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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"Very well. You may enter." The door unlocked for Tyranis, allowing him entrance. Mortos' chambers were lit by many lanterns holding souls he had extracted from enemies. Despite the number of lanterns, the room was dimly lit due to their positioning and spacing. Not that souls lit rooms particularly well either.


Aside from the lanterns, there were several other personal touches of his. One such piece was a weapon rack were several scythes such as the Ether Reaper, Reaper Prime and Hate. The blade of each one was sharpened and the weapons cleaned until one's reflection could be seen in the blades.

As he entered the room he took in his surroundings. He knew very well what powered those lanterns, he knew a Nekros with the same hobby. He spoke to Mortos as calmly as he could, his nerves still shaken from the aura that Mortos gave off. "Do you know who i am Father Mortos?" Tyranis was sure that at least Mortos had heard the stories of the "Black Knight". He sat down in the nearest chair and waited for Mortos to respond. The chair was comfy, made of a fine fabric.

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As soon as Munin noticed the young couple prepare to walk away he thought that this was a good as any and stood up from his chair. The Necros then made his way across the cafeteria, over to the Trinity and with a small bow said "Greetings, I am Munin of the Ghosts of Dreyrisal. I presume you are Gaia?"   



Gia looked to Munin and nodded. "Why yes, I am Gaia. Is there something I can help you with?" She wondered why Munin had waited until Tatsuya and Miho had left before he came over. It was probably something private, she guessed.


As he entered the room he took in his surroundings. He knew very well what powered those lanterns, he knew a Nekros with the same hobby. He spoke to Mortos as calmly as he could, his nerves still shaken from the aura that Mortos gave off. "Do you know who i am Father Mortos?" Tyranis was sure that at least Mortos had heard the stories of the "Black Knight". He sat down in the nearest chair and waited for Mortos to respond. The chair was comfy, made of a fine fabric.


Mortos, who had been sitting in a chair by a desk where the parts needed for another lantern were already being prepared, looked to Tyranis as he entered. He looked the Oberon up and down before responding, "Why yes, I do believe so. Not much, however as I haven't followed the exploits of other Tenno so keenly."

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After saying their goodbyes to Gaia for the day, they began walking back to the Hangar where their ship is docked. Tatsuya began thinking about everything that has happened to them so far.


"Never have I imagined this would be our life now."


"Hmm?" Miho looks up in confusion, "I mean, can you imagine this is our life now? Being together, finding a family, finally having a mother that cares for us?" Miho smiles and nods at that last line, "Mmmm, I'm happy, I have you, we have a home, a family, a BIG one at that. I just wonder though, what the rest of the future will be like for the both of us?" Tatsuya chuckles and gives her a kiss, "I'm no future teller, but I can tell it will be a good one." and with that they walked back to their ship turned house arms wrapped around each other.

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Gia looked to Munin and nodded. "Why yes, I am Gaia. Is there something I can help you with?" She wondered why Munin had waited until Tatsuya and Miho had left before he came over. It was probably something private, she guessed.



Mortos, who had been sitting in a chair by a desk where the parts needed for another lantern were already being prepared, looked to Tyranis as he entered. He looked the Oberon up and down before responding, "Why yes, I do believe so. Not much, however as I haven't followed the exploits of other Tenno so keenly."


That knowledge was enough for Tyranis. He spoke "Then you should know that i still serve the Lotus, and i'm well aware some people here, yourself included don't take too kindly to that." He puts his hand over his closed eye, feeling the scar itself burn by looking at Mortos. "But i put my fellow Tenno before anything else, including myself. I do not wish a confrontation with you nor this Church. It would go against my code of honor. I've simply come to learn Father."

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"All yours, then." Cardina stood up, gesturing to the cot. Rather than walking away, though, she stood off to the side, nervously drumming her fingers on the Machete Wraith in her hands. "Temperance, thanks again. I've never had someone who cared for me this... personally." Not that I would remember, she added bitterly. "I know what this is turning into, and I'd like it to, but- I'm not sure it'll work. Trust me," the strength left her hand, and her trusted weapon hit the floor with a clatter. "I want this to work, and I'll try, but- I have a responsibility. That has to come first, and when it comes down to it, I can't be selfish and choose my own happiness over my Church."


