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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"I plan to remove the Grineer in their entirety. As for chaos, that will always exist just as order does. They are two sides of the same coin and you cannot have one without the other. It is a cycle.", Mortos replied.


Gaia commented, "Well that might be a bit much. Maybe we can resolve this peacefully? The Grineer might be much less aggressive and more willing to cooperate if we could change their leadership and repair their genetic damage to make them human again."


Mortos continued after Gaia stopped, "The Corpus will largely be forced to cease hostilities with us when the Tenno become their only clients or if my sister has her way, the Tenno empire would be built up and hopefully, all three can coexist in peace. Thouch I highly doubt the Grineer would understand anything less than force."


Jinx would find that Mortos and Gaia were not lying but they definitely had their own courses of action which they wished to try.

Munin chuckled a bit "That my lady, is very close to the theory of one of our younger clan members" He then looked between the two divinities "But...does the end justify the means to you?"


Jinx wrinkled her nose. They were almost a bit too honest in her opinion. Then again, the larger picture might be true but they hadn't really gotten into any details of exactly how they were going to achieve this...they might actually be hiding something.

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Munin chuckled a bit "That my lady, is very close to the theory of one of our younger clan members" He then looked between the two divinities "But...does the end justify the means to you?"


Jinx wrinkled her nose. They were almost a bit too honest in her opinion. Then again, the larger picture might be true but they hadn't really gotten into any details of exactly how they were going to achieve this...they might actually be hiding something.


Mortos answered, "I often find it to be so. There are times when one may have to do something otherwise unacceptable in order to accomplish an important goal."


Afterwards, Gaia answered, "No. The means justify the end."

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Mortos answered, "I often find it to be so. There are times when one may have to do something otherwise unacceptable in order to accomplish an important goal."


Afterwards, Gaia answered, "No. The means justify the end."

"Even if it means the death of innocent civilians?" 

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"Even if it means the death of innocent civilians?" 


Mortos replied, "That is largely avoided as per my sister's wishes but sometimes, sacrifices must be made."


Gaia responded, "I do what I can to prevent death but it is not always enough. We must strive to avoid becoming that which we fight against."

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Mortos replied, "That is largely avoided as per my sister's wishes but sometimes, sacrifices must be made."


Gaia responded, "I do what I can to prevent death but it is not always enough. We must strive to avoid becoming that which we fight against."

Munin looked at them both feeling that he wasn't really getting anywhere with them. They really are like night and day. He wanted more details but they seemed very reluctant to share any seeing as they kept to the larger schemes of things. But something that also bothered him was the Lotus.

"Another thing I would like celerity in is you relation with the Lotus. In your message you rejected her, but as we arrived here we got to hear that you now enjoy her protection. Why this change. And what are you hoping to gain from it?" 

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Munin looked at them both feeling that he wasn't really getting anywhere with them. They really are like night and day. He wanted more details but they seemed very reluctant to share any seeing as they kept to the larger schemes of things. But something that also bothered him was the Lotus.

"Another thing I would like celerity in is you relation with the Lotus. In your message you rejected her, but as we arrived here we got to hear that you now enjoy her protection. Why this change. And what are you hoping to gain from it?" 


Mortos replied, "The Lotus had sent one of her agents to spy on us and gather information but he found nothing to say we were a threat to her or her plans. We do not support the Lotus but we support our kin."


Gaia added, "We only wished to build a place for all Tenno in this system. The Lotus found no issues with our actions or our plans and declared us a Storm Clan. We do enjoy her protection as it dissuades attacks from rogue groups. We operate as a separate entity. We do not follow her orders or work for her. We work towards a bright future for our kind."

Edited by Sumika1204
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Pyre sat up on the bed before stretching a little. "Sorry but I wanted to keep an eye on you in case you pulled another drunken stunt." She slid off the bed before walking over to her own to lay down.


"Do rest easy, beautiful." He chuckled some as he moves to the door. "I'll go out for a little walk." He waited for the door to open, but to his surprise, it wouldn't budge. "Eh....?" Shinkiro pressed the button again, but the door remained closed. The Ash tapped his feet for a while, wondering if the power was out or something. 

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Mortos replied, "The Lotus had sent one of her agents to spy on us and gather information but he found nothing to say we were a threat to her or her plans. We do not support the Lotus but we support our kin."


