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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Samantha still awaiting a response from Temperance looked to Cardina and shouted "Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on here?! Do Tenno usually kill eachother?!" she exclaimed, keeping a hold on Cardina's Machete arm just incase she does something silly

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((Umm, Snale, I think there was a bit of disconnect here.  The Volt (whose name I can't reproduce, sorry JJ) is already exposed after Temp shot his Shade out of the air))


Temperance nodded his thanks to Samantha for restraining Cardina.  "Normally, no," he said grimly in response to her question.  "But these are...desperate times."  He noted that Tatsuya and Miho had also arrived, and were covering the Volt with Vasto and Vipers.


He approached the kneeling Volt, now restrained by numerous infested vines.  "Talk, Tenno.  Why are you here, and how in the hell did you get aboard?  Normally I'm quite patient, but this is not one of those day."


He leveled his Soma for effect.  "I want a straight, honest answer within the next twenty seconds, or I'm going to knock out your Warframe and let Cardina have you."

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Seeing his companion fall the Volt jumps after the Sprite Shade and catches it before it hits the ground. Noting the distance between himself and the other two Tenno he decides to try the peaceful approach.

"I am the Volt Ahteryl and I mean you no harm", hesays calmly placing his sword on the ground, feeding energy to his companion in an attempt to wake it. " A Corpus Scout ship I was...ah...hitching a ride from was near this Derelict so I thought it might be fun to explore it. I didn't realize that there were Tenno here. I mean no harm to anyone."

Ahteryl stays in a crouched position, to ensure he can move quickly if either of them becomes any more hostile.

((Yeah, sorry, takes forever to reply via phone. We'll just say Cardina restrained him after he stepped out.))

"I don't give a steamy sh*t why you're here, but if talking to your executioner makes you feel better, go on ahead."

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"I don't give a steamy sh*t why you're here, but if talking to your executioner makes you feel better, go on ahead."


With Tatsuya and Miho still pointing their weapons at the Volt, Miho speaks up, "Cardina are you okay? He didn't do anything weird to you did he?"

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((Ugh, just woke up not long ago. Really rough night for reasons so I didn't even get to sleep until in the late morning.))


"Then let me help!" Cardina insisted quickly. "There must be something, have- have the refugees been moved somewhere safe? Has the Nyx been dealt with? Are all the Derelict's systems repaired?" Cardina made a motion to bring up a status report, then realized she wasn't wearing her helmet. "Where the hell did I leave it?" She frowned, struggling to remember.


Gaia responded, "According to reports being sent in by various Acolytes, the derelict is repaired for the most part and operable. The refugees have been moved to the barracks on the lower floors. Between the barracks on differing floors, we should have space for everyone to get their own room should they desire it, including the church members who previously had to share rooms. As for the Nyx, it is sad to say but there was no redeeming her and she was executed by Mortos."


Jinx was sightly disturbed but even more fascinated by that the Nekros had been able to rip someones soul out and managed to hold on to it. Standing still and philosophize about it was something she didn't had time for however, so she looked back down the corridor from which she came towards a T-crossing that had been closed off. If it was for repairs or that simply was sealed for visitors, she didn't know, but she was going to find out.


Jinx mind reached out towards the sealed off hallway and as light and easy as a breeze began to explore it.



Meanwhile Jinx brother and the older Nekros had found very little as far as information goes. The few guests who had been in the cafeteria ether didn't know much or were simply reluctant to talk to them. 


A Frost Prime who was acting as a guard walked up to Jinx. "Excuse me but this area is off-limits to visitors. I advise that you return to the main areas."


Seeing his companion fall the Volt jumps after the Sprite Shade and catches it before it hits the ground. Noting the distance between himself and the other two Tenno he decides to try the peaceful approach.


"I am the Volt Ahteryl and I mean you no harm", hesays calmly placing his sword on the ground, feeding energy to his companion in an attempt to wake it. " A Corpus Scout ship I was...ah...hitching a ride from was near this Derelict so I thought it might be fun to explore it. I didn't realize that there were Tenno here. I mean no harm to anyone."


Ahteryl stays in a crouched position, to ensure he can move quickly if either of them becomes any more hostile.


The trunk sucks the Volt's feet into itself as if it were quicksand, the solidifies like concrete. "Oh no," Cardina hisses as the Volt is pulled into the open by thick vines. "You broke into my Church, they had the audacity to invade my GARDEN? " She twirled the machete, her unhelmeted face the incarnation of cold rage. "No, you die."


Rien came into sight behind the Volt. "There sure is a lot of commotion around here. One moment, I'm tracking a supposed intruder and next thing I know, it looks like a fire-fight is about to occur. As much as I'm sure you want to kill him, Herald Cardina, shouldn't we consult Mother Gaia first? He hasn't yet acted in any way that proves hostile intent."