She stepped closer to him, carefully gathering his hands in her own. "Look, if you don't think it's a good idea, or if you think it'd be insane to associate with someone who just f*cking ate a Tenno, I could hardly blame you." She looked up into his eyes, as serious as ever. "This is your choice, and damn near the first real choice I've given anyone in a long time."


Temperance sighed.  "Cardina, I would be lying if I said the part about eating Ahteryl didn't creep me out just a little bit.  But he was insane, to put it mildly, and a danger to everyone on board.  You did what had to be done.  Maybe you're right, and this won't work , hell, almost every line of reasoning I can come up with says this won't work, but I'm willing to try, if you are.  I want this - us - to work.  And as for the rest of it...we both have responsibilities, and we wouldn't be Tenno if balancing them was easy.  Nothing ever is, where we're concerned."


He knelt and picked up her Machete Wraith, easily balancing the heavy blade across his palms as he offered it to her.  "Even if the High Council hadn't extended my mission, I would have chosen to stay.  I don't regret it, and somehow, I doubt I ever will.  Let's try, Cardina.  Even if we're doomed to fail, let's try."

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"Really? I just figured that with the number of pretty advanced things the forge can make then something as simple as a garment should be pretty easy, right?" The forge was known for making so many things that by comparison to advanced pieces such as bio-weaponry based on Infested lifeforms or Corpus energy weapons, it should be a piece of cake to make a simple garment.


"True. If we get rest before missions, we go in at our best. The last thing we need is to go in tired and high strung. We need all of our skills at their best to fight the sheer numbers of the the Grineer, Corpus and Infested."




"Still, when I think of a forge, I think of a metal works and such. Infested weapons I see well... Can't really explain that." The Ash was now starting to feel a little drunk from all the sake. "I could take on a hundred of those... Ugly grineer... All by... Myself.." He was starting to get a few hiccups. "... Any time... Any day... With just... My bow."

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Arkas entered the cafeteria, ignoring the looks he was getting.

Great, apparently a lot of people saw my little "incident"

Not seeing Mortos, he decided he would try his luck with Gaia. The Ash frame walked over to empty table near Gaia, waiting for her to finished with her current company.

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Temperance sighed.  "Cardina, I would be lying if I said the part about eating Ahteryl didn't creep me out just a little bit.  But he was insane, to put it mildly, and a danger to everyone on board.  You did what had to be done.  Maybe you're right, and this won't work , hell, almost every line of reasoning I can come up with says this won't work, but I'm willing to try, if you are.  I want this - us - to work.  And as for the rest of it...we both have responsibilities, and we wouldn't be Tenno if balancing them was easy.  Nothing ever is, where we're concerned."


He knelt and picked up her Machete Wraith, easily balancing the heavy blade across his palms as he offered it to her.  "Even if the High Council hadn't extended my mission, I would have chosen to stay.  I don't regret it, and somehow, I doubt I ever will.  Let's try, Cardina.  Even if we're doomed to fail, let's try."


Cardina took the weapon back, hanging it at her side. "Thank Gods," before Temperance could react, Cardina pulled herself up to him, planting a firm kiss on his lips; she held it for a second, then slipped off, smiling. "Sleep well. You know where to find me."

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Gia looked to Munin and nodded. "Why yes, I am Gaia. Is there something I can help you with?" She wondered why Munin had waited until Tatsuya and Miho had left before he came over. It was probably something private, she guessed.

"I would like to request an audience with you and your brother, when you got the time" Munin said in a monotone voice.