Gaia added, "We only wished to build a place for all Tenno in this system. The Lotus found no issues with our actions or our plans and declared us a Storm Clan. We do enjoy her protection as it dissuades attacks from rogue groups. We operate as a separate entity. We do not follow her orders or work for her. We work towards a bright future for our kind."

"But you do realize how that might look, don't you? " 

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"But you do realize how that might look, don't you? " 


Mortos inquired, "I take it that it might look like we are Tenno supremacists who, like the Grineer, wish to rule the system? Well, to be exact, our top priority is our kin. The Tenno are, if they follow the Lotus, going to continue on a slow path to extinction. We have aided human refugees before and will continue to do so if they request aid but our kin get priority as we are a race in danger of extinction."

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Mortos inquired, "I take it that it might look like we are Tenno supremacists who, like the Grineer, wish to rule the system? Well, to be exact, our top priority is our kin. The Tenno are, if they follow the Lotus, going to continue on a slow path to extinction. We have aided human refugees before and will continue to do so if they request aid but our kin get priority as we are a race in danger of extinction."

Munin couldn't help but agree on what Mortos said. But Tenno were supposed to be protectors. What kind of protectors would they be if they were just self-serving creatures who always prioritized themselves? Their focus should be on humanity, their own wishes had to be second.


"You don't think Humanity should be in focus?"

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Munin couldn't help but agree on what Mortos said. But Tenno were supposed to be protectors. What kind of protectors would they be if they were just self-serving creatures who always prioritized themselves? Their focus should be on humanity, their own wishes had to be second.


"You don't think Humanity should be in focus?"


Mortos responded, "Just how much humanity is there in this system to protect? Think about it.  The Grineer have mutated so much from genetic decay that they can no longer be classified as humans. The Corpus are out to kill us and sell us as merchandise. Up until recently when the existence of the Red Veil became known, the only humans we knew of were the Corpus who are killed by the thousands everyday and the Lotus' group who seemed to be captured rather often."

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Mortos responded, "Just how much humanity is there in this system to protect? Think about it.  The Grineer have mutated so much from genetic decay that they can no longer be classified as humans. The Corpus are out to kill us and sell us as merchandise. Up until recently when the existence of the Red Veil became known, the only humans we knew of were the Corpus who are killed by the thousands everyday and the Lotus' group who seemed to be captured rather often."

"There are civilians being repressed every day. People who belongs to neither and only try to survive as they are constantly being tossed back and forth between Corpus and Grineer control" He made a pause looking at them They really didn't know that? "It seems you have nothing left to tell, but I might have to speak with your Herald. Do you know where she is?"

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"Do rest easy, beautiful." He chuckled some as he moves to the door. "I'll go out for a little walk." He waited for the door to open, but to his surprise, it wouldn't budge. "Eh....?" Shinkiro pressed the button again, but the door remained closed. The Ash tapped his feet for a while, wondering if the power was out or something. 


After a moment, the door opened as emergency power had restored functionality for the time being.


"There are civilians being repressed every day. People who belongs to neither and only try to survive as they are constantly being tossed back and forth between Corpus and Grineer control" He made a pause looking at them They really didn't know that? "It seems you have nothing left to tell, but I might have to speak with your Herald. Do you know where she is?"


Mortos replied, "We were unsure whether to believe that or note. During Gradivus, Alad V mentioned civilians being oppressed by Grineer but it was largely taken as being Corpus propaganda to get Tenno to switch sides."


Gaia answered, "She is in the hangar 3 I believe."

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After a moment, the door opened as emergency power had restored functionality for the time being.



Mortos replied, "We were unsure whether to believe that or note. During Gradivus, Alad V mentioned civilians being oppressed by Grineer but it was largely taken as being Corpus propaganda to get Tenno to switch sides."


Gaia answered, "She is in the hangar 3 I believe."

As the lights went out and came back both Jinx and Arthur's bodies tensed. Jink hat completely stopped her scanning session of the older Tennos and focused completely on the light. After Cardina's announcement they couldn't put themselves to relax. Something was wrong, and it wasn't just the mole.

The lights on their HUDs flickered again and so they felt their hearts beat faster.


"He's here" Jinx said almost in a whisper

"Let's hunt" In an almost unison movement they quickly ran towards the exit and drew their weapons. Arthur immediately going for his Hate while Jinx chose her primary the Dread.


"Thank you for your time" Munin then stood up and made a slight bow "I'll take my leave for now" He had barely finished his sentence as the two black and red framed Tenno ran past him in an amazing speed. "What the-Arthur?! Jinx!? Where are you going!?" His dark voice boomed between the walls of the cafeteria but it was all in vain as the twins was already far away and had began their hunt.

