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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Looking to Cyrios and then to the screen, he gulps, "Cyrios unless you got something in your ship that can take out multiple harvesters at once, we won't stand a chance even with Yuzuki on our side."


Miho nods with a worry, "Tatsuya what are we going to do?"


"Honestly Miho, I don't know."

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Taranis wasn't sure if he should follow to help Temperance. With no second thoughts, he walked off in the opposite direction from Temperance and continued down unknown hallways. He heard a familiar sound as he turned around and witnessed the last two seconds of another Volt's Overload, the electricity almost making contact with his suit.


Ok so, people have either gone crazy or that one Volt is doing his sh*t again.


Why not both? Either way someone's in trouble.


Quickly, he went back to the hall before hesitating from turning the corner. He kept looking around as he tried to figure out what to do without being caught. Taranis jumped trying to grab one of the nearest branches that was pretty high up. As he struggled to grab the branch due to the lack of speed, he used a trick that a friend had recently taught him. He sprinted up the wall, grabbed on, and sprinted up again, as if in an infinite-wallrun. Someone began speaking as soon as he grabbed on so he swiftly turned the corner, now standing on a large trunk. He saw Temperance leave and moments later, a Nekros killed a few semi-stylish corpus crewman.


Well that's odd. Seems like there wasn't much trouble at all.


I guess I should just go down there now?


Taranis jumps down from his trunk and not a second licked the air before he stoop up straight. "Nice job, you..." He points to Corvo, "...killing those guys." He keeps his guard up as he walks over to the two Tenno, surveying every corner, the roof, even the ground while keeping his hands open and at his waist. 


Corvo looked to Taranis and looked to the other corpses around "I only killed this one out of the 12 that I have so far put down" replied the Nekros as he removed his Kama from his enemies head.

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Corvo looked to Taranis and looked to the other corpses around "I only killed this one out of the 12 that I have so far put down" replied the Nekros as he removed his Kama from his enemies head.

"Well good job nonetheless." Taranis looked around and back at the Nekros. "I would tell you my name but I don't think now's a good time for introductions. It seems like some Harvesters along with crewman have boarded the derelict. We should go help whoever's in need." He brings out his Latron Prime and reloads and turns to face the Loki, "Are you good?"

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As The Tenno and the Corpus begin to round up of the Herald and Temperance in separate directions,  A Nekros would suddenly and sneakingly embed a Kama Scythe right into the Crewman's head. letting the corpse drop onto the floor. The 6 ft seven inches tall Nekros stands up and begins to help the Loki up. After about sleeping for a while, the Disturbance of Corpus troops entering his room and waking him up rudely had made him quite grumpy, but also quite sensetive to his fellow Tenno's plight. He went to kill any more corpus invaders and left him to help repair the damages done by these invaders.


"Well isn't this a problematic situation" Replied the Nekros as he helped the Rien up with some degree of strength "What happened, and where is Cardina?" he asked the Loki


Meanwhile Samantha said in the Hanger bay to Attakai shrugged "Eh, I would prefer a Holo-Vid but this'll do anyway" she said as she began to fire on the assailant Corpuses


Rien looked to Corvo, quite glad that Corvo had happened to be nearby to save him. In his state, he wouldn't have been able to do much against the Corpus that had him pinned earlier. He grunted in pain from his injuries when he moved to support himself a bit better. "Cardina was taken by the Corpus. They went that way." Rien pointed in the general direction that the Corpus had gone in. "


He fought to ignore the pain as he removed his helmet. His optics were still disrupted from the earlier ambush. "One of them is note how he seems. There is a Loki disguised as Temperance."


"Rien, if you are able, I need your assistance.  Meet me at this waypoint.  And watch out for another me.  We have a trickster in our midst."


Rien replied using his communicator, "I know. I don't know where he went, however. I cannot meet you at the waypoint. I require medical treatment first." Fortunately for Rien, Lambert came by. He had destroyed a Harvester while fighting alongside several other Acolytes and afterwards, moved ahead to tend to any wounded.


He used Renewal before asking, "Just what happened here?" The explanation came from Rien who told both Lambert and Corvo everything that had transpired in the hallways as far as he was aware of.


Temperance should find a message coming in from Rien. "Scratch that. I was fortunate enough that Lambert came by and he healed me with his Renewal. I should be able to meet up with you."


"Well good job nonetheless." Taranis looked around and back at the Nekros. "I would tell you my name but I don't think now's a good time for introductions. It seems like some Harvesters along with crewman have boarded the derelict. We should go help whoever's in need." He brings out his Latron Prime and reloads and turns to face the Loki, "Are you good?"