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Aran continued to speak with Gaia telling her about her past and why she became a bounty hunter. "So in the short amount of time I've been here i've heard you're a very important person as well as that nekros, he creeps me out." Aran notices the Ash from the other day approaching Hmm its THAT Ash, I hear it wasnt possession but a mental thing, maybe he wants to speak with Gaia i should let him. She turns to greet the Ash "Hey you're that Ash from yesterday, no? I'm Aran, anyway I was just finishing with Gaia here. We'll talk again soon, Gaia" Aran then leaves the Cafe and starts to make her way to the training room to sharpen her aim a bit more due to the lanka's travel time.

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Aran continued to speak with Gaia telling her about her past and why she became a bounty hunter. "So in the short amount of time I've been here i've heard you're a very important person as well as that nekros, he creeps me out." Aran notices the Ash from the other day approaching Hmm its THAT Ash, I hear it wasnt possession but a mental thing, maybe he wants to speak with Gaia i should let him. She turns to greet the Ash "Hey you're that Ash from yesterday, no? I'm Aran, anyway I was just finishing with Gaia here. We'll talk again soon, Gaia" Aran then leaves the Cafe and starts to make her way to the training room to sharpen her aim a bit more due to the lanka's travel time.

Arkas can only shake his head.

It's going to be one of those days


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That knowledge was enough for Tyranis. He spoke "Then you should know that i still serve the Lotus, and i'm well aware some people here, yourself included don't take too kindly to that." He puts his hand over his closed eye, feeling the scar itself burn by looking at Mortos. "But I put my fellow Tenno before anything else, including myself. I do not wish a confrontation with you nor this Church. It would go against my code of honor. I've simply come to learn Father."


"Your honesty is admirable and more than I would expect from most who serve the Lotus." Mortos regarded anyone who served the Lotus with a certain level of suspicion as he saw that those loyal to the Lotus are usually either blindly loyal or feel that they owe her a debt for awakening them early. "Now then. What is it that you wish to learn. I do not agree with the Lotus but if you truly do care for our kin then there may yet be a way to work through this."


"Still, when I think of a forge, I think of a metal works and such. Infested weapons I see well... Can't really explain that." The Ash was now starting to feel a little drunk from all the sake. "I could take on a hundred of those... Ugly grineer... All by... Myself.." He was starting to get a few hiccups. "... Any time... Any day... With just... My bow."


"Oh my." She could tell that sake was much stronger than wine, especially ice wine, judging largely by the taste and seeing as how Shinkiro seemed to have drank the entire container of sake, she guessed he was less than sober. "Shinkiro? Maybe you should lay down for a bit." 


"I would like to request an audience with you and your brother, when you got the time" Munin said in a monotone voice.


"Very well. We can meet in the meditation hall if you wish for the conversation to be private."


Arkas can only shake his head.

It's going to be one of those days

He takes a seat across from Gaia, his helmet retracting into his suit. "I don't we've ever been properly introduced, my name is Arkas Plexon"


"Nice to meet you. I am Gaia. Outsiders usually call me Lady Gaia and those inside the church usually refer to me as Mother Gaia."

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While all was Happening. Samantha took a moment to look around the room with her eyes. She recalled the time when she watched this clip involving a Man and angry with an unknown Deity, speaking in a language identified as Latin, She studied these dead languages for a while, but so far it's kept in her head like dust. "Was it worth it to learn them?"


She shaked her head and sighed "Ah well. Guess I'll find out another day" She replied and she walked off, whistling to herself

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Cardina took the weapon back, hanging it at her side. "Thank Gods," before Temperance could react, Cardina pulled herself up to him, planting a firm kiss on his lips; she held it for a second, then slipped off, smiling. "Sleep well. You know where to find me."


Temperance could only nod dumbly, staring after Cardina as she slipped out.  He brought his fingertips to his lips, checking to make sure his nerve endings were functioning properly, and that this had actually happened.  He was not disappointed.


Feeling better than he had in a long, long time, Temperance made a brief detour to the armory, locking his Warframe into an alcove before stepping out of it like a shed skin.  He also stripped off his silver-grey body suit, shivering delightedly at the movement of air across his skin.


He dug a pair of trousers and a light robe out a locker, pulled them on, and slid in under the covers, curling into the patch of warmth left by Cardina's recent departure.  In a matter of moments, he was asleep.

