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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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As Taranis finished humming a few of his favorite songs, he noticed people were walking to the cafeteria. He got up and headed there himself. Right when he peaked through the door he saw what seemed to be a Zanuka or Harvester, except it had gold bits. Without hesitating, he went into the cafeteria knowing that there was probably no chance of it being hostile since there was no sort of fighting going on. He approached the people that were around the Zanuka/Harvester and asked, "So uh...what's with this harvester....thing?"

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Tyranis paced across the room as he spoke "I have been working on a way to draw him out, i knew he'd come back one day to finish me. But i cannot simply take you to face him, i will not endanger the life of the son of the two people i respected most. If you wish to join me then prove to me you have the determination, earn the right to your revenge! "Tyranis put his helmet back on and took a fighting stance, he had none of his weapons, only his fists and feet. "Show me what fruit your training as a Tenno has bared, show me the power of the Iron Wall and the Red Death!"


Attakai grinned, it was the same crazy grin that his mother had, putting his helmet back on and dropping into his mother's fighting stance. He let out a battle cry, and charged at Tyranis.






As Taranis finished humming a few of his favorite songs, he noticed people were walking to the cafeteria. He got up and headed there himself. Right when he peaked through the door he saw what seemed to be a Zanuka or Harvester, except it had gold bits. Without hesitating, he went into the cafeteria knowing that there was probably no chance of it being hostile since there was no sort of fighting going on. He approached the people that were around the Zanuka/Harvester and asked, "So uh...what's with this harvester....thing?"


Miho looked at the Volt ((Did I get it right?)), "Oh Yuzuki? I believe he is a Zanuka Hunter Prime or a Zanuka Prime for short."

Edited by Unendingblade
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Attakai grinned, it was the same crazy grin that his mother had, putting his helmet back and dropping into his family's fighting stance. He let out a battle cry, and charged at Tyranis.


Tyranis let out a smile under his helmet, it reminded him of the many times he sparred with Argus and Zayra, the fighting stance, the battle cry. It was a wave of nostalgia, memories of a better time as he advanced into battle against their son. "Your father, mother, and i always stood as equals! Will you be able to do the same?" The rush of combat had taken its hold as Tyranis awaited Attakai's first attack. Edited by MasterDread
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"Point," Temperance conceded.  "But how did they survive the destruction of the ship?  You sort of tore its reactor wide open, in addition to whatever they were doing with all that accumulated Void energy."


Not that I'm complaining.  I mean, if not for that little incident, we wouldn't be linked like this.


"Would all that void energy hide the signature of another spacecraft?"

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Tyranis let out a smile under his helmet, it reminded him of the many times he sparred with Argus and Zayra, the fighting stance, the battle cry. It was a wave of nostalgia, memories of a better time as he advanced into battle against their son. "Your father, mother, and i always stood as equals! Will you be able to do the same?" The rush of combat had taken its hold as Tyranis awaited Attakai's first attack.


Attakai kept his crazy grin as he fought, "OH HELL YES I WILL!" flying into the air and initiating a kick that mimicked his mother's.

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Cyrios frowned slightly, disappointed but not very surprised by the vagueness of the answer. When he finished with his visual inspection, he tapped the Zanuka lightly, a golden ring rippling outwards from the point of impact as Cyrios scanned it. Soon after, Cyrios spoke normally, his voice having a synthetic harmony as if it was made by a machine rather than an organ.

"Your, ah, 'Yuzuki' doesn't seem to have much of an A.I... I could fix that for you guys. If you want."

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Cyrios frowned slightly, disappointed but not very surprised by the vagueness of the answer. When he finished with his visual inspection, he tapped the Zanuka lightly, a golden ring rippling outwards from the point of impact as Cyrios scanned it. Soon after, Cyrios spoke normally, his voice having a synthetic harmony as if it was made by a machine rather than an organ.

"Your, ah, 'Yuzuki' doesn't seem to have much of an A.I... I could fix that for you guys. If you want."


