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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Ansilm had fallen asleep but was waken up by alarm of a Tenno hunter aka Zanuka somewhere "F*** please leave me alone for a moment" he mumbled while being half way awake but alarm sound went in to siren state "WHAT?!" he shouted and looked on the HUD "A Zanuka in vicinity? What's this s***?" he asked from himself quickly clicking the pad on the left side of his seat putting the seat back to straight position. "It is at the place where I was? Now this is strange. Ship's radar doesn't give any signature about Corpus ships even" he said "Well what about you just go check it out?" CB 12 asked "I am old but not stupid" Ansilm responded.


Turned his ship towards the church's docking station took his weapons to kill these hunters fast as possible calibrated the rifle of his for maximal damage. As the ship docked back he hopped off and followed the radar on his HUD found out that the hunter is on visitor's ship. "What the hell is this visitor even damn thinking?!" he gasped and took out a diary of his and pen draws the ship on it to empty open then puts them back to pocket and tries to find the owners of the ship but released more curses about the dumbness of the person who ever brought a Zanuka to this place.


The Zanuka somehow activated. In the machine's hud it read:


Booting sequence activated.....


Awaiting program....


Awaiting program...




No program...


No program...


The Zanuka just sat there, motionless, it had no program algorithms installed, it was a blank slate.


"Calm yourself, Tatsuya, or have my words left your head so quickly?" Cardina's glare was as cold and piercing as an icicle. "Act like the Tenno the Church needs, and the man Miho deserves. There's nothing you can do about your old clan, or that idiot Desolas. Let it go, and focus on what you can change in the future, rather than regretting the past."


Gaia sighed softly. "I wouldn't put it past him, based on what I have seen and heard but we can't make accusations without concrete evidence. Unless we are sure, we cannot afford to point fingers. Though I can say this. Whoever it is that wishes you harm, they will regret having made themselves and enemy of the Tenno and by extension, the church."


Tatsuya sighs and nods, "You are right Lady Cardina, gah I'm such idiot, I need to be strong, for the Church and for Miho, now then, would you two like to see that Zanuka?"

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The Zanuka somehow activated. In the machine's hud it read:


Booting sequence activated.....


Awaiting program....


Awaiting program...




No program...


No program...


The Zanuka just sat there, motionless, it had no program algorithms installed, it was a blank slate.




Tatsuya sighs and nods, "You are right Lady Cardina, gah I'm such idiot, I need to be strong, for the Church and for Miho, now then, would you two like to see that Zanuka?"


Ansilm was scouting for the owner of the ship containing the Zanuka but his searches were in vain. More time he felt that he wasted more closer he thought end of somebody at his sight would be even more possible. He doesn't want to allow it to happen weapons on his back made sounds as they collided on the extra layer armor called by Damage Devour able to take massive blows were it blade, bullet, rocket, impact, blast, projectile or a plasma. This armor will clearly stand unharmed and like an pine wood on a wind. (Dammit I don't want to breach an unknown ship. What else in the world it would contain even. I find myself lucky by not seeing any corpses around here) he thought as loud running footsteps of his echoed strong at the hallway to docking station.


His alarm went crazy now the Zanuka went active (SON OF A *****! Now I really got to hurry to find the owner of the ship!) He continued his thoughts as his sprint became even faster able to bring a wind after him as his armor slices through the air.

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"I bid you a good evening." As the door closed behind Tyranis, she laid down to rest next to Shinkiro. She put an arm around him just to make sure that if he did try anything, she would likely be awakened in the process.


"Hmm..." The helmetless Ash turned and put his arms around whoever was close. In this case, Pyre. 

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"Oh too bad, I wasn't even done with her yet" Jinx said with a somewhat smug expression as she watched Cardina walk away.

"I really thought you two were going to jump at each other. She seemed to restrain herself" Arthur looked with consern at his sister

"Of cores she restrained herself. She can't afford to lose face in front of people when she tries to uphold the illusion that she's in control. I think I'll let her live in that little illusion...for now. This is the only place she can pull it off."

"Control is an illusion?"