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With Tatsuya and Miho still pointing their weapons at the Volt, Miho speaks up, "Cardina are you okay? He didn't do anything weird to you did he?"

"If someone is on my Church without my knowledge," Cardina growls without moving her eyes from the intruder, "they don't leave alive. ESPECIALLY if they dare enter MY GARDEN!"

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Rien came into sight behind the Volt. "There sure is a lot of commotion around here. One moment, I'm tracking a supposed intruder and next thing I know, it looks like a fire-fight is about to occur. As much as I'm sure you want to kill him, Herald Cardina, shouldn't we consult Mother Gaia first? He hasn't yet acted in any way that proves hostile intent."


"If someone is on my Church without my knowledge," Cardina growls without moving her eyes from the intruder, "they don't leave alive. ESPECIALLY if they dare enter MY GARDEN!"



"Thank you, Rien, for being the voice of reason," Temperance sighed.  His Soma did not waver.  "Cardina?  Let's call the Divinities.  We don't want to kill kin on a misunderstanding."  His eyes were cold behind his helmet.  "However stupid they may be."

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"Thank you, Rien, for being the voice of reason," Temperance sighed.  His Soma did not waver.  "Cardina?  Let's call the Divinities.  We don't want to kill kin on a misunderstanding."  His eyes were cold behind his helmet.  "However stupid they may be."



Miho with guns still pointed at the intruder just spoke up again, "BUT WHAT IF HE'S A PERVERT!?" Tatsuya could only sigh at that accusation, "Miho I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding, the Volt is not THAT stupid," he looks at the Volt, "are you?"

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With so many around him his attention should have been on all of them but he could not help but examine the one they refer to as Cardina.

He couldn't help but notice the unusual amount of Void energy and Virus wthin her.


Oh! Who is that stunning beauty of anger and Virus! I want to meet her! Please let your blood hit hr face! I wish to be in her head too, hahaha!


The energy turns black on the left side of his Storm helmet. He quickly tries to cover it up.

'Quiet you!', he says to the voice. 'I have enough problems without you making it worse.'


But I want her to play with me. She seems like a more willing feast!

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"Thank you, Rien, for being the voice of reason," Temperance sighed.  His Soma did not waver.  "Cardina?  Let's call the Divinities.  We don't want to kill kin on a misunderstanding."  His eyes were cold behind his helmet.  "However stupid they may be."

"Mortos is the avatar of Chaos. He would kill this slime himself. Gaia is the voice of Order. She would spare him completely. I am the voice of reason." Cardina grins cruelly. "I'll compromise. I'll only hack off his arms, and we'll see where the adventure of two severed femoral arteries takes our guest."

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Ansilm rushed forward picking up the Spyeyes what he had left radar scrambler and HUD disruption abilities went on as he finally reached good firing location for his rifle he raised it turning off the radar scrambler and HUD disruption clicked on a semiautomatic fire and stood to witness what was going on and how it will evolve. As turns out Cardina sheathing her blade he lowered his rifle and kept over looking.

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Samantha looked at the Tenno around her then looks to the Volt, saying to him "Hey? you okay?"


"Mortos is the avatar of Chaos. He would kill this slime himself. Gaia is the voice of Order. She would spare him completely. I am the voice of reason." Cardina grins cruelly. "I'll compromise. I'll only hack off his arms, and we'll see where the adventure of two severed femoral arteries takes our guest."



"Stay back, Samantha," Temperance warned, playing his scanners over the Volt.  He hissed as the Technocyte bio-hazard readings literally skyrocketed. 


"Rien!" he snapped.  "Get Gaia here.  Now."


"The rest of you, back away.  Don't let him touch you.  Cardina!"  He stepped into her path.  "Don't!  He's infected!  If you spill his blood, we'll have an outbreak on our hands!"

Edited by Temperance000
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"Stay back, Samantha," Temperance warned, playing his scanners over the Volt.  He hissed as the Technocyte bio-hazard readings literally skyrocketed. 


"Rien!" he snapped.  "Get Gaia her.  Now."


"The rest of you, back away.  Don't let him touch you."


Miho could only glare at the Volt more, "Oh I'm definitely not gonna let him touch me!" Tatsuya smirks, "Miho, I would never let anyone touch you, well in a hostile way." Miho could only blush at that statement, but smiles anyway, "Awww, you're so sweet."

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"Stay back, Samantha," Temperance warned, playing his scanners over the Volt.  He hissed as the Technocyte bio-hazard readings literally skyrocketed. 


"Rien!" he snapped.  "Get Gaia here.  Now."


