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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Cardina's eyes blinked open, slowly trying to focus through the whiteness. She was moving, that much was clear, the ceiling sliding swiftly along overhead. Her perception slowly sharpened, revealing a Corpus walking- in front of her? But forwards? What- oh, Cardina's pain-riddled mind started piecing together what she was seeing. I'm being dragged. Backwards. I can think. Cardina shut her eyes again, letting her head roll back as she focused on pinpointing the pain. Her back was... improving, each cold touch of air merely agonizing instead of a razor's cruel kiss. Technocyte, she lifted her head up again, eyes wide open in surprise at the bizarre sensation of skin sliding over sinew.


"You," Cardina stared at the Captain's visor, her thoughts becoming more coherent as her cells repaired and multiplied at a staggering, impossible rate. "Why have you attacked my Church? For profit, obviously," she cracked a grim smirk, "but there are far easier ways to make a credit. So why are you here?"

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Argus grins, "Oh with pleasure old friend! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" as he nears the pods, he grabs one of the pods, and literally smashes it onto floor, damaging whatever what was inside. "HAHAHAHA! Tyranis my friend! They were kind enough to give us Hyenas to play with!"

"Hyenas? They must be getting serious. Go ahead and let them out. I could use the exercise. Jinx, Arthur, you can take the other one. Do be careful, Hyenas are not to be taken lightly no matter what condition they are in." He removed his Galatine from his back and began to stroll over to the pod Argus had just slammed into the ground. "You better not kill that thing before i get a crack at it Argus, i'm still a little sore about the Harvesters earlier." He spoke to Argus like they had done this a thousand times. They probably had, Tyranis had known Argus longer then anybody. They were rivals on the battlefield, always trying to outdo each other.

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"As far as I know, he is disguised as you. Finding him will be difficult and who knows what he could have done while disguised as you. You will have to be careful." He sighed and crossed his arms. "This is a tricky situation. For the most part, only you and I know about this but if we tell anyone, there will be an announcement and our target will become much more cautious."


"Agreed," Temperance said grimly.  "Distasteful though it is, we need to keep this under wraps.  I'm going to head back towards the reactor room; you take the main halls.  We don't know if Synder can shift at will, so it's best not to trust anyone but each other, until we know for certain.  Keep your scanner on at all times; record the phase signatures of everyone you meet.  If we set up our Warframes to share data over a cell net, we can cross reference each other's findings and note any discrepancies.  If all else fails, I may have a way to force him out, but it would require either an ideal situation or some elaborate prep work."


The Ash checked to ensure that his weapons were off safe.  He was taking no chances with a duplicate of himself running loose on the derelict.  With a mental flick, he added Rien to his cell roster, and smiled grimly as the Loki's vitals and dedicated comm line appeared in his HUD.  The two assassin frames nodded to each other and slipped away in opposite directions without a word.


As Temperance walked, eyes flicking carefully over every element of his surroundings, he tuned in to the Church channels.  He frowned at reports of Hyenas in the hangars; the pack proxies were vicious and deadly even individually, and they became worse as their numbers increased.  From the sounds of things, they were dealing with at least eight of the things.

This day is just a catalog of reasons not to like the Corpus.
A few minutes later, Temperance reached the reactor room, more than a bit disturbed the lack of acolytes he had encountered along the way.  He stepped inside, Soma at the ready, and found the room empty.
Strange.  You'd think the med team would have left someone behind to guard the place after that incident with the Volt.
He turned for the other door, and suddenly found it extremely difficult to move  He had walked straight into a Vauban's Bastille.  The Tenno in question knelt just outside the door, pointing a gun at him and shielding with his body the prone form of an unconscious Oberon.
"Easy Tenno," Temperance said, spreading his arms as best he could in the dampening field.  "I'm a friendly."
The Vauban's gun arm jerked a little.
"I'm a friendly," the Ash tried again.  "An ally?  Someone you don't want to shoot?  You know, Temperance?"
The Vauban fired, and Temperance winced as the bullet pinged off his shields over his chest.  The Vauban seemed to be shouting into his comm as he lined up a headshot; Temperance elected to give him no such chance.
The Ash vanished in a puff of smoke, appearing behind his unfortunate assailant.
"Sorry brother," Temperance said, before swiftly bludgeoning the tactical frame into unconsciousness.  He knelt to examine the Oberon; the Tenno was out, but stable.  The two med techs missing their heads, however, presented a bit of a problem.
Well, now I know what Synder was doing.
Temperance spat out the first curse that came to mind and slammed his fist into a nearby locker.  The door beeped a harsh lock tone at him.  Imagining it was Synder's face, he slammed the keypad again, eliciting a shower of sparks as the lock overloaded.  The locker swung open, but instead of credits or resource ampules, a familiar Vauban tumbled out.
"Cyril?" Temperance muttered, frowning.  "This cannot be good..."
From down the hall came shouts, and the sound of pounding feet.
((500th Post!))
Edited by Temperance000
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"Hyenas? They must be getting serious. Go ahead and let them out. I could use the exercise. Jinx, Arthur, you can take the other one. Do be careful, Hyenas are not to be taken lightly no matter what condition they are in." He removed his Galatine from his back and began to stroll over to the pod Argus had just slammed into the ground. "You better not kill that thing before i get a crack at it Argus, i'm still a little sore about the Harvesters earlier." He spoke to Argus like they had done this a thousand times. They probably had, Tyranis had known Argus longer then anybody. They were rivals on the battlefield, always trying to outdo each other.