Munin had patiently waited to get a moment with the Divinities but there seemed to be a lot of others who wanted that as well. Hearing the young Excalibur's story and theories he had to agree with the divinities and their Herald. Munin then turned to Mortos "My Clan have thought these harvesters on many occasions and managed to gathered some Intel. If you'd like, we can share what we've discovered with you."

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Ansilm was scouting for the owner of the ship containing the Zanuka but his searches were in vain. More time he felt that he wasted more closer he thought end of somebody at his sight would be even more possible. He doesn't want to allow it to happen weapons on his back made sounds as they collided on the extra layer armor called by Damage Devour able to take massive blows were it blade, bullet, rocket, impact, blast, projectile or a plasma. This armor will clearly stand unharmed and like an pine wood on a wind. (Dammit I don't want to breach an unknown ship. What else in the world it would contain even. I find myself lucky by not seeing any corpses around here) he thought as loud running footsteps of his echoed strong at the hallway to docking station.


His alarm went crazy now the Zanuka went active (SON OF A *****! Now I really got to hurry to find the owner of the ship!) He continued his thoughts as his sprint became even faster able to bring a wind after him as his armor slices through the air.


Miho began to stir, she opens her eyes finding a note on the side table,




Something urgent came up and went to the cafeteria to find Mother Gaia, Father Mortos or Lady Cardina, I won't be long, if you need me I'll be at the cafeteria.




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Aran and Gandraya (still in the canister as a viral orb) are walking down the halls of the derelict, eventually they found Ty as he walked down the hall form Pyre's room. Ah there is Ty, I wonder how he will react to this? "Hey Ty, would you mind following me for a moment I need to talk to you privately."

What do you want him to react to, the two of us?

More you then "us", but I'm still debating weather or not to let you out, seeing as you killed the other researchers, as soon as you took my form.

But they were ex-corpus and I was scared.

Yea, EX-corpus.

Still corpus scum.

Point taken, just remember if you try anything funny, I WILL put you back in that can

Got it.

Aran leads Ty in to a nearby treasure room. Okay, Ty I hope you're ready for this. "In this canister is someone I'd like you to meet, her name is Gandraya." With that Aran set the canister on the floor, pushed a button on the top and the lid popped off. The now free Gandraya changed her form to her own, Almost exactly the same as Aran in every way but for her red energy and highlights on her frame and blood red eyes. "Hi I'm Gandraya, nice to meet you, Ty."

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The Zanuka somehow activated. In the machine's hud it read:


Booting sequence activated.....


Awaiting program....


Awaiting program...




No program...


No program...


The Zanuka just sat there, motionless, it had no program algorithms installed, it was a blank slate.




Tatsuya sighs and nods, "You are right Lady Cardina, gah I'm such idiot, I need to be strong, for the Church and for Miho, now then, would you two like to see that Zanuka?"


"I take it that it is aboard your ship? Mortos and I will catch up to you two in a moment.", Gaia replied.


"Hmm..." The helmetless Ash turned and put his arms around whoever was close. In this case, Pyre. 


Pyre was half-awakened by Shinkir's movements but seeing that he was just putting his arms around her, she gave a pleased sigh before going back to sleep.


"Oh too bad, I wasn't even done with her yet" Jinx said with a somewhat smug expression as she watched Cardina walk away.

"I really thought you two were going to jump at each other. She seemed to restrain herself" Arthur looked with consern at his sister

"Of cores she restrained herself. She can't afford to lose face in front of people when she tries to uphold the illusion that she's in control. I think I'll let her live in that little illusion...for now. This is the only place she can pull it off."

"Control is an illusion?"




Munin had patiently waited to get a moment with the Divinities but there seemed to be a lot of others who wanted that as well. Hearing the young Excalibur's story and theories he had to agree with the divinities and their Herald. Munin then turned to Mortos "My Clan have thought these harvesters on many occasions and managed to gathered some Intel. If you'd like, we can share what we've discovered with you."


Mortos replied, "That would be most helpful, given the impending Corpus attack. Are there any other concerns you wished to bring up or otherwise discuss with us?"