"The rest of you, back away.  Don't let him touch you.  Cardina!"  He stepped into her path.  "Don't!  He's infected!  If you spill his blood, we'll have an outbreak on our hands!"



'Dammit he noticed!' he thinks to himself. 'Time for you to return to your prison you bastard of a monster!'


Focusing his willpower he forces the voice back behind the mental and physical barrier in his body, it takes more than it usually does for him to do so.


'It must be the strong presence of the Virus here. Blood on them or anywhere in this room and he'll flee right back to his body, the coward.'


"I..am..not a threat..", he tries his best to speak, drained from the outburst. "I have it.... under control... it will not escape. I won't allow it."

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"Stay back, Samantha," Temperance warned, playing his scanners over the Volt.  He hissed as the Technocyte bio-hazard readings literally skyrocketed. 


"Rien!" he snapped.  "Get Gaia here.  Now."


"The rest of you, back away.  Don't let him touch you.  Cardina!"  He stepped into her path.  "Don't!  He's infected!  If you spill his blood, we'll have an outbreak on our hands!"

"Infested?" Cardina's eyes narrowed, and the vines lifted the restrained Tenno to her eye level. "I ate a Phorid and spat his bones into the Void. I am the Herald of Death to the Infestation."

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Samantha looked at Temperance and quickly stepped back, keeping her Tekna poised at the Volt, Obviously getting the Virus either ment becoming a Tenno or Death. And  neither of them were good.


She shouted to the Cardina "Ma'am with all due respect, Will you shut up and Let your boyfriend take over for once! You are obviously NOT the voice of bloody reason here!" 

Edited by Drakeardian
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"Infested?" Cardina's eyes narrowed, and the vines lifted the restrained Tenno to her eye level. "I ate a Phorid and spat his bones into the Void. I am the Herald of Death to the Infestation."


'Dammit he noticed!' he thinks to himself. 'Time for you to return to your prison you bastard of a monster!'


Focusing his willpower he forces the voice back behind the mental and physical barrier in his body, it takes more than it usually does for him to do so.


'It must be the strong presence of the Virus here. Blood on them or anywhere in this room and he'll flee right back to his body, the coward.'


"I..am..not a threat..", he tries his best to speak, drained from the outburst. "I have it.... under control... it will not escape. I won't allow it."


"And your presence here is driving this thing into a frenzy!" Temperance countered.  "Cardina, please.  We cannot run the risk."


He turned back to the Volt.  "Under control, you say...Ahteryl was your name?  Fine, let's say we believe you.  You never answered my earlier questions.  How did you come here, and why?"


His Soma *clicked* as the safety came off.  



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Miho could only widen her eyes at that and starts shaking violently, live infested was something she could not handle, with the Corpus experimenting by letting live ones near her, she could not stand it, she was okay with this derelict thanks to the Church, but a foreign infested entity was something she could never handle, "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no, stay away.... STAY AWAY!" she drops her guns and falls on her knees and screams, her arms wrapped around herself hysterically crying, "Please don't, please don't."


Tatsuya could not believe Miho was reacting this way, he rushes over to her wrapping his arms around her kissing her head "MIHO MIHO, it's okay it's okay nothing is going to happen to you."


'What the hell did the Corpus do to her?'

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"Stay back, Samantha," Temperance warned, playing his scanners over the Volt.  He hissed as the Technocyte bio-hazard readings literally skyrocketed. 


"Rien!" he snapped.  "Get Gaia here.  Now."


"The rest of you, back away.  Don't let him touch you.  Cardina!"  He stepped into her path.  "Don't!  He's infected!  If you spill his blood, we'll have an outbreak on our hands!"


Rien nodded before disappearing as usual. Granted, he was contacting Gaia via his helmet communicator but he also much preferred roaming while cloaked to being visible.


After just a few minutes, Gaia entered the garden. "Rien notified me that there was a situation developing regarding an intruder who is highly infectious. That and it seems the lack of rest is taking its toll on our Herald;s mind."

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Miho could only widen her eyes at that and starts shaking violently, live infested was something she could not handle, with the Corpus experimenting by letting live ones near her, she could not stand it, she was okay with this derelict thanks to the Church, but a foreign infested entity was something she could never handle, "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no, stay away.... STAY AWAY!" she drops her guns and falls on her knees and screams, her arms wrapped around herself hysterically crying, "Please don't, please don't."


Tatsuya could not believe Miho was reacting this way, he rushes over to her wrapping his arms around her kissing her head "MIHO MIHO, it's okay it's okay nothing is going to happen to you."


'What the hell did the Corpus do to her?'


Temperance noticed Miho collapse, and mentally started to swear.  This is going too far, too fast.  Sorry Cardina; I'm taking control.