The twins quickly managed to shake off the chock, or more correctly were snapped out of fit as the pods hit the ship. Seeing the Prime rip open the pods to reveal Hyenas immediately caught their attention. And by the time they were given a target the both wore toothy grins on their faces.


"Oh look Arth, they brought us a toy"


"How thoughtful of them"


They both drew their primary as they began to circle around the proxy, looking for any weak spots and prepared to strike and/or defend themselves.

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Speaking of Pyre, she walked into the hangar after a moment. Her movements showed that she was tired, apparently having been woken from her sleep. "Hello everyone. Don't mind me. I'm just cleaning up the garbage." No sooner did she finish speaking than the corpses in the hangar burst into flames, being reduced to ash in seconds.


The Ash turned to see his lady friend, feeling a bit more better from his hangover. "Pyre, my fiery...." He watches as the corpses were burnt to ashes. "...Friend. You shouldn't be up doing work when you are fully awake. A lady should always get her beauty-" The sound of crashing and the shaking of the derelict interrupted. More corpus. What a surprise. 


Argus grins, "Oh with pleasure old friend! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" as he nears the pods, he grabs one of the pods, and literally smashes it onto the floor, damaging whatever what was inside. "HAHAHAHA! Tyranis my friend! They were kind enough to give us Hyenas to play with!"


Shinkiro raised an eyebrow at the Prime shaking one of the pods. He seems to be enjoying himself quite well. As much as he wants to cause some havoc, Shinkiro is simply under-armed to provide sufficient damage. A quiver of paris prime arrows, a rack of kunais, and a pair of wristblades isn't going to cut it.

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"Agreed," Temperance said grimly.  "Distasteful though it is, we need to keep this under wraps.  I'm going to head back towards the reactor room; you take the main halls.  We don't know if Synder can shift at will, so it's best not to trust anyone but each other, until we know for certain.  Keep your scanner on at all times; record the phase signatures of everyone you meet.  If we set up our Warframes to share data over a cell net, we can cross reference each other's findings and note any discrepancies.  If all else fails, I may have a way to force him out, but it would require either an ideal situation or some elaborate prep work."


The Ash checked to ensure that his weapons were off safe.  He was taking no chances with a duplicate of himself running loose on the derelict.  With a mental flick, he added Rien to his cell roster, and smiled grimly as the Loki's vitals and dedicated comm line appeared in his HUD.  The two assassin frames nodded to each other and slipped away in opposite directions without a word.


As Temperance walked, eyes flicking carefully over every element of his surroundings, he tuned in to the Church channels.  He frowned at reports of Hyenas in the hangars; the pack proxies were vicious and deadly even individually, and they became worse as their numbers increased.  From the sounds of things, they were dealing with at least eight of the things.

