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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Taranis sighed when the emergency lights came on and went back to a slow walking pace. He kept walking for a few minutes until he heard what sounded like someone firing a Soma, and began to run in the direction from which it came. He instantly spotted the Harvester as he came around the corner, but there was also the Soma-wielding Ash.


Grabbing the Latron Prime of his back, Taranis spoke loud enough for the Ash to hear since there was a bit of distance between them. "Hey, uh...you want some help?"


He saw the female come out of the corner and blast the harvester with Wraith Vipers. Taranis watched the harvester prepare a missile barrage so he began firing at its head, hoping the convenient magnetic rounds would be of use.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK?" Still at a dead sprint, Cardina quickly reloaded her Wraith Vipers, as the Harvester shot forward a swarm of missiles at her. Cardina dove, sliding to the ground and spraying bullets at the missiles. A few rockets slipped through the hail of lead, slamming into the ground and wall next to her. I can't die! Cardina grit her teeth, getting up and running.


The crack-crack of a Latron turned the Harvester's attention, growling at the new threat. Cardina took the opportunity to turn the corner and get the hell out of there.

"Thanks for the help!" Temperance called to the newly arrived Volt. He vanished and reappeared at the Harvester's back, laying into it at near point blank with three quarters of his Soma clip.


The proxy ignored him, instead going for the Volt, who managed to decapitate it after a brief struggle.

"Thanks again Taranis," Temperance said, remembering the Volt's name as he helped him up. "Sorry I can't stay; I have a rendezvous to keep."

With that, he turned and sprinted down the hall, heading for Rien's waypoint.

Edited by Temperance000
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Tyranis sat by the Vauban known as Cyrill, still being restored by Ty's rejuvenate he could not yet get on his feet. The Harvester that attacked them lay a crumbled heap in the corner of the room, its head crushed. Tyranis could only be disappointed in himself for letting his emotions get the better of him. He did not despise the Harvesters. He despised the Corpus for turning his fallen brothers and sisters into those war hounds. He was about to tend to his wounds when he suddenly fell ill. "P-P-Poison?! In the claws?" The amount was not enough to kill, its purpose was clear, to immobilize for capture. He had to warn the others before it was too late. He opened the comms, his voice filled with pain. "T-The Harvesters... Their claws are laced with... Cicero Toxin!... Don't let them cut you!"  Feeling left his body as he collapsed on the floor. He could only pray help would arrive soon. For if another Harvester were to find them they would be doomed.

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Sam blinked as she heard the Commotion in the Hanger, pulling out her rifle and rushing to get to the Hanger, once she saw the Harvester outbreak, she nearly jumped a bit. 


But She wasn't that scared.


She rushed to fire at one of the Harvesters, which dodged and weaved her rounds like they were ping pong balls, then it rushed at her, Sam didn't have much time as she continued to fire as it sped towards her, She rolled out of the way and it ended up slamming into the wall...Only not in that kind of way, It started to Jump on Sam, Growling and Roaring Syntheticly, landing on Sam as she struggled against it and reaching for her knife! "Ah! C*rp! Help!" she shouted!

Edited by Drakeardian
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Sam blinked as she heard the Commotion in the Hanger, pulling out her rifle and rushing to get to the Hanger, once she saw the Harvester outbreak, she nearly jumped a bit. 


But She wasn't that scared. She rushed to fire at one of the Harvesters, which dodged and weaved her rounds like they were ping pong balls, then it rushed at her, Sam didn't have much time as she continued to fire as it sped towards her, She rolled out of the way and it ended up slamming into the wall...Only not in that kind of way, It started to Jump on Sam, Growling and Roaring Syntheticly, landing on Sam as she struggled against it and reaching for her knife! "Ah! C*rp! Help!" she shouted!


Attakai was running through the hallway, "How the hell did these Harvesters get in!?"


"Ah! C*rp! Help!"


