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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Sam looked up to Attakai, wiping her eyes of tears and accepting the hug as the cries on Attakai's shoulder "Just so many I..." but her words get disrupted by the tears of sorrow and grief. 


The 10 names she put down hit her hard, drenched with the tears of a morning soldier. 

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"Whaaaa? Aww all right. I'll just make due with one." Shinkiro places another bottle on the place that he had in his hand the whole time.



Seeing a Nekros coming over, he leans in to Pyre and spoke in a whisper. "Hey, am I dead already?"


Pyre took the bottle away and this time, asked the chefs not to let him get his hands on any more for the day since they controlled the flow of alcoholic beverages. "No, Shinkiro. That's enough sake for one day." She then looked in the direction Shinkiro had looked in. "That's not a Nekros either. Actually, I have no idea who that is. I haven't seen him before."

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Oh, Cardina could hardly keep her teeth from grinding, you can't remember five minutes of your life? B*tch, please. "I don't know," she replied coolly, "Do you think this have anything to do with your... alternate personality?"

"My what?"

Arkas's brow furrowed in confusion

"Look I only know what Cyrill told me, which wasn't much, but are you telling me I acted like a completely different person?" Seeing the look of boredom on Cardina's face, he could barely keep the tone of desperation out of his voice "Look, I know I sound like I'm a babbling idiot, but please humor me, I wouldn't have come to you if it wasn't serious."

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Sam looked up to Attakai, wiping her eyes of tears and accepting the hug as the cries on Attakai's shoulder "Just so many I..." but her words get disrupted by the tears of sorrow and grief. 


The 10 names she put down hit her hard, drenched with the tears of a morning soldier. 


"It's okay Sam, It's okay, I'm here, I know exactly how it feels to loose someone, believe me I do. I know how it feels to watch your comrades die in front of you." He just holds her there, tears streaming down his face as well.

Edited by Unendingblade
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Pyre took the bottle away and this time, asked the chefs not to let him get his hands on any more for the day since they controlled the flow of alcoholic beverages. "No, Shinkiro. That's enough sake for one day." She then looked in the direction Shinkiro had looked in. "That's not a Nekros either. Actually, I have no idea who that is. I haven't seen him before."


"Oh, then I must be seeing things." Suddenly, Shinkiro falls flat on his face, knocked out cold.

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Pyre took the bottle away and this time, asked the chefs not to let him get his hands on any more for the day since they controlled the flow of alcoholic beverages. "No, Shinkiro. That's enough sake for one day." She then looked in the direction Shinkiro had looked in. "That's not a Nekros either. Actually, I have no idea who that is. I haven't seen him before."

Tyranis walked up to the Ember and the Ash and gave a bow, he knew not their names but extended his gentlemen like courtesy all the same. " I couldn't help but notice your friend here has seemed to over indulged on the sake. May i offer my assistance in helping you find a seat?" Edited by MasterDread
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"My what?"

Arkas's brow furrowed in confusion

"Look I only know what Cyrill told me, which wasn't much, but are you telling me I acted like a completely different person?" Seeing the look of boredom on Cardina's face, he could barely keep the tone of desperation out of his voice "Look, I know I sound like I'm a babbling idiot, but please humor me, I wouldn't have come to you if it wasn't serious."


For Arkas' sake, Cardina hardened her expression in a controlled glare. "Don't mistake my calm for indifference, Arkas. It's in everyone's best interests that I don't let emotion control me." Ok, now he thinks this is a pressing concern of mine. "Yes, there is a separate mind or personality in you. That's why you woke up with my Machete at your throat. It controlled you for a while, and I told it to relinquish your body or I'd cut it in two. This is a serious problem, and one I don't think you can handle alone. If you think it necessary, we can go to my Garden, and I'll pick your mind apart and extricate the problem."

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Tyranis walked up to the Ember and the Ash and gave a bow, he knew not their names but extended his gentlemen like courtesy all the same. " I couldn't help but notice your friend here has seemed to over indulged on the sake. May i offer my assistance in helping you find a seat?"



