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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Argus entered the cafeteria as that was where he last saw Gaia, and his search bore fruit, he finds Gaia speaking with a Tenno he assumes was with the Church, approaching them, he wastes no effort in making his presence known. Bowing in respect he greets her, "Ah Lady Gaia, is this a bad time? I just wished to discuss you with something."


Gaia looked to Argus. "Oh, greetings Grandmaster Argus. It seems Mortos and I are quite popular today. Right now is fine for a discussion. Mortos, however, is busy at the moment but he should be available in just a few minutes if you need to talk with him as well."


Tyranis gathered his gear from the floor and re-equipped himself and rose from his chair. "That will be all Father, I will ask your sister if I may assist with their training, if for any reason you still don't trust me you may arrest me, or perform whatever punishment you deem necessary I won't resist." He paused for a moment, holding his eye again, the scar still burning. "Do take care Father Mortos." He left the chamber, then the Church, and faded into the halls of the derelict.


Mortos nodded. "As you wish." He returned to his work on the lantern, planning to meet up with Gaia one he was finished. He had received a private message from her via his communicator, letting him know that one of the visitors wished to speak with the both of them.

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Cardina activated the holo-display of her throat comm as she walked across the hanger, and the message immediately wiped the smile from her face. "Comm, record voice message and attach text transcript," she commanded the device to reply to Leo's message. 


"Captain Leo,


I am truly sorry to hear of the anguish I've caused your friend, Cross, and I regret even more the loss of the Rhino, Sovereign. It is an incalculable blow to the Tenno cause to lose such a powerful and brave Warrior-God, Void rest his soul, and I pray Gaia's light will guide you in this time of grief.


Amber, I dearly wish I could speak to you sooner. It has been so, so long since we last met. As I'm sure you suspect, I have forgotten everything about you besides what little I could gleam from my memoirs. We have a lot of catching up to do; I am the Herald of the Church of Ascension, housed on the same vessel we were trained on as initiates. As it turns out, I had never left it. Temperance has found his way here, serendipitously, so when the Shark is repaired, and any more pressing business you have is tended to, I would be extremely grateful if you could come back and visit.


Again, I am deeply sorry for your loss of your friend. As Mortos' death claimed your foes, I pray Gaia's life will give you hope.


signed Cardina, Herald of the Ascension."


She closed the recording and sent the message.

In another part of the Galaxy, Leo got the message, he was in the Hanger bay with the Cryopod of Amber as he stood up and read Cardina's calmly to himself, He looked Over to Cross who was still sitting down in shock. 


Both looked to the Cryopod as it beeped, Cross walked over to see his daughter again. It hissed and opened, The Auburn haired woman with blue eyes slowly got up and looked about, squinting as she saw blurry visions


"Dad?" she whispered. The Same whisper might also be heard to Cardina's ears

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"For me, any time for the most part. I am largely free to roam but I spend much of my time helping those I come across who are in need of the help." Gaia smiled a bit, her helmet still off and sitting on the table where she could easily reach it.


Argus entered the cafeteria as that was where he last saw Gaia, and his search bore fruit, he finds Gaia speaking with a Tenno he assumes was with the Church, approaching them, he wastes no effort in making his presence known. Bowing in respect he greets her, "Ah Lady Gaia, is this a bad time? I just wished to discuss you with something."

Munin gave the Prime a quick glance before turning his attention back to Gaia "Maybe you can speak to your brother so that you might determine which time suites the both of you, I'll be waiting your response"

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Pyre attempted to help Shinkiro to his feet. "Of course you are but doesn't sleep sound good right now? We're going to have a big battle in the morning and we should be at our best, shouldn't we?" She was hoping that Shinkiro would listen to her reason if she went around the topic of him being somewhat drunk.


The Ash just stood there, grinning at her. "Shleep does sound gooooooood....... You sure are very very cute..." Shinkiro falls back at on the side of the bed.

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Tyranis was not sure what to do now, he did not get the answers from Mortos he seeked. He was disappointed, but happy he would at least have the chance to pass the teachings of his former masters, and those before them onto a new generation. But he knew he'd be under suspicion for awhile, having told Mortos he was still in service to the Lotus, and being so bold enough to ask him what they were plotting. For now he retired to his ship and began to meditate. He would need to speak to Gaia later. And there were many people he had yet to meet.

