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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"I'll give the orders on my Church, Ansilim," Cardina's bitter calm was a sharp contrast to Asilim's roar; she knew she was in control here. "And what does it look like my Rhino is-"



Cardina stared, eyes narrowed, at the machine. "The hell. Mother Gaia," Cardina raised the comms, "the harvester is active but not hostile. Your more... tender touch would be appreciated."


Gaia received the message and replied, "I will be right there." She looked to Munin. "I apologize but there is an emergency which requires my attention." She excused herself from the table before running off to the hangar to see just what was going on. When she entered and saw that Samantha was petting the Harvester and the way it was acting, it confirmed what Cardina had said. It really wasn't hostile, apparently.


She approached the Harvester and knelt down on one knee beside it before stroking along its back, moving her hand to avoid the weapons on its back. She then looked to Cardina. "It is quite fortunate that this one is neutral but the questions remains. How did it become active?"

Edited by Sumika1204
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Cardina shrugged to Gaia. "I'm hardly a Vauban, this is far outside my area of expertise. That said, we should be careful with it; if it senses we are hostile, it will likely defend itself. I'd rather not have to risk a battle." She watched Samantha and Miho play with the construct, raising an eyebrow. "Though that doesn't seem to be an issue."

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Cardina shrugged to Gaia. "I'm hardly a Vauban, this is far outside my area of expertise. That said, we should be careful with it; if it senses we are hostile, it will likely defend itself. I'd rather not have to risk a battle." She watched Samantha and Miho play with the construct, raising an eyebrow. "Though that doesn't seem to be an issue."


Miho laughs at the Zanuka, "I thought I was gonna get captured for a second, thank goodness that isn't the case." Tatsuya could only sigh in relief, he thought he was going to loose Miho again, he turns to Gaia and Cardina, "That still begs the question, how the hell did the Corpus get their hands on Prime tech? The Primes are one of the most respected and honored Tenno, for the Corpus to capture a Prime, it's impossible!"

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Ripping through the hardened flesh of the cocoon, the Ash emerged from his prison, dripping in blue liquid. He turned to face Temperance.

His eyes burned with green fire

"Hello Temperance..."

Damin grinned, showing rows of sharp teeth.

((React without shooting him please))

EDIT: ((Or at least without killing him))


Well crap.


"I take it you're Damin?" Temperance said mildly, keeping his pistol at his side in a relaxed grip.  "I need to speak with Arkas, assuming he's in."

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Sam continues to pet and play with the strange Zanuka, rubbing it's belly and scratching any... ''Itches' it may have before attempting some tricks "Roll over!"


Attakai decided to follow Sam, he has taken a liking to her. When he enters the hangar, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Am I seeing this right? Sam what the hell are you doing that's a Harvester!"

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Tyranis had heard the shout come through the hallway of the derelict and quickly rushed to the scene, he could not make out what was happening from the angle he was at, nor did he have on his warframe or his weapons on his person. He spotted Lady Gaia and Cardina from the corner of his eye and hopped down behind them. "Whats going on here?" He asked as calmly as he could. "I heard screaming"

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Attakai decided to follow Sam, he has taken a liking to her. When he enters the hangar, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Am I seeing this right? Sam what the hell are you doing that's a Harvester!"

Tyranis had heard the shout come through the hallway of the derelict and quickly rushed to the scene, he could not make out what was happening from the angle he was at, nor did he have on his warframe or his weapons on his person. He spotted Lady Gaia and Cardina from the corner of his eye and hopped down behind them. "Whats going on here?" He asked as calmly as he could. "I heard screaming"


Cardina watched the Tenno running into the hanger, then turned on her throat mic. "Acolytes," she announced to the Derelict, "There is a non-hostile Harvester on the Derelict. Nobody has been harmed, the situation is well under control. Carry on." She closed the announcement. "I suspect the Prime components were from a Tenno still in cryosleep. Easy pickings," she added with a hint of disgust.

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Attakai decided to follow Sam, he has taken a liking to her. When he enters the hangar, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Am I seeing this right? Sam what the hell are you doing that's a Harvester!"