"Oh, then I must be seeing things." Suddenly, Shinkiro falls flat on his face, knocked out cold.

A sudden smile came across his face, sarcastic in nature but to keep himself cheery. "Well... there goes that idea. I'll help you get him up."

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"Oh, then I must be seeing things." Suddenly, Shinkiro falls flat on his face, knocked out cold.


Tyranis walked up to the Ember and the Ash and gave a bow, he knew not their names but extended his gentlemen like courtesy all the same. " I couldn't help but notice your friend here has seemed to over indulged on the sake. May i offer my assistance in helping you find a seat?"


A sudden smile came across his face, sarcastic in nature but to keep himself cheery. "Well... there goes that idea. I'll help you get him up."


Pyre blinked as she saw Shinkiro just collapse. She placed the plate on the table before taking hold of him on one side. "If you wouldn't mind, could you help me get him to my room? We share a room and it would probably be best for him to wake up there rather than on the cafeteria floor."

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For Arkas' sake, Cardina hardened her expression in a controlled glare. "Don't mistake my calm for indifference, Arkas. It's in everyone's best interests that I don't let emotion control me." Ok, now he thinks this is a pressing concern of mine. "Yes, there is a separate mind or personality in you. That's why you woke up with my Machete at your throat. It controlled you for a while, and I told it to relinquish your body or I'd cut it in two. This is a serious problem, and one I don't think you can handle alone. If you think it necessary, we can go to my Garden, and I'll pick your mind apart and extricate the problem."


"You know, when I first came here, I would not have seen any of this coming, but every step of the way this place has always had a surprise for me" He grimaced, "Who would have thought I would ever let a Nyx dig through my brain willingly, but I'm at the end of my rope. Lead the way Cardina."

"Oh and I just want to put it out there, I taste terrible"


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Taranis finished eating the bowl of cereal before realizing how many Tenno there really were in the cafeteria.


I should start getting to know these people at some point. I've been here a while and haven't said a thing to anyone other than that one Nova.


That would be wise. You are considering becoming part of the church aren't you?


Well first off, I just got here. All I've done is eat and donate some resources. I can't just come in and tell them that I'd like to join. Second of all, I don't know what this place is like. I've heard nothing but bat-sh*t crazy rumors, but as long as I don't get involved when it's unnecessary, then it won't be my problem.


He got up from his chair and placed his used bowl in a dirty dishes sink. Confused as to where to start his introductions, Taranis merely walked around the cafeteria looking, observing each Tenno, and then went outside.

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Pyre blinked as she saw Shinkiro just collapse. She placed the plate on the table before taking hold of him on one side. "If you wouldn't mind, could you help me get him to my room? We share a room and it would probably be best for him to wake up there rather than on the cafeteria floor."

Tyranis lifted up the Ash from the other side. He could easily carry him by himself but it would be easier this way. "Lead the way"

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"You know, when I first came here, I would not have seen any of this coming, but every step of the way this place has always had a surprise for me" He grimaced, "Who would have thought I would ever let a Nyx dig through my brain willingly, but I'm at the end of my rope. Lead the way Cardina."

"Oh and I just want to put it out there, I taste terrible"


Cardina gave him a long glare, before walking past him. "The taste isn't the hard part. Come on."


Shortly, they arrived at the Garden. Cardina ran a hand over the twisting trunks as they entered; Gaia had healed the overgrowth, but they were not yet pruned to Cardina's liking. It would take time, though, and would have to wait until after this ordeal. When they reached the center, Cardina indicated an altar, just the right size for a Tenno to lay down on. "Get on, and lay down your head in that nook. Contrary to what you may think, don't clear your thoughts, or meditate. I need thoughts to work with, and the more bait and loose ends you give me the better."

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Sam composed herself after a moment and took a few deep breaths. Standing up slowly as she looked on the names. 


"Franklin was my Dad, He died a few weeks ago..."