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Gaia looked to Argus. "Oh, greetings Grandmaster Argus. It seems Mortos and I are quite popular today. Right now is fine for a discussion. Mortos, however, is busy at the moment but he should be available in just a few minutes if you need to talk with him as well."


"I just wished to inform that I will be leaving my son here in the Church as the clan's ambassador, I will be frank with you Lady Gaia, I am not doing this for the Clan or to increase relations between us, I am doing this to secure my son's future, since he will be the ambassador here, he will be away from the Clan Council's manipulation, they reluctantly agreed to my decision, they seem to have plans for my son but thanks to my decision it seems to have backfired. After the conflict with Corpus is dealt with he will be remaining here for the foreseeable future." Argus takes a deep breath, "I ask that you watch over my son, it is not easy to let go of my son like this. I hope this is agreeable to you."

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Cardina entered the cafeteria, noticing the Nyx she had argued with in the garden. Apparently she was conversing with her associates. 


"Hello, I regret that I haven't had the opportunity to formally welcome you to our Church," Cardina approached the group and bowed slightly, touching her fingertips to her throat in the sign of the Ascension. "I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension." Standing upright, her white eyes flicked to Arthur. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you."

Jinx felt her hands tighten into fists as she watched Cardina walk over to them. Having removed their helmets in favor of eating, Cardina would see a man and woman who by their looks would appear to be in their mid-twenties. With fair skin, dark brown hair and red eyes which stared back at her in a stern manner. After a rather awkward silence, Arthur finally answered Cardina "I'm Arthur, brother of Jinx" 

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Munin gave the Prime a quick glance before turning his attention back to Gaia "Maybe you can speak to your brother so that you might determine which time suites the both of you, I'll be waiting your response"


Gaia put her helmet back on in order to make use of the communicator in it. "He will be meeting up with me in just a few minutes. He is currently finishing work one something. It won't take long."


The Ash just stood there, grinning at her. "Shleep does sound gooooooood....... You sure are very very cute..." Shinkiro falls back at on the side of the bed.


Pyre decided, possibly against her better judgement, to share the bed with Shinkiro. Okay, I'm just doing this because he's a little drunk and we don't need him wandering off anywhere. No, definitely not doing this because I sorta like him.


"I just wished to inform that I will be leaving my son here in the Church as the clan's ambassador, I will be frank with you Lady Gaia, I am not doing this for the Clan or to increase relations between us, I am doing this to secure my son's future, since he will be the ambassador here, he will be away from the Clan Council's manipulation, they reluctantly agreed to my decision, they seem to have plans for my son but thanks to my decision it seems to have backfired. After the conflict with Corpus is dealt with he will be remaining here for the foreseeable future." Argus takes a deep breath, "I ask that you watch over my son, it is not easy to let go of my son like this. I hope this is agreeable to you."


Gaia nodded. "Do not worry. I will take good care of your son. With the recent repairs and the space it has opened up, there is also more than enough room for him to take his own room in the barracks." Gaia wasn't going to pry too much into a clan's politics but she could understand Argus' concerns. It definitely did sound like something was afoot in the Sun Clan.

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Gaia nodded. "Do not worry. I will take good care of your son. With the recent repairs and the space it has opened up, there is also more than enough room for him to take his own room in the barracks." Gaia wasn't going to pry too much into a clan's politics but she could understand Argus' concerns. It definitely did sound like something was afoot in the Sun Clan.


Argus smiles and bows, "I thank you Lady Gaia, I am glad that Tatsuya found you to look up to, he was one my best operatives in the 5 years he was in the Clan, a prodigy he is, I do not know what the council was thinking by expelling him."

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Cardina entered the cafeteria, noticing the Nyx she had argued with in the garden. Apparently she was conversing with her associates. 


"Hello, I regret that I haven't had the opportunity to formally welcome you to our Church," Cardina approached the group and bowed slightly, touching her fingertips to her throat in the sign of the Ascension. "I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension." Standing upright, her white eyes flicked to Arthur. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you."


Oh joy, Cardina's here. I wonder if I'll be able to make it through the night and be able to keep my head.

Overhearing that Mortos was busy, Arkas swore under his breath.

This day just keeps getting better, how am I ever going figure out what's going on with me? Maybe I should talk to...

He shivered.

Of course the only person that may be able to help me would like nothing more than to see me in peices

His head lowered to the table with a thud. It had been quite a stressful day, and he was starting to crack.


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Argus smiles and bows, "I thank you Lady Gaia, I am glad that Tatsuya found you to look up to, he was one my best operatives in the 5 years he was in the Clan, a prodigy he is, I do not know what the council was thinking by expelling him."


