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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Gaia approached Miho, walking up to the panicking Mag. "What is wrong? Did something happen?"


Miho looks up to Gaia in panic, "Gaia? Where's my Tatsu? Did something happen to him? I can't find him! Infested Volt!" more tears stream down her face as she is in complete disarray.

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Beneath his helmet, Temperance's mouth twisted.  "Too many 'little adventures' made 'one big sh*tstorm.'  I was just about to join Arkas here for a drink."


He paused as Pyre passed them.  "Arkas, Shinkiro, I think you'd better hurry with your introductions.  Pyre seems to be moving on a schedule."

"Well Shinkiro I won't keep you, but it was nice meeting you"

Having excused himself, Arkas proceeds to the bar area in the cafeteria, and plops down on one of the stools.

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Pyre walked by to collect her meal since she planned to eat in her room with Shinkiro as company. Maybe not the most romantic dinner but it was something she was looking forward to. It was much better than eating alone and so far, he was quite nice. She actually liked him a bit. As she passed, she waved to Shinkiro. "Just going to collect my meal for later tonight."



"Alright then. I'll see ya very soon, milady."


Beneath his helmet, Temperance's mouth twisted.  "Too many 'little adventures' made 'one big sh*tstorm.'  I was just about to join Arkas here for a drink."


He paused as Pyre passed them.  "Arkas, Shinkiro, I think you'd better hurry with your introductions.  Pyre seems to be moving on a schedule."


Shinkiro turns to the other Ash and bows. "Greetings. I am Shinkiro." From here, Shinkiro was only slightly taller than Temperance, maybe an inch or two. "Try not to get yourselves intoxicated." He snickered some before walking off.

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Miho looks up to Gaia in panic, "Gaia? Where's my Tatsu? Did something happen to him? I can't find him! Infested Volt!" more tears stream down her face as she is in complete disarray.


"Don't worry, Miho. I'm sure Tatsuya is just fine. I saw him earlier before I left the garden. He's probably on his way back here right now." Gaia did her best to calm the panicking Mag, sounding as reassuring as possible. Then she got an idea. "Would you like to join me as I give our newest visitor a tour? We might come across Tatsuya along the way."

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Shinkiro turns to the other Ash and bows. "Greetings. I am Shinkiro." From here, Shinkiro was only slightly taller than Temperance, maybe an inch or two. "Try not to get yourselves intoxicated." He snickered some before walking off.


Smiling to himself, Temperance followed Arkas inside and took a seat next to him.  "I assume," he said, "that you have some sort of experience with alcohol?"

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"Don't worry, Miho. I'm sure Tatsuya is just fine. I saw him earlier before I left the garden. He's probably on his way back here right now." Gaia did her best to calm the panicking Mag, sounding as reassuring as possible. Then she got an idea. "Would you like to join me as I give our newest visitor a tour? We might come across Tatsuya along the way."


Miho looked sceptical at first but relented in the end, "O-okay." still shivering from the after effects of her breakdown she let Gaia lead the way.

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Everyone had left; Cardina was alone with the dripping corpse, and her Garden. She could feel the powerful Technocyte in the Tenno's blood, the blood of a Golem calling out for a host. Soon, the Tenno was unframed, and shortly after the vines had skinned it with their razor-sharp thorns. Cardina reached out a trembling hand to a vine, where a glowing blue fruit grew like a giant dewdrop. Once it had reached the size of a grapefruit, she plucked it from the stem, took a deep breath, and bit in.


She all but choked on the taste; pure, Void-attuned Technocyte was like drinking metallic bile, and what splashed on her red hair and lips burned as she wiped it away, being careful to consume every drop of the foul stuff; even a few stray microliters could have awful effects if left unchecked. She collapsed to her knees, coughing blood as the powerful virus took effect, reshaping her teeth and throat to accommodate the quantity of flesh. Her stomach perverted to a slowly pulsing blue organ, designed to filter the Technocyte into her bloodstream, and convert the remaining biomass into the Void energy Cardina would need to resist the Golem's will.


((Gonna spoiler this, out of courtesy))

"Gods, it's been a long time," she mumbled while feeling her longer incisors and larger throat, "I think, anyway." She picked up the leg, and neatly hacked it in half at the knee with her Machete, with a sick crack as the bone snapped. Her bare hands were already slick with infected blood as she bit a semicircle in the flesh, feeling the Tenno-toughened cords of muscle slice apart at her razor-sharp teeth. She swallowed it down whole with a worrisome lack of disgust, then decided it better not to dwell on it. I'm going to be here a while. Overthinking it will only make it worse.