She took a moment to wipe her eyes and shake her head "The rest died in the Grineer Prison..."

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Sam composed herself after a moment and took a few deep breaths. Standing up slowly as she looked on the names. 


"Franklin was my Dad, He died a few weeks ago..."


She took a moment to wipe her eyes and shake her head "The rest died in the Grineer Prison..."


Attakai wiped his own tears away, "A Nova by the name of Zayra."


As soon he said that name, he just couldn't control himself, tears start to stream down his face like a waterfall, "She......she...was my mother."

Edited by Unendingblade
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Cardina gave him a long glare, before walking past him. "The taste isn't the hard part. Come on."


Shortly, they arrived at the Garden. Cardina ran a hand over the twisting trunks as they entered; Gaia had healed the overgrowth, but they were not yet pruned to Cardina's liking. It would take time, though, and would have to wait until after this ordeal. When they reached the center, Cardina indicated an altar, just the right size for a Tenno to lay down on. "Get on, and lay down your head in that nook. Contrary to what you may think, don't clear your thoughts, or meditate. I need thoughts to work with, and the more bait and loose ends you give me the better."



Arkas couldn't help but admire the strange beauty in the infested growth.

It almost looks pretty, in a gruesome awful sorta way.

Pausing before the altar, he turned to face Cardina. He then proceeded to hand her his weapons.

"I don't know what's going to happen when you start digging around in there, and I don't want to hurt you. Though, based off what I've seen, you wouldn't have much trouble handling that." Getting in position, Ark lays his head into the nook closing his eyes.


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Attakai wiped his own tears away, "A Nova by the name of Zayra."


As soon he said that name, he just couldn't control himself, tears start to stream down his face like a waterfall, "She......she...was my mother."

Sam looked to Attakai, sighing and giving the Loki a hug. "I'm sorry"

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Arkas couldn't help but admire the strange beauty in the infested growth.

It almost looks pretty, in a gruesome awful sorta way.

Pausing before the altar, he turned to face Cardina. He then proceeded to hand her his weapons.

"I don't know what's going to happen when you start digging around in there, and I don't want to hurt you. Though, based off what I've seen, you wouldn't have much trouble handling that." Getting in position, Ark lays his head into the nook closing his eyes.


"No," Cardina smirked as vines plucked away the weapons, dragging them into the undergrowth. "I won't." 


She wraps her hands around the Ash's head, and begins delicately picking at his thoughts, conscious and otherwise, searching for anything that didn't match. Memories that don't connect to one another, ideas that never touch; a divide. Cardina began to find pieces, here and there, of another... presence, in Arkas' mind. It's nature was still unclear, but sure enough, there were gaps in Arkas' conscious memory where the other thing struggled for control, or succeeded. Come out! she commanded, or are you afraid, creature, that I'll overpower you again?

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Sam looked to Attakai, sighing and giving the Loki a hug. "I'm sorry"


Attakai just took the hug, he could still remember that day, the day he lost his mother.


3 years ago


Grineer Cruiser, Saturn


Multiple Grineer lancers fell as 2 Tenno sped through the ship heading for the extraction point, as they near the extraction point, lights start  to flicker.


He has come.


A Nova signals a Loki to go on, "Attakai grab the data and go, I will hold him off." the Loki widens his eyes, "Mother no! We can face him together!" Zayra snaps to his son, "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! You must go my son." she hands over a small necklace to her son, "Give this your father, I am so proud of you son, you are the best son a mother could ask for. Now go, and know that I will always love you." Attakai relented and did what he was told, not knowing that it would haunt him forever.


As the Loki heads for the extraction, a dark silhouette appears before the Nova. Weilding a scythe.


"Your actions will always have consequences..... Tenno."


Present day.


Attakai still being embraced by Samantha, could only mutter one word, one word that was thought to be a myth, like something out of a fairy tail. One word that brought fear throughout the origin system.


One word.


He mutters, loud enough for Samantha to hear, "Stalker."