"Judging by what I have heard, it sounds to me like something is afoot. I would be careful if I were you. Not everything is as it seems." She smiled. "As for Tatsuya and Miho, they will be well cared for. I will see to that myself. On the note of Tatsuya, however, I wonder why Desolas seems to hate him so much and antagonizes him so much."

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Jinx felt her hands tighten into fists as she watched Cardina walk over to them. Having removed their helmets in favor of eating, Cardina would see a man and woman who by their looks would appear to be in their mid-twenties. With fair skin, dark brown hair and red eyes which stared back at her in a stern manner. After a rather awkward silence, Arthur finally answered Cardina "I'm Arthur, brother of Jinx" 


"Good to meet you," Cardina sat down across from them, smoothing out her black and red robe as she did so. "I'll be honest, I'm not here to socialize. To say the least, I've made an awful impression for my Church, and I need to remedy that." She leaned forward, setting her crossed arms on the table. "We search for true Balance between the undying forces of Chaos and Order, in the best interest of the prosperity of the Tenno. What you saw- that Tenno was a host to a powerful Infested creature, Dyar'krun'shul'ken, Golem of the Red Eyes and Death. If the host was merely killed, the mind would escape to the Hive Mind to plague the system, as a creature powerful enough to rival Lephantis. You are Tenno. You understand the cost of victory. I did what was necessary to protect my Church, and all Tenno." She sighs, looking away.


"I won't expect you to think what I did wasn't revolting. I would hardly be able to do it if I didn't know-" Cardina squinted her eyes shut desperately trying not to think of the event. "My memory cuts off, sharply and without exception, after five days. The fact that the experience would be banished from my mind is the only thing that made it bearable." Cardina snaps her attention back to Jinx and Arthur, balling her hands into fists on the table.


"I am not a monster," she glared. "My Church is pure of intent and purpose. If you are going to judge me and my Church, I wanted you to do so with all the facts."

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Pyre decided, possibly against her better judgement, to share the bed with Shinkiro. Okay, I'm just doing this because he's a little drunk and we don't need him wandering off anywhere. No, definitely not doing this because I sorta like him.


While Pyre was deep in thought, a small puff of smoke covered the bed. When the smoke would disappear, Shinkiro was missing and the door opened.

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"Good to meet you," Cardina sat down across from them, smoothing out her black and red robe as she did so. "I'll be honest, I'm not here to socialize. To say the least, I've made an awful impression for my Church, and I need to remedy that." She leaned forward, setting her crossed arms on the table. "We search for true Balance between the undying forces of Chaos and Order, in the best interest of the prosperity of the Tenno. What you saw- that Tenno was a host to a powerful Infested creature, Dyar'krun'shul'ken, Golem of the Red Eyes and Death. If the host was merely killed, the mind would escape to the Hive Mind to plague the system, as a creature powerful enough to rival Lephantis. You are Tenno. You understand the cost of victory. I did what was necessary to protect my Church, and all Tenno." She sighs, looking away.


"I won't expect you to think what I did wasn't revolting. I would hardly be able to do it if I didn't know-" Cardina squinted her eyes shut desperately trying not to think of the event. "My memory cuts off, sharply and without exception, after five days. The fact that the experience would be banished from my mind is the only thing that made it bearable." Cardina snaps her attention back to Jinx and Arthur, balling her hands into fists on the table.


"I am not a monster," she glared. "My Church is pure of intent and purpose. If you are going to judge me and my Church, I wanted you to do so with all the facts."

"Apparently" Arthur started "it was your rash and out of control actions that put you in that situation where you had to kill him to begin with, correct?


Jinx wrinkled her nose as she looked at Cardina "I've been poking around a bit and now know about the pirate attack. So answer me this...How comes that you killed every last single human you could get your hands on that attacked you...but spared the Tenno who had done the same?"


Arthur looked at his sister in surprise when he heard that. This was something she had not shared with him. 

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Sam continued to walk onwards, whistling her merry tune and singing a bit "Cause I got faith, of the heart, Dunno where my heart will take me, I can reach any Star..."


She continued on her way, looking around. Thinking philosphical thoughts then looked to see if their any other garden's aside from Cardina's, She asked one of the Acolytes, "Ah Excuse me? do you have any ah...Memorial areas or?"

