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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Samantha looked to the Memorial and it's tools. She looked about taking deep breaths as she holds back the tears. She takes a laser capable of cutting though rocks and her engraving, As she does so she can't contain her tears of sorrow and despair she ends up crying with sadness after posting the third name on the Memorial,


But after a moment she continued, still crying with a sorrow of a thousand souls, a passionate person who has lost so much....


Attakai was wondering around the hallways still stunned at what his father decided for him, he wondered the hallways until he heard crying, a woman crying to be exact, he followed the crying until he spots Samantha sobbing in front of what appears to be a memorial stone. Attakai approached the woman slowly. 'She must be mourning, so many deaths.... so many deaths.'


Removing his helmet, he kneels down beside with placing a hand on her shoulder, "Samantha, you uhm, you okay?"


Gaia sighed softly. "I understand. though I personally dislike violence and especially death. I prefer to incapacitate than to kill and to make it swift rather than to torture. It is unfortunate that conflict will always be a part of the cycle like life and death." Gaia really wished everyone in the system could just get along and coexist peacefully but Mortos had his own plans for bringing that about, starting with eliminating the Grineer entirely.


"Well, it seems I have takened a portion of your time Lady Gaia, Sir Munin, but I must get back to my quarters, I bid you two good day." With that he bowed and made his way out.

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Cyrios graciously accepted the plate, returned to his table and set the plate down upon it. Each of the morsels present on the plate gave off a delicious, enticing aroma that wafted upwards to greet him. The wondrous beauty of the turnovers would not be appreciated for long, however, as Cyrios began to mow down upon them, consuming each of the four pastries with an almost religious fervor. After cleansing his fingers of what delectable crumbs remained, Cyrios got up, strode to the two chefs, and promptly gave them what.money he had, which totalled out to be somewhere around 75,000 Credits.

"Truely exquisite. Worth every Credit and more."

Edited by fishworshipper
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Aran begins to eat her apple. "Oh yea, she did have a machete to your throat. Makes sense why you would want to speak with her, but she seems preoccupied at the moment having a cat fight with that other Nyx, who is she anyway?" She pauses to take another bite of the apple. "So what's your back story, seeing as those two will be at it for a while." She gestures towards Cardina and Jinx. I like this Ash, normally when i take off my helmet people always ask how I get all my hair, which is quite long, in to my helmet and not get "helmet head" after taking it off. I dunno it just works like that. But he noticed my eyes first, this should be interesting.



"Would you believe me if I told you that I'm a killer? Yes that's right, this Tenno who seems like he could barely justify killing a fly was one of Lotus's best assassins."

He leans the chair back on two legs, and starts messing around with one of his shurikens.

"I might have been the best, but my fellow operatives said that my "morals" and "honor" always held me back. They would tell me that you couldn't be a killer, and have a sensitive heart. Maybe they were right, but I stood by my choices, and despite all odds always got the job done."

As Arkas reminiscences, a fond memory brings a warm smile to his face.

"There was one Nyx and Vauban that agreed with my belief in values and honor. The Vauban, Cyrill, became my spotter and tech assistant, and one of my closest friends. Trisha was the first Nyx I had met that hadn't instantly walked away after what they saw in my mind. To my surprise, she actually liked the person she saw inside me, it didn't take long before we grew close....very close"

His kind green eyes started to sadden.

"It almost killed me when she died"

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Jinx grin got even wider "Oh no you misunderstand, you don't seem to have listened at all now. Then again, I wouldn't put that past you. By limited, I mean that you probably wouldn't be able to leave this place even if you wanted to. Or maybe you don't want to go outside, because you know you can't" 


Cardina quickly averted her eyes. "I- maybe I can't. But it doesn't matter," Cardina's eyes harden like steel again, "because I never will. I am needed here, I have a duty to my Church, I am the Herald of the Ascension, and it is my responsibility and honor to give up everything for my Church. My time, my freedom, my memory, my humanity, and yes, if need be, my sanity. Tenno are pledged to die to preserve to balance; I'm no Tenno. I'll suffer through every loss and horror this system holds, and by Gods, I'll live a waking hell to maintain true Balance."


Cardina stood up, her hands on the table. "Thank you for your time, Tenno. If there's anything else you'd like to know, I'm sure you can find me again." Cardina turned her back with a flourish of her robe, and walked off out of the cafeteria. "Unlike some, I have a job to do."

Edited by SnaleKing
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Samantha looked to the Memorial and it's tools. She looked about taking deep breaths as she holds back the tears. She takes a laser capable of cutting though rocks and her engraving, As she does so she can't contain her tears of sorrow and despair she ends up crying with sadness after posting the third name on the Memorial,


But after a moment she continued, still crying with a sorrow of a thousand souls, a passionate person who has lost so much....