She steadily worked her way through the warm body in the same fashion, biting off large chunks one at a time. Bones were easy, her newly reinforced molars and skull muscles could crack them like walnuts. Have to get everything, she winced as a shard scratched down all her throat, before being disintegrated in her stomach. He could escape in a kneecap if I let him.


By the time she had finished the limbs and lower body, the Golem's voice was beginning to grow; Cardina's Garden grew around her to focus her psychic might, and she was able to keep the Golem from overpowering her mind with little difficulty. More trying, however, was when it talked. Cardina, it taunted in a low, growling laugh, how low you've fallen, dining on a Tenno brother. You used to consume the strong, great Ancients and Phorids. Cardina forced a length of intestine down, grimacing at the Golem's words. I don't remember, Red Eyes. She felt herself grow stronger as the meat was turned to energy. I have been blessed with recurring amnesia. Soon, you will be erased with the rest of my mind, and we will be rid of you. Between her words and her will, the Golem grew silent for a time, long enough for nothing but a few muscles to remain attached to the skeleton. As she peeled off a neck tendon, struggling with the chewy, tough ligament, the beast spoke again. How long have you lied to yourself, Cardina? You are no Tenno. I see your memories clearer than you ever could. You were never Exposed by the Orokin. You consumed our Flesh for the Technocyte, and drank the Void's power from this vessel's broken portal, so you could merely survive one more day. Shut up, Cardina finished the last of the muscles. I am a Tenno, I have a warframe- STOLEN! the Golem laughed, From a Tenno you had our kind kill, so you could live instead! You are selfish! You protect only yourself, like a caged animal!


You, Cardina crunched down a vertebrae, feeling the splinters cut the inside of her mouth and throat, are in no position to talk of caged animals. Everything you say is a lie, so you can control me. NOTHING controls me, Golem. Ask the Volt, she concluded grimly as she contemplated the last remaining part; the skull. Quickly, she plucked and swallowed an eyeball, trying not to imagine it was watching her. She ripped out each tooth, swallowing them one at a time, like void-damned pills, or expired hard candies, shut up, Cardina snapped, though rather glad the Golem was losing coherency. 


Finally, nothing remained but the braincase. This is it, Golem. Let's see what's left of you after a Lex. Cardina reached a hand into the now-cold, fatty mass, scooping out a red-gray wad and swallowing it. Your boyfriend is a good shot, No, Oh no, you do not get to go there. Go where? The Golem inquired deviously, sifting around her mind's defenses with the new strength the technocyte-saturated brain matter gave it. Interesting, a mental link. Is this him, on the other si- With a grimace, Cardina quickly shut up the Golem by pouring the rest of the brain directly down her throat into her stomach.

For a split-second before annihilation, though, it gave the Golem enough power for one last push. It managed to slip three words through the link to Temperance. Void. Portal. Here.  Cardina quickly consumed the rest of the skull, then drank down all the blood her vines had so dutifully gathered. She did a few more checks of the area, to make sure nothing had escaped her attention, then began meditating. After an hour of concentration, the last vestiges of the Golem, and her self-induced mutations were gone. 


Overall, four hours had passed; the Volt was smaller than she expected.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Tyranis lowered his old Galatine from his shoulder and stuck it in the ground. Feeling uneasy he leaned back against it and sat down. He seemed to enter an almost meditation like state. Alone with his thoughts he waited for Gaia to return

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Smiling to himself, Temperance followed Arkas inside and took a seat next to him.  "I assume," he said, "that you have some sort of experience with alcohol?"

Arkas smiles.

"I really don't drink often, it dulls the senses and I always try to be on top of my game, but there are some days I owe it to myself. I'm pretty sure I can safely say today is one of those days."

((So uhh, is there anyone serving drinks, or do we get them ourselves?))

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As Cyrios wandered the hallways, he walked passed the Garden. The door opened automatically, revealing a gruesome sight that need not be described to Cyrios. Stifling a gag, he closed the door mentally and activated his comm channel to anyone nearby, namely Temperance and Cardina herself.

"Alright... Is it normal around here to see what is clearly an infested abomination eating someone? Should I turn on the self destruct, or is this another thing unique to me, like the Voices everyone insists don't exist?"

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Everyone had left; Cardina was alone with the dripping corpse, and her Garden. She could feel the powerful Technocyte in the Tenno's blood, the blood of a Golem calling out for a host. Soon, the Tenno was unframed, and shortly after the vines had skinned it with their razor-sharp thorns. Cardina reached out a trembling hand to a vine, where a glowing blue fruit grew like a giant dewdrop. Once it had reached the size of a grapefruit, she plucked it from the stem, took a deep breath, and bit in.


