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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"So where are we going?" Aran asks Ty "but first let me grab a drink" Aran walks over to the chefs and asks for two beers. "Want one, Ty? lets go."

Tyranis lets out a smirk under his helmet, his old friend hadn't changed at all. Even after almost 40 years Aran had not changed. "Aran you really haven't changed at all. But you seem to have forgotten a few things" a certain playfulness in his voice he reached his palm out to reject the drink "I don't drink, as for where we are going? Back to my ship. We can catch up there and no one will bother us. Besides i didn't have a chance to unpack my stuff"

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Tyranis lets out a smirk under his helmet, his old friend hadn't changed at all. Even after almost 40 years Aran had not changed. "Aran you really haven't changed at all. But you seem to have forgotten a few things" a certain playfulness in his voice he reached his palm out to reject the drink "I don't drink, as for where we are going? Back to my ship. We can catch up there and no one will bother us. Besides i didn't have a chance to unpack my stuff"

"I'll help you unpack" well more beer for me, it has been ages since i last had some. and since when had Ty OWNED a ship? seems i might have to venture out and find mine somewhere. maybe Ty can help. Lost in her thoughts Aran began to fall behind but quickly snapped out of her little daydream and caught up with Ty.

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Following the Zephyr into the cafeteria, Argus notices a small commotion, he spots the Trinity that was with Tatsuya a while ago, he approaches her removing his helmet revealing a bald man with tan skin and blue eyes, he greets her with a bow, "Ah Lady Gaia, it is an honor to see you again, I apologize for not formally introducing myself, I am Argus, Grand Master of the Sun Clan, the Frost to my side is my apprentice Desolas, Captain of my Honor Guard, and the Loki to my left is my son, Attakai." the Loki known as Attakai bows, "An honor to meet you Lady Gaia, I look forward to working with you." Desolas on the just huffs, earning a glare from Attakai.


((btw, Unending, it was a Zephyr, not a Valkyr.))


Gaia bowed in greeting to the three of them and Mortos saw this before he walked over to join her. "Greetings. I am Mortos. Gaia is my sister and we are the Divinities of this church." 


"So where are we going?" Aran asks Ty "but first let me grab a drink" Aran walks over to the chefs and asks for two beers. "Want one, Ty? lets go."


One of the chefs on duty, a Volt, nodded before running off and returning just a moment later with the two beers before handing them to Aran. The entire time, he said nothing and he was quite possibly mute. Either that or he just wasn't talkative.

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"Just a tiny bit shaken. I'm just glad that this time, I didn't torch everything by reflex like the last time someone surprised me." Pyre released a breath of relief. "So, shall we begin?" She removed her helmet and smiled at Shinkiro, a hiss being heard as the pressure seals disengaged.


"Heh..." Shinkiro pulls his helmet off, letting his hair down. He walks on over to his food and drink and carried them back to the desk, while pulling up a chair on the way. "So what has the lovely lady brought to the table?"

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"I'll help you unpack" well more beer for me, it has been ages since i last had some. and since when had Ty OWNED a ship? seems i might have to venture out and find mine somewhere. maybe Ty can help. Lost in her thoughts Aran began to fall behind but quickly snapped out of her little daydream and caught up with Ty.

Tyranis arrived at his ship, painted as black as his frame, with markings on the sides and cockpit, red of course. The ship itself was about average size, maybe support a crew of ten people. But it appeared to have no visable weapons, a stealth ship perhaps. The back ramp of the ship lowered and Tyranis motioned Aran to come inside. "Lets catch up shall we?"

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Disturbed by the lack of response from Cardina, whose mind had been more or less closed to him since they had parted in the Garden, Temperance made his way back to the upper floors and followed her presence to the dining hall.  He stepped aside for a Nekros and a Nova on their way out, then slipped inside before the door closed.