Attakai's eyes windened, he knew that voice, "Sam!?" he rushes to where the voice originated, running into the Hangar he finds Samantha pinned down by a Harvester. "Sam!" Grabbing his Orthos, he performs a Switch Teleport on her, replacing her with himself, as soon as he does it, he impales the Harvester with his Orthos, and he growls in an almost inhuman voice, "NO ONE TOUCHES HER! NO ONE!"

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Cardina felt the speed boost, grateful for the assist; she be at her room in moments.


"Going somewhere, Herald?"


Waiting at the corner were 3 Corpus Techs with Supras and two Corpus units no one had seen before.  They were wearing thin black Corpus armor and wielded two Provas that magnetic energy streamed off of.


The blue Volt dropped from the ceiling behind his crew.  The whole group could be seen shining in the darkness.  "Don't be alarmed, my dear Herald, we won't kill you-yet.  Right now we just need you to come with us"--here the three Supras clicked and whirred, preparing a barrage of scalding rounds--"or wave your pretty little church goodbye."


"OH.  And don't even consider running: if you'll look down you'll see your on my specially laid trap of about 10 Castanas...the same thing that knocked out your friend.  Decisions decisions, wouldn't you say?" The Volt snickered as he walked backwards into Cardina's room.  ((unless said room has a lock, let me know and I'll edit accordingly))

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Tyranis could no longer fight the affects of the poison. He was not sure if anyone got his warning over the comms. He would pass out soon. Help had still not yet arrived. He had to make one last attempt to get help. Using the little energy that was left in his frame he summoned another rejuvenation orb. It was too late for it to stop the toxin. "Find help and bring someone back here... quickly!" He spoke to the manifestation as if it had a mind. And thus the orb was off to seek help and lead whoever it found back to its master. He lost consciousness as the orb flew into the distance. 

Edited by MasterDread
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"Going somewhere, Herald?"


Waiting at the corner were 3 Corpus Techs with Supras and two Corpus units no one had seen before.  They were wearing thin black Corpus armor and wielded two Provas that magnetic energy streamed off of.


The blue Volt dropped from the ceiling behind his crew.  The whole group could be seen shining in the darkness.  "Don't be alarmed, my dear Herald, we won't kill you-yet.  Right now we just need you to come with us"--here the three Supras clicked and whirred, preparing a barrage of scalding rounds--"or wave your pretty little church goodbye."


"OH.  And don't even consider running: if you'll look down you'll see your on my specially laid trap of about 10 Castanas...the same thing that knocked out your friend.  Decisions decisions, wouldn't you say?" The Volt snickered as he walked backwards into Cardina's room.  ((unless said room has a lock, let me know and I'll edit accordingly))


Temperance I'm trapped, it's the volt and the Corpus, I'm just outside my room, "I won't run." Cardina thrust an arm forward, and one of the Techs dropped his Supra, clutching his head and screaming through his helmet. "And I sure as hell won't die!" The Tech ripped off his helmet, roaring an animal rage that tore his throat to ribbons. He tackled the Volt from behind, trying to claw, bite and scratch the Tenno to death.


Vines ripped out of the door past the struggling pair, snatching the Castanas from the ground and throwing them at the crewmen. Cardina herself stepped back, concentrating on controlling the vines and dominating the Tech's mind.

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Attakai was running through the hallway, "How the hell did these Harvesters get in!?"


"Ah! C*rp! Help!"


Attakai's eyes windened, he knew that voice, "Sam!?" he rushes to where the voice originated, running into the Hangar he finds Samantha pinned down by a Harvester. "Sam!" Grabbing his Orthos, he performs a Switch Teleport on her, replacing her with himself, as soon as he does it, he impales the Harvester with his Orthos, and he growls in an almost inhuman voice, "NO ONE TOUCHES HER! NO ONE!"

Dropping to the floor with an "Oomph" Samantha looked as the Loki Impaled the Zanuka, checking herself over for any cuts or bruises. So far none on her. She rushed over to Attakai and said after putting a few rounds into the Zanuka to make sure it was dead with her rifle


"I'm fine, Don't worry! What about you?" Asking concerned at Attakai for his rage.