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"Oh my." She could tell that sake was much stronger than wine, especially ice wine, judging largely by the taste and seeing as how Shinkiro seemed to have drank the entire container of sake, she guessed he was less than sober. "Shinkiro? Maybe you should lay down for a bit." 


"Whaaa? I don't need lay down. I am foin..." He stumbles out of his chair before dropping to the floor. "Shee? I am alls right."

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Should the Cardina return to her Quarters, she'd may be surprised to get a message on her Data-pad or one of the Engineers Data-pads, left there by accident or for her. It read the Following.

Madam Cardina

In Light of recent events, we didn't have much time to talk but as it is, I doubt we'll have that chat sometime. Anyway I digress

The Grineer Network is going Berserk, Several of their bases and outposts have become nothing more than uninhabitable Ice cubes due to Cross's anger and determination to locate his daughter, We have been following him the best we can but from experience an Enraged Prime is Rarely stopped Frost or otherwise. Unfortunately due to this Search, We had sustained casualties including our Armoury-Master, Sovereign, A Rhino who took more than he can handle. We sent his Body to the Void. The Shark was also damaged so we won't be returning to the Church for a month or so.

But we did get a positive result from this. Cross managed to Find his Daughter. It turns out Amber was about to be sold to the Corpus, Now two ships lie as frozen derelicts. All we need to do is wait until the Cryosleep counter ends. We're near a Tenno Repair outpost so we'll be fine for the moment, But I'll still need to find a new Armoury-Master sometime, I'm sure I'll find someone capable and sober enough.

Anyway. Too keep it short, We're all find and we managed to get her from Grineer/Corpus hands.


Leonardo; Commander of The Shark.

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"Your honesty is admirable and more than I would expect from most who serve the Lotus." Mortos regarded anyone who served the Lotus with a certain level of suspicion as he saw that those loyal to the Lotus are usually either blindly loyal or feel that they owe her a debt for awakening them early. "Now then. What is it that you wish to learn. I do not agree with the Lotus but if you truly do care for our kin then there may yet be a way to work through this."








Tyranis could feel Mortos' caution towards him. This was to be expected. "I hope you don't believe me to be a blind server Father. The Lotus wants to end this war just as bad as your Church. A Tenno may be worth a thousand Corpus or Greenier. But there are simply far too many of them even you can see that." He rose from his chair and moved closer to Mortos. "I owe the Lotus nothing, i serve to serve my kin. I ask you for two things Father." 


"One. I've reason to believe you have thought up a way to eradicate the Corpus and Grineer, even the Infestation... i ask what you are planning."

"Two. That young Mag and Excalibur, Miho and Tatsuya i believe you call them. I wish to take them under my wing. They have great potential despite their inexperience." Tyranis removed his weapons from his person and put them aside as a sign to Mortos that he really meant no harm. If Mortos rejected he would not resist.

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Attakai walks with his father Argus to the observation deck, "Father, we need to do something about the clan council, they seem to be gaining more power than what is required, if this keeps up, you will no longer have any say in the council." the Rhino Prime sighs, "I am aware my son, but unfortunately I do not have the resources, nor do I have many supporters, that is why I am focusing on your future instead of mine." Attakai looks in confusion, "Father what are you saying?"


His father only smiled and answered, "The council has reluctantly agreed to my decision of having you remain here as the Clan's ambassador, I will be speaking to the Divinities later about this. If I were to speak frankly, I want you to remain here, away from the council, away from their manipulation. Now if you will excuse me, I must find the Divinites." He walks away leaving a stunned Loki.