The dining hall was packed; both Divinities were present, as well as a group of three Tenno that the Oracle servers IDed as members of the Sun Clan.  Samantha Church was peaking nervously around a particularly tall Rhino, apparently trying to hide from Mortos.  The Vauban that had arrived with Arkas - Cyril, his name was? - was leaning over the prone form of the other Ash, who was laid out on the counter in what seemed to be a state of severe confusion.  Cardina, stunning and regal in her black and red robes, was speaking to Gaia, though above the general commotion from the small crowd of Church Tenno, even Temperance's Warframe could not make out her words.


The Ash worked his way slowly through the crowd, until he reached Cardina and Gaia.


"Is everything alright?" he asked, glancing down at the other Ash.  "What happened to Arkas?"

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Disturbed by the lack of response from Cardina, whose mind had been more or less closed to him since they had parted in the Garden, Temperance made his way back to the upper floors and followed her presence to the dining hall.  He stepped aside for a Nekros and a Nova on their way out, then slipped inside before the door closed.


The dining hall was packed; both Divinities were present, as well as a group of three Tenno that the Oracle servers IDed as members of the Sun Clan.  Samantha Church was peaking nervously around a particularly tall Rhino, apparently trying to hide from Mortos.  The Vauban that had arrived with Arkas - Cyril, his name was? - was leaning over the prone form of the other Ash, who was laid out on the counter in what seemed to be a state of severe confusion.  Cardina, stunning and regal in her black and red robes, was speaking to Gaia, though above the general commotion from the small crowd of Church Tenno, even Temperance's Warframe could not make out her words.


The Ash worked his way slowly through the crowd, until he reached Cardina and Gaia.


"Is everything alright?" he asked, glancing down at the other Ash.  "What happened to Arkas?"

Samantha quickly said to Temperance, peaking out from one of the Taller patrons "He's ah...got a bit of a conscience issue at the moment I think"

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Gaia bowed in greeting to the three of them and Mortos saw this before he walked over to join her. "Greetings. I am Mortos. Gaia is my sister and we are the Divinities of this church."


Argus smiles and bows, "Greetings and good tidings to you as well Lord Mortos, I have sent over 25 ships to assist you, I hope this is enough." Attakai walks over to Gaia and bows once again, "Lady Gaia, it pains me to see Tatsuya expelled, he has been a good friend to me, I thank you for watching over him, he can be a bit impulsive at times, but thank you anyways, the deaths of his cell when he led that mission to rescue the prisoners was not his fault, it is most unfortunate that the Clan Council couldn't see otherwise, the members of his cell were his best and closest friends, almost brothers."


Desolas could only laugh at that, "And yet the idiots chose to continue the mission even though the Corpus knew they were coming to rescue the prisoners. FOOLS" Attakai glares at Desolas once and growls, "Desolas, enough." he glances over to Tatsuya holding Miho's hand, Desolas removes his helmet revealing grey hair with slightly pale skin and yellow eyes, smirking, "Ah Tatsuya, how have you been?"


All Tatsuya could do was grit his teeth and tighten his hold on Miho's hand.

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Tyranis arrived at his ship, painted as black as his frame, with markings on the sides and cockpit, red of course. The ship itself was about average size, maybe support a crew of ten people. But it appeared to have no visable weapons, a stealth ship perhaps. The back ramp of the ship lowered and Tyranis motioned Aran to come inside. "Lets catch up shall we?"

"yes, lets" Aran says as she walks up the ramp. "not bad, not bad at all, this is quite the ship. Stealth ship?" Aran sits at the main table and places both bottles of beer on the top next to her while doing so she asks "so, Ty where do you want to start?"

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Samantha quickly said to Temperance, peaking out from one of the Taller patrons "He's ah...got a bit of a conscience issue at the moment I think"




Temperance glanced back to Arkas, who seemed to be coming around under Cyril's supervision.


"Wonderful.  Everyone on this derelict has something riding their psyche."  He shook his head.  "No rest for the wicked.  Makes you wonder how many atrocities we committed to get this much sh*tty karma."

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Samantha left the Cafeteria to let the experts to their Job, meanwhile she took a moment to explore before coming up on the Main Hall. She didn't want to disturb the ongoing procession but curiosity got the better of her. It always does in humans.


