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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Meanwhile, Pyre looked around, half-asleep as she tried to hug Shinkiro and found that there was nobody there. She sat up on the bed rather sleepily before looking around for signs of where he was.


"Ahh, you're awake, milady." Shinkiro did look turn around from the side of the bed. He was still sitting legs crossed and seemed to be meditating or sorts. "I... Apologize for my rather..." He straightens his throat. "Out of character behavior...."

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Damin opened up the scan report on his HUD, however the results didn't make any sense, unless.....

"Temperance, I need you to tell me everything about the Nyx you captured, don't spare any details"

Noticing his hesitance and discomfort, the infested mind couldn't help but be amused by the other Ash's discomfort.

"Relax, I don't bite...much"



"That's very comforting," Temperance said dryly.


"There's not much to tell.  Ephialtes, formerly of the Arma Spectra clan, sided with Alad V and his Corpus renegades after Gradivus in opposition to the Lotus and all other Tenno.  She mind-controlled most her clan into following her.  Her dojo was raided by multiple cells of Tenno, including the hacker Cyrios; the vast majority of the renegades were killed or incarcerated.  Last I saw, she was about to be executed by Mortos.  Anything else you want to know?"


Seriously Cardina, I could use a little backup here.

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"That's very comforting," Temperance said dryly.


"There's not much to tell.  Ephialtes, formerly of the Arma Spectra clan, sided with Alad V and his Corpus renegades after Gradivus in opposition to the Lotus and all other Tenno.  She mind-controlled most her clan into following her.  Her dojo was raided by multiple cells of Tenno, including the hacker Cyrios; the vast majority of the renegades were killed or incarcerated.  Last I saw, she was about to be executed by Mortos.  Anything else you want to know?"


Seriously Cardina, I could use a little backup here.


"Only one thing"

He stops his pacing to face Temperance.

"Where is her ship?"


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Tyranis still holding the data pad in his hands had seemed to have gotten lost in his search for Gaia, Mortos, and Cardina. He could not sense their respective auras like he usually could, his mind could not focus on the task. He continued to wander, hoping that he would at least come across somebody that could point him in the right direction. He found himself in a strange room with a large stone, a memorial by the looks of it. He sat down and began to read the names off. "So many fallen, brothers, sisters... Your deaths won't be in vain i promise you." He continued down the list until he came across a name he recognized. "Zayra...." He had fought beside her many times, he was old friends with her husband Argus as well. He had lost touch with them in recent years. To learn of her passing filled him with a deep sadness. She was a great warrior, a soon to be mother the last time they spoke.


"Who could have bested you Zayra?"

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"Only one thing"

He stops his pacing to face Temperance.

"Where is her ship?"


Temperance was silent for all of three seconds.




Without even bothering to holster his Lex, Temperance spun for the door, gesturing for Damin to follow.


"Keep talking," the Ash ordered.


Cardina, this is worse than we thought.  Someone helped Ephialtes get aboard the derelict.  Whoever it is, we need to find them.  Now.

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Cyrios stares in amazement at the Zanuka, unintentionally dropping his plate in the sink. A smile of both wonder and joy filled his face as he bolted towards the construct.

"Oh manohmanohmanohman OH MAN! Where did you guys find this!"


Tatsuya just stood there, a bit taken aback by his sudden excitement, "Uhm hi there and you are?"



Tyranis still holding the data pad in his hands had seemed to have gotten lost in his search for Gaia, Mortos, and Cardina. He could not sense their respective auras like he usually could, his mind could not focus on the task. He continued to wander, hoping that he would at least come across somebody that could point him in the right direction. He found himself in a strange room with a large stone, a memorial by the looks of it. He sat down and began to read the names off. "So many fallen, brothers, sisters... Your deaths won't be in vain i promise you." He continued down the list until he came across a name he recognized. "Zayra...." He had fought beside her many times, he was old friends with her husband Argus as well. He had lost touch with them in recent years. To learn of her passing filled him with a deep sadness. She was a great warrior, a soon to be mother the last time they spoke.


"Who could have bested you Zayra?"


Attakai who decidde to visit the memorial stone once more as he felt like he could be with his mother again, noticed a black Oberon mentioning his mother's name, the Loki who became curious decided to approach him.


"Uhm excuse me, but how do you my mother?"