The Acolyte, who was a Saryn, hugged Samantha briefly as she tried to cheer her up. "It's never easy but  I find comfort in thinking that those that have been lost are now in a much better place, free from suffering."


"I don't know... The cafeteria?" Shinkiro leaned his head on her shoulder. "My you are such a beauty..."


Pyre blushed a bit behind her helmet. "Why thank you." She led Shinkiro into the cafeteria, thinking that if he got a bit more food into his system, it could help absorb the alcohol he had taken in. It definitely wasn't any time for her to get distracted by compliments.


Attakai was wondering around the hallways still stunned at what his father decided for him, he wondered the hallways until he heard crying, a woman crying to be exact, he followed the crying until he spots Samantha sobbing in front of what appears to be a memorial stone. Attakai approached the woman slowly. 'She must be mourning, so many deaths.... so many deaths.'


Removing his helmet, he kneels down beside with placing a hand on her shoulder, "Samantha, you uhm, you okay?"



"Well, it seems I have takened a portion of your time Lady Gaia, Sir Munin, but I must get back to my quarters, I bid you two good day." With that he bowed and made his way out.


Gaia nodded. "I wish you a restful sleep, Grandmaster Argus." Once he had left, she looked to Munin. "Mortos should be here soon." Almost as if on queue, Mortos entered the cafeteria and took a seat next to Gaia. "I apologize for keeping you waiting, sister but I had a bit of work to finish and a visitor came to my chambers." He then looked to Munin. "Greetings, fellow Tenno. I take it you are the one my sister mentioned wanted to speak with us?"


Cyrios graciously accepted the plate, returned to his table and set the plate down upon it. Each of the morsels present on the plate gave off a delicious, enticing aroma that wafted upwards to greet him. The wondrous beauty of the turnovers would not be appreciated for long, however, as Cyrios began to mow down upon them, consuming each of the four pastries with an almost religious fervor. After cleansing his fingers of what delectable crumbs remained, Cyrios got up, strode to the two chefs, and promptly gave them what.money he had, which totalled out to be somewhere around 75,000 Credits.

"Trust exquisite. Worth every Credit and more."


The Volt took the credits and emptied them into a collection bin of sorts where any money they were given went. As usual, he was completely silent but the Saryn responded, "You have our thanks. This will greatly help us improve our stock of ingredients. We are also glad that you enjoyed our cooking."

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Tyranis sat alone at a corner of the cafeteria, leaning back in his table seat. He seemed to be daydreaming, his dream however was not pleasant. He was remembering how exactly he got that scar, how he lost one of his eyes. It was during a raid of a Grineer ship orbiting Saturn. His mission and that of his company was simple. "Distract the enemy while a fellow Tenno raided the ship for supplies." He was separated from his team, comms were jammed. The lights flicked, a grim voice came over his comm. "Your actions will not go unpunished, i will be your reckoning "Black Knight" Tyranis!"


A shadow danced around the room. It was him... "The Stalker" a Tenno who centuries ago left the way of the Lotus, consumed with hatred towards his fellow Tenno, and the Lotus for destroying his masters... The Orokin Empire... or so the entries of the Codex pointed towards. Tyranis had never faced The Stalker but had gotten reports of him slaying other Tenno, some he knew very well. This fight was personal. He waited for this ghost of the past to show himself. A puff of smoke and the shadow sprang forward, a heavy scythe with a sharp blade sweept across Tyranis' helmet, sweeping it clean off his head. The blow only staggered him and he quickly regained his balance. No sooner did he turn to face his foe once again was The Stalker already preparing his next attack. He had drawn his bow, and began to shoot arrow after arrow, Tyranis blocked each of them while slowly advancing towards his foe.


He saw an opening and raised his sword to strike down the traitor. But The Stalker had many tricks, he quickly reached to his sides and threw out what appeared to be Kunai, but they seemed larger, heavier. Tyranis again attempted to block the incoming attack. But these Kunai shred right through his Galatine, breaking pieces off of it and sinking deep into his frame. He coughed up blood and fell to his knees. He wouldn't give up and began to rise, The Stalker's mighty scythe came down like a hammer and cut Tyranis down his face and into his left eye. He raised his sword and got a clean cut on the torso of The Stalker before crumbling to the ground in agony. The Stalker lost grip of his weapon, holding the wound inflicted on him. He reached for his Kunai only to be struck by a Smite from Tyranis, an ability he used often as an Oberon.