"If you mean good as in how well I do in combat then yes. If you mean physically, I'm healing rather well despite still feeling terrible. It's never a good experience to have a Harvester ambush you from above right after nearly being toasted by a Volt who turned himself into electricity for a suicidal but extremely powerful Overload."

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The Trinity who had brought Tyranis back to the infirmary followed behind him, concerned for his well-being. "Sir, I don't think this is a good idea for you to be up and about like this. You're not entirely well yet and there could still be Harvesters roaming the halls."



Suddenly, the Corpus standing over Cardina was struck by several shots but there was complete silence leading up the impact. Rien was leaning against a wall for support, having managed to put distance between himself and the Volt during the preparation of the Overload. A quickly placed Decoy combined with a Switch Teleport put him on the out areas of the Overload's range, allowing him to evade the brunt of it. He had still taken a hit and was injured but at least he was standing. With the Corpus so focused on Cardina, he was able to get a few shots in with his completely silenced Vasto.

"I haven't time to rest Acolyte. My kin need me!" He struggled with every word, pain flowed through his body like a river from the Cicero Toxin still in his veins. As he rounded a corridor to one of the hangers he saw something quite horrifying. A pack of Harvesters patrolling the hanger. They seemed to be surrounding a single ship, people must be inside. He leaned against the wall and readied his Vastos. He would not survive a battle with so many Harvesters in his condition, but it would buy time for the people in the ship to escape. He rushed in and opened fire.

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Tatsuya was impatient, one thing he could not stand is not doing anything. Glancing at Miho, he knew she was not ready for this, but he was out of options.


He sighs, "Cyrios, thank you for helping, but I think it's time we leave your ship, Miho, Yuzuki and I are going to take chances and make for the main hall, they're not after you so we can distract a couple of the Corpus into chasing us, giving you a better chance at fighting them." Miho looks at her boyfriend with worry, "Tatsuya are you sure?" he gives her a quick kiss, then places his helmet back on, "We'll be fine." Miho nods.


They head for the ship's door, "Alright on three."


"One. Two."


Tatsuya yells, "THREE!"


As soon as the door opens, the trio make their way off the ship and into the hangar, Yuzuki realizing the threat, fires a missile barrage at one of the Harvesters, putting it out of commission. They make a run for it, not without 6 Crewmen and another Harvester pursuing them, chasing them all the way down into the Main Hall.


'Dammit we have to take them out or they'll keep chasing us!'


"Miho, we have to take them out!" Miho widens her eyes, "W-WHAT!?" Tatsuya reassures her, "You can do it." she relents and nods. "Yuzuki take out the Harvester! Miho with me!" Tatsuya takes out his Vasto, firing twice he kills the first two Crewmen.


Yuzuki charges and tackles the Harvester, the enemy Harvester was programmed to take out Tenno, not a Zanuka. As he tackles it, Yuzuki activates his plasma claws slicing one of its legs off, then proceeds to release a torrent of plasma fire onto its chest, destroying it.


Tatsuya proceeds to take unsheathe his Nikana, 'Oh blade guide my will, be my strength in this time of hour as I face those who dare place harm on those I love.' he unsheathes the blade with lightning speed decapitating one Crewman, the second one takes out his Prova attempting to knock him out, Tatsuya blocks the attack as another Crewman attempts to do the same, taking out his Vasto once more, he places a shot at the Crewman right on the chest. The Crewman made the mistake at looking at his fallen comrade, as soon as he does, his arm holding the Prova loosens, giving Tatsuya a chance and slices him in half. 'Wait, where's the last one?' Tatsuya's eyes widen.




Miho just stands there as the Crewman walks up to him slowly, with a Prova in hand. Her eyes wide with fear. She hears the Crewman chuckle.


"You're coming with us, Tenno."


She starts breathing irrationally, eyes widening even more, she notices the Prova, the same type of weapon she's seen during the time she was captured.


The same type of weapon that the Corpus guard who tried to have his way with her had. She snaps, letting out a cry.




She uses a Pull, causing the Crewman to widen his eyes as he is pulled to the floor. Miho immediately grabs the Prova and proceeds to point it at the Corpus's chest. She lets out another cry, "NRAAGH!"




Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.


She continuously impales the man's chest with the Prova. Covering herself with the Crewman's blood.


Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.


Tatsuya widens his eyes and immediately throws his arms around her. Miho panics and tries to get away, thinking another Corpus was grabbing her. "Get the f*ck away from me! I'll kill you! I'LL F*CKING KILL YOU!"


Tatsuya tries to calm her down, removing his helmet, "Miho! Miho it's me! It's me Tatsuya!" she widens her eyes and looks at his jet black hair and heterochromic eyes. "T-Tatsuya?" he smiles and gives her a kiss, ignoring the blood all over her chest and face. "It's me." She immediately looks at the Corpus she killed. "Oh gods, oh gods." Tears flowing in her eyes, she sobs into her lover's chest.