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"Judging by what I have heard, it sounds to me like something is afoot. I would be careful if I were you. Not everything is as it seems." She smiled. "As for Tatsuya and Miho, they will be well cared for. I will see to that myself. On the note of Tatsuya, however, I wonder why Desolas seems to hate him so much and antagonizes him so much."


Argus frowns, "It was in terms of Tatsuya rising through the ranks so quickly, the boy at the age of 17, completed the Gold Mastery Trials. The boy is a sponge, he absorbs everything he is taught. Desolas on the other hand is hot headed, like my son and Tatsuya, they are second generation Tenno, meaning their parents are Tenno, Desolas believes because he is from a prestigious family, he believes that he is an elite, he thinks he is better than anyone. Tatsuya passed the Gold Mastery Trials with flying colors, and that made Desolas furious and jealous, saying that a no-name like him does not deserve such honors." Argus sighs, "And the rest is history, why the council favours him, I do not know."

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"Apparently" Arthur started "it was your rash and out of control actions that put you in that situation where you had to kill him to begin with, correct?


Jinx wrinkled her nose as she looked at Cardina "I've been poking around a bit and now know about the pirate attack. So answer me this...How comes that you killed every last single human you could get your hands on that attacked you...but spared the Tenno who had done the same?"


Arthur looked at his sister in surprise when he heard that. This was something she had not shared with him. 


Cardina's eyes narrow as she thrusts a finger towards Arthur. "I am always in control. I had to escalate the conflict to make Ahteryl reveal his hand; and be absolutely certain there was no other way to remove the threat. I do not use lethal force against fellow Tenno without cause, and I certainly do everything possible to make sure I don't have to eat them."


"Your intel of the pirate assault is mistaken, Jinx." Cardina leaned back again, expression deadpan. "I warned the pirates that every one of them that set foot on my Church would never leave it. They ignored me. I fulfilled my promise. If you ask my Acolytes personally, any one of them would tell you I was the very will of Chaos that day. I spared no pirate, Tenno or human, that dared threaten my flock. Gaia and some of my other acolytes saw fit to spare the defilers, and in the interest of preserving the balance, I thought it best to allow them. Tell me, Jinx, how difficult would it be for you to spare those who attacked your home and threatened your kin?"

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Argus frowns, "It was in terms of Tatsuya rising through the ranks so quickly, the boy at the age of 17, completed the Gold Mastery Trials. The boy is a sponge, he absorbs everything he is taught. Desolas on the other hand is hot headed, like my son and Tatsuya, they are second generation Tenno, meaning their parents are Tenno, Desolas believes because he is from a prestigious family, he believes that he is an elite, he thinks he is better than anyone. Tatsuya passed the Gold Mastery Trials with flying colors, and that made Desolas furious and jealous, saying that a no-name like him does not deserve such honors." Argus sighs, "And the rest is history, why the council favours him, I do not know."

Munin looked back at the prime, deeply concerned that a fellow Tenno was acting the way Desolas did "Then he acts without honor and should be taught the value of it"

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Munin looked back at the prime, deeply concerned that a fellow Tenno was acting the way Desolas did "Then he acts without honor and should be taught the value of it"


Argus sighs at Munin, "I wish it were that easy believe me. The council favours him so greatly, my son Attakai was originally supposed to lead the Honour Guard, but because of the council's voting, Desolas was chosen instead. In my eyes, Desolas is the Council's dog."

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After a few hours, and since no one else went in to the training room, Aran left the training room to go to the cafe and grab a snack. Upon arriving at the cafe Aran noticed a Nyx sitting across Jinx and Arthur. I wonder if this is that "Cardina" I've herd rumors about? The three or rather the Nyx across another Nyx and I believe that is Tetsuya, nope that isnt him. I think I'll give her the nick name "Card", just to p*ss her off sometimes. After grabbing some fruit and bottle of Orokin springs Aran sat down a few tables away, just far enough to be in hearing distance of Cardina's conversation but not too close to seem suspicious. "I am always in control" Aran hears Cardina say as she begins to sit. Welp it seems there is a control freak here, this isn't going to end well. I should avoid her for now, or at least wait until she is done with the other Nyx and Tetsuya.

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Cardina eyes narrow as she thrusts a finger towards Arthur. "I am always in control. I had to escalate the conflict to make Ahteryl reveal his hand; and be absolutely certain there was no other way to remove the threat. I do not use lethal force against fellow Tenno without cause, and I certainly do everything possible to make sure I don't have to eat them."