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Tyranis awoke, in what seemed to be the med-bay of the derelict, he didn't know where it was, where he was. It didn't matter, he needed to defend his friends, his brothers, his sisters, his fellow Tenno. He arose from the bed he had been laid out on, the Acolytes tried to stop him, to calm him. The Cicero Toxin had not left his system yet, he could barely walk. He shoved his way past them and pushed onward. All he had were his duel Vastos. He had not the strength to lift his Galatine, or swing it for that matter. He limped through the halls, hugging the wall so he could keep balance, if he fell to the ground he was not sure he'd be able to get up.

Edited by MasterDread
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The Volt screamed out in pain, rolling backwards over the Loki and faceplanting on the ground.  "Fellow Corpus...Silac will not be pleased if you fail me...do what you must do!"  The Volt curled up in a ball and rose into the air and all sound ceased in the surrounding room, until the Volt unleashed one last Overload, using all his energy to literally dissapate into the lightning itself.  It was suicide and it was effective.


((This had happened directly before and I am now posting accordingly)) The Techs had succesfully shocked themselves by holding their Provas like Supras, and were now flailing like madmen to steady themselves and help the animal that was their brother in arms earlier.


"The Corpus...they rely on us, and envy you.  So what happens when we become as strong, fast, and dangerous as you, Tenno?"  The unit flipped forwards and swung his arms, unleashing energy that shocked Cardina a little, but not enough to harm, just to stumble.


"We'll never know, Corpus, for-" Cardina sensed the immense buildup of Void energy in the Volt, and dove to the ground. Her vines snapped to pull around her, but the massive blast of electricity struck first, pummeling her into the ground and scouring the robe and skin from her back. "Aauk!-" Cardina gasped, wide-eyed, and rolled over to her side shivering with pain. 


"T-temperance," she whispered, as against her will, her peeled-open eyes welled up with tears. As her vision greyed over, the last thing she saw was the Corpus standing over her, shielding flickering into life. My... my church...

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Tyranis awoke, in what seemed to be the med-bay of the derelict, he didn't know where it was, where he was. It didn't matter, he needed to defend his friends, his brothers, his sisters, his fellow Tenno. He arose from the bed he had been laid out on, the Acolytes tried to stop him, to calm him. The Cicero Toxin had not left his system yet, he could barely walk. He shoved his way past them and pushed onward. All he had were his duel Vastos. He had not the strength to lift his Galatine, or swing it for that matter. He limped through the halls, hugging the wall so he could keep balance, if he fell to the ground he was not sure he'd be able to get up.


The Trinity who had brought Tyranis back to the infirmary followed behind him, concerned for his well-being. "Sir, I don't think this is a good idea for you to be up and about like this. You're not entirely well yet and there could still be Harvesters roaming the halls."


"We'll never know, Corpus, for-" Cardina sensed the immense buildup of Void energy in the Volt, and dove to the ground. Her vines snapped to pull around her, but the massive blast of electricity struck first, pummeling her into the ground and scouring the robe and skin from her back. "Aauk!-" Cardina gasped, wide-eyed, and rolled over to her side shivering with pain. 


"T-temperance," she whispered, as against her will, her peeled-open eyes welled up with tears. As her vision greyed over, the last thing she saw was the Corpus standing over her, shielding flickering into life. My... my church...


Suddenly, the Corpus standing over Cardina was struck by several shots but there was complete silence leading up the impact. Rien was leaning against a wall for support, having managed to put distance between himself and the Volt during the preparation of the Overload. A quickly placed Decoy combined with a Switch Teleport put him on the out areas of the Overload's range, allowing him to evade the brunt of it. He had still taken a hit and was injured but at least he was standing. With the Corpus so focused on Cardina, he was able to get a few shots in with his completely silenced Vasto.

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"We'll never know, Corpus, for-" Cardina sensed the immense buildup of Void energy in the Volt, and dove to the ground. Her vines snapped to pull around her, but the massive blast of electricity struck first, pummeling her into the ground and scouring the robe and skin from her back. "Aauk!-" Cardina gasped, wide-eyed, and rolled over to her side shivering with pain. 


"T-temperance," she whispered, as against her will, her peeled-open eyes welled up with tears. As her vision greyed over, the last thing she saw was the Corpus standing over her, shielding flickering into life. My... my church...