She all but choked on the taste; pure, Void-attuned Technocyte was like drinking metallic bile, and what splashed on her red hair and lips burned as she wiped it away, being careful to consume every drop of the foul stuff; even a few stray microliters could have awful effects if left unchecked. She collapsed to her knees, coughing blood as the powerful virus took effect, reshaping her teeth and throat to accommodate the quantity of flesh. Her stomach perverted to a slowly pulsing blue organ, designed to filter the Technocyte into her bloodstream, and convert the remaining biomass into the Void energy Cardina would need to resist the Golem's will.


((Gonna spoiler this, out of courtesy))

"Gods, it's been a long time," she mumbled while feeling her longer incisors and larger throat, "I think, anyway." She picked up the leg, and neatly hacked it in half at the knee with her Machete, with a sick crack as the bone snapped. Her bare hands were already slick with infected blood as she bit a semicircle in the flesh, feeling the Tenno-toughened cords of muscle slice apart at her razor-sharp teeth. She swallowed it down whole with a worrisome lack of disgust, then decided it better not to dwell on it. I'm going to be here a while. Overthinking it will only make it worse.


She steadily worked her way through the warm body in the same fashion, biting off large chunks one at a time. Bones were easy, her newly reinforced molars and skull muscles could crack them like walnuts. Have to get everything, she winced as a shard scratched down all her throat, before being disintegrated in her stomach. He could escape in a kneecap if I let him.


By the time she had finished the limbs and lower body, the Golem's voice was beginning to grow; Cardina's Garden grew around her to focus her psychic might, and she was able to keep the Golem from overpowering her mind with little difficulty. More trying, however, was when it talked. Cardina, it taunted in a low, growling laugh, how low you've fallen, dining on a Tenno brother. You used to consume the strong, great Ancients and Phorids. Cardina forced a length of intestine down, grimacing at the Golem's words. I don't remember, Red Eyes. She felt herself grow stronger as the meat was turned to energy. I have been blessed with recurring amnesia. Soon, you will be erased with the rest of my mind, and we will be rid of you. Between her words and her will, the Golem grew silent for a time, long enough for nothing but a few muscles to remain attached to the skeleton. As she peeled off a neck tendon, struggling with the chewy, tough ligament, the beast spoke again. How long have you lied to yourself, Cardina? You are no Tenno. I see your memories clearer than you ever could. You were never Exposed by the Orokin. You consumed our Flesh for the Technocyte, and drank the Void's power from this vessel's broken portal, so you could merely survive one more day. Shut up, Cardina finished the last of the muscles. I am a Tenno, I have a warframe- STOLEN! the Golem laughed, From a Tenno you had our kind kill, so you could live instead! You are selfish! You protect only yourself, like a caged animal!


You, Cardina crunched down a vertebrae, feeling the splinters cut the inside of her mouth and throat, are in no position to talk of caged animals. Everything you say is a lie, so you can control me. NOTHING controls me, Golem. Ask the Volt, she concluded grimly as she contemplated the last remaining part; the skull. Quickly, she plucked and swallowed an eyeball, trying not to imagine it was watching her. She ripped out each tooth, swallowing them one at a time, like void-damned pills, or expired hard candies, shut up, Cardina snapped, though rather glad the Golem was losing coherency. 


Finally, nothing remained but the braincase. This is it, Golem. Let's see what's left of you after a Lex. Cardina reached a hand into the now-cold, fatty mass, scooping out a red-gray wad and swallowing it. Your boyfriend is a good shot, No, Oh no, you do not get to go there. Go where? The Golem inquired deviously, sifting around her mind's defenses with the new strength the technocyte-saturated brain matter gave it. Interesting, a mental link. Is this him, on the other si- With a grimace, Cardina quickly shut up the Golem by pouring the rest of the brain directly down her throat into her stomach.

For a split-second before annihilation, though, it gave the Golem enough power for one last push. It managed to slip three words through the link to Temperance. Void. Portal. Here.  Cardina quickly consumed the rest of the skull, then drank down all the blood her vines had so dutifully gathered. She did a few more checks of the area, to make sure nothing had escaped her attention, then began meditating. After an hour of concentration, the last vestiges of the Golem, and her self-induced mutations were gone. 


Overall, four hours had passed; the Volt was smaller than she expected.


She attached her gauntlets and her helmet, and strode out of the Garden towards the cafeteria. I am Cardina, she thought proudly. Herald of the Ascension. Whatever else I was is dead.


Arkas smiles.

"I really don't drink often, it dulls the senses and I always try to be on top of my game, but there are some days I owe it to myself. I'm pretty sure I can safely say today is one of those days."