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After searching further from Cafeteria but not entering to the place he returned back to the docking station, kept eye on the ship and his radar to keep the Zanuka's location all the time on his mind. He doesn't know why it burst out of the ship but he doesn't either like the fact it hasn't come out of there. Greatest thing yet what made him extremely aware off and careful was that could it be possible that there is somebody inside of the ship. He resisted the urge to knock on the side of the ship few times to try get some kind of connection to somebody who ever is inside of ship. He waited.


Large swords on his back, Lex Prime behind his left shoulder and Rifle at his right upper arm. He pulled off the helmet pulled out a pad what has the same radar program what is on the helmet, sat down the lied the pad on his lap and waited.

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Mortos replied, "That would be most helpful, given the impending Corpus attack. Are there any other concerns you wished to bring up or otherwise discuss with us?"

"There is" Munin began in a deep voice "We seem to have arrived at a bad time when a lot of thinks was happening here...otherwise I would have tried to get in contact with you earlier. Our clan sent us here in response to your broadcast. It was....intriguing to say the least. Not many Tenno openly rejects the practices of the Lotus and so we would like to know more about your church." 

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"There is" Munin began in a deep voice "We seem to have arrived at a bad time when a lot of thinks was happening here...otherwise I would have tried to get in contact with you earlier. Our clan sent us here in response to your broadcast. It was....intriguing to say the least. Not many Tenno openly rejects the practices of the Lotus and so we would like to know more about your church." 


"We believe that the methods of the Lotus will lead to a slow extinction for our noble race. The balance she has many Tenno fighting for is just to keep two armies locked in a stalemate forever. That is not true balance.", Mortos replied.


Gaia added, "It saddens me that our kin have largely become mercenaries fighting for scraps and loyal only to those who would reward them with the most powerful weapons and modifications."

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Miho smiles at the note Tatsuya wrote her while she was asleep, but then she hears clanking noice, 'What was that noice? Sounded like it came in from the cargo room' she walks into to the other room to find a sitting Zanuka, the Zanuka looks at her. Miho freezes, then she lets out a scream loud enough for half the derelict to hear.

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Pyre was half-awakened by Shinkir's movements but seeing that he was just putting his arms around her, she gave a pleased sigh before going back to sleep.


It would be a long while later before Shinkiro would open his eyes. Vision was blurry from the intoxication, a red blurry blob was very close to his face. "Huh...?" He was in deep thought that he didn't notice that his arms were around a rather slender body. He rubbed his eyes a bit, letting out a small yawn before his vision was more clear. Shinkiro's dull, tired eyes transforms into wide, shocked eyes. "Oooookaaaay...." He thought to himself as he slowly wiggles his other arm out from under Pyre. Ever so slowly. Eventually he would free himself and sits at the side of the bed, legs crossed. And begins the hangover with a nice dose of headaches.

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Ansilm hears the scream as it screeches on his ears jumped on his feet putted the pad on his waist pocket picked up the helmet, put it on and knocked on the hull of the ship enough that the person who screamed must have heard it."Let us in quick! Do not freeze on fear there! Get the damn door open now!" he shouted as kept knocking on the hull but didn't even make a dent even if he would be able to do so.


He pulled out his rifle checked the ammo.

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"We believe that the methods of the Lotus will lead to a slow extinction for our noble race. The balance she has many Tenno fighting for is just to keep two armies locked in a stalemate forever. That is not true balance.", Mortos replied.


Gaia added, "It saddens me that our kin have largely become mercenaries fighting for scraps and loyal only to those who would reward them with the most powerful weapons and modifications."

"This is all too true, but how do you plan to change this?" There was a certain gravity to Munin's words "How will you achieve this true balance?" 

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Miho smiles at the note Tatsuya wrote her while she was asleep, but then she hears clanking noice, 'What was that noice? Sounded like it came in from the cargo room' she walks into to the other room to find a sitting Zanuka, the Zanuka looks at her. Miho freezes, then she lets out a scream loud enough for the entire derelict to hear.