Edited by Drakeardian
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Dropping to the floor with an "Oomph" Samantha looked as the Loki Impaled the Zanuka, checking herself over for any cuts or bruises. So far none on her. She rushed over to Attakai and said after putting a few rounds into the Zanuka to make sure it was dead with her rifle "I'm fine, Don't worry! What about you?"


Attakai seemed to have calmed down, "Sam?" he quickly grabbed her into a hug, "Thank the gods you're alright!"

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Tyranis sat by the Vauban known as Cyrill, still being restored by Ty's rejuvenate he could not yet get on his feet. The Harvester that attacked them lay a crumbled heap in the corner of the room, its head crushed. Tyranis could only be disappointed in himself for letting his emotions get the better of him. He did not despise the Harvesters. He despised the Corpus for turning his fallen brothers and sisters into those war hounds. He was about to tend to his wounds when he suddenly fell ill. "P-P-Poison?! In the claws?" The amount was not enough to kill, its purpose was clear, to immobilize for capture. He had to warn the others before it was too late. He opened the comms, his voice filled with pain. "T-The Harvesters... Their claws are laced with... Cicero Toxin!... Don't let them cut you!"  Feeling left his body as he collapsed on the floor. He could only pray help would arrive soon. For if another Harvester were to find them they would be doomed.


A Trinity and Vauban arrived before long, having been dispatched when the power had initially gone out in that region of the derelict. The Trinity saw Tyranis on the floor and immediately started tending to him while the Vauban dropped a Bastille just outside the doorway to keep any hostiles from entering the room while they worked. The Vauban started work on repairing the generator while the Trinity healed Tyranis.


"Going somewhere, Herald?"


Waiting at the corner were 3 Corpus Techs with Supras and two Corpus units no one had seen before.  They were wearing thin black Corpus armor and wielded two Provas that magnetic energy streamed off of.


The blue Volt dropped from the ceiling behind his crew.  The whole group could be seen shining in the darkness.  "Don't be alarmed, my dear Herald, we won't kill you-yet.  Right now we just need you to come with us"--here the three Supras clicked and whirred, preparing a barrage of scalding rounds--"or wave your pretty little church goodbye."


"OH.  And don't even consider running: if you'll look down you'll see your on my specially laid trap of about 10 Castanas...the same thing that knocked out your friend.  Decisions decisions, wouldn't you say?" The Volt snickered as he walked backwards into Cardina's room.  ((unless said room has a lock, let me know and I'll edit accordingly))


((For those who couldn't take the time to read one of my earlier posts, the derelict is not in the dark. Emergency power was switched on for the region of the ship that the specific generator powered. I imagine that if a Solar Rail has 4 generators that individually need to be shut down and Dojos have multiple reactor rooms, why not Orokin derelicts?))

Rien had followed the Volt and his Corpus cronies. Their ability to board ships using portals was an annoying feature. All they had to do was lock coordinates and they could just walk right in through a wormhole of sorts. As the Volt backed into Cardina's room, Rien used Radial Disarm on the Volt and his Corpus allies to force them into using nothing but Provas. Where their weapons disappeared off to would be a mystery.


He exited his invisibility near the Volt who he had noticed was tackled by one of the Techs who he guessed Cardina had mind controlled. He pulled out his silenced Vasto revolver and while the Volt was preoccupied with the Tech attacking him, Rien silently emptied the magazine into the Volt's head.

Edited by Sumika1204
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Temperance I'm trapped, it's the volt and the Corpus, I'm just outside my room, "I won't run." Cardina thrust an arm forward, and one of the Techs dropped his Supra, clutching his head and screaming through his helmet. "And I sure as hell won't die!" The Tech ripped off his helmet, roaring an animal rage that tore his throat to ribbons. He tackled the Volt from behind, trying to claw, bite and scratch the Tenno to death.


Vines ripped out of the door past the struggling pair, snatching the Castanas from the ground and throwing them at the crewmen. Cardina herself stepped back, concentrating on controlling the vines and dominating the Tech's mind.