She slowly walked in silently, watching the Rhino Prime and his crew talked to the Divinities. Mortos scared the heck out of her out but Gaia seemed nice enough. Enough to have a social chat with. 


She kept her eye on the Frost, he seemed the more rowdy one of the trio but the Rhino Prime and the Loki looked sane enough. Unfortunately she'd attract attention after stepping on a possible dead twig.

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"Heh..." Shinkiro pulls his helmet off, letting his hair down. He walks on over to his food and drink and carried them back to the desk, while pulling up a chair on the way. "So what has the lovely lady brought to the table?"


"Some ice wine, enough for both of us, and some sandwich things using rolls. They have some barbecued meat and some cheese in them." It was nothing fancy, really, well except for the wine but it was the sort of stuff she generally liked. Maybe not the most romantic thing and she probably should have gone with something like spaghetti but at the end of the day, it was down to their preferences in food. She was pretty sure at that point that Shinkiro would have chosen a big bowl of ramen for himself with things like an egg, pork and so on in it.


Pyre pulled up her chair and took her seat before opening up the container which the food she brought was in so Shinkiro could see before placing it on the table. Next, she placed the container of ice wine on the table. "I was told ice wine is rather sweet."


Argus smiles and bows, "Greetings and good tidings to you as well Lord Mortos, I have sent over 25 ships to assist you, I hope this is enough." Attakai walks over to Gaia and bows once again, "Lady Gaia, it pains me to see Tatsuya expelled, he has been a good friend to me, I thank you for watching over him, he can be a bit impulsive at times, but thank you anyways, the deaths of his cell when he led that mission to rescue the prisoners was not his fault, it is most unfortunate that the Clan Council couldn't see otherwise, the members of his cell were his best and closest friends, almost brothers."


Desolas could only laugh at that, "And yet the idiots chose to continue the mission even though the Corpus knew they were coming to rescue the prisoners. FOOLS" Attakai glares at Desolas once and growls, "Desolas, enough." he glances over to Tatsuya holding Miho's hand, Desolas removes his helmet revealing grey hair with slightly pale skin and yellow eyes, smirking, "Ah Tatsuya, how have you been?"


All Tatsuya could do was grit his teeth and tighten his hold on Miho's hand.


"Thank you, Grandmaster Argus. The assistance from you and your clan is most welcome in this, our time of need. The defilers will curse the day they decided to make themselves the enemy of the Tenno." Mortos could already imagine the upcoming battle. He was not sure if the church was ready for such a large scale conflict but he would do everything in his power to ensure that the enemy is destroyed.


Gaia smiled at Attakai as she found him far more pleasant than Desolas who she still wished to have a word with and she was going to address his behaviour. "Thank you. It is sad what happened but as with all Tenno, I offered them a place here at the church. I know the feeling of loss when someone close to you perishes." She looked down at the ground for a moment, giving a moment of silence for those who have died.


When Desolas laughed and insulted Tatsuya, Gaia was less than pleased. She looked to him with anger beginning to burn inside of her. "I have witnessed the manner in which you have been acting since coming aboard. Your treatment of Tatsuya and Miho has been nothing but cruel and hurtful. If you insist on continuing to act in such a manner, something will have to be done."

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Cyrill took the confused Arkas out of the Cafeteria area, and took him by the shoulders.  "Okay.  Whatever is wrong with you needs fixing; that's obvious.  Let's head back to the Nocturne, have the med-kit do an evaluation, and we'll see what I can do.  I don't think the eval will help whatsoever, but it sure sounds nice."  Cyrill walked towards the hangar, which was now open, due to lack of invasion.

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"Some ice wine, enough for both of us, and some sandwich things using rolls. They have some barbecued meat and some cheese in them." It was nothing fancy, really, well except for the wine but it was the sort of stuff she generally liked. Maybe not the most romantic thing and she probably should have gone with something like spaghetti but at the end of the day, it was down to their preferences in food. She was pretty sure at that point that Shinkiro would have chosen a big bowl of ramen for himself with things like an egg, pork and so on in it.