Several nearby Acolytes rushed over to see what was going on, including a Loki, a Rhino and a Zephyr. They had heard the scream and had their weapons at the ready for a fight.


"This is all too true, but how do you plan to change this?" There was a certain gravity to Munin's words "How will you achieve this true balance?" 


"First of all, the despoilers must be punished. Those who have treated us as merchandise to be sold, defiled our kin and more. The Grineer and Corpus must be made to pay in blood for what they have done. At the moment, we are too small an entity to have much impact but we do what we can while we build up our strength."

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Miho smiles at the note Tatsuya wrote her while she was asleep, but then she hears clanking noice, 'What was that noice? Sounded like it came in from the cargo room' she walks into to the other room to find a sitting Zanuka, the Zanuka looks at her. Miho freezes, then she lets out a scream loud enough for half the derelict to hear.

Tatsuya hearing a familiar scream, his eyes widen, running towards the hangar, he lets a loud call as well.



Several nearby Acolytes rushed over to see what was going on, including a Loki, a Rhino and a Zephyr. They had heard the scream and had their weapons at the ready for a fight.


Cardina leapt over the table, knocking aside drinks and dishes to get to the source of the scream. She arrived in seconds, skidding to a halt with both Wraith Vipers clutched in her hands. Dammit, I'm not in my warframe; I'll have to be careful. "Rhino Acolyte! Get that door open, we don't have time for subtlety! Zephyr, cover him in case anything comes out!"

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Cardina leapt over the table, knocking aside drinks and dishes to get to the source of the scream. She arrived in seconds, skidding to a halt with both Wraith Vipers clutched in her hands. Dammit, I'm not in my warframe; I'll have to be careful. "Rhino Acolyte! Get that door open, we don't have time for subtlety! Zephyr, cover him in case anything comes out!"


Tatsuya rushes into the Hangar seeing Cardina without her frame, with 3 Acolytes.


He then spots a Tenno on his ship banging on the hull, "Lady Cardina there's an unknown Tenno banging on the hull! Hey you what the hell do you think you are doing!?"

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Tatsuya rushes into the Hangar seeing Cardina without her frame, with 3 Acolytes.


He then spots a Tenno on his ship banging on the hull, "Lady Cardina there's an unknown Tenno banging on the hull! Hey you what the hell do you think you are doing!?"


"Deal with him then, Tatsuya, I don't have a Tenno to spare! Zephyr, scan the ship for anything anomalous, is that Zanuka awake?"

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Ansilm hears Cardina's shout and then next the Tenno called Tatsuya shouted at him "My name is Ansilm! Counter Hunter for Tenno! Against all these damn things what hunts us! There is a Zanuka online on this ship and I heard a scream from inside! I have had attempted to get the whoever is inside open the door but this is not responding! IF YOU DAMN OWN THIS SHIP I COMMAND YOU AS AN ELDER TO OPEN IT! RIGHT NOW!" he shouted his shout was like a thunder on Earth. 84 years old man of warfare has know given a command.

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Ansilm hears Cardina's shout and then next the Tenno called Tatsuya shouted at him "My name is Ansilm! Counter Hunter for Tenno! Against all these damn things what hunts us! There is a Zanuka online on this ship and I heard a scream from inside! I have had attempted to get the whoever is inside open the door but this is not responding! IF YOU DAMN OWN THIS SHIP I COMMAND YOU AS AN ELDER TO OPEN IT! RIGHT NOW!" he shouted his shout was like a thunder on Earth. 84 years old man of warfare has know given a command.


'The Zanuka's awake!?' Tatsuya's world fell apart, he quickly rushed to the ship's door and opened it, "Miho are you in there!?" Tatsuya just gets tackled by a blue haired emerald eyed woman, Miho just cries into his chest, she thought she was going to get captured again.


*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*


A grey colored Zanuka armed with what seems to be a rail gun and missile launchers walked out and went down the ramp walking towards Miho and Tatsuya, it sits down in front of them, "Beep beep." it tilts its sideways. "Beep beep."


It then starts wagging its tail like a dog.