He pulls her into an embrace and begins stroking her hair, "Shh, shh, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, he was trying to capture you, you only defended yourself." he looks her in the eye, "You only defended yourself, now c'mon, it's still not safe here, there's still more of them out there. Right now our best bet is the Med-Bay." Miho nods dumbly, with Yuzuki behind them, they make their way to the Medical-Bay.


Tatsuya glances back at the dead Corpus with the Prova still embedded on its chest and then looks at Miho sadly, 


'Your first kill is never the easiest.'

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"Jeb pke Herald otfo pke Navi."  The Crewmen taking Cardina changed course to the bowels of the ship  and as they did, a Corpus stealth ship uncloaked and opened it's bay door.  The ship was small enough to fit into the area where a normal Tenno Extraction ship would, and the Corpus used this to their advantage. The leader and captain of the stealth ship connected to the Loki in charge of their operation.  "Synder, this is Squad Alpha.  The Herald is about to be taken aboard the Navi.  Any final requests before we begin Operation Profano?"


Synder came to a halt in the hallway, and looked back at a Nyx who had looked at him curiously.  "Yes, Squad Alpha.  Stop calling me Synder.  I'm going to see what I can do about finding out this Ash's name after I get the vocal receptors up.  I need to sound like him since I only have enough charge left to take one more persona and I don't want to have to use it.  Don't fail me, and don't fail Silac.  Synder out."


The captain of the Navi stepped back and called to his crew, "Per'y jo."  The crew boarded and thrusters were thrown, but they could not leave until cloaking had recovered.  Prayers were said to Profit that no one would find them in that amount of time.


((Jeb pke Herald otfo pke Navi= Get the Herald onto the Navi, Per'y jo= Let's go))

((check OOC to ensure you comprehend what's going on.))

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Tatsuya was impatient, one thing he could not stand is not doing anything. Glancing at Miho, he knew she was not ready for this, but he was out of options.


He sighs, "Cyrios, thank you for helping, but I think it's time we leave your ship, Miho, Yuzuki and I are going to take chances and make for the main hall, they're not after you so we can distract a couple of the Corpus into chasing, giving you a better chance at fighting them." Miho looks at her boyfriend with worry, "Tatsuya are you sure?" he gives her a quick kiss, then places his helmet back on, "We'll be fine." Miho nods.


They head for the ships door, "Alright on three."


"One. Two."


Tatsuya yells, "THREE!"


As soon as the door opens, the trio make their way off the ship and into the hangar, Yuzuki realizing the threat, fires a missile barrage at one of the Harvesters, putting it out of commission. They make a run for it, not without 6 Crewmen and another Harvester pursuing them, chasing them all the way down into the Main Hall.


'Dammit we have to take them out or they'll keep chasing us!'


"Miho, we have to take them out!" Miho widens her eyes, "W-WHAT!?" Tatsuya reassures her, "You can do it." she relents and nods. "Yuzuki take out the Harvester! Miho with me!" Tatsuya takes out his Vasto, firing twice he kills the first two Crewmen.


Yuzuki charges and tackles the Harvester, the enemy Harvester was programmed to take out Tenno, not a Zanuka. As he tackles it, Yuzuki activates his plasma claws slicing one of its legs off, then proceeds to release a torrent of plasma fire onto its chest, destroying it.


Tatsuya proceeds to take unsheathe his Nikana, 'Oh blade guide my will, be my strength in this time of hour as I face those who dare place harm on those I love.' he unsheathes the blade with lightning speed decapitating one Crewman, the second one takes out his Prova attempting to knock him out, Tatsuya blocks the attack as another Crewman attempts to do the same, taking out his Vasto one more, he places a shot at the Crewman right on the chest. The Crewman made the mistake at looking at his fallen comrade, as soon as he does, his arm holding the Prova loosens, giving Tatsuya a chance and slices him in half. 'Wait, where's the last one?' Tatsuya's eyes widen.




Miho just stands there as the Crewman walks up to him slowly, with a Prova in hand. Her eyes wide with fear. She hears the Crewman chuckle.


"You're coming with us, Tenno."


She starts breathing irrationally, eyes widening even more, she notices the Prova, the same type of weapon she's seen during the time she was captured.


The same type of weapon that guard who tried to have his way with her had. She snaps, letting out a cry.




She uses a Pull, causing the Crewman to widen his eyes as he is pulled to the floor. Miho immediately grabs the Prova and proceeds to point it at the Corpus's chest. She lets out another cry, "NRAAGH!"




Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.