"Tatsuya, get her out of here," he ordered.  "To your ship, to the med bay, I don't care as long as she's nowhere near Ahteryl.  Samantha, you go with Cardina.  Just...wait outside, while I talk to our uninvited guest."


I'm sorry, Cardina; I think I'm starting to understand your need for control.  I hope Rien and Gaia get here soon; for now, all I can manage is containment.


"Please Cardina, go with Samantha.  This thing...reacts to you, and not in a good way.  Trust me to handle this, just this once.  Please."

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"And your presence here is driving this thing into a frenzy!" Temperance countered.  "Cardina, please.  We cannot run the risk."


He turned back to the Volt.  "Under control, you say...Ahteryl was your name?  Fine, let's say we believe you.  You never answered my earlier questions.  How did you come here, and why?"


His Soma *clicked* as the safety came off.  




Looking to him finally catching his breath but still drained he tells him, "As I said before a Corpus Scout ship was finally close to here so I decided to ditch it and come onto this Derelict, had I known there were Tenno here I would have not come on without permission. I came here to see if I could up my strength against my little...ah...guest to keep it sealed until its heart can be found and destroyed. That's the only reason I even go near anywhere that has the Infestation."


He tests the vines holding and finds his strength lacking. "And it is right to keep her away from me. It does not matter how many Infested she has eaten or destroyed. If I am killed in any way it will be free to Infect and control. A fate none will wish. I do not know its origins but this one is far more ancient and powerful than Phorid, its nearly as strong as Lephantis. And you. You excite it and that is a clear sign it knows it can take control of you. And if that happened no one would be leaving here alive."

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Samantha looked at Temperance and quickly stepped back, keeping her Tekna poised at the Volt, Obviously getting the Virus either ment becoming a Tenno or Death. And  neither of them were good.


She shouted to the Cardina "Ma'am with all due respect, Will you shut up and Let your boyfriend take over for once! You are obviously NOT the voice of bloody reason here!"

"And your presence here is driving this thing into a frenzy!" Temperance countered.  "Cardina, please.  We cannot run the risk."


He turned back to the Volt.  "Under control, you say...Ahteryl was your name?  Fine, let's say we believe you.  You never answered my earlier questions.  How did you come here, and why?"


His Soma *clicked* as the safety came off.  



Cardina snapped around to Samantha, her white eyes burning like stars and black claws of energy wreathing her hands. "I- I do not let anyone take over for me! I am CONTROL! All who serve me are PUPPETS, all who oppose me are CRUSHED! At my permission life THRIVES, at my command worlds BURN."

The pulsing, chattering vines tightened around the Volt, as Cardina turned her baleful gaze upon him. "WHY should I not crush YOU?"

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Temperance noticed Miho collapse, and mentally started to swear.  This is going too far, too fast.  Sorry Cardina; I'm taking control.


"Tatsuya, get her out of here," he ordered.  "To your ship, to the med bay, I don't care as long as she's nowhere near Ahteryl.  Samantha, you go with Cardina.  Just...wait outside, while I talk to our uninvited guest."


I'm sorry, Cardina; I think I'm starting to understand your need for control.  I hope Rien and Gaia get here soon; for now, all I can manage is containment.


"Please Cardina, go with Samantha.  This thing...reacts to you, and not in a good way.  Trust me to handle this, just this once.  Please."


Tatsuya could only nod grudgingly as he really wanted to kill this thing, "Just keep him there, if he as so much breathes, screw orders, I WILL KILL HIM MYSELF!"


He gently picks up Mio as she no longer has the strength to stand and takes her back to their ship, it's time to find out what the Corpus did to her.

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Cardina snapped around to Samantha, her white eyes burning like stars and black claws of energy wreathing her hands. "I- I do not let anyone take over for me! I am CONTROL! All who serve me are PUPPETS, all who oppose me are CRUSHED! At my permission life THRIVES, at my command worlds BURN."

The pulsing, chattering vines tightened around the Volt, as Cardina turned her baleful gaze upon him. "WHY should I not crush YOU?"


Oh for the love of...


"Cardina, please!"  Temperance begged, turning away from Ahteryl again.  "You're not thinking rationally right now!  None of us are!"


Vaguely, he noticed Gaia entering the Gardens and remarking on "lack of rest affecting the Herald's mind."  He didn't care; all he knew was that Cardina's nightmare was leaking into reality.  A memory flashed across his mind, a memory of when they were first joined.


I don't want to do this, Cardina.  Please, listen to us.  Please...


The vines began to tighten around Ahteryl, squeezing fit to break his Warframe.


Gritting his teeth as tears leaked from his eyes, Temperance steeled himself and exerted his will across the link, sending soothing thoughts into Cardina's mind.  Thoughts of blissful oblivion.

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