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"No," Cardina smirked as vines plucked away the weapons, dragging them into the undergrowth. "I won't." 


She wraps her hands around the Ash's head, and begins delicately picking at his thoughts, conscious and otherwise, searching for anything that didn't match. Memories that don't connect to one another, ideas that never touch; a divide. Cardina began to find pieces, here and there, of another... presence, in Arkas' mind. It's nature was still unclear, but sure enough, there were gaps in Arkas' conscious memory where the other thing struggled for control, or succeeded. Come out! she commanded, or are you afraid, creature, that I'll overpower you again?

Oh Cardina, why should I fear you? We're both cut from the same cloth, you and I. Well, at least after you stuffed your gullet with infested flesh.

In Arkas's mind there appeared a glowing orb surrounded by Infested vines. From inside, the faint sounds of laughter, weeping, and screaming could be heard.

Are you really going to take a risk to help this weaklings mind? You can't save him from his past anymore the you can save the Tenno you failed to save during the collapse.

Surprised? This link is a two way street darling.


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Oh Cardina, why should I fear you? We're both cut from the same cloth, you and I. Well, at least after you stuffed your gullet with infested flesh.

In Arkas's mind there appeared a glowing orb surrounded by Infested vines. From inside, the faint sounds of laughter, weeping, and screaming could be heard.

Are you really going to take a risk to help this weaklings mind? You can't save him from his past anymore the you can save the Tenno you failed to save during the collapse.

Surprised? This link is a two way street darling.


My past? Is that the best weapon you have against me? Trying to drum up my guilt by seeing what I've forgotten? Cardina plunged into the vines, parting them with a gesture to behold the glowing orb. You, weak, blind beast. You should not fear me for of what I'm made of, she reached out a black claw to seize the orb in its crushing palm. Fear me for what I can do.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Tyranis lifted up the Ash from the other side. He could easily carry him by himself but it would be easier this way. "Lead the way"


"Thank you for the help.", Pyre replied as she started moving. "Right this way." She led Tyranis right to the room she and Shinkiro shared. "So what is your name? I'm Pyre."

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"Thank you for the help.", Pyre replied as she started moving. "Right this way." She led Tyranis right to the room she and Shinkiro shared. "So what is your name? I'm Pyre."

He turned to face her, the scar over his left eye visable even through his long black bangs. "I am Tyranis, but you can call me Ty if you prefer." He lifted the Ash up to make it easier to get him into bed. "You should caution your friend not to over indulge himself."

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My past? Is that the best weapon you have against me? Trying to drum up my guilt by seeing what I've forgotten? Cardina plunged into the vines, parting them with a gesture to behold the glowing orb. You, weak, blind beast. You should not fear me for of what I'm made of, she reached out a black claw to seize the orb in its crushing palm. Fear me for what I can do.


Temperance jolted in his sleep at the touch of an unfamiliar mind.  This one was...curiously bifurcated, not so much two minds sharing space as one buried deep within the other.  He felt himself drawn along the link to stand beside Cardina as she grimly pried apart a sphere of infested vines, reaching with a crushing black claw for the pale orb in the center.  


Another mind shared with the Infested?  How common is this?


He focused himself, not on the orb, but on the space around them, and to his surprise, found a familiar presence.


Arkas?  Is that you?

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He turned to face her, the scar over his left eye visable even through his long black bangs. "I am Tyranis, but you can call me Ty if you prefer." He lifted the Ash up to make it easier to get him into bed. "You should caution your friend not to over indulge himself."


"I didn't think he would down an entire bottle of sake. An entire bottle of ice wine is significantly less alcoholic than sake it would seem as well. Choice of drinks aside, thank you once more for the help." Once Shinkiro was on the bed, Pyre sat down on the edge of the bed. She still planned to share the bed to make sure that if anything, she could keep an eye on him.


As she returned her attention from Shinkiro and back to Tyranis, Pyre continued, "Might I ask what brings you around this area of space?"

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