Sam looked over to Attakai "I know! but it's not shooting anyone is it?" asking more cheerful as she plays with the Zanuka prototype with a chuckle, still petting the thing with little to fear. Blooming heck, a Human who has more Gondoliers than a Tenno Warlord! "Aaaaw, I think we should call him Sphinx" 

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Sam looked over to Attakai "I know! but it's not shooting anyone is it?" asking more cheerful as she plays with the Zanuka prototype with a chuckle, still petting the thing with little to fear. Blooming heck, a Human who has more Gondoliers than a Tenno Warlord! "Aaaaw, I think we should call him Sphinx" 

Cardina watched the Tenno running into the hanger, then turned on her throat mic. "Acolytes," she announced to the Derelict, "There is a non-hostile Harvester on the Derelict. Nobody has been harmed, the situation is well under control. Carry on." She closed the announcement. "I suspect the Prime components were from a Tenno still in cryosleep. Easy pickings," she added with a hint of disgust.


Tatsuya clenched his fists, "For the Corpus to touch a prime, that's sacrilege!" Miho just looked at her boyfriend in worry, she then turned back to the Zanuka, hearing Sam about naming the Zanuka, "I'm going to name you Yuzuki! Which means gentle moon!" the Zanuka beeped happily, "BEEP!"


Tatsuya's mouth was wide open, "WHAT!?"

Edited by Unendingblade
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Gaia received the message and replied, "I will be right there." She looked to Munin. "I apologize but there is an emergency which requires my attention." She excused herself from the table before running off to the hangar to see just what was going on. When she entered and saw that Samantha was petting the Harvester and the way it was acting, it confirmed what Cardina had said. It really wasn't hostile, apparently.


She approached the Harvester and knelt down on one knee beside it before stroking along its back, moving her hand to avoid the weapons on its back. She then looked to Cardina. "It is quite fortunate that this one is neutral but the questions remains. How did it become active?"

Munin first saw Cardina leave in a hurry and soon after, Gaia as well. It only caused Munin to let out a tired sigh. "I hope this won't take long."

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Tatsuya clenched his fists, "For the Corpus to touch a prime, that's sacrilege!" Miho just looked at her boyfriend in worry, she then turned back to the Zanuka, hearing sam about naming the Zanuka, "I'm going to name you Yuzuki! Which means gentle moon!" the Zanuka beeped happily, "BEEP!"


Tatsuya's mouth was wide open, "WHAT!?"





"That's a good name actually" Replied Sam to Miho

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Tyranis moved past the crowd to see the commotion for himself, what he saw he could not believe. "A-A... Zanuka Prime?! Here?!" Ty approched Miho, Sam, and Tatsuya. "Are you three alright? Thats quite the pet you've found." 

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Cyrill had wandered aimlessly around the hallways of the church, constantly deciding against getting a drink, as he was expecting the Corpus ceasefire to come to an end as soon as he wasn't sober enough to be aware.


As he walked back through the hallway towards the hangar, many Tenno were scrambling towards him.


"Oh dear."  Cyrill began to run as well, not because of the Harvester threat, but the threat of the oncoming Tenno stampede.



Cardina watched the Tenno running into the hanger, then turned on her throat mic. "Acolytes," she announced to the Derelict, "There is a non-hostile Harvester on the Derelict. Nobody has been harmed, the situation is well under control. Carry on." She closed the announcement. "I suspect the Prime components were from a Tenno still in cryosleep. Easy pickings," she added with a hint of disgust.


I swear--I leave a point of interest for a minute to help out a friend and all hell breaks loose.  I can't be everywhere at once and yet it would appear I need to be.  I'd better check on Plexon to make sure nothing happened to him.  As Cyrill walked back towards the Nocturne, he looked around and paused.

There appears to be a particular lack of Arkas.


Cyrill was not too afraid, since he knew Arkas was strong enough to control whatever was wrong with him, but the members of the Church had a particular thing against possessions of any sort.


Cyrill walked towards Cardina, waving to catch her attention.


"Well.  That was frightening.  Speaking of frightening, by the way, I seem to have lost my Arkas.  I know you have a wonderful sense of where everyone and everything is in your Church, so I figured I'd ask you first."