She continuously impales the man's chest with the Prova. Covering herself with the Crewman's blood.


Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.


Tatsuya widens his eyes and immediately throws his arms around her. Miho panics and tries to get away, thinking another Corpus was grabbing her. "Get the f*ck away from me! I'll kill you! I'LL F*CKING KILL YOU!"


Tatsuya tries to calm her down, removing his helmet, "Miho! Miho it's me! It's me Tatsuya!" she widens her eyes and looks at his jet black hair and heterochromic eyes. "T-Tatsuya?" he smiles and gives her a kiss, ignoring the blood all over her chest and face. "It's me." She immediately looks at the Corpus she killed. "Oh gods, oh gods." Tears flowing in her eyes, she sobs into her lover's chest.


He pulls her into an embrace and begins stroking her hair, "Shh, shh, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, he was trying to capture, you only defended yourself." he looks her in the eye, "You only defended yourself, now c'mon, it's still not safe here, there's still more of them out there. Right now our best bet is the Med-Bay." Miho nods dumbly, with Yuzuki behind them, they make their way to the Medical-Bay.

As Tyranis entered the hanger, Vastos unloading on Harvesters and Crewman alike, the ramp of the ship he was fighting towards opened, the people who came rushing out he regonized. It was Tatsuya, Miho, and Yuzuki, a Harvester and two Crewman chased after them. Afraid for their safety he also gave chase, he could not keep up he was still weak from the toxin. He heard a loud cry, it was Miho. "Oh no!" He rounded the corner to see Miho cuddled in Tatsuya's arms, she was covered in blood, the bodies of the Crewmen lay around them. "Thank the Lotus you are safe..." He let out a sigh of relief. "What happened here Tatsuya? What happened to her?"

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As Tyranis entered the hanger, Vastos unloading on Harvesters and Crewman alike, the ramp of the ship he was fighting towards opened, the people who came rushing out he regonized. It was Tatsuya, Miho, and Yuzuki, a Harvester and two Crewman chased after them. Afraid for their safety he also gave chase, he could not keep up he was still weak from the toxin. He heard a loud cry, it was Miho. "Oh no!" He rounded the corner to see Miho cuddled in Tatsuya's arms, she was covered in blood, the bodies of the Crewmen lay around them. "Thank the Lotus you are safe..." He let out a sigh of relief. "What happened here Tatsuya? What happened to her?"


The trio stop and spot Tyranis, and then at the dead Corpus that Miho killed, Tatsuya began using hand signals, 'See that Prova embedded on that Crewman's chest?' Tatsuya just sighs, and proceeds to do more hand signals that read, 'Miho's first kill, and not exactly a pleasant one at that.'


"Look, it's still not safe here, best if we head for the Med-Bay." With that they continued on towards the Med-Bay.

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((due to continuity errors and Dread apparently not reading OOC, this post shall be ignored.  We have attempted contact with Dread but he is currently playing League.))


"Jeb pke Herald otfo pke Navi."  The Crewmen taking Cardina changed course to the bowels of the ship  and as they did, a Corpus stealth ship uncloaked and opened it's bay door.  The ship was small enough to fit into the area where a normal Tenno Extraction ship would, and the Corpus used this to their advantage. The leader and captain of the stealth ship connected to the Loki in charge of their operation.  "Synder, this is Squad Alpha.  The Herald is about to be taken aboard the Navi.  Any final requests before we begin Operation Profano?"


Synder came to a halt in the hallway, and looked back at a Nyx who had looked at him curiously.  "Yes, Squad Alpha.  Stop calling me Synder.  I'm going to see what I can do about finding out this Ash's name after I get the vocal receptors up.  I need to sound like him since I only have enough charge left to take one more persona and I don't want to have to use it.  Don't fail me, and don't fail Silac.  Synder out."


The captain of the Navi stepped back and called to his crew, "Per'y jo."  The crew boarded and thrusters were thrown, but they could not leave until cloaking had recovered.  Prayers were said to Profit that no one would find them in that amount of time.


((Jeb pke Herald otfo pke Navi= Get the Herald onto the Navi, Per'y jo= Let's go))

((check OOC to ensure you comprehend what's going on.))


The- the hell... Gods, what- Cardina's jaws yanked open, locked in a silent scream as pure, raw pain twisted her brain over backwards. In the blinding haze of agony, she could barely feel herself slumped over the shoulder of a Tech, his hand pressed against the sticky, raw flesh of Cardina's back to hold her in place. Some tiny, barely lucid part of her wondered where she was, before the Tech shifted his grip, peeling his hand away from the clotting red mass only to slap it down again lower on her back, his fingers finding purchase on the slippery, exposed sinews over her spine.