This day is just a catalog of reasons not to like the Corpus.
A few minutes later, Temperance reached the reactor room, more than a bit disturbed the lack of acolytes he had encountered along the way.  He stepped inside, Soma at the ready, and found the room empty.
Strange.  You'd think the med team would have left someone behind to guard the place after that incident with the Volt.
He turned for the other door, and suddenly found it extremely difficult to move  He had walked straight into a Vauban's Bastille.  The Tenno in question knelt just outside the door, pointing a gun at him and shielding with his body the prone form of an unconscious Oberon.
"Easy Tenno," Temperance said, spreading his arms as best he could in the dampening field.  "I'm a friendly."
The Vauban's gun arm jerked a little.
"I'm a friendly," the Ash tried again.  "An ally?  Someone you don't want to shoot?  You know, Temperance?"
The Vauban fired, and Temperance winced as the bullet pinged off his shields over his chest.  The Vauban seemed to be shouting into his comm as he lined up a headshot; Temperance elected to give him no such chance.
The Ash vanished in a puff of smoke, appearing behind his unfortunate assailant.
"Sorry brother," Temperance said, before swiftly bludgeoning the tactical frame into unconsciousness.  He knelt to examine the Oberon; the Tenno was out, but stable.  The two med tech missing their heads, however, presented a bit of a problem.
Well, now I know what Synder was doing.
Temperance spat out the first curse that came to mind and slammed his fist into a nearby locker.  The door beeped a harsh lock tone at him.  Imagining it was Synder's face, he slammed the keypad again, eliciting a shower of sparks as the lock overloaded.  The locker swung open, but instead of credits or resource ampules, a familiar Vauban tumbled out.
"Cyril?" Temperance muttered, frowning.  "This cannot be good..."
From down the hall came shouts, and the sound of pounding feet.
((500th Post!))


Rien sent Temperance something for his map readout which displayed people in the derelict as dots with different colours. Enemies were red, church members were blue and outsiders were marked as yellow. Entities of unknown allegiance, however, were marked as grey dots. "I think you'll be needing this, Temperance. Usually, this is to remain among lookouts and those on active patrol. Most church members don't even have access to this but the situation requires I share this with you. It will help you keep track of who is who. The imposter can copy appearance and voice but I doubt he can copy our identifiers as well."


That aside, Rien continued his sweep of the derelict. Then came the noise and a bit of shaking caused by the collision of the drop pods which had breached the doors and shields of the hangars. It seemed that the Corpus had no shortage of soldiers and proxies to throw at them. He guessed they would be trying to buy time for themselves, locking down the hangars to keep anyone from giving chase in their interceptors.


Meanwhile, the cell that had come after Temperance in accordance to the Vauban's message was composed of an Excalibur, a Banshee, a Loki and a Mag. The particular combination of Tenno meant that if allowed to, they could blind, deafen, disarm and disrupt Temperance. Before they entered the room, the Excalibur called out, "Surrender yourself and face judgement for your heinous crimes, Temperance!"


The Ash turned to see his lady friend, feeling a bit more better from his hangover. "Pyre, my fiery...." He watches as the corpses were burnt to ashes. "...Friend. You shouldn't be up doing work when you are fully awake. A lady should always get her beauty-" The sound of crashing and the shaking of the derelict interrupted. More corpus. What a surprise. 


Shinkiro raised an eyebrow at the Prime shaking one of the pods. He seems to be enjoying himself quite well. As much as he wants to cause some havoc, Shinkiro is simply under-armed to provide sufficient damage. A quiver of paris prime arrows, a rack of kunais, and a pair of wristblades isn't going to cut it.


Pyre yawned softly. "Hello, Shinkiro. Trust me, I would have remained asleep if I could but we're spread thing so the tactical officer woke me up with announcements."


She groaned a bit from the shaking caused by the impact of the two pods entering the hangar. She was not, by any means, in the mood to deal with any more of this madness. First, she was awakened from her beauty sleep to incinerate corpses and now this? Now she was definitely ticked. "I've had enough of the Corpus and their pets for one day!" The Hyenas and whatever else may be inside the two pods suddenly burst into flames as Pyre approached. Everywhere she stepped, her Warframe's footprints were burnt into the floor and there was a trail of flames left behind her.

Edited by Sumika1204
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Cardina's eyes blinked open, slowly trying to focus through the whiteness. She was moving, that much was clear, the ceiling sliding swiftly along overhead. Her perception slowly sharpened, revealing a Corpus walking- in front of her? But forwards? What- oh, Cardina's pain-riddled mind started piecing together what she was seeing. I'm being dragged. Backwards. I can think. Cardina shut her eyes again, letting her head roll back as she focused on pinpointing the pain. Her back was... improving, each cold touch of air merely agonizing instead of a razor's cruel kiss. Technocyte, she lifted her head up again, eyes wide open in surprise at the bizarre sensation of skin sliding over sinew.