"Your intel of the pirate assault is mistaken, Jinx." Cardina leaned back again, expression deadpan. "I warned the pirates that every one of them that set foot on my Church would never leave it. They ignored me. I fulfilled my promise. If you ask my Acolytes personally, any one of them would tell you I was the very will of Chaos that day. I spared no pirate, Tenno or human, that dared threaten my flock. Gaia and some of my other acolytes saw fit to spare the defilers, and in the interest of preserving the balance, I thought it best to allow them. Tell me, Jinx, how difficult would it be for you to spare those who attacked your home and threatened your kin?"

"Still, no humans were spared now was it." Jinx leaned forward on her elbows, glowing red eyes looking Cardina straight into hers "You seem to like being in control an awful lot. Too bad you're seem incapable of it. Tell me, what would you be outside of this Derelict Cardina? Without those plants of yours? Nothing"


Arthur really didn't like where this was going. He felt as if he had been caught in the crossfire. He had to admit that Cardina really didn't give any good impression, but this was getting out of hand. Not to mention it went against what Munin had told them. 

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After a few hours, and since no one else went in to the training room, Aran left the training room to go to the cafe and grab a snack. Upon arriving at the cafe Aran noticed a Nyx sitting across another Nyx and Tatsuya. I wonder if this is that "Cardina" I've herd rumors about? The three or rather the Nyx across another Nyx and I believe that is Tetsuya, yep that's him. I think I'll give her the nick name "Card", just to p*ss her off sometimes. After grabbing some fruit and bottle of Orokin springs Aran sat down a few tables away, just far enough to be in hearing distance of Cardina's conversation but not too close to seem suspicious. "I am always in control" Aran hears Cardina say as she begins to sit. Welp it seems there is a control freak here, this isn't going to end well. I should avoid her for now, or at least wait until she is done with the other Nyx and Tetsuya.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Arkas had walked over to the table when he noticed Aran come in.

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"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Arkas had walked over to the table when he noticed Aran come in.

Aran had been so focused on eavesdropping on Cardina she jumped a little when the Arkas had walked over. "huh? oh hello again, please join me. I'm sorry but I don't think I ever got your name. Mine's Aran." jeez I got a little too focused on that little conversation. Maybe I'll talk to Card some other time.

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Aran had been so focused on eavesdropping on Cardina she jumped a little when the Arkas had walked over. "huh? oh hello again, please join me. I'm sorry but I don't think I ever got your name. Mine's Aran." jeez I got a little too focused on that little conversation. Maybe I'll talk to Card some other time.

"It's Arkas, and it's a pleasure to meet you Aran"

He took the seat next to her.

"So I noticed you were practically leaning in your chair eavesdropping on those guys" He indicates behind him with his thumb.

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While Pyre was deep in thought, a small puff of smoke covered the bed. When the smoke would disappear, Shinkiro was missing and the door opened.


Pyre sighed before she got out of the bed and took off running after Shinkiro, wherever he was. She grabbed her helmet on the way out and put it on. She called for a scanner sweep from one of the tactical officers, letting him know that the reason for it was a drunk Ash running around while invisible. She couldn't imagine anything involving drunk Tenno going well.


Sam continued to walk onwards, whistling her merry tune and singing a bit "Cause I got faith, of the heart, Dunno where my heart will take me, I can reach any Star..."


She continued on her way, looking around. Thinking philosphical thoughts then looked to see if their any other garden's aside from Cardina's, She asked one of the Acolytes, "Ah Excuse me? do you have any ah...Memorial areas or?"


The Acolyte responded, "A memorial? Well yes, we do have one. A stone where we engrave the names of those who have fallen."


Argus frowns, "It was in terms of Tatsuya rising through the ranks so quickly, the boy at the age of 17, completed the Gold Mastery Trials. The boy is a sponge, he absorbs everything he is taught. Desolas on the other hand is hot headed, like my son and Tatsuya, they are second generation Tenno, meaning their parents are Tenno, Desolas believes because he is from a prestigious family, he believes that he is an elite, he thinks he is better than anyone. Tatsuya passed the Gold Mastery Trials with flying colors, and that made Desolas furious and jealous, saying that a no-name like him does not deserve such honors." Argus sighs, "And the rest is history, why the council favours him, I do not know."


"It sounds to me like Desolas is quite prideful and the council may have some ties with the so-called nobility that has not been revealed. The more you mention, the more this sounds like something is amiss."

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