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Cyrill had wandered aimlessly around the hallways of the church, constantly deciding against getting a drink, as he was expecting the Corpus ceasefire to come to an end as soon as he wasn't sober enough to be aware.


As he walked back through the hallway towards the hangar, many Tenno were scrambling towards him.


"Oh dear."  Cyrill began to run as well, not because of the Harvester threat, but the threat of the oncoming Tenno stampede.




I swear--I leave a point of interest for a minute to help out a friend and all hell breaks loose.  I can't be everywhere at once and yet it would appear I need to be.  I'd better check on Plexon to make sure nothing happened to him.  As Cyrill walked back towards the Nocturne, he looked around and paused.

There appears to be a particular lack of Arkas.


Cyrill was not too afraid, since he knew Arkas was strong enough to control whatever was wrong with him, but the members of the Church had a particular thing against possessions of any sort.


Cyrill walked towards Cardina, waving to catch her attention.


"Well.  That was frightening.  Speaking of frightening, by the way, I seem to have lost my Arkas.  I know you have a wonderful sense of where everyone and everything is in your Church, so I figured I'd ask you first."


"He's in the Garden," Cardina turned to Cyril, "fighting Damin, his alternate persona. I should probably check on him, actually, I doubt it went well. One second." Temperance, what's going on with Arkas?

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Aran and Gandraya, still looking for Ty, heard Cardina over the intercom.

So a friendly Zanuka, how odd.

Never encountered one that was "friendly"

Lets go see for our selves, can I come out of this canister now? I think its about time you introduced me to people.

Fine, but if you try anything funny, I WILL put you back in! Got it?

Got it.


Aran places the canister on the ground, pushes a button on the top and a lid pops open. The viral orb that is Gandraya floats out and takes on her true form. A Nova, jet black frame with red highlights and energy color, under the helmet a pair of blood red eyes and long black hair done up in a ponytail, almost exactly like Aran.



Yea, I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they see us

Alright then lets go see this "friendly Zanuka" in hanger 3, shouldn't bee too far from hanger 4.


Upon reaching hanger 3 the duo found almost everyone in a crowd around what appeared to be the friendly Zanuka.

((Yellow is when both Aran and Gandraya are speeking at the same time))


"Hey guys, I hear a friendly Zanuka is around"

"Sorry, I should introduce my self, I'm Gandraya."

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"He's in the Garden," Cardina turned to Cyril, "fighting Damin, his alternate persona. I should probably check on him, actually, I doubt it went well. One second." Temperance, what's going on with Arkas?


Cyrill halted after those last words.  "--wait, WHAT?  You just spoke babble to me, Herald.  What do you mean: 'alternate persona?'  Sure, Plexon can act different sometimes, but I'm not sure I follow."

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Miho laughs at the Zanuka, "I thought I was gonna get captured for a second, thank goodness that isn't the case." Tatsuya could only sigh in relief, he thought he was going to loose Miho again, he turns to Gaia and Cardina, "That still begs the question, how the hell did the Corpus get their hands on Prime tech? The Primes are one of the most respected and honored Tenno, for the Corpus to capture a Prime, it's impossible!"


Gaia looked to Tatsuya. "It's not impossible, sadly. As Cardina mentioned, they could have gone after our sleeping brothers and sisters. While being located in the void lends the primes some level of protection from outside threats, the Corpus are well known to be able to send ships into the void and have made their way inside the towers even. The Fusion Moa is a result of the Corpus using Orokin technology in their robotics."


Cardina watched the Tenno running into the hanger, then turned on her throat mic. "Acolytes," she announced to the Derelict, "There is a non-hostile Harvester on the Derelict. Nobody has been harmed, the situation is well under control. Carry on." She closed the announcement. "I suspect the Prime components were from a Tenno still in cryosleep. Easy pickings," she added with a hint of disgust.


The Acolytes received Cardina's message and returned to their normal duties or whatever else they were doing before. The Rhino remained in the hangar as he was on lookout duty.


Munin first saw Cardina leave in a hurry and soon after, Gaia as well. It only caused Munin to let out a tired sigh. "I hope this won't take long."


Mortos replied, "If anything, she can speak to me through her helmet's communicator on our private channel and I can pass the message along to you."

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Aran and Gandraya, still looking for Ty, heard Cardina over the intercom.