With an animalisitic rage not unlike the crazed Tech, the Volt screamed in dismay as his armor was being ripped.  The other two Techs, while stunned, unleashed hundreds of rounds from their Supras, only slightly damaging the vines, but searing the walls and ceiling.  The two other units had disappeared, and had dodged the vines by wallrunning, closing in on Cardina with Provas at the ready, flinging themselves towards her at lightning speed.  They were charged with a suit that could utilize Volt's Speed until their reserve ran out, and they had plenty left.

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A Trinity and Vauban arrived before long, having been dispatched when the power had initially gone out in that region of the derelict. The Trinity saw Tyranis on the floor and immediately started tending to him while the Vauban dropped a Bastille just outside the doorway to keep any hostiles from entering the room while they worked. The Vauban started work on repairing the generator while the Trinity healed Tyranis.





Tyranis slowly regained consciousness, his vision blurred but he could make out a Trinity and a Vauban. The Trinity was tending to him. As soon as he could move he gripped the Trinity's arm and spoke to her. "Cicero Toxin... The claws... The others..." He could barely speak. He released his grip from her and again lost consciousness.

Edited by MasterDread
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Attakai seemed to have calmed down, "Sam?" he quickly grabbed her into a hug, "Thank the gods you're alright!"

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, Sam gave a nod "Yeah. I got a transmission by the way from one of the Tenno, Apparently these things are laced with that Grineer Toxin! A cut from them would immobilize you until you're harvested!" exclaimed Sam, she looked behind as Corpus Troops begin to arrive. 


<We got a Red Veil, Take them alive, Kill the Tenno> Said the Corpus Commander in his own Language, And the pointed their weapons at the Two, Sam Raised her rifle. Her instincts taking over as her combat mask collapsed over her face and her left gauntlet glows a Brilliant Red.


She's ready for combat

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Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, Sam gave a nod "Yeah. I got a transmission by the way from one of the Tenno, Apparently these things are laced with that Grineer Toxin! A cut from them would immobilize you until you're harvested!" exclaimed Sam, she looked behind as Corpus Troops begin to arrive. 


<We got a Red Veil, Take them alive, Kill the Tenno> Said the Corpus Commander in his own Language, And the pointed their weapons at the Two, Sam Raised her rifle. Her instincts taking over as her combat mask collapsed over her face and her left gauntlet glows a Brilliant Red.


She's ready for combat


Attakai readied his Orthos and his mother's Lex, giving a grin under his helmet, "You know I was planning to ask you out today, would kicking Corpus &amp;#&#33; with you count?"

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With an animalisitic rage not unlike the crazed Tech, the Volt screamed in dismay as his armor was being ripped.  The other two Techs, while stunned, unleashed hundreds of rounds from their Supras, only slightly damaging the vines, but searing the walls and ceiling.  The two other units had disappeared, and had dodged the vines by wallrunning, closing in on Cardina with Provas at the ready, flinging themselves towards her at lightning speed.  They were charged with a suit that could utilize Volt's Speed until their reserve ran out, and they had plenty left.


Cardina let go of the vines and the Tech, whipping her Machete Wraith around herself in an expert web of steel. As the first one attacked, she sidestepped the blow, seizing his Prova hand and pulling it to unbalance him, then hacked his head off in a clean strike. Her teeth gritted and her white eyes blazed with rage as she turned to the next one. "Do you think you'll fare any better?"

Edited by SnaleKing
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With an animalisitic rage not unlike the crazed Tech, the Volt screamed in dismay as his armor was being ripped.  The other two Techs, while stunned, unleashed hundreds of rounds from their Supras, only slightly damaging the vines, but searing the walls and ceiling.  The two other units had disappeared, and had dodged the vines by wallrunning, closing in on Cardina with Provas at the ready, flinging themselves towards her at lightning speed.  They were charged with a suit that could utilize Volt's Speed until their reserve ran out, and they had plenty left.