Suddenly, the Corpus standing over Cardina was struck by several shots but there was complete silence leading up the impact. Rien was leaning against a wall for support, having managed to put distance between himself and the Volt during the preparation of the Overload. A quickly placed Decoy combined with a Switch Teleport put him on the out areas of the Overload's range, allowing him to evade the brunt of it. He had still taken a hit and was injured but at least he was standing. With the Corpus so focused on Cardina, he was able to get a few shots in with his completely silenced Vasto.


Temperance screamed as the Overload hit him, sending thousands of volts crackling through his Warframe.  His Soma dropped from nerveless fingers as he crumpled, hitting the ground with a thud.


He managed to raise his eyes just in time to see the last Corpus Tech shot by Rien, who was leaning heavily on the wall with his Vasto in hand.


Coughing weakly, Temperance began to crawl, dragging himself painfully along the ground to where Cardina lay.  He forced himself up on his elbow, extending a shaky hand to spread green healing mist over her severely burned body.


"Your Church will be safe, Cardina," he promised, his voice a strained rasp.  "But the Church...cannot survive...without...its Herald."


Temperance's arm gave an involuntary jerk, momentarily interrupting the flow of mist.


"Medic...to my location," the Ash gasped.  "Herald Cardina is wounded."


Then his strength gave out, and he collapsed next to her, his mind swirling down into the deep black pool of unconsciousness.

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Temperance screamed as the Overload hit him, sending thousands of volts crackling through his Warframe.  His Soma dropped from nerveless fingers as he crumpled, hitting the ground with a thud.


He managed to raise his eyes just in time to see the last Corpus Tech shot by Rien, who was leaning heavily on the wall with his Vasto in hand.


Coughing weakly, Temperance began to crawl, dragging himself painfully along the ground to where Cardina lay.  He forced himself up on his elbow, extending a shaky hand to spread green healing mist over her severely burned body.


"Your Church will be safe, Cardina," he promised, his voice a strained rasp.  "But the Church...cannot survive...without...its Herald."


Temperance's arm gave an involuntary jerk, momentarily interrupting the flow of mist.


"Medic...to my location," the Ash gasped.  "Herald Cardina is wounded."


Then his strength gave out, and he collapsed next to her, his mind swirling down into the deep black pool of unconsciousness.



Suddenly, the Corpus standing over Cardina was struck by several shots but there was complete silence leading up the impact. Rien was leaning against a wall for support, having managed to put distance between himself and the Volt during the preparation of the Overload. A quickly placed Decoy combined with a Switch Teleport put him on the out areas of the Overload's range, allowing him to evade the brunt of it. He had still taken a hit and was injured but at least he was standing. With the Corpus so focused on Cardina, he was able to get a few shots in with his completely silenced Vasto.


"Etjaje tapppe sope, Harvester, atp appayk!"


Hidden in the shadows above him, Rien was suddenly pounced by a Harvester. The blow hurt his back as the metallic creature droped from the ceiling, and instantly pinned his arms. This model of the proxy had two prongs jutting out of its head, which were stabbed into Rien's neck, injecting radiation into his suit, disrupting his optical sensors. A voice was heard from around the corner, stating "Radiation injected, Synder. He won't suspect a thing."


A squadron of Corpus rounded the corner, this one consisting of six Crewmen and two Snipers, with one other member wearing a rig on his head and shoulders, controlling the Harvester on Rien.


A black and blue Essence Loki came out of invisibility behind them. Modified with advanced Corpus Tech, his armor was adorned with what appeared to be mirrors; their patterns constantly changing. "Let us begin.  Bring me the Ash."


"Jep pke Ash it teypaitm." Two Crewmen put restraints on Temperance's arms and legs, connecting them behind his back.  The restraints quickly leached all of his remaining energy. Having the Ash completely restrained, the Loki scanned Temperance with his modified visor as the mirrors on his armor began rearranging. His armor began to glow, and the whole suit went invisible. Suddenly uncloaking, there stood an exact duplicate Locust Ash of Temperance, right down to his white energy and comms channel. "Peyedfiot iy out yope," the duplicate said. "What better way than this."


The remaining Crewman held the suppressed Rien at gunpoint, their magnetic Deras clicking and whirring in anticipation of retaliation, while the Snipers put restraints on Cardina's arms and legs. The augmented Loki, now fully disguised as Temperance, walked over to the unconscious Cardina and opened his helmet, dropping down to her level. The person inside the suit, Synder, was a Tenno with Corpus writing going up one side of his face. 