Miho's face brightened, "Can you make him like a dog!? I always wanted a dog!" Tatsuya could only laugh at that, he hears a battle cry in the distance.




Tatsuya narrows his eyes, "Attakai what the hell are you doing?"

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Attakai grinned, it was the same crazy grin that his mother had, putting his helmet back on and dropping into his mother's fighting stance. He let out a battle cry, and charged at Tyranis.







Miho looked at the Volt ((Did I get it right?)), "Oh Yuzuki? I believe he is a Zanuka Hunter Prime or a Zanuka Prime for short."



"Well it certainly isn't acting like a Zanuka." He pauses for a bit. "My apologies for interrupting the discussion here. My name's Taranis." He looks at everyone before extending his hand out.

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Attakai kept his crazy grin as he fought, "OH HELL YES I WILL!" flying into the air and initiating a kick that mimicked his mother's.

"Just as your mother you would first attack from the air, she was unmatched in that regard. But i wonder if you have her reflexes!" Tyranis blocked the kick by blocking with his forearm, the ripple he could feel move through his body, he pushed upward to throw Attakai into a vulnerable position so he could strike with a kick of his own. He aimed it for the torso.

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"Would all that void energy hide the signature of another spacecraft?"


"It is possible," Temperance conceded.  "The properties of the Void are still very poorly understood.  But who could be out there?  And how would they have gotten Ephialtes on board?"

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Cyrios grinned, a row of pristine, golden teeth flashing at Miho.

"I can make it do just about anything, given a little time. I'll need to take it to my ship, though. Too much noise, too many people here..You can come and watch, if you want. Shouldn't take too long, and I'll be able to ask about specific details."

((No, he's not trying to flirt with her or anything.))

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"Just as your mother you would first attack from the air, she was unmatched in that regard. But i wonder if you have her reflexes!" Tyranis blocked the kick by blocking with his forearm, the ripple he could feel move through his body, he pushed upward to throw Attakai into a vulnerable position so he could strike with a kick of his own. He aimed it for the torso.


As Tyranis aims for his torso, Attakai uses his arms launching himself into air once more barely dodging the attack, feeling the wave from that attack, he lets out a maniacal laugh his mother would give him whenever they sparred when he was younger. As he flows in the air like a feather, his mother's Imperator Syandana flowed with him, he wore it in honor of his mother, he loved his mother, he loved her dearly, and that damned Stalker took her away from him. He laughed once more, he kicked once more, followed by a punch aimed at his chest.




Cyrios grinned, a row of pristine, golden teeth flashing at Miho.

"I can make it do just about anything, given a little time. I'll need to take it to my ship, though. Too much noise, too many people here..You can come and watch, if you want. Shouldn't take too long, and I'll be able to ask about specific details."

((No, he's not trying to flirt with her or anything.))


Tatsuya nodded, "Okay let's just get grab our food first then we can come with you." he gestured to Sam, "You wanna come with us or do you want to find out what Attakai was up to? He let out a pretty loud battle cry."

Edited by Unendingblade
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Sam looked to Tatsuya and Co and nodded to them "You go Ahead, I'm gonna try and have a conversation with Mortos...and overcome my fear of him." and the Red Veil went off to see the Father of the Church.


Sam was still rather nervous around the guy, but She had to face her fears. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

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Sam looked to Tatsuya and Co and nodded to them "You go Ahead, I'm gonna try and have a conversation with Mortos...and overcome my fear of him." and the Red Veil went off to see the Father of the Church.


Sam was still rather nervous around the guy, but She had to face her fears. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


Tatsuya nodded, he looked to Cyrios, "We'll just get our lunch then we'll be right with you."

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As Tyranis aims for his torso, Attakai uses his arms launching himself into air once more barely dodging the attack, feeling the wave from that attack, he lets out a maniacal laugh his mother would give him whenever they sparred when he was younger. As he flows in the air like a feather, his mother's Imperator Syandana flowed with him, he wore it in honor of his mother, he loved his mother, he loved her dearly, and that damned Stalker took her away from him. He laughed once more, he kicked once more, followed by a punch aimed at his chest.