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After retrieving her Lanka from her ship, Aran made her way to the range within the Training room. Upon reaching the empty room Aran began to set up moving targets as far as the room allowed. Well its been a while since I used any weapon with travel time, i've gotten too reliant on my Lex in the past few years. I also hear that a corpus invasion is along the horizon, just another reason to sharpen my skills even further. Aran fires at the first moving target and misses the center by a few inches. Damn, even at this distance hitting a target the size of a melon has become difficult, once again. But WOW is that cyan plasma bolt bright, might have to change the colour once i get back to the workstation on my ship. I wonder why this place is so empty at the moment, a corpus invasion is on the way! then again I did see that mag was planning to train later with that excalibur, Tatsuya I believe his name was and Gaia. I wonder how they both are in combat, i just might have to offer my assistance in their training and see how Gaia is in a fight. While deep in thought Aran picks off each target with terrifying accuracy for the next few hours.

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"Whaaa? I don't need lay down. I am foin..." He stumbles out of his chair before dropping to the floor. "Shee? I am alls right."


Pyre attempted to help Shinkiro to his feet. "Of course you are but doesn't sleep sound good right now? We're going to have a big battle in the morning and we should be at our best, shouldn't we?" She was hoping that Shinkiro would listen to her reason if she went around the topic of him being somewhat drunk.


Tyranis could feel Mortos' caution towards him. This was to be expected. "I hope you don't believe me to be a blind server Father. The Lotus wants to end this war just as bad as your Church. A Tenno may be worth a thousand Corpus or Greenier. But there are simply far too many of them even you can see that." He rose from his chair and moved closer to Mortos. "I owe the Lotus nothing, i serve to serve my kin. I ask you for two things Father." 


"One. I've reason to believe you have thought up a way to eradicate the Corpus and Grineer, even the Infestation... i ask what you are planning."

"Two. That young Mag and Excalibur, Miho and Tatsuya i believe you call them. I wish to take them under my wing. They have great potential despite their inexperience." Tyranis removed his weapons from his person and put them aside as a sign to Mortos that he really meant no harm. If Mortos rejected he would not resist.


"Gaia and I have thought of a way to combat the sheer numbers of the Corpus and Grineer but I cannot yet reveal that. It would be best that our methods remain between myself and Gaia lest another rogue Nyx attacks and pries secrets from the mind of one of our allies." He was right to be careful, not only because of his suspicion regarding the Lotus sending spies but also because it was unlikely that rogue Nyx was the last rogue Tenno they would ever come across.


"As for Tatsuya and Miho, Gaia will be helping them train and she has promised them that the church will assist them as well in any way we can. You may help but they are under my sister's guidance." As Mortos picked a few pieces of darkened metal from his desk and began fitting the parts together to form the base of a new lantern, he asked, "Is there anything else?"


"That would be much appreciated, which time would be suitable for you?"


"For me, any time for the most part. I am largely free to roam but I spend much of my time helping those I come across who are in need of the help." Gaia smiled a bit, her helmet still off and sitting on the table where she could easily reach it.

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Should the Cardina return to her Quarters, she'd may be surprised to get a message on her Data-pad or one of the Engineers. It read the Following.

Madam Cardina

In Light of recent events, we didn't have much time to talk but as it is, I doubt we'll have that chat sometime. Anyway I digress

The Grineer Network is going Berserk, Several of their bases and outposts have become nothing more than uninhabitable Ice cubes due to Cross's anger and determination to locate his daughter, We have been following him the best we can but from experience an Enraged Prime is Rarely stopped Frost or otherwise. Unfortunately due to this Search, We had sustained casualties including our Armoury-Master, Sovereign, A Rhino who took more than he can handle. We sent his Body to the Void. The Shark was also damaged so we won't be returning to the Church for a month or so.

But we did get a positive result from this. Cross managed to Find his Daughter. It turns out Amber was about to be sold to the Corpus, Now two ships lie as frozen derelicts. All we need to do is wait until the Cryosleep counter ends. We're near a Tenno Repair outpost so we'll be fine for the moment, But I'll still need to find a new Armoury-Master sometime, I'm sure I'll find someone capable and sober enough.

Anyway. Too keep it short, We're all find and we managed to get her from Grineer/Corpus hands.


Leonardo; Commander of The Shark.


Cardina activated the holo-display of her throat comm as she walked across the hanger, and the message immediately wiped the smile from her face. "Comm, record voice message and attach text transcript," she commanded the device to reply to Leo's message. 