Pyre pulled up her chair and took her seat before opening up the container which the food she brought was in so Shinkiro could see before placing it on the table. Next, she placed the container of ice wine on the table. "I was told ice wine is rather sweet."



"Thank you, Grandmaster Argus. The assistance from you and your clan is most welcome in this, our time of need. The defilers will curse the day they decided to make themselves the enemy of the Tenno." Mortos could already imagine the upcoming battle. He was not sure if the church was ready for such a large scale conflict but he would do everything in his power to ensure that the enemy is destroyed.


Gaia smiled at Attakai as she found him far more pleasant than Desolas who she still wished to have a word with and she was going to address his behaviour. "Thank you. It is sad what happened but as with all Tenno, I offered them a place here at the church. I know the feeling of loss when someone close to you perishes." She looked down at the ground for a moment, giving a moment of silence for those who have died.


When Desolas laughed and insulted Tatsuya, Gaia was less than pleased. She looked to him with anger beginning to burn inside of her. "I have witnessed the manner in which you have been acting since coming aboard. Your treatment of Tatsuya and Miho has been nothing but cruel and hurtful. If you insist on continuing to act in such a manner, something will have to be done."



Desolas smirked, "Oh I was only stating a fact my lady, I most certainly did not want to offend you in any way. I was pointing a fact how he led 3 of OUR Tenno to their deaths. "Attakai growled, "It was their decision to go on with mission despite the trap Desolas, it was not his fault!"


Desolas laughs, "Oh I am not denying that they chose to go on with it, but you also can't deny why he volunteered for the mission," Attakai widened his eyes, "Desolas don't! PLEASE!"


"Or what!? We all know all he wanted was to rescue his little B@$#&!"

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Desolas smirked, "Oh I was only stating a fact my lady, I most certainly did not want to offend you in any way. I was pointing a fact how he led 3 of OUR Tenno to their deaths. "Attakai growled, "It was their decision to go on with mission despite the trap Desolas, it was not his fault!"


Desolas laughs, "Oh I am not denying that they chose to go on with it, but you also can't deny why he volunteered for the mission," Attakai widened his eyes, "Desolas don't! PLEASE!"


"Or what!? We all know all he wanted was to rescue his little B@$#&!"


The Machete Wraith's caustic edge burned the throat of the Desolas' helmet. "I suppose," Cardina whispered, "You thought I was bluffing. Stay on my Derelict, and the only option you'll have is which limbs I'll remove first."

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Cyrill took the confused Arkas out of the Cafeteria area, and took him by the shoulders.  "Okay.  Whatever is wrong with you needs fixing; that's obvious.  Let's head back to the Nocturne, have the med-kit do an evaluation, and we'll see what I can do.  I don't think the eval will help whatsoever, but it sure sounds nice."  Cyrill walked towards the hangar, which was now open, due to lack of invasion.

Stumbling onto his ship and sitting down in the med bay, Arkas put his hands to his temples.

"Ehhh, my head is killing me."

He turned to the Vauban, his face practically screaming his confusion.

"What on earth happened back there? I blacked out and when I came to, the scariest Tenno I know, was holding a Machete Wraith to my throat."

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Desolas smirked, "Oh I was only stating a fact my lady, I most certainly did not want to offend you in any way. I was pointing a fact how he led 3 of OUR Tenno to their deaths. "Attakai growled, "It was their decision to go on with mission despite the trap Desolas, it was not his fault!"


Desolas laughs, "Oh I am not denying that they chose to go on with it, but you also can't deny why he volunteered for the mission," Attakai widened his eyes, "Desolas don't! PLEASE!"


"Or what!? We all know all he wanted was to rescue his little B@$#&!"

Samantha made a quick outburst at Desolas "Jeez Louise! you're worse than my mother!" she exclaimed, looking at the Frost with some contempt in her eyes

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"yes, lets" Aran says as she walks up the ramp. "not bad, not bad at all, this is quite the ship. Stealth ship?" Aran sits at the main table and places both bottles of beer on the top next to her while doing so she asks "so, Ty where do you want to start?"