The clunking of footsteps could be heard coming down the hall, it was Tyranis' squad, they heard him screaming and came to assist. Knowing he could not face four Tenno in his condition The Stalker disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Tyranis lost consciousness. That was the last time he saw The Stalker but he knew that one day he'd return to finish what he started

Edited by MasterDread
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"Would you believe me if I told you that I'm a killer? Yes that's right, this Tenno who seems like he could barely justify killing a fly was one of Lotus's best assassins."

He leans the chair back on two legs, and starts messing around with one of his shurikens.

"I might have been the best, but my fellow operatives said that my "morals" and "honor" always held me back. They would tell me that you couldn't be a killer, and have a sensitive heart. Maybe they were right, but I stood by my choices, and despite all odds always got the job done."

As Arkas reminiscences, a fond memory brings a warm smile to his face.

"There was one Nyx and Vauban that agreed with my belief in values and honor. The Vauban, Cyrill, became my spotter and tech assistant, and one of my closest friends. Trisha was the first Nyx I had met that hadn't instantly walked away after what they saw in my mind. To my surprise, she actually liked the person she saw inside me, it didn't take long before we grew close....very close"

His kind green eyes started to sadden.

"It almost killed me when she died"

Aran scoffs at what the ash just said. Is he trying to impress me? "so a tenno assassin? but have you left the lotus and lived the life of a bounty hunter? Didn't think so." Aran finishes her apple. "What is your preferred method of killing? Snipers, bows, shurikens, and/or ironically explosives are a silent way to kill. I go for snipers, My trusty Lanka here i picked up from a Corpus hitman that the Grineer hired me to kill for them to protect some random VIP, Tyl was his target but for a nice 2 million credits Tyl lived to see another day." Aran takes a sip of her Orokin springs water bottle. "I'd like to tell you more and show you my trophy room aboard my ship." looking over towards Cardina "But that will have to be at another time as it looks like Card has finished her little cat fight. You can find my ship next to Ty's in the hanger, its the Hunter-class ship, you'll know when you see it. I'll be there for a while organizing my stuff, see ya around." With that Aran picked up her helmet, left the cafe and returned to her ship.  

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Arkas chuckles as Aran walks away.

See? No one ever believes me

I believe you

He stopped laughing.

I have to find Cardina, as much as she scares the crap outta me.

Getting up from the table and taking a moment to scoot in his chair, Arkas starts after Cardina.

Please, please be able to help me


He started running.

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Arkas chuckles as Aran walks away.

See? No one ever believes me

I believe you

He stopped laughing.

I have to find Cardina, as much as she scares the crap outta me.

Getting up from the table and taking a moment to scoot in his chair, Arkas starts after Cardina.

Please, please be able to help me


He started running.


Cardina's ear twitched at the distinctive mouse-like footfalls of an Ash sprinting towards her. She swiftly turned with a devious smirk, which fell as soon as she saw who it actually was. "Oh," her shoulders sagged perceptibly. "Hello, Arkas. What troubles you?"

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Pyre blushed a bit behind her helmet. "Why thank you." She led Shinkiro into the cafeteria, thinking that if he got a bit more food into his system, it could help absorb the alcohol he had taken in. It definitely wasn't any time for her to get distracted by compliments.


"Aww ya taking me on another date? How shweet of youuuu....." Shinkiro was a bit hungry, but more sake came to mind so Pyre might just have to deal with the drunkard a bit longer. "Sho whats your name, beautiful? Must be shomething hot because you are on fire!"

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Arkas chuckles as Aran walks away.

See? No one ever believes me

I believe you

He stopped laughing.

I have to find Cardina, as much as she scares the crap outta me.

Getting up from the table and taking a moment to scoot in his chair, Arkas starts after Cardina.

Please, please be able to help me


He started running.

Tyranis awakens from his dream, placing his hand where his eye used to be as he muttered to himself "Twenty years huh..." He noticed Arkas rising from his seat, Tyranis wished to speak with him yesterday, but due to the incident he caused it had to wait. Now was a better chance then any, Tyranis knew Arkas, not personally but he had heard the stories. He rose from his table and followed Arkas, trying to close the distance so he could call out to him. 

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Cardina's ear twitched at the distinctive mouse-like footfalls of an Ash sprinting towards her. She swiftly turned with a devious smirk, which fell as soon as she saw who it actually was. "Oh," her shoulders sagged perceptibly. "Hello, Arkas. What troubles you?"


Arkas stopped and for a moment couldn't speak, he couldn't believe how crazy he was about to sound.