"Hello there, sleepyhead. My name is Synder. I'm the man who's about to take your church." Synder stood up and looked at Cardina's room, which was still a bit electrified by the mole's suicide. "And to think...they thought that worthless Volt was in charge. Never trust a Tenno with a Corpus job." Synder laughed, and the Crew joined in.  "Take the Herald and the Ash to my waypoint, and make sure they're separated. Do what you want with that Loki," Synder said, said over his shoulder as he walked away to regroup with his "Tenno" brothers. "Glory tot pke Yotkuy!"


((Etjaje tapppe sope=Engage battle mode, atp appayk=and attack, Jep pke Ash it teypaitm= get the Ash in restraints, Peyedfiot iy out yope=Deception is our code, Glory tot pke Yotkuy= Glory for the Corpus.))

Edited by thelastpwnr99
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"Etjaje tapppe sope, Harvester, atp appayk!"


Hidden in the shadows above him, Rien was suddenly pounced by a Harvester. The blow hurt his back as the metallic creature droped from the ceiling, and instantly pinned his arms. This model of the proxy had two prongs jutting out of its head, which were stabbed into Rien's neck, injecting radiation into his suit, disrupting his optical sensors. A voice was heard from around the corner, stating "Radiation injected, Synder. He won't suspect a thing."


A squadron of Corpus rounded the corner, this one consisting of six Crewmen and two Snipers, with one other member wearing a rig on his head and shoulders, controlling the Harvester on Rien.


A black and blue Essence Loki came out of invisibility behind them. Modified with advanced Corpus Tech, his armor was adorned with what appeared to be mirrors; their patterns constantly changing. "Let us begin.  Bring me the Ash."


"Jep pke Ash it teypaitm." Two Crewmen put restraints on Temperance's arms and legs, connecting them behind his back.  The restraints quickly leached all of his remaining energy. Having the Ash completely restrained, the Loki scanned Temperance with his modified visor as the mirrors on his armor began rearranging. His armor began to glow, and the whole suit went invisible. Suddenly uncloaking, there stood an exact duplicate Locust Ash of Temperance, right down to his white energy and comms channel. "Peyedfiot iy out yope," the duplicate said. "What better way than this."


The remaining Crewman held the suppressed Rien at gunpoint, their magnetic Deras clicking and whirring in anticipation of retaliation, while the Snipers put restraints on Cardina's arms and legs. The augmented Loki, now fully disguised as Temperance, walked over to the unconscious Cardina and opened his helmet, dropping down to her level. The person inside the suit, Synder, was a Tenno with Corpus writing going up one side of his face. 


"Hello there, sleepyhead. My name is Synder. I'm the man who's about to take your church." Synder stood up and looked at Cardina's room, which was still a bit electrified by the mole's suicide. "And to think...they thought that worthless Volt was in charge. Never trust a Tenno with a Corpus job." Synder laughed, and the Crew joined in.  "Take the Herald and the Ash to my waypoint, and make sure they're separated. Do what you want with that Loki," Synder said, said over his shoulder as he walked away to regroup with his "Tenno" brothers. "Glory tot pke Yotkuy!"


((Etjaje tapppe sope=Engage battle mode, atp appayk=and attack, Jep pke Ash it teypaitm= get the Ash in restraints, Peyedfiot iy out yope=Deception is our code, Glory tot pke Yotkuy= Glory for the Corpus.))

As The Tenno and the Corpus begin to round up of the Herald and Temperance in separate directions,  A Nekros would suddenly and sneakingly embed a Kama Scythe right into the Crewman's head. letting the corpse drop onto the floor. The 6 ft seven inches tall Nekros stands up and begins to help the Loki up. After about sleeping for a while, the Disturbance of Corpus troops entering his room and waking him up rudely had made him quite grumpy, but also quite sensetive to his fellow Tenno's plight. He went to kill any more corpus invaders and left him to help repair the damages done by these invaders.


"Well isn't this a problematic situation" Replied the Nekros as he helped the Rien up with some degree of strength "What happened, and where is Cardina?" he asked the Loki


Meanwhile Samantha said in the Hanger bay to Attakai shrugged "Eh, I would prefer a Holo-Vid but this'll do anyway" she said as she began to fire on the assailant Corpuses

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Two Tenno in black and red warframes were now moving down one of the derelict's hallways. Having rushed out of the cafeteria to find what they first thought was the Stalker, Jinx and Arthur had been very disappointed to find a Harvester instead. They had managed to kill it, and chase away another one.