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As the trio reached Aran's ship, and entered, both Aran and Gandraya removed their helmets reveling two similar faces but different eye and hair colours.

Draya, hon, let me handle this. "So Gaia, as you can see Gandraya here looks exactly like me except for her eyes and hair colour. This is due to her being a clone of me, but not just any clone, a clone made of a mutated Argon radiated technocyte virus, which can't reproduce due to being radiated. So there is only going to be ONE of her, Gandraya does posses the ability to change her form in to a small ball of the virus she is made of. The upside is to this is she is basically me but nicer to people."

"Gaia, we're also linked telepathically so we can speak to each other with out saying a word. Also Aran may say I'm a nicer person than her, which is true but on the battle ground I'd imagine that becomes a deadly weapon. Me and Aran here.

Gandraya pauses for a moment, then both her and Aran say together and bow.

"The Nova Twins at your service, Lady Gaia."

Aran quickly straightens up, and puts a hand behind her head.

"Well we aren't really twins but i has a nice ring to it."


Gaia blinked and looked between the two of them. "Well that explains why you two synchronised earlier when speaking at one point.  It will definitely help when the Corpus attack, having both of you fighting. Sorry to say but I must excuse myself and return to a meeting with someone. Have a nice evening." With that, Gaia left and returned to the cafeteria. She sat next to Mortos and sighed softly. "I apologize for the interruption but I have returned."


"Ahh, you're awake, milady." Shinkiro did look turn around from the side of the bed. He was still sitting legs crossed and seemed to be meditating or sorts. "I... Apologize for my rather..." He straightens his throat. "Out of character behavior...."


"It's okay, Shinkiro.", she said sleepily. "Just not so much sake, next time, okay?" Pyre was still half-asleep and at that point, could easily fall asleep at a moment's notice.

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Cyrios stared in a mixture of amazement, wonder and a bit.of jealousy at the construct even as he talked in a rapid-fire, no-space-between-words fashion.

"Hi I'm Cyrios master hacker good sniper never got a warframe-where did you get this?!"

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Temperance was silent for all of three seconds.




Without even bothering to holster his Lex, Temperance spun for the door, gesturing for Damin to follow.


"Keep talking," the Ash ordered.


Cardina, this is worse than we thought.  Someone helped Ephialtes get aboard the derelict.  Whoever it is, we need to find them.  Now.


Cardina rounded the corner to the Garden, seeing Temperance and Damin conversing. "Ephialtes had a conspirator?" she approaches the two, stopping next to Temperance and keeping a hand on her Machete Wraith's pommel. "We'll have to root them out, and there may be multiple. How to best go about this..." she drummed her fingers on the weapon's handle. "Oh, and Damin, you had better not be lying about Arkas still being intact, and dominant, or I'll rip you out of there myself."

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Tatsuya just stood there, a bit taken aback by his sudden excitement, "Uhm hi there and you are?"




Attakai who decidde to visit the memorial stone once more as he felt like he could be with his mother again, noticed a black Oberon mentioning his mother's name, the Loki who became curious decided to approach him.


"Uhm excuse me, but how do you my mother?"

Tyranis at first did not hear the Loki's question, he was deep in thought about Zayra's passing. But he soon felt his presence and faced the Loki. "Your mother was an old friend of mine. We had fought many battles together, same with your father Argus. How is he might i ask? Its been decades since i've spooken with him." Tyranis stopped for a moment.


"My my where are my manners. I am Tyranis, Ty for short if you wish. Your parents may have told you stories about me. The "Black Knight" as i was titled. I'm glad to see they raised you into such a fine young man, as well as a great Tenno i'd hope."

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"It's okay, Shinkiro.", she said sleepily. "Just not so much sake, next time, okay?" Pyre was still half-asleep and at that point, could easily fall asleep at a moment's notice.


"I have had quite a lot last night. But I promise you, Pyre, it will not happen." Shinkiro turns to her, giving her a soft smile. "You should get back to sleep. Can't have you awake without your beauty sleep. Also... Decided to sleep on my bed?"

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Tyranis at first did not hear the Loki's question, he was deep in thought about Zayra's passing. But he soon felt his presence and faced the Loki. "Your mother was an old friend of mine. We had fought many battles together, same with your father Argus. How is he might i ask? Its been decades since i've spooken with him." Tyranis stopped for a moment.