He placed his hand on the hull of the ship "She's a little banged up, but thats to be expected from someone who has served for as long as i have" He pulled back a chair and sat down, looking directly at his friend while running his fingers across his helmet trying to think of where to start. "This isn't the best way to start but you need to know what happened after you disappeared..." He stood up from the table and paced the room waiting for his friend to respond. 

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Desolas smirked, "Oh I was only stating a fact my lady, I most certainly did not want to offend you in any way. I was pointing a fact how he led 3 of OUR Tenno to their deaths. "Attakai growled, "It was their decision to go on with mission despite the trap Desolas, it was not his fault!"


Desolas laughs, "Oh I am not denying that, but you can't deny why he volunteered for the mission," Attakai widened his eyes, "Desolas don't! PLEASE!"


"Or what!? We all know all he wanted was to rescue his little @#&*(!"


"Desolas, you are no longer welcome here. Leave now. You have insulted Tatsuya and Miho and by proxy, myself. I consider many of the Tenno here as though they were my own children." Cardina's smile had faded and it was obvious that she was upset.


Mortos leaned forward slightly. "You should heed my sister's words. I, by extension, don't take kindly to those who upset her. She warned you once already. You better not ignore it a second time." Mortos' natural aura of fear and death started to work Terrify into Desolas' mind, little by little.

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Cardina glared at the Frost a moment longer, then withdrew the blade, standing between the Divinities.


"Your clan has expelled Tatsuya and Miho, and have thus relinquished any power over them. They are members of my Church now, and I will protect them as such. If you have any business besides antagonizing my Acolytes, conclude it and leave."

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"Desolas, you are no longer welcome here. Leave now. You have insulted Tatsuya and Miho and by proxy, myself. I consider many of the Tenno here as though they were my own children." Cardina's smile had faded and it was obvious that she was upset.


Mortos leaned forward slightly. "You should heed my sister's words. I, by extension, don't take kindly to those who upset her. She warned you once already. You better not ignore it a second time." Mortos' natural aura of fear and death started to work Terrify into Desolas' mind, little by little.



Cardina glared at the Frost a moment longer, then withdrew the blade. 


"Your clan has expelled Tatsuya and Miho, and have thus relinquished any power over them. They are members of my Church now, and I will protect them as such. If you have any business besides antagonizing my Acolytes, conclude it and leave."


Argus nodded,"Desolas, your behavior today is unacceptable of the Rising Sun, you are to return to your ship and return to the Dojo." Desolas' face was red, "WHAT!? This wench of a Nyx dare threaten me by putting a blade to my throat! If it was up to me I would have executed that failure of an Excalibur on the spot!" Attakai snapped, "DESOLAS! GET OUT NOW!"


Desolas growled, "This isn't over." he huffs and makes his way back to the Hangar with the Zephyr escort following him as she was originally ordered to. Noticing a female Red Veil member by the door he just pushes her aside, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!"


Attakai could only sigh, "I told you father, it was a mistake to bring Desolas here." Argus sighs at his son speaking his name with venom, "My son we both know he is the Captain of the Honor Guard." Attakai finally removes his helmet revealing black hair and the blue eyes like his father's but with a disgusted look on his face, "We both know that I was better suited to lead the Guard, because of the Council's favour of Desolas, we nearly caused an incident today!"

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"Some ice wine, enough for both of us, and some sandwich things using rolls. They have some barbecued meat and some cheese in them." It was nothing fancy, really, well except for the wine but it was the sort of stuff she generally liked. Maybe not the most romantic thing and she probably should have gone with something like spaghetti but at the end of the day, it was down to their preferences in food. She was pretty sure at that point that Shinkiro would have chosen a big bowl of ramen for himself with things like an egg, pork and so on in it.


Pyre pulled up her chair and took her seat before opening up the container which the food she brought was in so Shinkiro could see before placing it on the table. Next, she placed the container of ice wine on the table. "I was told ice wine is rather sweet."