"Aaae!- euk!- Hllk!" Gasps of shock barely choked from Cardina's throat, as even in her revolting, agonizing state, she still couldn't let herself scream; she couldn't just let go control of her carefully conditioned voice. She tried to gather anything, any concentration to do so much as whisper, but each jarring step of the Tech was another cataclysmic white flash of white-hot torture, wiping away every thought with the unending, unimaginable torment. She tried to think of Temperance, but the Tech drummed his fingers, each digit's minuscule impact sending shockwaves through her body.


Mercifully, she collapsed back into oblivion.

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The- the hell... Gods, what- Cardina's jaws yanked open, locked in a silent scream as pure, raw pain twisted her over backwards. In the blinding haze of agony, she could barely feel herself slumped over the shoulder of a Tech, his hand pressed against the sticky, raw flesh of Cardina's back to hold her in place. Some tiny, barely lucid part of her wondered where she was, before the Tech shifted his grip, peeling his hand away from the clotting red mass only to slap it down again lower on her back, his fingers finding purchase on the slippery, exposed sinews over her spine.


"Aaae!- euk!- Hllk!" Gasps of shock barely choked from Cardina's throat, as even in her revolting, agonizing state, she still couldn't let herself scream; she couldn't just let go control of her carefully conditioned throat. She tried to gather anything, any concentration to do so much as whisper, but each jarring step of the Tech was another cataclysmic white flash of white-hot torture, wiping away every thought with the unending, unimaginable torment. She tried to think of Temperance, but the Tech drummed his fingers, each digit's minuscule impact sending shockwaves through her body.


Mercifully, she collapsed back into oblivion.


Temperance paused, stumbling on a stray vine.  The waypoint was close; for all he knew Rien could be there already.  But something held him back.  Just a feeling, a tingle in the back of his mind.  And then it struck.


Agony shot through him, searing from his lower back into the base of his skull.  He fell to his knees, gasping.  But it was not his pain.  It was hers.  He could feel her again.


"No, no!" Temperance screamed, turning and stumbling back the way he had come.  "Rien!  Below!  Cardina is below!"


But her presence was receding, falling away...outside the derelict.


"No!  Void damn it!"


He reached for her, but felt nothing more.  Cardina was gone.


Slowly, Temperance rose, his Soma clenched in a death grip.  He drew a deep breath and opened a channel to the Nocturne.


"Damin, Arkas, whichever one you are.  There's a Corpus ship leaving the derelict, lower aft sector.  I want to know exactly where it goes."


He resumed his walk to the Corpus waypoint, gritting his teeth to keep from screaming.  When he got there, he would meet with Rien, and from there, they would begin the hunt for this Synder.  And they would make him pay.

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Cyrios stayed aboard the ship for now, deciding that suicide-by-Harvester was not the wisest course of action. After Miho, Tatsuya and Yuzuki left his ship, he closed the boarding ramp, sealing him in. Alone, but not quite. Safe, relatively speaking. A wide grin engrossed his face as he stared at the terminal, a plan hatching in his synthetic mind. He got to work, preparing his body and mind for what would happen next.


The first victim never even saw it coming. Cyrios stepped out of his ship, and all four Harvesters turned and looked directly at him. A ship -- Temperance's ship, to be precise -- crushed the closest 'neath its might bulk, the forward momentum dismembering the machine as though it were a mere ant, plowing through the floor and trapping another underneath it. The two remaining Harvesters leaped aboard the ship, attempting to charge across its hull towards Cyrios. At the command of a thought, one of the upper cannons fired, separating the fore and aft halves of a Harvester in an explosion of orange and yellow flames. One left.


It landed just in front of Cyrios, an explosive shockwave knocking him back a solid three meters. His attempt to look at his combatant was foiled as it pounced upon him, shrieking in his face as metallic paws forced his arms to the floor. Golden electricity crackled vainly as his hands reached in a futile attempt to grab something, anything of the Harvester. Lady luck was on his side this time, it seemed,as his left was just loose enough to slip free. Quick as lightning, he planted it upon the Harvester's leering face, and golden electricity began to arc throughout its robotic body as memory, programming and any form of code was wiped from the system. Orokin Gold fingers dug into synthetic flesh as its shields crackled and snapped, golden energy jumping from head to torso to limb to torso to floor, then back again to another limb. The mechanical nightmare shuddered once fell on top of Cyrios, sizzling dejectedly.


"Ah, sh*t."

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Corvo rushed towards here Rien had pointed where they gone to, he's fast for an old Nekros. More Faster now thanks to that heart Surgery. his Kama Scythe blade closed up, if he reaches his destination in a little too late fashion, He'll make a quick call for help...It it was repaired in time....