Arthur clenched and unclenched his left fist a couple of times trying to get some feeling back to it. It almost felt like it had been crushed by the Harvester's weight when it had tackled him to the ground but now he didn't have much feeling left in it, as if it was asleep.


"You okay?" Jinx asked in a concerned voice.


"Yeah, but I really do hate Harvesters. No wonder Mary freaks out when they shows up. So what now?"


"Not sure...we should probably try to find Munin and help the Church with this situation. There seems to be Corpus crewmen and Harvester everywhere"


Then in the distance they saw the Ash user called Temperance move down the hallway in their opposite direction. As he passed them Jinx got this weird feeling something was wrong. She hadn't really seen much of him, but what she had sensed back then didn't really mach up with what she sensed now. Something was..off. Then again it could be the stress of this entire situation taking its toll on him. But that didn't make any sense ether as he now felt more calm...determined. Temperance was moving with a different kind of goal now. He seemed...pleased? Was that it? 


"Hey, sis are you coming?" Arthur said in an attempt to get his sister's attention. And it seemed to work.


As Jinx came back to her senses she blinked a few times before she realized she had stopped "Uh? Oh, I'm right behind you" As they began moving again Jinx gave Temperance on last glance before he got out of sight and they moved back to find Munin. 

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Ansilm at the hangar wearing the Soldier's sense armor still waiting for something had now moved to sit on the left wing of his ship. He started inspecting his armor going through memories of him slaying Tenno who supported Corpus.


He remembered a Rhino stronger than any other of this kin. Both brawling without helmets. Both having face bruised slightly. Ansilm tricked his rival suddenly pulling this towards him quickly landing kick on Rhino's stomach following up with another leg contacting with the side of the Rhino's head.


As Rhino was sent towards ground by the kick on this head slowly Ansilm walked towards dizzy, bruised and blooded from mouth. Ansilm set his hand on Rhino's throat started choking after Ansilm's prey finally was out of breath he pulled out his Lex Prime ended this little ones misery with a bullet on the forehead.


Next memory was Ansilm murdering an Ember. World on fire around Ansilm as he was dodging the fire towers coming up from the ground like Geysers but much more hotter. Ansilm sent after few shots from his rifle to chase running away Ember. Ansilm was feeling hot but damage absorb kept him healthy.


One of the shots were killing blow... Ansilm arrived next of the dead Tenno "See you later little fire" he whispered as walked away leaving his mark on the Ember's armor. Exact location at the left shoulder. Mark is an A letter crossed with gun and blade. Ansilm came back to the real moment.


Gasped "Where went the time when Tenno were one? Are we going to break in to one huge civil war any moment?" he whispered and lie on the wing keeping eyes on his helmet's HUD "Do we even remember what we used to be?" Ansilm whispered. "When I can start teaching Tenno... To become good as I? Maybe after they have sworn to fight along side Lotus or... *turned his head towards the Hangar entrance to other hallway* Along side people like these... In here Church?" he whispers.


"When I can finally move to a retirement? So I can focus on teaching than on being at front lines. Even if my kind 84 years old Tenno... Is beginning to feel... Lonely" he ended his whispering and turned his head back to look up on the roof he released a long gasp. The lights blinked but it just made Ansilm's thought go even deeper on his memories.

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Cyrios looked at his guests, then performed a brief scan of the ship's current surroundings. "Guys," he stated in an attempt to gather their attention. "This mission just got more complicated." He turned and pointed a shimmering, golden finger at the terminal at the head of his ship, whose screen flared to life, revealing several Harvesters prowling the hangar.

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"Thanks for the help!" Temperance called to the newly arrived Volt. He vanished and reappeared at the Harvester's back, laying into it at near point blank with three quarters of his Soma clip.

The proxy ignored him, instead going for the Volt, who managed to decapitate it after a brief struggle.

"Thanks again Taranis," Temperance said, remembering the Volt's name as he helped him up. "Sorry I can't stay; I have a rendezvous to keep."

With that, he turned and sprinted down the hall, heading for Rien's waypoint.


Taranis wasn't sure if he should follow to help Temperance. With no second thoughts, he walked off in the opposite direction from Temperance and continued down unknown hallways. He heard a familiar sound as he turned around and witnessed the last two seconds of another Volt's Overload, the electricity almost making contact with his suit.


Ok so, people have either gone crazy or that one Volt is doing his sh*t again.