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Ansilm hears Cardina's shout and then next the Tenno called Tatsuya shouted at him "My name is Ansilm! Counter Hunter for Tenno! Against all these damn things what hunts us! There is a Zanuka online on this ship and I heard a scream from inside! I have had attempted to get the whoever is inside open the door but this is not responding! IF YOU DAMN OWN THIS SHIP I COMMAND YOU AS AN ELDER TO OPEN IT! RIGHT NOW!" he shouted his shout was like a thunder on Earth. 84 years old man of warfare has know given a command.


"I'll give the orders on my Church, Ansilim," Cardina's bitter calm was a sharp contrast to Asilim's roar; she knew she was in control here. "And what does it look like my Rhino is-"


'The Zanuka's awake!?' Tatsuya's world fell apart, he quickly rushed to the ship's door and opened it, "Miho are you in there!?" Tatsuya just gets tackled by a blue haired emerald eyed woman, Miho just cries into his chest, she thought she was going to get captured again.


*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*


A grey colored Zanuka armed with what seems to be a rail gun and missile launchers walked out and went down the ramp walking towards Miho and Tatsuya, it sits down in front of them, "Beep beep." it tilts its sideways. "Beep beep."


It then starts wagging its tail like a dog.


Cardina stared, eyes narrowed, at the machine. "The hell. Mother Gaia," Cardina raised the comms, "the harvester is active but not hostile. Your more... tender touch would be appreciated."

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Ansilm looks extremely unsure about his thoughts as sees the Zanuka being like a dog of the old Earth "Well..." he gasps sheathes his rifle "Garoy I have passive Zanuka right here. Do you know anything what has stroke on this unit?" he raises his left hand on his left ear place of the helmet then channeled incoming message of the head master Technician Garoy'Eldre's voice to loudspeaker. "Umm... Sounds like there is no files about his objective or critical program is missing.Garoy'Eldre's voice was able to be heard "You sure?" Ansilm asked "Well I wouldn't be a master technician without reason then?" Garoy asked. "Damn you" Ansilm said as closed the call.


He continued. "You two okay?" he asks as looks on the couple on the ground.

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After a hugging, depressing and crying session with Attakai. Samantha returned to the Hanger Bay, noticing the strange Dog like Zanuka that's not attacking with a blink. Sam walked over to the Zanuka for a moment and with some bravery within her than the Tenno proceeds to pet it with the caution that she might get shot.


"Aaaw who's a good Doggy!" said Samantha in a playful manner

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Ansilm looks extremely unsure about his thoughts as sees the Zanuka being like a dog of the old Earth "Well..." he gasps sheathes his rifle "Garoy I have passive Zanuka right here. Do you know anything what has stroke on this unit?" he raises his left hand on his left ear place of the helmet then channeled incoming message of the head master Technician Garoy'Eldre's voice to loudspeaker. "Umm... Sounds like there is no files about his objective or critical program is missing. Hold on I will be there soon" Garoy'Eldre's voice was able to be heard "Garoy will be here in about minute or two. Meanwhile I will be keeping eye on that thing. After that Cardina we have something to talk about... And I except you to radically know about what"


He continued. "You two okay?" he asks as looks on the couple on the ground.


"I'll give the orders on my Church, Ansilim," Cardina's bitter calm was a sharp contrast to Asilim's roar; she knew she was in control here. "And what does it look like my Rhino is-"



Cardina stared, eyes narrowed, at the machine. "The hell. Mother Gaia," Cardina raised the comms, "the harvester is active but not hostile. Your more... tender touch would be appreciated."


Tatsuya looks at Ansilm, "Yeah we're okay." He slowly gets up, Miho grabs his arms, "Tatsu don't what if it's-" Tatsuya smiles at her, "It's okay." he holds out his right hand, "Uhm, shake?"


The Zanuka did just that, it held out its paw and placed it on his palm. Tatsuya then notices its design, it was unlike any Harvester he has seen, it was gray with gold trimmings, even its head has a bit of gold on it, then his eyes widen, 'Wait gold? By the gods!'


"Lady Cardina? I think this Zanuka is equipped with Warframe Prime technology."

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