((So uhh, is there anyone serving drinks, or do we get them ourselves?))


"I suppose it is, at that."


On the verge of opening his helmet to sample the amber liquid in the glass, Temperance flinched as three words pounded into his skull.


Void.  Portal.  Here.


"What the..." he muttered, instinctively reaching out to trace it.  But the voice was gone.  The mind that had sent the voice was gone.


"Would you excuse me please, Arkas?" Temperance said, rising.  "I need to check something."


He left the dining hall at a brisk pace, making for the heart of the derelict's lower levels.  He did not check to see if Rien was following; he had stopped trying to keep track of that crafty Loki long ago.


Along the way, he picked up Cyrios' comm broadcast, keying a brief response as he walked.  "As long as it stays in the Garden, Cyrios, we are in no danger.  Cardina can handle it."  Though I do have the sinking suspicion that...


Finally, Temperance found the room he was looking for.  It was in even worse shape than most of the rest of the derelict, almost entirely consumed by infested foliage.  But the centerpiece was still intact.  At the far end of the vaulted, rectangular room stood the delicate golden frame of an Orokin Void Portal, still flickering faintly with hellish energies.


Temperance approached carefully, running a gauntleted hand over the golden edifice and wondering at the power he felt surging within.  Then he looked a little closer at the room, and his eyes narrowed.


Against one wall, the vines had overlapped in an almost purposeful arrangement, forming a natural cave for someone of moderately small, almost child-like proportions.  And there were marks on the floor: charger claws, runner detonations, all jumbled together as though the Hive Mind had been fighting itself.  Memory surged.


Cardina...is this what you did not want me to see?

Edited by Temperance000
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Tatsuya walks through the main hall with a dissapointed look on his face, 'Dammit I nearly went into a brawl with a more experienced Tenno, MY SENIOR NO LESS. I acted without thinking again.... AGAIN! If I keep this up I could get Miho killed in a mission, just like my last cell.' he could only shed more tears and clench his fists at his mistakes, nothing he can do will bring his teammates back.

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Arkas smiles.

"I really don't drink often, it dulls the senses and I always try to be on top of my game, but there are some days I owe it to myself. I'm pretty sure I can safely say today is one of those days."

((So uhh, is there anyone serving drinks, or do we get them ourselves?))


((It's largely self-serve but certain things such as alcoholic beverages need to be requested. It's a safety precaution to keep anyone from becoming an alcoholic.))


As Cyrios wandered the hallways, he walked passed the Garden. The door opened automatically, revealing a gruesome sight that need not be described to Cyrios. Stifling a gag, he closed the door mentally and activated his comm channel to anyone nearby, namely Temperance and Cardina herself.

"Alright... Is it normal around here to see what is clearly an infested abomination eating someone? Should I turn on the self destruct, or is this another thing unique to me, like the Voices everyone insists don't exist?"


Rien appeared nearby. I could have sworn I had those doors sets to lock until opened from the inside. "Isn't that rather drastic? So ready to think to kill hundreds? That aside, Cardina can handle any Infested that might make its way aboard."


((On a side note, Rien specifically left Jinx set in a sitting position on one of the benches in the hallway leading up to the gardens.))

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Well today has been pretty rough, I think I'm going to go with my normal remedy for tough days

Brewing some strawberry tea in a pot, Arkas pulls out two cups.

With the way things have been going Temperance might not make it back for a while, but just in case I'm going to make him some too.

After filling both cups and giving them a little spike for added stress relief, the Ash sits down and takes a deep sip.

Yup, that hits the spot

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Cyrios snapped his head towards the location of the sound.

"Gah! Try not to give me a heart attack next time you wanna talk!" I really need to upgrade my sensors. If anyone with a Shade comes at me I'm completely defenseless. "One thing, I'm not sure that those hundreds would live anyways if that... Thing got out. Secondly, you people keep mentioning this 'Cardina' character being able to handle it, but I didn't see anyone alive in there. Unless she's hiding behind a tree or something..."

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Well today has been pretty rough, I think I'm going to go with my normal remedy for tough days

Brewing some strawberry tea in a pot, Arkas pulls out two cups.

With the way things have been going Temperance might not make it back for a while, but just in case I'm going to make him some too.

After filling both cups and giving them a little spike for added stress relief, the Ash sits down and takes a deep sip.

Yup, that hits the spot


Feeling a bit uneasy and getting tired of having The Nekros staring at him, The Black and red Excalibur finally gave up and stood from his seat. "Fine, I'll go find her then" Looking around the cafeteria a bit he noticed a new Ash and walked over to him. Maybe he'll know where to start looking "Excuse me, but have you seen a woman in a stalker colored Nyx?" 