"My my where are my manners. I am Tyranis, Ty for short if you wish. Your parents may have told you stories about me. The "Black Knight" as i was titled. I'm glad to see they raised you into such a fine young man, as well as a great Tenno i'd hope."


Attakai bowed, "Greetings Black Knight, I am Attakai, son of the Iron Wall Argus and the Zayra the Red Death. It is an honor to meet someone of your caliber. My father is here in the derelict actually, he has appointed me the Ambassador here."

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Temperance was silent for all of three seconds.




Without even bothering to holster his Lex, Temperance spun for the door, gesturing for Damin to follow.


"Keep talking," the Ash ordered.


Cardina, this is worse than we thought.  Someone helped Ephialtes get aboard the derelict.  Whoever it is, we need to find them.  Now.

Damin wasted no time, and quickly followed after the other Ash.



Cardina rounded the corner to the Garden, seeing Temperance and Damin conversing. "Ephialtes had a conspirator?" she approaches the two, stopping next to Temperance and keeping a hand on her Machete Wraith's pommel. "We'll have to root them out, and there may be multiple. How to best go about this..." she drummed  her fingers on the weapon's handle. "Oh, and Damin, you had better not be lying about Arkas still being intact, and dominant, or I'll rip you out of there myself."


Seeing Cardina approach, Damin came to a halt.

When she threatened to "rip him out' of Arkas' body, Damin only smiled.

"I would love to see you try. However, I don't think it will be necessary. For the time being, we have more important things to discuss."

"Cardina, Arkas had started a search of the scanners archives, looking for a specific encrypted frequency that is used by the device that blew up your ship. We had learned the encryption during our time with Alad V."

"The search has finished, and the results show the scanners detecting the encrypted signal originating from..."

He paused for effect.


"The wreckage of the pirate ship."

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Attakai bowed, "Greetings Black Knight, I am Attakai, son of the Iron Wall Argus and the Zayra the Red Death. It is an honor to meet someone of your caliber. My father is here in the derelict actually, he has appointed me the Ambassador here."

Tyranis returned the bow with his own. "The pleasure is mine Attakai. I'm glad to hear you are in such high standing, and that your father is here. I'd wish to speak with him when time allows. Learning the death of your mother saddens me. If its not too much trouble..." He removed his helmet, long black bangs went down all sides of his head, the front ones being just over his eyes, or at least, the one that still existed. The scar that ran down his left eye was deep, forever closed, forever blind. "How did your mother fall?"

Edited by MasterDread
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Cyrios stared in a mixture of amazement, wonder and a bit.of jealousy at the construct even as he talked in a rapid-fire, no-space-between-words fashion.

"Hi I'm Cyrios master hacker good sniper never got a warframe-where did you get this?!"


Tatsuya was hesitant about revealing his past mission, "Let's just say that I got it from a mission. Oh where are my manners? I am Tatsuya, Acolyte of the Church of Ascension, my girlfriend Miho," Miho waves, "our Zanuka Hunter Yuzuki," turning to the woman from the Red Veil, "and this is Samantha Church am I correct, hey aren't you the girl Attakai has a crush on?"



Tyranis returned the bow with his own. "The pleasure is mine Attakai. I'm glad to hear you are in such high standing, and that your father is here. I'd wish to speak with him when time allows. Learning the death of your mother saddens me. If its not too much trouble..." He removed his helmet, long black bangs went down all sides of his head, the front ones being just over his eyes, or at least, the one that still existed. The scar that ran down his left eye was deep, forever closed, forever blind. "How did your mother fall?"


Attakai removes his helmet revealing his thick black hair, blue eyes and slightly pale skin like his mother's. He frowns and stares at Tyranis, and mutters one word that is all too familiar among the Tenno.


He growls, "Stalker."

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Damin wasted no time, and quickly followed after the other Ash.




Seeing Cardina approach, Damin came to a halt.

When she threatened to "rip him out' of Arkas' body, Damin only smiled.

"I would love to see you try. However, I don't think it will be necessary. For the time being, we have more important things to discuss."

"Cardina, Arkas had started a search of the scanners archives, looking for a specific encrypted frequency that is used by the device that blew up your ship. We had learned the encryption during our time with Alad V."

"The search has finished, and the results show the scanners detecting the encrypted signal originating from..."

He paused for effect.