The Techs would find that not a single shot was being fired on their part. If they checked, they would see that they had been disarmed (I had Rien use Radial Disarm in my post back on page 73) and they were now trying to shoot using the Provas they now had in their hands.


Tyranis slowly regained consciousness, his vision blurred but he could make out a Trinity and a Vauban. The Trinity was tending to him. As soon as he could move he gripped the Trinity's arm and spoke to her. "Cicero Toxin... The claws... The others..." He could barely speak. He released his grip from her and again lost consciousness.


The Trinity nodded as she continued to tend to him. "I know. We all heard your message." Meanwhile, the Vauban was changing out and repairing the parts that had been damaged by the Volt's Overload as necessary.

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With an animalisitic rage not unlike the crazed Tech, the Volt screamed in dismay as his armor was being ripped.  The other two Techs, while stunned, unleashed hundreds of rounds from their Supras, only slightly damaging the vines, but searing the walls and ceiling.  The two other units had disappeared, and had dodged the vines by wallrunning, closing in on Cardina with Provas at the ready, flinging themselves towards her at lightning speed.  They were charged with a suit that could utilize Volt's Speed until their reserve ran out, and they had plenty left.

Cardina let go of the vines and the Tech, whipping her Machete Wraith around herself in an expert web of steel. As the first one attacked, she sidestepped the blow, seizing his Prova hand and pulling it to unbalance him, then hacked his head off in a clean strike, Her teeth gritted and her white eyes blazed with rage as she turned to the next one. "Do you think you'll fare any better?"


Temperance's Soma barked, drilling high-caliber holes in the second assassin's head from clear down the hall.  The Ash hit his Teleport, appearing behind the two uncontrolled Techs, who seemed to have lost their Supras to a Radial Disarm and were now struggling to contain their mind-controlled fellow.


HIs dagger flashed, and the first, already weakened by Cardina's initial assault, simply collapsed as the contact virus seared through his body.  The second staggered, but did not go down.  At least until Temperance emptied the rest of the Soma's clip into the back of his head.


The Ash calmly reloaded and kicked the last Tech to his knees, covering the massive Corpus in case he somehow broke Cardina's control.  He was not overly worried about the Volt.  Judging from the state of the Techs, Rien had the matter well in hand.


((Edited to reflect later posts))

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He exited his invisibility behind the Volt, plunging his Dark Dagger into the traitor's back. The Volt's armour was like paper to just about any incoming attacks, making the strike even easier to accomplish.


The Volt screamed out in pain, rolling backwards over the Loki and faceplanting on the ground.  "Fellow Corpus...Silac will not be pleased if you fail me...do what you must do!"  The Volt curled up in a ball and rose into the air and all sound ceased in the surrounding room, until the Volt unleashed one last Overload, using all his energy to literally dissapate into the lightning itself.  It was suicide and it was effective.



The Techs would find that not a single shot was being fired on their part. If they checked, they would see that they had been disarmed (I had Rien use Radial Disarm in my post back on page 73) and they were now trying to shoot using the Provas they now had in their hands.


((This had happened directly before and I am now posting accordingly)) The Techs had succesfully shocked themselves by holding their Provas like Supras, and were now flailing like madmen to steady themselves and help the animal that was their brother in arms earlier.


Cardina let go of the vines and the Tech, whipping her Machete Wraith around herself in an expert web of steel. As the first one attacked, she sidestepped the blow, seizing his Prova hand and pulling it to unbalance him, then hacked his head off in a clean strike. Her teeth gritted and her white eyes blazed with rage as she turned to the next one. "Do you think you'll fare any better?"


"The Corpus...they rely on us, and envy you.  So what happens when we become as strong, fast, and dangerous as you, Tenno?"  The unit flipped forwards and swung his arms, unleashing energy that shocked Cardina a little, but not enough to harm, just to stumble.

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As Aran's ship completed the 3rd loop around the derelict and after seeing nothing she and Gandraya decided to dock the ship back in hangar 4 and go see if they can help anyone they come across.