Why not both? Either way someone's in trouble.


Quickly, he went back to the hall before hesitating from turning the corner. He kept looking around as he tried to figure out what to do without being caught. Taranis jumped trying to grab one of the nearest branches that was pretty high up. As he struggled to grab the branch due to the lack of speed, he used a trick that a friend had recently taught him. He sprinted up the wall, grabbed on, and sprinted up again, as if in an infinite-wallrun. Someone began speaking as soon as he grabbed on so he swiftly turned the corner, now standing on a large trunk. He saw Temperance leave and moments later, a Nekros killed a few semi-stylish corpus crewman.


Well that's odd. Seems like there wasn't much trouble at all.


I guess I should just go down there now?


Taranis jumps down from his trunk and not a second licked the air before he stoop up straight. "Nice job, you..." He points to Corvo, "...killing those guys." He keeps his guard up as he walks over to the two Tenno, surveying every corner, the roof, even the ground while keeping his hands open and at his waist. 

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"Etjaje tapppe sope, Harvester, atp appayk!"


Hidden in the shadows above him, Rien was suddenly pounced by a Harvester. The blow hurt his back as the metallic creature droped from the ceiling, and instantly pinned his arms. This model of the proxy had two prongs jutting out of its head, which were stabbed into Rien's neck, injecting radiation into his suit, disrupting his optical sensors. A voice was heard from around the corner, stating "Radiation injected, Synder. He won't suspect a thing."


A squadron of Corpus rounded the corner, this one consisting of six Crewmen and two Snipers, with one other member wearing a rig on his head and shoulders, controlling the Harvester on Rien.


A black and blue Essence Loki came out of invisibility behind them. Modified with advanced Corpus Tech, his armor was adorned with what appeared to be mirrors; their patterns constantly changing. "Let us begin.  Bring me the Ash."


"Jep pke Ash it teypaitm." Two Crewmen put restraints on Temperance's arms and legs, connecting them behind his back.  The restraints quickly leached all of his remaining energy. Having the Ash completely restrained, the Loki scanned Temperance with his modified visor as the mirrors on his armor began rearranging. His armor began to glow, and the whole suit went invisible. Suddenly uncloaking, there stood an exact duplicate Locust Ash of Temperance, right down to his white energy and comms channel. "Peyedfiot iy out yope," the duplicate said. "What better way than this."


The remaining Crewman held the suppressed Rien at gunpoint, their magnetic Deras clicking and whirring in anticipation of retaliation, while the Snipers put restraints on Cardina's arms and legs. The augmented Loki, now fully disguised as Temperance, walked over to the unconscious Cardina and opened his helmet, dropping down to her level. The person inside the suit, Synder, was a Tenno with Corpus writing going up one side of his face. 


"Hello there, sleepyhead. My name is Synder. I'm the man who's about to take your church." Synder stood up and looked at Cardina's room, which was still a bit electrified by the mole's suicide. "And to think...they thought that worthless Volt was in charge. Never trust a Tenno with a Corpus job." Synder laughed, and the Crew joined in.  "Take the Herald and the Ash to my waypoint, and make sure they're separated. Do what you want with that Loki," Synder said, said over his shoulder as he walked away to regroup with his "Tenno" brothers. "Glory tot pke Yotkuy!"


((Etjaje tapppe sope=Engage battle mode, atp appayk=and attack, Jep pke Ash it teypaitm= get the Ash in restraints, Peyedfiot iy out yope=Deception is our code, Glory tot pke Yotkuy= Glory for the Corpus.))


Filius lupae, quid in profundis...?


Temperance swam back to consciousness to find himself being dragged along a hallway by a Corpus Crewman, his energy reserves empty but his weapons still attached.  His wrists and ankles were fettered with blocky anti-Warframe restraints, which presented a bit of a problem.  And from the sound of things, there were at least three other crewman escorting him.  There was no sign of Cardina anywhere nearby.


Bloody fracking hell.


There was no way out of this one without help.  Unless...


I am so going to regret this Temperance thought.  Then he focused inward, on the brilliant sparks of Void energy that burned within his body, mingling with the Technocyte in his bloodstream.


Pain shot through him, accompanied by a blinding flash.  Then he was kneeling, in only his body suit, on a thick infested trunk that ran near the ceiling of the corridor.  The Void energy within him was only a dim flicker.  A slow grin formed on Temperance's face as the group of Corpus passed below him, still dragging his empty Warframe.