"You," Cardina stared at the Captain's visor, her thoughts becoming more coherent as her cells repaired and multiplied at a staggering, impossible rate. "Why have you attacked my Church? For profit, obviously," she cracked a grim smirk, "but there are far easier ways to make a credit. So why are you here?"


The Captain continued walking, gesturing for the crew to continue onwards.  "Oh Herald...it appears you have a common misconception of the Corpus," the Captain snickered.  "Our lives and their purposes are based around success and profit, and the easy way is not always the best way.  Tell me Herald...if you were offered credit to do something, or offered twice the credit to do the same thing for someone else with just a slight increase in damages, which option would you take?"


Before Cardina could even open her mouth, the Captain continued.  "Obviously, any sane Corpus member would be willing to gain more by simply capturing a unarmored, useless Tenno for another Corpus member...especially someone with a reputation like Silac.  Being able to slap his name on something I did is sure to gain me and my crew some observance."  The Captain stopped once more and adjusted a terminal, opening the door to the teleporter room.  "And to think...so much gain for such a meager, worthless Tenno who doesn't know the difference between a god and a ruler."


"I want this teleporter up in five minutes!  The receiver is already prepared and we have no time to lose...fail me and you fail Silac!  Tot pke Yotkuy!"


((Tot pke Yotkuy=For the Corpus))

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Hundreds upon hundreds of Corpus swears were being thrown into the air, bouncing off the walls and reverberating in the helmets of the Crewmen.


One spoke through the blinding mayhem, "Jep pke yyypesy tayk, TOJ!"  A group of Crewmen ran out of the hangar to see what could be done about the total knockout of all the systems.  Fearing the worst, a group of Railgun Moas were set to patrol the hangar, in case any Tenno attempted to board while systems were down.


The Captain of the Navi, leading his group of captors, shouted over the commotion: "Get the Herald to the Teleporter room now!  The systems may be down but we are not!  Your waypoint is set, now get to it."  The Captain wished to speak to Synder to alert him of the system failure, but orders were orders, and he was not one to break an order from a Tenno.  Grabbing a Sniper by the oxygen tubes, the Captain dragged him close so he could hear.  "Deploy the Hyenas.  We need to give Synder time."


The Sniper dropped to his feet again and coughed out, "But sir, with systems down we can't port them...what do you suggest?"


The Captain paused to think, but it wasn't long before he had the idea he needed in his head.  He smiled, imagining the pain he could cause.


On the derelict, Synder walked in the direction of the hangar before pausing to call on his crew.  "This is Synder again.  I've got more intel.  The Ash is named Temperance and he figured me out.  Not before I could intercept some communications, however.  He is indeed on the loose and is with the Loki.  However, I still have an old friend of his on hold, so last chance to give me a request before I kill some Tenno."


The Captain grinned, thinking his next words out carefully.  "Alright Commander, we need a waypoint on the three hangars.  We're going to launch the Hyenas.  However, our systems are down so we can't open the bay doors, so..." The Captain paused, chuckling at his evil thoughts, "Let's just say desperate times call for desperate measures."


Synder was confused with his Captain's vagueness, but knew to trust his nonsensical riddles.  "Very well.  While I hate ambiguity, I know by now you won't fail me.  Get the job done."  Synder set a waypoint dead center in the three hangars, and within half a minute, heard a quiet noise that was approaching quickly. 

Stepping out into the hall closest to the hangars, he watched as 6 Corpus Drop Pods plummeted into the three hangars at insane speed, dropped from an escape ship that detached from the bridge.  The pods split into groups of two, each group dropping into a designated hangar.  These Hyenas were making it on at the cost of some of the Crews' safety.


And Synder liked it.


Time for some deception, it would seem.


Linking back with Cyrios' line, Synder switched his vocal receptors to that of Temperance's.  "I'm sorry, my channels were scrambled when I was attacked by a group of Corpus...who is this?"  Synder smiled, glad to be back in his element.


((Jep pke yyypesy tayk, TOJ=Get the systems back, NOW))

The voice that responded was... off. It sounded, ever so slightly synthetic....