"Hm." Shinkiro picked up the win, examining it for a bit before placing it next to the container. Placing his box on the table, he lifts the lid open to reveal a couple of grilled tilapia with some cilantro sprinkled on it. "Well, I was hoping there would be some tasty fish in the cafeteria, so looks like I was lucky. You brought wine, I bring sake." The Tenno chuckled some while setting out some eating utensils on the table.

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He placed his hand on the hull of the ship "She's a little banged up, but thats to be expected from someone who has served for as long as i have" He pulled back a chair and sat down, looking directly at his friend while running his fingers across his helmet trying to think of where to start. "This isn't the best way to start but you need to know what happened after you disappeared..." He stood up from the table and paced the room waiting for his friend to respond. 

"Alright then I'll begin with my sudden disappearance. You know how i don't necessarily like to take orders and how i run off to 'hunt' the stronger enemies, yes." Aran sighs and then states "So I left Lotus and became a bounty hunter. On my travels i have met others who did the same as i did some tenno, others not." "Life as a bounty hunter has had its ups and downs, I left the lotus with only my dual Kamas, i picked up my lanka from a corpus hit man who i was hired to kill by an unknown agent, the reward was a key to a Void tower and that's where i picked up my lex prime." Aran downs the first beer "And now here I am, also i have another void key if you and 2 others want to go on a 'hunt'." "so what have you been up to?"

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Argus nodded,"Desolas, your behavior today is unacceptable of the Rising Sun, you are to return to your ship and return to the Dojo." Desolas' face was red, "WHAT!? This wench of a Nyx dare threaten me by putting a blade to my throat! If it was up to me I would have executed that failure of an Excalibur on the spot!" Attakai snapped, "DESOLAS! GET OUT NOW!"


Desolas growled, "This isn't over." he huffs and makes his way back to the Hangar with the Zephyr escort following him as she was originally ordered to. Noticing a female Red Veil member by the door he just pushes her aside, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!"


Attakai could only sigh, "I told you father, it was a mistake to bring Desolas here." Argus sighs at his son speaking his name with venom, "My son we both know he is the Captain of the Honor Guard." Attakai finally removes his helmet revealing black hair and the blue eyes like his father's but with a disgusted look on his face, "We both know that I was better suited to lead the Guard, because of the Council's favour of Desolas, we nearly caused an incident today!"

Sam gets out of the way, "Hey! Watch it you A**hole" waiting until his back was turned and flipped the bird at Desolas with a stick out of her tongue before approaching Argus, Attaki and Cardina, feeling more safer with them since Desolas to her looks like a loose Cannon

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Argus nodded,"Desolas, your behavior today is unacceptable of the Rising Sun, you are to return to your ship and return to the Dojo." Desolas' face was red, "WHAT!? This wench of a Nyx dare threaten me by putting a blade to my throat! If it was up to me I would have executed that failure of an Excalibur on the spot!" Attakai snapped, "DESOLAS! GET OUT NOW!"


Desolas growled, "This isn't over." he huffs and makes his way back to the Hangar with the Zephyr escort following him as she was originally ordered to. Noticing a female Red Veil member by the door he just pushes her aside, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!"


Attakai could only sigh, "I told you father, it was a mistake to bring Desolas here." Argus sighs at his son speaking his name with venom, "My son we both know he is the Captain of the Honor Guard." Attakai finally removes his helmet revealing black hair and the blue eyes like his father's but with a disgusted look on his face, "We both know that I was better suited to lead the Guard, because of the Council's favour of Desolas, we nearly caused an incident today!"


Cardina regarded the clan's leadership with a frown. Order, with Chaos taking root in its heart and mind. This is exactly what we have to avoid. Cardina noticed the link with Temperance had been re-established. Oh, hello Temperance. Besides this charade, did I miss anything while I was busy?


"Gentlemen," Cardina set her Machete Wraith back at her side. "I was referring to all of you. Is there anything else you need to do here?"

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