He dropped like a grey shadow, grabbing the last crewman from behind.  As the other Corpus turned at their fellow's startled exclamation, Temperance clamped down on the crewman's trigger finger, hosing the yellow-suited sniper with blue-white plasma before he could bring up his Lanka.  Heedless of their comrade's peril, the other two opened fire, filling the air with heat and light.


Temperance ducked behind his unfortunate human shield, snatching the Prova from the crewman's belt at the hail of plasma bolts melted through the front of the man's jumpsuit.  With a hard shove, he propelled the body at the two living Corpus, blocking their line of sight for a precious second.  Then he was on them, stolen Prova crackling as it struck.  Debilitating electrical shocks lanced through the crewmen's arms, forcing them to drop their Deras.  They backpedaled furiously, going for their Provas.


It was an idiotic move.


One fell before his hand even touched his belt, taking two shocking blows to the shoulders before Temperance rammed the prod into his gut, roasting him in his jumpsuit.  The other managed to draw his own shock baton before the Tenno deftly disarmed him and took out his legs with a spinning strike to the backs of his knees.  A touch of the prod to the back of his armored helmet sent him deep into unconsciousness.


Temperance took a deep breath to calm himself before walking over to his inert Warframe, removing the restraints with two crackling blows of the Prova.  In short order, he was inside and feeling like himself again.  He silently thanked the Corpus for their negligent idiocy in failing to remove his weapons; they had probably had trouble with the magnetic bindings and decided he would be manageable as long as he was restrained.  As the old saying went, a stupid enemy was a gift from the gods.


A brief application of healing mist brought the now-helmet-less last crewman awake to any sane being's nightmare.  Temperance knelt above him, idly twirling the stolen shock prod in his free hand.  The other held the crewman by the throat.


"I'm going to ask you a few questions, Corpus," the Tenno said in a deceptively calm voice.  "Answer promptly and truthfully; you gain one hundred thousand credits and your life.  Answer falsely or try to stall..."  The Prova stabbed down a bare millimeter from his head, crackling dangerously.  "I think you see my point.  Who's in charger here?  Where were you taking me?  And where is the Herald of the Ascension?"


"Wouldn't you like to know," the crewman spat in Corpus.  Then he screamed as Temperance deftly applied the shock prod to his right hand, and held it there.


"I've heard that concentrated use of these things can cause permanent nerve damage," the Tenno said conversationally, once the crewman had caught his breath.  "One of three tries gone."


"Kill me, Tenno!" the crewman spat.  "We both know you will."  Then he screamed again as Temperance repeated the process on his left hand.


"Not if you tell me what I want to know," the Tenno replied.  "I keep my word, even to scum like you.  Last chance.  What'll it be?"  He raised the Prova overhead in a reverse grip, and the charge crackling at its tip seemed to reach for the space directly between the crewman's darting eyes.


"...So be it then."  The Ash tensed.


"Wait!" the crewman wailed, tortured hands flailing at his sides.  The Prova stopped an inch from his face.


"Talk," Temperance ordered.


"One of your own betrayed you.  A Betrayer betrayed the Betrayers!"  The crewman began to laugh.


Temperance raised the prod again, and the crewman quailed.


"His name is Synder; he wears a Loki Warframe, capable of matching the appearance of anyone he scans.  He scanned you, took your form," the shivering man blabbered.  "We were on our way to this waypoint, but we were ordered to separate you and the Herald.  I don't know where they took her.  I swear, by Profit, I swear!" he shrieked as the arm holding the Prova tensed.


After a long moment, Temperance relaxed his grip on the crewman's throat and stood, the shock prod coming to rest at his side.


"You are not lying," he said.  "And your suit's computers have given me all else that I need to know.  As per our bargain, you live.  And while I am tempted to forgo your reward for wasting my time, I will not."  The Tenno produced a credit stick, downloaded a balance of one hundred thousand, and slid it into a pocket of the crewman's jumpsuit.  "Remember this next time you think of coming after us."


The crewman nodded fervently.


"Now sleep."  A light touch of the Prova, and the crewman lapsed back into unconsciousness.


Seething quietly, Temperance threw away the shock prod and started towards the waypoint provided by the crewman's suit computer, arming his Soma as he went.


"Rien, if you are able, I need your assistance.  Meet me at this waypoint.  And watch out for another me.  We have a trickster in our midst."


Hold on Cardina.  I'm coming for you.

Edited by Temperance000
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