Tatsuya nodded, "Okay let's just get grab our food first then we can come with you." he gestured to Sam, "You wanna come with us or do you want to find out what Attakai was up to? He let out a pretty loud battle cry."

Tyranis took the full force of the kick, he should have expected him to pull the same trick his mother had used on him so many times. He was nimble, he was fast, and his attack packed a punch. Having no time to recover from the kick he steeled himself and caught Attakai's fist in his hand, his grip firm and tight. He spoke to Attakai. "I'm impressed that you landed the first hit, i should have expected as much from you. But i have a few tricks of my own." Tyranis used his other arm to grip Attakai's and flipped him over his shoulders. Before Attakai could even hit the floor Tyranis had already spun around, launching a hard right jab into Attakai's chest, propelling him a few inches across the room. 

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"It is possible," Temperance conceded.  "The properties of the Void are still very poorly understood.  But who could be out there?  And how would they have gotten Ephialtes on board?"



"They could have used a diversion."


A light went on in his mind

"A diversion..."

It finally hit him.

"They're the ones who blew up your ship- they blew up your ship as a diversion. That's why it went off even though you weren't in it" He tsked. "Those clever little bastards."


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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"It is possible," Temperance conceded.  "The properties of the Void are still very poorly understood.  But who could be out there?  And how would they have gotten Ephialtes on board?"


"I understand it better than most," Cardina assured, boasting slightly. "We weren't exactly paying close attention to the detonation. If a ship was in, say, the hanger of the Bleak Veil, it could have certainly escaped our notice."


"They could have used a diversion."


A light went on in his mind

"A diversion..."

It finally hit him.

"They're the ones who blew up your ship- they blew up your ship as a diversion! That's why it went off even though you weren't in it" He tsked. "Those clever little bastards."


Cardina's eyebrows perked slightly. "You're surprisingly clever for a sociopath."

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"Well it certainly isn't acting like a Zanuka." He pauses for a bit. "My apologies for interrupting the discussion here. My name's Taranis." He looks at everyone before extending his hand out.


Miho took his hand, "I'm Miho, Acolyte of the Church of Ascension, this my boyfriend Tatsuya an Acolyte as well, I'm sorry we can't talk much right now, we're going to grab our lunch and follow Cyrios to get Yuzuki's upgrade, well not really an upgrade, just going to make him act like a dog."



Tyranis took the full force of the kick, he should have expected him to pull the same trick his mother had used on him so many times. He was nimble, he was fast, and his attack packed a punch. Having no time to recover from the kick he steeled himself and caught Attakai's fist in his hand, his grip firm and tight. He spoke to Attakai. "I'm impressed that you landed the first hit, i should have expected as much from you. But i have a few tricks of my own." Tyranis used his other arm to grip Attakai's and flipped him over his shoulders. Before Attakai could even hit the floor Tyranis had already spun around, launching a hard right jab into Attakai's chest, propelling him a few inches across the room. 


Attakai lands on his feet, he laughs, "I haven't felt this alive in ages!" as he charges straight  at Tyranis he hears a familiar voice.




Attakai turns his head, and spots a familiar Rhino Prime, "Father."

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Miho took his hand, "I'm Miho, Acolyte of the Church of Ascension, this my boyfriend Tatsuya an Acolyte as well, I'm sorry we can't talk much right now, we're going to grab our lunch and follow Cyrios to get Yuzuki's upgrade, well not really an upgrade, just going to make him act like a dog."




Attakai lands on his feet, he laughs, "I haven't felt this alive in ages!" as he charges straight  at Tyranis he hears a familiar voice.




Attakai turns his head, and spots a familiar Rhino Prime, "Father."

Tyranis froze at the roar of a familiar voice. The smile on his face grew wider, the feeling of nostalgia so great it made him laugh as he faced that familiar voice. "Iron Wall Argus! Your son informed me you were here! But i didn't think i'd get to see you so soon." The joy that filled his voice sounded that of a madmans. "I hope you aren't angry with me Argus its not what it appears. I wanted to spar with your son, to see what his training had brought, to see if he was his father's son. He honors you!."