"Cardina....I need your help"

He started shaking

"Somethings happening to me, I can't remember what happened to me earlier, I can't sleep and....I'm starting to hear things"

Even as he said it, the words sounded like those of a mad man.

"I know this sounds crazy, and maybe it is, but I don't know what to do..."

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Cardina's ear twitched at the distinctive mouse-like footfalls of an Ash sprinting towards her. She swiftly turned with a devious smirk, which fell as soon as she saw who it actually was. "Oh," her shoulders sagged perceptibly. "Hello, Arkas. What troubles you?"

No sooner did he get close to Arkas did he realize he had walked right into Cardina. 

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Tyranis awakens from his dream, placing his hand where his eye used to be as he muttered to himself "Twenty years huh..." He noticed Arkas rising from his seat, Tyranis wished to speak with him yesterday, but due to the incident he caused it had to wait. Now was a better chance then any, Tyranis knew Arkas, not personally but he had heard the stories. He rose from his table and followed Arkas, trying to close the distance so he could call out to him. 


Arkas stopped and for a moment couldn't speak, he couldn't believe how crazy he was about to sound.

"Cardina....I need your help"

He started shaking

"Somethings happening to me, I can't remember what happened to me earlier, I can't sleep and....I'm starting to hear things"

Even as he said it, the words sounded like those of a mad man.

"I know this sounds crazy, and maybe it is, but I don't know what to do..."


Cardina looked over Arkas' shoulder to see another Tenno approaching. "Arkas, you know enough about what I've done to know I'm the last one able to call anyone crazy." Gods, this one is bad, though. Cardina's expression grew serious as she skimmed Arkas' surface thoughts. "What's wrong?"

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"Aww ya taking me on another date? How shweet of youuuu....." Shinkiro was a bit hungry, but more sake came to mind so Pyre might just have to deal with the drunkard a bit longer. "Sho whats your name, beautiful? Must be shomething hot because you are on fire!"


Pyre laughed a bit at the bad pun, finding it somewhat amusing. Granted, Shinkiro was drunk and his pick-up line was less than good but it was definitely amusing. "Thank you, Shinkiro. Maybe next time, we can go to that beach on Earth?" She led him over to the buffet and picked up a plate to put the food on.

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Samantha takes a moment as the Saryn hugged her, still upset and crying as she carves the last name onto the memorial.


Franklin Church 


Then she just puts her face into her hands and cries, it would be audible enough for anyone near to the gardens/memorial to hear it

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Inside the Izanami are Tatsuya and Miho asleep, with Miho snuggled onto her boyfriend's chest with her arm slung over him, "Tatsu?" he opens his, "Miho what's wrong? Can't sleep?" Miho nods, "Mmm, just excited I guess." Tatsuya looks at her, "Excited about what?"


Miho smiles, "I'm excited about the life we're starting here, tomorrow we'll be starting my training with Mother Gaia, and then we have to practically move all of our stuff into one of the quarters. We can't just stay in the ship you know? I want a proper room for us." Tatsuya could only chuckle at the way she said it, 'She acting like she's my wife now....... wife, maybe but it's too soon, at least we're together now, but then again, we're Tenno, we don't know when or where we are going to die. I'll just have to hold that thought, I don't want Miho to worry about me dying on a mission.'


"I'll talk to Mother Gaia tomorrow about giving us living quarters okay? So don't worry about that, what you need to think about is your training tomorrow. Now enough of all this, go back to sleep, we can talk more in the morning okay?" Miho nods.






"I love you."


"I love you too."

Edited by Unendingblade
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Pyre laughed a bit at the bad pun, finding it somewhat amusing. Granted, Shinkiro was drunk and his pick-up line was less than good but it was definitely amusing. "Thank you, Shinkiro. Maybe next time, we can go to that beach on Earth?" She led him over to the buffet and picked up a plate to put the food on.


"Beaach?! A hot lady like you would just make meh melt from whatever you're wearing to the beach." In an instant, Shinkiro had already put a small pile of food on the plate along with another bottle of sake. It is a wonder what the other Tenno are thinking about when they see the drunk Ash.

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Cardina looked over Arkas' shoulder to see another Tenno approaching. "Arkas, you know enough about what I've done to know I'm the last one able to call anyone crazy." Gods, this one is bad, though. Cardina's expression grew serious as she skimmed Arkas' surface thoughts. "What's wrong?"


Arkas tries to calm down and stop shaking.

"When I was telling Samantha about my past, I had started telling her about my participation in Gradivus when I blacked out. Later as I was trying to remember, I realized I have no memory of what happened during that time."

He looked directly into her fiery white eyes, almost pleadingly.

"What happened earlier and why can't I remember it?"


