well, she was not going to let her new friends harmed, "Who are you and what do you want with our friends?"

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The sudden hailstorm of bullets and shouts kicks he Volt into action.


"Sprite. The Flying Blade Disappears into The Sun.", he says to the Shade.


Drawing his modified Cronus, attached directly to his Frame via Orokin cable. He begins a quick climb of the plant he is hiding behind as the Shade cloaks both of them. As he reaches the top of the plant he sets his sights on the furious Tenno, unsure if he is in the right to attack her.

The trunk sucks the Volt's feet into itself as if it were quicksand, the solidifies like concrete. "Oh no," Cardina hisses as the Volt is pulled into the open by thick vines. "You broke into my Church, they had the audacity to invade my GARDEN? " She twirled the machete, her unhelmeted face the incarnation of cold rage. "No, you die."

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Ansilm had left some spy eyes on the Derelict what then picked up the scene he turned one of them and observed the situation (Interesting... I am nearly willing to grab one of them for a fight right now but first. I want to see how the situation evolves) he thinks when he sees one of the Tenno becoming even aggressive he decides to rush in to intervene if possible. (That is enough. We are not going to have innocent Tenno casualties. At least on my watch) he thinks, docks back in and rushes towards the Garden.

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