"Captain Leo,


I am truly sorry to hear of the anguish I've caused your friend, Cross, and I regret even more the loss of the Rhino, Sovereign. It is an incalculable blow to the Tenno cause to lose such a powerful and brave Warrior-God, Void rest his soul, and I pray Gaia's light will guide you in this time of grief.


Amber, I dearly wish I could speak to you sooner. It has been so, so long since we last met. As I'm sure you suspect, I have forgotten everything about you besides what little I could gleam from my memoirs. We have a lot of catching up to do; I am the Herald of the Church of Ascension, housed on the same vessel we were trained on as initiates. As it turns out, I had never left it. Temperance has found his way here, serendipitously, so when the Shark is repaired, and any more pressing business you have is tended to, I would be extremely grateful if you could come back and visit.


Again, I am deeply sorry for your loss of your friend. As Mortos' death claimed your foes, I pray Gaia's life will give you hope.


signed Cardina, Herald of the Ascension."


She closed the recording and sent the message.

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"For me, any time for the most part. I am largely free to roam but I spend much of my time helping those I come across who are in need of the help." Gaia smiled a bit, her helmet still off and sitting on the table where she could easily reach it.


Argus entered the cafeteria as that was where he last saw Gaia, and his search bore fruit, he finds Gaia speaking with a Tenno he assumes was with the Church, approaching them, he wastes no effort in making his presence known. Bowing in respect he greets her, "Ah Lady Gaia, is this a bad time? I just wished to discuss you with something."

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Arthur looked up as the doors to the cafeteria opened to see a Nova and a Volt enter only to seconds later return his attention to their little discussion around the table. Jinx had explained what had transpired in the garden and expressed her concern of their practices.


Munin had listened, his helmet concealing any facial expression he might have had. "This is disturbing to be sure. Cannibalism... But we cannot base our entire report on a first impression on one of their members. We need to know more. I'll try and get an audience with these Divinities and you two...Stay. Out. Of. Trouble this time. We need information, not more enemies.


Jinx leaned back in her chair with her arms folded over her chest "And then we have the Corpus inbound."


"We can't leave now. Our objective isn't finished yet, and Tenno never run away from battle" Arthur pointed out to her sister.


"I weren't suggesting that ether. They appear to have civilian refugees and Red Vail people here, and frankly I'm afraid of what will happen to them if things go bad for these nutcases."


Munin looked over to Jinx and with a stern voice said "Enough Jinx. I've heard your opinion, but you need to watch your tongue. Now eat, and then we'll get back to work"


Cardina entered the cafeteria, noticing the Nyx she had argued with in the garden. Apparently she was conversing with her associates. 


"Hello, I regret that I haven't had the opportunity to formally welcome you to our Church," Cardina approached the group and bowed slightly, touching her fingertips to her throat in the sign of the Ascension. "I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension." Standing upright, her white eyes flicked to Arthur. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you."

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"Gaia and I have thought of a way to combat the sheer numbers of the Corpus and Grineer but I cannot yet reveal that. It would be best that our methods remain between myself and Gaia lest another rogue Nyx attacks and pries secrets from the mind of one of our allies." He was right to be careful, not only because of his suspicion regarding the Lotus sending spies but also because it was unlikely that rogue Nyx was the last rogue Tenno they would ever come across.


"As for Tatsuya and Miho, Gaia will be helping them train and she has promised them that the church will assist them as well in any way we can. You may help but they are under my sister's guidance." As Mortos picked a few pieces of darkened metal from his desk and began fitting the parts together to form the base of a new lantern, he asked, "Is there anything else?"




Tyranis gathered his gear from the floor and re-equipped himself and rose from his chair. "That will be all Father, I will ask your sister if I may assist with their training, if for any reason you still don't trust me you may arrest me, or perform whatever punishment you deem necessary I won't resist." He paused for a moment, holding his eye again, the scar still burning. "Do take care Father Mortos." He left the chamber, then the Church, and faded into the halls of the derelict.

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