So a friendly Zanuka, how odd.

Never encountered one that was "friendly"

Lets go see for our selves, can I come out of this canister now? I think its about time you introduced me to people.

Fine, but if you try anything funny, I WILL put you back in! Got it?

Got it.


Aran places the canister on the ground, pushes a button on the top and a lid pops open. The viral orb that is Gandraya floats out and takes on her true form. A Nova, jet black frame with red highlights and energy color, under the helmet a pair of blood red eyes and long black hair done up in a ponytail, almost exactly like Aran.



Yea, I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they see us

Alright then lets go see this "friendly Zanuka" in hanger 3, shouldn't bee too far from hanger 4.


Upon reaching hanger 3 the duo found almost everyone in a crowd around what appeared to be the friendly Zanuka.

((Yellow is when both Aran and Gandraya are speeking at the same time))


"Hey guys, I hear a friendly Zanuka is around"

"Sorry, I should introduce my self, I'm Gandraya."


Tatsuya approaches Aran and bows, "I'm Tatsuya, the Mag playing with her, uhm, pet Zanuka is my girlfriend Miho." Miho looks at the Nova, "Hi! I'm Miho! Hey that tickles!" Tatsuya could only sigh.

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Well crap.


"I take it you're Damin?" Temperance said mildly, keeping his pistol at his side in a relaxed grip.  "I need to speak with Arkas, assuming he's in."



Damin laughs.

"You want to speak to Arky? Well, not that I have a problem with him talking, but he's to weak from our little...struggle"

He raises his hand.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. He and I have come to a certain, compromise. For now, while he is recovering, I will take control."

Stepping down from the altar, Damin goes to collect his weapons from the undergrowth.

"If I'm not mistaken, we have a Corpus invasion on our hands, and you're going to need every blade and gun you can get."

He reattaches his weapons, then walks over to Temperance.

"It would seem we're going to have to work together. Do not worry, you don't have to trust me."

Green fire of hatred began to burn in his eyes.

"Just believe in my wrath against the bastards....that took everything away from US!"

With those words, his helmet snaps into place.


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Tatsuya approaches Aran and bows, "I'm Tatsuya, the Mag playing with her, uhm, pet Zanuka is my girlfriend Miho." Miho looks at the Nova, "Hi! I'm Miho! Hey that tickles!" Tatsuya could only sigh.

Tyranis walked up to them, he was not sure if they would recognize him out of his frame, but the scar on his eye was a clear indicator for those who briefly did. "I can't seem to get any answers as to what exactly is going on here. Someone please enlighten me"

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Garoy arrived to docking station with his personal shuttle this human master technician's armor was covered with names of Tenno and art symbol of Friend of the Tenno. He hopped off "So Ansilm where is this neutral individual you were speaking about?" Garoy asks "On that bridge to that ship. Playing with a Tenno and a human" Ansilm replied as more Tenno came Garoy stepped on sight of Gaia, Cardina, Tatsyua, Sam and Attakai. He just made a look on the Zanuka putted odd looking glasses on "Well what do you see?" Ansilm asked "Silence. Everything takes this time my friend" Garoy said.


Before Tyranis came to the scene. "More I would like to get everything known, happen and done at the exact second" he mumbled.


Regardless of the names written on his craft and the symbol on it, Garoy failed to request permission to dock. Thus he was not granted permission and the energy shield blocking entry into the hangar was not lifted. His shuttle impacted the shield which held and prevented him from entering. The docking officer sent the message in, "Unidentified craft, state your name and business. Further attempts at unauthorized docking will be perceived as hostile and you will be shot down."


Tyranis walked up to them, he was not sure if they would recognize him out of his frame, but the scar on his eye was a clear indicator for those who briefly did. "I can't seem to get any answers as to what exactly is going on here. Someone please enlighten me"


Gaia looked to Tyranis. "From what I know, an inactive Zanuka which seems to have been left un-programmed regarding attacking us on sight turned out to have been a capture target on a mission Tatsuya did for his old clan that went horribly wrong. This Zanuka became active, seemingly by itself but due to the lack of programming, is neutral. It is friendly if we treat it well and I assume it will only be hostile if attacked."

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