Cyrios didn't much time to think about such things, however, as two pods slammed into the floor to either side of him. "HOLY SH*T" he exclaimed across the mic, as his eye automatically scanned the two vessels. Hyenas. Great. "I, ah, don't have much time for chit-chat now. Bye! Cyrios out! See-ya!" He began to sprint towards the nearest hallway exit even as the pods hissed open, releasing their packages. The door opened in front of him and Cyrios sprinted through, the Hyenas in hot pursuit. Cyrios leaped towards the right wall, golden electricity arcing from his fingertips like sparks as he made contact and started sprinting across its smooth surface, bullets pinging all around him as they slammed into the wall and his personal shields.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up." He updated any nearby folks' maps with a mobile waypoint on himself as he ran. Seeing what appeared to be Temperance below, Cyrios launched himself from the wall, landing behind the man with an audible CLANK as Orokin gold, skeletally designed feet slammed into the floor. Cyrios spun, facing the oncoming Hyenas whilst simultaneously using Temperance ((Synder)) as a meatshield.


"Good to see ya Temp! Kill these please? Not so good at the combat thing myself."

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The couple and their Zanuka ran through the hall as they entered the hangar where their ship was docked, as they entered their ship Tatsuya called out "Miho grab a Latron from the weapons rack!" Miho nods and grabs it, Tatsuya switched out his Vasto for a pair of Akstilletos, and restocked on ammo, with the Corpus coming, they were going to need it. Tatsuya looks at Miho once more, "You all set?" Miho nods hesitantly, he notices her nervousness and gives her a kiss, "You'll be fine, I'll make sure of it." they put on their helmets and set out for the main hangar where the action seems to be going.


As they reach the main hangar, they spot their friends and other Tenno gathered around what seems to be Corpus pods set on fire. Argus grins and spots the couple and their Zanuka, "Tatsuya and Miho! How nice of you to join us! It seems you have brought your pet as well! HAHAHAHA!" Argus grabs a metal rod and impales one of the burning Hyenas and places it over his shoulder, "We are having shish kebab tonight! HAHAHAHAHA!"


Tatsuya notices an unconscious Corpus officer on the floor, "Uhm, why is there a knocked out Corpus officer here?"



The voice that responded was... off. It sounded, ever so slightly synthetic....


Cyrios didn't much time to think about such things, however, as two pods slammed into the floor to either side of him. "HOLY SH*T" he exclaimed across the mic, as his eye automatically scanned the two vessels. Hyenas. Great. "I, ah, don't have much time for chit-chat now. Bye! Cyrios out! See-ya!" He began to sprint towards the nearest hallway exit even as the pods hissed open, releasing their packages. The door opened in front of him and Cyrios sprinted through, the Hyenas in hot pursuit. Cyrios leaped towards the right wall, golden electricity arcing from his fingertips like sparks as he made contact and started sprinting across its smooth surface, bullets pinging all around him as they slammed into the wall and his personal shields.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up." He updated any nearby folks' maps with a mobile waypoint on himself as he ran. Seeing what appeared to be Temperance below, Cyrios launched himself from the wall, landing behind the man with an audible CLANK as Orokin gold, skeletally designed feet slammed into the floor. Cyrios spun, facing the oncoming Hyenas whilst simultaneously using Temperance ((Synder)) as a meatshield.


"Good to see ya Temp! Kill these please? Not so good at the combat thing myself."


Sam looked to Attakai "We should help find that Cardina lady" she inquired, reloading her rifle and preparing to move


Attakai nods, "We should head for the infermary, Lady Gaia might be there as she is a Trinity, our best is to start from-" he notices his comm going off.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up."


Attakai grits his teeth, "Dammit, Sam we need to help him! C'mon!" he activates his comm, "Cyrios! This is Attakai, me and Sam heard your transmission, where are you!?"

Edited by Unendingblade
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The couple and their Zanuka ran through the hall as they entered the hangar where their ship was docked, as they entered their ship Tatsuya called out "Miho grab a Latron from the weapons rack!" Miho nods and grabs it, Tatsuya switched out his Vasto for a pair of Akstilletos, and restocked on ammo, with the Corpus coming, they were going to need it. Tatsuya looks at Miho once more, "You all set?" Miho nods hesitantly, he notices her nervousness and gives her a kiss, "You'll be fine, I'll make sure of it." they put on their helmets and set out for the main hangar where the action seems to be going.