Meanwhile back one of the Hangers, Sam continued fired on her assailants with her rifle, stabbing any of her Corpus attackers with her knife should they get close. For a human she's fast and deadly!

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Meanwhile Samantha said in the Hanger bay to Attakai shrugged "Eh, I would prefer a Holo-Vid but this'll do anyway" she said as she began to fire on the assailant Corpuses


Meanwhile back one of the Hangers, Sam continued fired on her assailants with her rifle, stabbing any of her Corpus attackers with her knife should they get close. For a human she's fast and deadly!


Attakai grinned, "So it's a date then? You know, guns blazing, blades clashing, it kind is romantic, in a very violent and bloody way. But then again this is what we do. I think I'm in love with you Sam!"


Seeing Samantha with her rifle firing, and then proceed to stab any Corpus that gets near her, Attakai couldn't help but admire the view.


'She has a great &#!.'

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Attakai grinned, "So it's a date then? You know, guns blazing, blades clashing, it kind is romantic, in a very violent and bloody way. But then again this is what we do. I think I'm in love with you Sam!"


Seeing Samantha with her rifle firing, and then proceed to stab any Corpus that gets near her, Attakai couldn't help but admire the view.


'She has a great &#!.'

"If we survive this, I'll give you a kiss on the lips!" Sam shouts as she continues to shoot and stab at her assailants, One Corpus wielding a Prova attempts to shock her but Sam rebuffs this by disarming the guy with a knife strike to his wrist and turning the bloodied weapon onto the guy's head!, 

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"If we survive this, I'll give you a kiss on the lips!" Sam shouts as she continues to shoot and stab at her assailants, One Corpus wielding a Prova attempts to shock her but Sam rebuffs this by disarming the guy with a knife strike to his wrist and turning the bloodied weapon onto the guy's head!, 


Attakai grinned even wider, "OH HELL YES!" pulling out his mother's Lex, he opens fire at the Corpus, the sheer firepower from a Lex just tears a Crewman's head off like a can of sardines. Thrusting his Orthos, impaling another Crewman. Seeing as there were just so many of them, he performs a Radial Disarm.


A massive electromagnetic like field disables the Corpus weapons, preventing them from firing any further. Seeing as the Corpus no longer had their firearms, activated their Provas.

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"Argh...." with a hand on the side of his head, Shinkiro was walking down the strangely empty hallway, his headache still fresh and lively. Curiosity formed when the sound of corpus voices ever so lightly fill his ears. He makes his way towards the source of the noise, ever growing louder the closer he gets. Upon reaching a door that seems to house the source behind it, Shinkiro stopped to take a deep breath. There is no doubt what he will see behind those doors will be plenty of corpus parts scattered. Armed only with a quiver of arrows, his kunai, and his wristblades, it was not something a normal Tenno would bring to a large fight. But this one was never one to be considered "normal"


With a few kunai in hand, the black and blue ash walks on through the door and into a hanger. What he sees was many corpus crewman, armed with nothing but Provas, attacking a Tenno with the Loki frame and.... A human? 


"Erm...." He stares at everyone.

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"Argh...." with a hand on the side of his head, Shinkiro was walking down the strangely empty hallway, his headache still fresh and lively. Curiosity formed when the sound of corpus voices ever so lightly fill his ears. He makes his way towards the source of the noise, ever growing louder the closer he gets. Upon reaching a door that seems to house the source behind it, Shinkiro stopped to take a deep breath. There is no doubt what he will see behind those doors will be plenty of corpus parts scattered. Armed only with a quiver of arrows, his kunai, and his wristblades, it was not something a normal Tenno would bring to a large fight. But this one was never one to be considered "normal"


With a few kunai in hand, the black and blue ash walks on through the door and into a hanger. What he sees was many corpus crewman, armed with nothing but Provas, attacking a Tenno with the Loki frame and.... A human? 


"Erm...." He stares at everyone.


Attakai glares at the black and blue Ash, what great timing, really. Slashing another Crewman with his Orthos, Attakai yells at the Ash, "Can't you see that we're having a romantic date right now!?"

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"If you mean good as in how well I do in combat then yes. If you mean physically, I'm healing rather well despite still feeling terrible. It's never a good experience to have a Harvester ambush you from above right after nearly being toasted by a Volt who turned himself into electricity for a suicidal but extremely powerful Overload."

"So that's what that was. Putting the power of oneself into an already powerful ability, certainly doesn't fare well for anyone in the way...Well you're still alive and all, so that's gotta mean something."


Corvo rushed towards here Rien had pointed where they gone to, he's fast for an old Nekros. More Faster now thanks to that heart Surgery. his Kama Scythe blade closed up, if he reaches his destination in a little too late fashion, He'll make a quick call for help...It it was repaired in time....