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"Beaach?! A hot lady like you would just make meh melt from whatever you're wearing to the beach." In an instant, Shinkiro had already put a small pile of food on the plate along with another bottle of sake. It is a wonder what the other Tenno are thinking about when they see the drunk Ash.

Seeing as Arkas would be speaking to Cardina for quite some time, and being near her gave Ty chills, he noticed an Ember Prime and an Ash picking out some food. Ash appeared to be intoxicated, his movement was awkward and he wasn't standing quite right. He strolled over to offer his assistance with helping the intoxicated Ash find a place to sit

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Arkas tries to calm down and stop shaking.

"When I was telling Samantha about my past, I had started telling her about my participation in Gradivus when I blacked out. Later as I was trying to remember, I realized I have no memory of what happened during that time."

He looked directly into her fiery white eyes, almost pleadingly.

"What happened earlier and why can't I remember it?"


Oh, Cardina could hardly keep her teeth from grinding, you can't remember five minutes of your life? B*tch, please. "I don't know," she replied coolly, "Do you think this have anything to do with your... alternate personality?"

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Samantha takes a moment as the Saryn hugged her, still upset and crying as she carves the last name onto the memorial.


Franklin Church 


Then she just puts her face into her hands and cries, it would be audible enough for anyone near to the gardens/memorial to hear it


The Saryn saw the name written down and guessed it was a relative of hers, likely a father or brother. She tried to comfort Samantha while she cried,


"Beaach?! A hot lady like you would just make meh melt from whatever you're wearing to the beach." In an instant, Shinkiro had already put a small pile of food on the plate along with another bottle of sake. It is a wonder what the other Tenno are thinking about when they see the drunk Ash.


Pyre reminded herself that Shinkiro was drunk but then again, that could mean that he was voicing his feelings since alcohol had a way of loosening a person's lips. Seeing him pick up the bottle of sake, she took it from him before handing it back to the chefs. "I don't think any more sake would be good for you." The last thing they needed was for him to get even more drunk.

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Samantha takes a moment as the Saryn hugged her, still upset and crying as she carves the last name onto the memorial.


Franklin Church 


Then she just puts her face into her hands and cries, it would be audible enough for anyone near to the gardens/memorial to hear it


Attakai just places his hand on her back, 'I don't think she heard me the first time.'


"Hey Sam you okay? You want to talk about? I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on." He then notices the name engraved on the stone and quickly pulls her into an embrace, "I'm so sorry."

Edited by Unendingblade
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As Aran reached her ship, she began to look back on what she said to Arkas. Maybe i was a bit too harsh on him, but then again at the time it didn't occur to me that others aren't as cold blooded as I am. Ah well I need to unpack some private things and sort through my arsenal alone. Aran closed the gunship's hatch, locked it and proceeded to unpack some mementos of her past. An old Paris, her first long range weapon, the remains of what was once a snipetron, now a cracked scope, and finally a canister containing something very special to her. Ok time to sort out the weapons, cant carry too much with me, looks too suspicious.

Her arsenal consisted of her Lanka, a Dread bow, Grinlok, Miter, Boltor prime, a Akmagnus, (soon to be) Aklex Prime, Twin Wraith Vipers, Dispair kunai, A Hate scythe, Obex, Dragon nikana, and last but not least Her dual Kamas. Well it seems everything I own is here, and grouped by type, finally sorted that out and I cant remember the last time I used that miter, probably not the best idea walking around with that thing on my back. I'd go with the standard dragon nikana and my Lex prime when I go out. But that is for later, now i just need to unpack the rest of my stuff, this is going to take a while. With a sigh Aran resumed unpacking her stuff.

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The Saryn saw the name written down and guessed it was a relative of hers, likely a father or brother. She tried to comfort Samantha while she cried,



Pyre reminded herself that Shinkiro was drunk but then again, that could mean that he was voicing his feelings since alcohol had a way of loosening a person's lips. Seeing him pick up the bottle of sake, she took it from him before handing it back to the chefs. "I don't think any more sake would be good for you." The last thing they needed was for him to get even more drunk.



"Whaaaa? Aww all right. I'll just make due with one." Shinkiro places another bottle on the place that he had in his hand the whole time.


Seeing as Arkas would be speaking to Cardina for quite some time, and being near her gave Ty chills, he noticed an Ember Prime and an Ash picking out some food. Ash appeared to be intoxicated, his movement was awkward and he wasn't standing quite right. He strolled over to offer his assistance with helping the intoxicated Ash find a place to sit


Seeing a Nekros coming over, he leans in to Pyre and spoke in a whisper. "Hey, am I dead already?"

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