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Feeling a bit uneasy and getting tired of having The Nekros staring at him, The Black and red Excalibur finally gave up and stood from his seat. "Fine, I'll go find her then" Looking around the cafeteria a bit he noticed a new Ash and walked over to him. Maybe he'll know where to start looking "Excuse me, but have you seen a woman in a stalker colored Nyx?" 


Looking up from his tea, Arkas takes a good look at the Excalibur.

I could just tell him, but after all that's happened, better to be safe then sorry

"Depends on who's asking."

Edited by Arkitect_ShadowFrame
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Looking up from his tea, Arkas takes a good look at the Excalibur.

I could just tell him, but after all that's happened, better to be safe then sorry

"Depends on who's asking."

Arthur crossed his arms over his chest, not sure he liked the way the Ash had said that "How about, her brother"

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Arthur crossed his arms over his chest, not sure he liked the way the Ash had said that "How about, her brothe



Arkas couldn't help but smirk under his mask.

"Well in that case hot shot, she's sitting on a bench outside the Garden"

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Arkas couldn't help but smirk under his mask.

"Well in that case hot shot, she's sitting on a bench outside the Garden"

This whole charade of not wanting to tell until knowing who he was got Arthur suspicious "...What has she done?" 

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This whole charade of not wanting to tell until knowing who he was got Arthur suspicious "...What has she done?" 

Samantha would have been at The Cafeteria for a while, sipping a cola and eating a hamburger. She looked over to Arthur, leaving the burger, getting up from her seat and approached him "Ah, Actually she's done nothing wrong, she's just a little upset and....p*ssed"

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Ansilm after witness the execution of innocent Volt .Looked away as Cardina started feasting saw as the plants took an odd form of Golem or something (Impressive I have to say. I would pick a fight but...) he thought and spied the whole time as Cardina had her lunch. (Poor girl but it seems that this feast was pretty much more loss than win) he thought turned on the HUD disruption and Radar scrambler order to make his escape from his hiding spot on Gardens.


At the door he looked back once but saw that Cardina at least might have spotted the spy or still paid attention on something else. He opened the door and close it. Shamelessly his Tenno mind forgot everything but the robotic part of the brain stored the whole scene. 68 years of fighting experience of his and he sees something like this. He didn't fear but small part of him doomed to give silent respect for Cardina to have that kind of secrets.


As he walked on the hallway foot steps on the Soldier's Sense armor was able to heard same time he spun a Lex Prime on his left hand's middle finger thinking about Cardina as he had observed the slash what Cardina had landed on the Volt. A battery full of energy on his back shined light as symbol of charged up battery. While being without helmet what he had left on his ship. Still Lex Prime spinning on his finger he thought about other Tenno at the church "It would be a shame to let this kind of place get destroyed" he said to itself.


Took out book about Tenno praying rituals and Tenno religion things this book was translated by Anrek owner and leader of Dome. He read few pages then left the book on the bench.

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Tatsuya continued to walk down the hall, he noticed his left gauntlet's comm-link blinking, 'The Clan's here already? They sent 25 ships no less.' then his eyes widened, 'The Clan Warlord as well?' he immediately runs to the hangar spotting Gaia with Miho and an Oberan clad in black.


"Miho, you're awake!"

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Samantha would have been at The Cafeteria for a while, sipping a cola and eating a hamburger. She looked over to Arthur, leaving the burger, getting up from her seat and approached him "Ah, Actually she's done nothing wrong, she's just a little upset and....p*ssed"


"What she said"

Pointing in the direction of the Garden, Arkas gives Arthur a waypoint in the right direction.

Considering his work done, the Ash turns his attention to the newcomer chuckling.

"That guy thinks he's hot stuff. I could practically smell the ego from here."

Pulling out the stool next to him, he offers it to the human.

"You're Samantha right?"

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"What she said"

Pointing in the direction of the Garden, Arkas gives Arthur a little shove in the right direction.

As the Excalibur heads off to find his sister, the Ash turns his attention to the newcomer chuckling.

"That guy thinks he's hot stuff. I could practically smell the ego from here."

Pulling out the stool next to him, he offers it to the human.

"You're Samantha right?"

Sam reluctantly takes a seat. An Ash was defined as the silent assassin of the old ways, Deadly. Dangerous and Merciless who can disappear in a puff of smoke and appear almost anywhere with his hidden blades in his wrists. "Well to be fair you were being rather cryptic..."


"and I am, I'm getting Popular am I?" she replied with a chuckle

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