Taranis followed Corvo with ease, unknowing of where he was following the Nekros to. "Mind if I tag along?"

Edited by CosmoKnight
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The captain of the Navi stepped back and called to his crew, "Per'y jo."  The crew boarded and thrusters were thrown, but they could not leave until cloaking had recovered.  Prayers were said to Profit that no one would find them in that amount of time.




Unfortunately for them, Profit wasn't listening.


When the Navi's cloak was finally charged and ready, they quickly disengaged from the derelict and headed full throttle towards the Bleak Veil's debris field. Suddenly, as the ship entered cloak an unexpected explosion blew the Navi off course, disabling the stealth generators.


"What the HELL hit us?!?"


"Another stealth ship Captain. It's closing in on us sir."


"Etjaje evayive sateuvety!" ("Engage evasive maneuvers!")


The Corpus ship quickly corrected it's heading; skillfully weaving through the radioactive wreckage of the Veil, with the Nocturne in hot pursuit. Attempting to lose their Tenno pursuer, the Navi began to fire at the massive chunks of debris, blowing them apart into a wall of shrapnel behind them with the hope it would stop Damin in his tracks.


It didn't work.


The Nocturne was a very agile spacecraft, and Damin knew exactly what he was doing. Flying through the space junk minefield with ease, he maneuvered his stealth ship into position for a clear shot of the Corpus engines. Locked. At the touch of a button, the Nocturne sent a missile screaming through space towards its target. Commanding the flares to be deployed, the captain watched as the Navi unloaded its payload of a million tiny flames that would confuse the navigation systems of the incoming bogey.


Except it didn't.


Unfortunately for them, this was a smart missile. Programmed to home on the specific plasma emissions of a spacecraft thruster, the missile ignored the multiple heat signatures and continued unhindered on its course.


Three hundred meters...


Two hundred meters...


One hundred meters...


Fifty meters...


In a flash of bright light, the fireball blossomed as the missile hit a stray piece of ship debris 30 meters away from the Navi. It had missed it's mark, and the Corpus ship remained unscathed. Damin punched his console. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath. He attempted to get another lock on them, but with all the debris there was just no way.


That's when it came into view.


A Corpus Class D Battle Cruiser was sitting there in the wreckage.


So, that's what they've been hiding out here. The left over void energy must be hiding their energy signature, but how did they manage to get all the way here without being detected? Damin didn't have much time to ponder this however, as the Corpus cruiser opened fire on the Nocturne.




The Nocturne spun violently out of control as the space next to it was vaporized. Using the vector thrusters to stop their perpetual spinning, Damin banked and dodged as high explosive rounds went off all around them. Even with his advanced piloting skills he knew he wouldn't last much longer in this barrage. Suddenly, the hanger bay doors of the Cruiser opened, and the Navi headed in a straight bee line towards it. There is no way I can stop them now, they're to close and that cruiser will rip me to shreds. If Cardina is taken back to the fleet they will be able to wipeout the derelict with ease. The Corpus will win. His face hardened. I can't let that happen. There was only one course of action to take...


I'm getting on that ship.


Switching the Nocturne to auto pilot, Damin quickly got up and grabbed the maneuvering gear they used for ship repairs. He had an idea. It was crazy, insane even, and his chances of surviving were almost none...


Which is why it was going to work.


Damin linked the airlock controls to his HUD and grabbed a bounce device from Cyrill's reserve stash. Quickly programming a flight maneuver and uploading it to the navigations system, the Ash frame placed the bounce device on the wall directly across from the airlock door. He then slipped on the maneuvering gear over his warframe and got in position. Any normal person would be shaking with fear at the prospect of what he was about to do.


Damin didn't even flinch.




Instantly responding to his verbal command, the Nocturne fired the vector thrusters at full power, aiming the airlock directly at the Corpus Cruiser hanger. With split second timing Damin jumped backwards into the bounce while simultaneously opening the airlock. The combination of the Vauban bounce and the vacuum of space shot him out like a cannon, sending the Ash hurtling through the black void.


As the explosions silently blossomed around him, Damin's HUD projected a 3D flight path to the Hanger. Making micro adjustments with the maneuvering gear, he carefully dodged the chunks of debris strewn in the space before the hanger. After closing half the distance, Damin watched as the Navi made it inside safely, then as the hanger doors began to close. I have to go faster! Using his remaining fuel, Damin maxed out the forward maneuvering thrusters.


100 meters till impact...


The doors were more than halfway closed now.


60 meters till impact...


Only a ten foot gap now.


30 meters till impact...


He wasn't going to make it.


1 meter till impact...