Edited by MasterDread
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Tyranis froze at the roar of a familiar voice. The smile on his face grew wider, the feeling of nostalgia so great it made him laugh as he faced that familiar voice. "Iron Wall Argus! Your son informed me you were here! But i didn't think i'd get to see you so soon." The joy that filled his voice sounded that of a madmans. "I hope you aren't angry with me Argus its not what it appears. I wanted to spar with your son, to see what his training had brought, to see if he was his father's son. He honors you!."


Argus laughs, removing his helmet revealing a bald man with blue eyes, he approaches the two tenno, he shakes Tyranis's hand, "It has been too long old friend."

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Miho took his hand, "I'm Miho, Acolyte of the Church of Ascension, this my boyfriend Tatsuya an Acolyte as well, I'm sorry we can't talk much right now, we're going to grab our lunch and follow Cyrios to get Yuzuki's upgrade, well not really an upgrade, just going to make him act like a dog."

"Nice to meet you, Miho." He looked at the others before looking at the Zanuka Prime, "Sounds interesting...Don't worry, I won't be in your way any longer." Taranis bowed before walking off.

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Argus laughs, removing his helmet revealing a bald man with blue eyes, he approaches the two tenno, he shakes Tyranis's hand, "It has been too long old friend."

Tyranis had calmed himself by the time Argus had shook his hand, the rush of a true battle had been a feeling Tyranis had not felt in many years. "It truly has friend. I couldn't have been happier when i was informed by your son that you were here. I must apologize for my years of silence. We have a lot of catching up to do." He embraced Argus as he would a brother. " Please escort me to where you are staying."

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Tyranis had calmed himself by the time Argus had shook his hand, the rush of a true battle had been a feeling Tyranis had not felt in many years. "It truly has friend. I couldn't have been happier when i was informed by your son that you were here. I must apologize for my years of silence. We have a lot of catching up to do." He embraced Argus as he would a brother. " Please escort me to where you are staying."


Argus smiled gesturing with his hand, "Of course, please." turning his head towards his son he grins, "Attakai, it seems you have caught the fancy of a certain brown haired woman from the Red Veil."


Said son stumbles onto the floor, flustered and embarrassed, "W-w-w-what!?"

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"I have had quite a lot last night. But I promise you, Pyre, it will not happen." Shinkiro turns to her, giving her a soft smile. "You should get back to sleep. Can't have you awake without your beauty sleep. Also... Decided to sleep on my bed?"


Pyre sat up on the bed before stretching a little. "Sorry but I wanted to keep an eye on you in case you pulled another drunken stunt." She slid off the bed before walking over to her own to lay down.


Sam looked to Tatsuya and Co and nodded to them "You go Ahead, I'm gonna try and have a conversation with Mortos...and overcome my fear of him." and the Red Veil went off to see the Father of the Church.


Sam was still rather nervous around the guy, but She had to face her fears. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


An Acolyte saw Samantha knock on the door to Mortos' chambers and commented, "Father Mortos is in the cafeteria, talking with one of the visitors. You should go there if you wish to speak with him."

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Troubled with Cardina's abrupt departure, Cyrill chased after her, only to lose her amongst the hallways of the Church. After losing sight of her and heading back the way he came, he saw a figure stop in their tracks and turn towards an adjacent hall.  Someone...someone was going down the hall in front of him.  Cyrill began to follow, concerned about the fact that he had never seen this 'someone' before.

Let's see, Cyrill thought.   I have nothing to do currently but lose myself even more without a waypoint. If I'm right, everyone is in the cafeteria area.  I've never seen that 'someone' before, and I'm about to find why.


Cyrill went down the adjacent hall, knowing that Cardina and Arkas would have their situation under control.  Following the shadow of the 'someone,' Cyrill rounded the corner to see something he didn't want to see.


A terminal was lit up in a dark room, with a silhouette in front of it.  The terminal, in old Orokin font, read "Generator Controls."


And someone was tampering with it.

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