As they reach the main hangar, they spot their friends and other Tenno gathered around what seems to be Corpus pods set on fire. Argus grins and spots the couple and their Zanuka, "Tatsuya and Miho! How nice of you to join us! It seems you have brought your pet as well! HAHAHAHA!" Argus grabs a metal rod and impales one of the burning Hyenas and places it over his shoulder, "We are having shish kebab tonight! HAHAHAHAHA!"






Attakai nods, "We should head for the infermary, Lady Gaia might be there as she is a Trinity, our best is to start from-" he notices his comm going off.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up."


Attakai grits his teeth, "Dammit, Sam we need to help him! C'mon!" he activates his comm, "Cyrios! This is Attakai, me and Sam heard your transmission, where are you!?"

Cyrios mentally facepalmed and sent them a mobile waypoint, which would htrack him whether or not he moved.
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Pyre yawned softly. "Hello, Shinkiro. Trust me, I would have remained asleep if I could but we're spread thing so the tactical officer woke me up with announcements."


She groaned a bit from the shaking caused by the impact of the two pods entering the hangar. She was not, by any means, in the mood to deal with any more of this madness. First, she was awakened from her beauty sleep to incinerate corpses and now this? Now she was definitely ticked. "I've had enough of the Corpus and their pets for one day!" The Hyenas and whatever else may be inside the two pods suddenly burst into flames as Pyre approached. Everywhere she stepped, her Warframe's footprints were burnt into the floor and there was a trail of flames left behind her.



The couple and their Zanuka ran through the hall as they entered the hangar where their ship was docked, as they entered their ship Tatsuya called out "Miho grab a Latron from the weapons rack!" Miho nods and grabs it, Tatsuya switched out his Vasto for a pair of Akstilletos, and restocked on ammo, with the Corpus coming, they were going to need it. Tatsuya looks at Miho once more, "You all set?" Miho nods hesitantly, he notices her nervousness and gives her a kiss, "You'll be fine, I'll make sure of it." they put on their helmets and set out for the main hangar where the action seems to be going.


As they reach the main hangar, they spot their friends and other Tenno gathered around what seems to be Corpus pods set on fire. Argus grins and spots the couple and their Zanuka, "Tatsuya and Miho! How nice of you to join us! It seems you have brought your pet as well! HAHAHAHA!" Argus grabs a metal rod and impales one of the burning Hyenas and places it over his shoulder, "We are having shish kebab tonight! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Tyranis noticing the Hyenas suddenly bursting into flames turned around to see Pyre approaching from behind, leaving a trail of fire in her wake. "Miss Pyre! How nice of you to join us. You don't seem to be well rested, i'd imagine you aren't very pleased with our friends here waking you. I will see to their quick removal." He turned back to Argus who had already impaled the Hyena on a metal rod and was already on his way back to them carrying it over his shoulder "Damn it Argus what did i tell you?!" He noticed Miho and Tatsuya enter from the side of the hanger "Well it would seem we've got quite the party going on here." He placed his Galatine back on his back and sighed

Edited by MasterDread
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The Captain continued walking, gesturing for the crew to continue onwards.  "Oh Herald...it appears you have a common misconception of the Corpus," the Captain snickered.  "Our lives and their purposes are based around success and profit, and the easy way is not always the best way.  Tell me Herald...if you were offered credit to do something, or offered twice the credit to do the same thing for someone else with just a slight increase in damages, which option would you take?"


Before Cardina could even open her mouth, the Captain continued.  "Obviously, any sane Corpus member would be willing to gain more by simply capturing a unarmored, useless Tenno for another Corpus member...especially someone with a reputation like Silac.  Being able to slap his name on something I did is sure to gain me and my crew some observance."  The Captain stopped once more and adjusted a terminal, opening the door to the teleporter room.  "And to think...so much gain for such a meager, worthless Tenno who doesn't know the difference between a god and a ruler."


"I want this teleporter up in five minutes!  The receiver is already prepared and we have no time to lose...fail me and you fail Silac!  Tot pke Yotkuy!"


((Tot pke Yotkuy=For the Corpus))


Cardina leisurely surveyed the teleporter room, watching the crewmen scuttle about to fulfill their captain's orders. "An awful lot of trouble for a worthless Tenno, and without even a warframe to sweeten the deal. Though I suppose it isn't your place to question such things, lest you find out how much I'm really worth." Cardina settled back with her eyes slipping shut, smiling at the rapid patter of Corpus feet. "Seems we have some time before I must so rudely depart. If you don't mind sating my curiosity, what did the briefing say about me? I'm quite concerned with reputation, can't have my Church looking bad."