Damin flew through the gap just as the hanger doors closed. His momentum carried him tumbling end over end and sliding across the runway. Extending his clawed hand Damin dug it into the floor, ripping up the metal surface slowing his speed, until he finally came to a stop. A nearby female Corpus Tech had seen the whole thing, and now stood jaw dropped as the Ash picked himself up and turned to face her. "That was pretty impressive; I must say. Wouldn't you agree?" The Tech dropped her datapad and turned to flee, but was stopped dead by a Despair blade to the back of the head. After retrieving his knife from her greedy skull, Damin quickly cloaked and disappeared into the shadows.


He had made it aboard.

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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The trio stop and spot Tyranis, and then at the dead Corpus that Miho killed, Tatsuya began using hand signals, 'See that Prova embedded on that Crewman's chest?' Tatsuya just sighs, and proceeds to do more hand signals that read, 'Miho's first kill, and not exactly a pleasant one at that.'


"Look, it's still not safe here, best if we head for the Med-Bay." With that they continued on towards the Med-Bay.


At the medical bay, Gaia and some of the Acolytes were treating the wounded for both injuries and various poisons that the Harvesters had apparently been equipped with. It was rough at the moment as the medical staff was rushing about to get everyone back into fighting condition. Thus far, the Acolytes had managed to kill the Harvesters in 1 vs 1 confrontations but rerouped when outnumbered to avoid casualties.


Temperance paused, stumbling on a stray vine.  The waypoint was close; for all he knew Rien could be there already.  But something held him back.  Just a feeling, a tingle in the back of his mind.  And then it struck.


Agony shot through him, searing from his lower back into the base of his skull.  He fell to his knees, gasping.  But it was not his pain.  It was hers.  He could feel her again.


"No, no!" Temperance screamed, turning and stumbling back the way he had come.  "Rien!  Below!  Cardina is below!"


But her presence was receding, falling away...outside the derelict.


"No!  Void damn it!"


He reached for her, but felt nothing more.  Cardina was gone.


Slowly, Temperance rose, his Soma clenched in a death grip.  He drew a deep breath and opened a channel to the Nocturne.


"Damin, Arkas, whichever one you are.  There's a Corpus ship leaving the derelict, lower aft sector.  I want to know exactly where it goes."


He resumed his walk to the Corpus waypoint, gritting his teeth to keep from screaming.  When he got there, he would meet with Rien, and from there, they would begin the hunt for this Synder.  And they would make him pay.



Rien looked to Temperance. He communicated on a private channel linked to Temperance's helmet. "Greetings, Temperance. It is good to see that you escaped capture." The reason for doing so rather than speaking openly was to ensure that the Temperance he was seeing was the real one and not the fake. The fake would not receive the message and thus would not know to reply.

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The trio stop and spot Tyranis, and then at the dead Corpus that Miho killed, Tatsuya began using hand signals, 'See that Prova embedded on that Crewman's chest?' Tatsuya just sighs, and proceeds to do more hand signals that read, 'Miho's first kill, and not exactly a pleasant one at that.'


"Look, it's still not safe here, best if we head for the Med-Bay." With that they continued on towards the Med-Bay.

Tyranis understood the signals. "I understand, continue on your way to the Med-Bay, i may not be in a stable condition myself, but as long as i can still move i will not sit by with my kin in harms way!. Lotus keep you safe." He left them, disappearing into the halls of the derelict. He opened the comm channel and called out to anyone who would listen. "This is Black Knight Tyranis, i need a status update on the current situation, i am coming to assist" 

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Attakai glares at the black and blue Ash, what great timing, really. Slashing another Crewman with his Orthos, Attakai yells at the Ash, "Can't you see that we're having a romantic date right now!?"


At this time Attakai and Samantha might notice how the Corpus crewmen suddenly are holding on to their heads as if they all had gotten a real headache.

Jinx stood in the shadows, reaching into the crewmen's minds and when she had reached their core she sank her telepathic claws into them. Slowly the crewmen's visions changed. The nearby Tenno and human was now Corpus while the other crewmen around them had changed into Tenno and others from the Red Vail. Jinx entered their minds and spoke to them in a voice that made them believe it was their own thoughts.


You're surrounded by enemies. They're everywhere. You need to protect yourself. You have your weapon now use it! Kill every betrayer you see!


All of a sudden the Corpus seemed to totally ignore the actual Tenno and started firing at each other instead.

Dread arrows were now flying through the air, striking its targets one by one all while a black and red Excalibur rushed forward. He charged forward, sliding over the floor on his knees and used his Hate scythe to effectively cutting off the legs by the knees of the close standing Crewmen. He then jumped up and buried the Hate into another ones skull.

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