"The wreckage of the pirate ship."


"Poseidon," Temperance snarled.  "That Void-damned Hyroid is too greedy for his own good.  Unless it's someone else hiding out there.  Can you determine anymore, Damin, Arkas?"

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"Poseidon," Temperance snarled.  "That Void-damned Hyroid is too greedy for his own good.  Unless it's someone else hiding out there.  Can you determine anymore, Damin, Arkas?"


"Gods damn it," Cardina swore. "If killing everyone that set foot here and destroying his ship didn't send a message- no, it can't be him, not intentionally. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the pirates was paid off by the Corpus to do a little meddling on the side."

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Tatsuya was hesitant about revealing his past mission, "Let's just say that I got it from a mission. Oh where are my manners? I am Tatsuya, Acolyte of the Church of Ascension, my girlfriend Miho," Miho waves, "our Zanuka Hunter Yuzuki," turning to the woman from the Red Veil, "and this is Samantha Church am I correct, hey aren't you the girl Attakai has a crush on?"




Attakai removes his helmet revealing his thick black hair, blue eyes and slightly pale skin like his mothers. He frowns and stares at Tyranis, and mutters one word that is all too familiar among the Tenno.


He growls, "Stalker."

Tyranis could see the hatred in Attakai's face as he muttered that named. He who has slain a thousand Tenno in his quest to destroy our order for what we did to his masters. He had taken from Tyranis as well, his eye and his pride as a warrior. To be so helpless before such a foe. "You and i have something in common then. He took my eye and my pride as a warrior. To be so helpless against that traitor brought me great shame. Do you intend to avenge your mother Attakai?"

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"Gods damn it," Cardina swore. "If killing everyone that set foot here and destroying his ship didn't send a message- no, it can't be him, not intentionally. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the pirates was paid off by the Corpus to do a little meddling on the side."


"Point," Temperance conceded.  "But how did they survive the destruction of the ship?  You sort of tore its reactor wide open, in addition to whatever they were doing with all that accumulated Void energy."


Not that I'm complaining.  I mean, if not for that little incident, we wouldn't be linked like this.

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Tatsuya was hesitant about revealing his past mission, "Let's just say that I got it from a mission. Oh where are my manners? I am Tatsuya, Acolyte of the Church of Ascension, my girlfriend Miho," Miho waves, "our Zanuka Hunter Yuzuki," turning to the woman from the Red Veil, "and this is Samantha Church am I correct, hey aren't you the girl Attakai has a crush on?"




Attakai removes his helmet revealing his thick black hair, blue eyes and slightly pale skin like his mother's. He frowns and stares at Tyranis, and mutters one word that is all too familiar among the Tenno.


He growls, "Stalker."

Sam shrugs "I dunno, Maybe" She replied as she continued to play with the Zanuka for the moment

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Tyranis could see the hatred in Attakai's face as he muttered that named. He who has slain a thousand Tenno in his quest to destroy our order for what we did to his masters. He had taken from Tyranis as well, his eye and his pride as a warrior. To be so helpless before such a foe. "You and i have something in common then. He took my eye and my pride as a warrior. To be so helpless against that traitor brought me great shame. Do you intend to avenge your mother Attakai?"


Attakai removed his right gauntlet revealing a jagged scar on his palm, "I swore a blood oath in her name, that I will be the one to bring down the blade of my Orthos into his heart. And I will stop at nothing until my vengeance is complete."




Sam shrugs "I dunno, Maybe" She replied as she continued to play with the Zanuka for the moment


Miho grins and whispers into her boyfriend's ear, "We should try to bring them together." Tatsuya grins as well, it's been a while since he could tease his old friend Attakai.

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Attakai removed his right gauntlet revealing a jagged scar on his palm, "I swore a blood oath in her name, that I will be the one to bring down the blade of my Orthos into his heart. And I will stop at nothing until my vengeance is complete."

Tyranis paced across the room as he spoke "I have been working on a way to draw him out, i knew he'd come back one day to finish me. But i cannot simply take you to face him, i will not endanger the life of the son of the two people i respected most. If you wish to join me then prove to me you have the determination, earn the right to your revenge! "Tyranis put his helmet back on and took a fighting stance, he had none of his weapons, only his fists and feet. "Show me what fruit your training as a Tenno has bared, show me the power of the Iron Wall and the Red Death!"

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