Temperance, Cardina called out, fumbling for his mind. I'm awake, in the teleporter room. I don't suppose you aren't preoccupied?

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Cardina leisurely surveyed the teleporter room, watching the crewmen scuttle about to fulfill their captain's orders. "An awful lot of trouble for a worthless Tenno, and without even a warframe to sweeten the deal. Though I suppose it isn't your place to question such things, lest you find out how much I'm really worth." Cardina settled back with her eyes slipping shut, smiling at the rapid patter of Corpus feet. "Seems we have some time before I must so rudely depart. If you don't mind sating my curiosity, what did the briefing say about me? I'm quite concerned with reputation, can't have my Church looking bad."


Temperance, Cardina called out, fumbling for his mind. I'm awake, in the teleporter room. I don't suppose you aren't preoccupied?

Temperance000, on 10 May 2014 - 5:06 PM, said:


"Tenno Arkas, you have a maximum of five minutes before they manage to reboot their systems, ten if they need to recalibrate the teleport.  Good luck Tenno.  It's up to you now."



Five minutes... This day just keeps getting better. How on Ceres am I going to find the portal room in five minutes? I might be able to ping her- no, damn, she's not in her frame. What if I torture- no, I don't have time. What if-





That's right, I can hear her sing.

Damin reached out into the darkness, listening for her song, seeking out her light. It didn't take long for him to find her presence. He took off in a  full sprint down the shaft, his every muscle going into overdrive, the technocyte pulling him- leading him to Cardina.


"Seems we have some time before I must so rudely depart. If you don't mind sating my curiosity, what did the briefing say about me? I'm quite concerned with reputation, can't have my Church looking bad."


The Captain never got the chance to answer.


Breaking through the end of the ventilation shaft, Damin came flying into the portal room; a spinning nikana copter of death. The first Elite Crewman didn't even get a chance to scream before his body was ripped apart into bright red ribbons. Disappearing into a cloud of smoke, the Ash reappeared behind the sniper, swinging his Nikana upwards severing the oxygen tubes and head of the unfortunate Corpus operative. Screaming with rage, the second Elite Crewmen swung his flux rifle at Damin's head in an attempt to stun the Tenno, but as the weapon came down he hit nothing but air. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, the crewmen turned around only to have Damin slice through his belly, spilling out his guts onto the floor. Blade Storming, he was a blur of shadowy death, painting blood and innards all over the walls and floors.


After watching the brutal deaths of his men, the Captain of the Navi grabbed Cardina and placed his Vasto to her head. "Don't come any closer or I will kill her!" Damin paused, then continued slowly walking towards them. "I swear to profit I will KIL...AAGGHH" the Captain was cut short when the Ash suddenly flinched and a despair blade lodged itself in his hand. Howling in pain, the Captain lost his grip on Cardina, stumbling backwards cradling his now nerveless hand.

Drawing his other Vasto the Corpus Captain unloaded his entire clip at the Ash, but Damin just easily deflected the Corpus' pathetic attempt at defense. More screaming and the sound of cracking bone was audibly heard as Damin kicked in the Captain's knee, forcing it backwards.Standing over him, looking down, Damin took a moment to savor the look of hatred, despair, and pure terror on the captain's face, before shoving his Dragon Nikana down the Corpus' throat.


"Profit from that you bastard"

Retracting his helmet, Damin turned to face Cardina, a sharp toothed grin smiled at her from underneath fiery green eyes.

"Hello Cardina, so nice to finally meet you in the flesh"


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Rien sent Temperance something for his map readout which displayed people in the derelict as dots with different colours. Enemies were red, church members were blue and outsiders were marked as yellow. Entities of unknown allegiance, however, were marked as grey dots. "I think you'll be needing this, Temperance. Usually, this is to remain among lookouts and those on active patrol. Most church members don't even have access to this but the situation requires I share this with you. It will help you keep track of who is who. The imposter can copy appearance and voice but I doubt he can copy our identifiers as well."