"Draya, hon, I have a feeling there were more than 3 total Zanukas, who knows how many there are? Better get ready set aside my Lex prime and Kamas for me, I'm gonna stick with the Miter."

"Ok I'm gonna go with my Dread, the Akmagnus and your Dragon nikana."

They dock and cautiously make their way toward the reactor room.

Its a bit too quiet around here

Yea, thank the gods we can communicate telepathically, 'cause if we couldn't I have a feeling we would have alerted some of the possibly still lingering Zanuka

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Temperance's Soma barked, drilling high-caliber holes in the second assassin's head from clear down the hall.  The Ash hit his Teleport, appearing behind the two uncontrolled Techs and plunging his dagger into first one, then the other.


The first, already weakened by Cardina's initial assault, simply collapsed as the contact virus seared through his body.  The second staggered, but did not go down.  At least until Temperance emptied the rest of the Soma's clip into the back of his head.


Calmly reloading as he turned to face the door to Cardina's room, Temperance called out to the Volt.


"I know you're there.  Quit with the games and face us like a Tenno.  Or have you already lost what little honor you have?"


((Umm, the Volt was killed by Rien, I believe.  But for anyone who reads this, just imagine the last part with the second assassain before Temperance's post))

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((Umm, the Volt was killed by Rien, I believe.  But for anyone who reads this, just imagine the last part with the second assassain before Temperance's post))

((Sorry, we seem to be moving a little fast.  I'll edit as best I can, then wait for Viper.  We really have been rather unfair to her.))


((Edit: Done.  Two Techs are dead, conversation still happened, and Rien killed the Volt.  I'll wait for Viper to catch up before reacting to the suicide-overload.))

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((While I would post this in OOC, not everyone reads that before reading this and replying, so I'll make this clear here: I am currently leading in the Corpus invasion: they are not all here yet, there are no ships visible, the capture force was led in by the Volt mole on his ship.  The Harvesters/Zanukas all around are okay; I like that concept.  Arkitect will help me with replying to the vast amount of people fighting the Corpus, but if you see someone fighting and you don't ask to help, don't help.  That just makes it harder for me to reply to more than two people at once.))

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Mortos replied, "If anything, she can speak to me through her helmet's communicator on our private channel and I can pass the message along to you."

Munin nodded and continued "To what lengths are you willing to go for this? When or if you manage to reach this true peace, what do you intend to do with it? What is to fill up the void after two empires? Take out one regime and chaos soon follows with even more fighting and people trying to gain power."


Jinx looked over to the table where Munin were discussing with Mortos, carefully beginning to do a surface scan of them. Not deep enough to read minds but enough to be able to read their emotions and intentions. To see if they were lying about anything. Munin hadn't exactly sanctioned it but why else have a Nyx with you when trying to determine if someone had good intentions or not?

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Munin nodded and continued "To what lengths are you willing to go for this? When or if you manage to reach this true peace, what do you intend to do with it? What is to fill up the void after two empires? Take out one regime and chaos soon follows with even more fighting and people trying to gain power."


Jinx looked over to the table where Munin were discussing with Mortos, carefully beginning to do a surface scan of them. Not deep enough to read minds but enough to be able to read their emotions and intentions. To see if they were lying about anything. Munin hadn't exactly sanctioned it but why else have a Nyx with you when trying to determine if someone had good intentions or not?


"I plan to remove the Grineer in their entirety. As for chaos, that will always exist just as order does. They are two sides of the same coin and you cannot have one without the other. It is a cycle.", Mortos replied.


Gaia commented, "Well that might be a bit much. Maybe we can resolve this peacefully? The Grineer might be much less aggressive and more willing to cooperate if we could change their leadership and repair their genetic damage to make them human again."


Mortos continued after Gaia stopped, "The Corpus will largely be forced to cease hostilities with us when the Tenno become their only clients or if my sister has her way, the Tenno empire would be built up and hopefully, all three can coexist in peace. Thouch I highly doubt the Grineer would understand anything less than force."


Jinx would find that Mortos and Gaia were not lying but they definitely had their own courses of action which they wished to try.

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