That aside, Rien continued his sweep of the derelict. Then came the noise and a bit of shaking caused by the collision of the drop pods which had breached the doors and shields of the hangars. It seemed that the Corpus had no shortage of soldiers and proxies to throw at them. He guessed they would be trying to buy time for themselves, locking down the hangars to keep anyone from giving chase in their interceptors.


Meanwhile, the cell that had come after Temperance in accordance to the Vauban's message was composed of an Excalibur, a Banshee, a Loki and a Mag. The particular combination of Tenno meant that if allowed to, they could blind, deafen, disarm and disrupt Temperance. Before they entered the room, the Excalibur called out, "Surrender yourself and face judgement for your heinous crimes, Temperance!"


Temperance, Cardina called out, fumbling for his mind. I'm awake, in the teleporter room. I don't suppose you aren't preoccupied?


Temperance exalted as Cardina's mind found his again, but just as quickly turned grim.


I'm sorry Cardina, he sent.  I only wish I wasn't.  We have a rather talented saboteur on board who's taken my form, and your acolytes are doing a splendid job of keeping me very occupied.  I don't have enough energy to Void-port, but Damin is coming for you, and there are three Lotus corvettes waiting outside to cover your retreat.  If anyone can get you out of there, they can.  I'm sorry I can't be there for you.  Come back safe, Cardina.  I l...I'll see you soon.


"Thank you, Rien, this helps a great deal," Temperance said.  "Now I know to stay far away from all the blue dots.  Really now?  Heinous crimes?"  he called to the four approaching Acolytes.


They fanned out, readying weapons and powers.  Temperance sighed.


"Look, I'm in a bit of a hurry to catch a saboteur and save the whole ungrateful lot of you, so I really don't have time to explain.  Apologies in advance for the headaches."


The four Acolytes had just enough time to blink before Temperance hurled a Smoke Bomb, stunning and blinding them for a split second.  Then the Ash was in motion, flickering into existence behind the Loki and expertly knocking him unconscious with a few precise strikes.  The Mag was next; her domed helmet made a smooth impression in the steel floor when Temperance swept her feet out from under her and slammed her down face-first.  The Excalibur managed to recover and raise his sword for a Radial Blind, but again Temperance beat him to the punch, taking advantage of the Acolyte's exposed posture to blink in and pistol-whip him across the face.  A blow to the back of his head sent him down as the Ash turned to face his last opponent.  A high ping indicated that the Banshee had cast Sonar, and Temperance dove to avoid an arrow that would have skewered his throat.  A Shuriken flashed, and the Banshee's bowstring snapped with a discordant twang.  She backpedaled, attempting to draw her Glaive as he came for her, but there was no way in all nine hells that a Banshee could match an Ash in melee combat.  In short order, she had joined her kin on the floor.


Please don't be angry at me Cardina.


"Trinity to the reactor room please," Temperance announced over the Church net.  "We have nine Tenno down, two dead and two severely injured."


He killed the transmission without waiting for a reply, and set off for the nearest gray marker on his map by the quickest, least populated route he could find.  He sent Rien the waypoint as he ran, checking his gear one last time.  Hangar Three.  What a lovely place to catch a Loki.

Edited by Temperance000
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-snippy snip, hoes got shanked-

Retracting his helmet, Damin turned to face Cardina, a sharp toothed grin smiled at her from underneath fiery green eyes.

"Hello Cardina, so nice to finally meet you in the flesh"

Temperance exalted as Cardina's mind found his again, but just as quickly turned grim.


I'm sorry Cardina, he sent.  I only wish I wasn't.  We have a rather talented saboteur on board who's taken my form, and your acolytes are doing a splendid job of keeping me very occupied.  I don't have enough energy to Void-port, but Damin is coming for you, and there are three Lotus corvettes waiting outside to cover your retreat.  If anyone can get you out of there, they can.  I'm sorry I can't be there for you.  Come back safe, Cardina.  I l...I'll see you soon.

-snippy snip he punched dudes-

Please don't be angry at me Cardina.


Cardina kicked the captain's body aside as she stood, stumbling a bit as the movement brought a fresh wave of pain. "Nice to meet you too, Damin. But how-" she stared up at him, critically examining every inch of his Technocyte-ravaged face. "Oh," her eyes widened as she stepped back, "in the Flesh is right, though the Flesh knows me as something else. Was it that easy?" She stepped off the teleport pad and started strolling to the door, her steps sure despite the pools of blood splashing beneath her bare feet. Well, I'm no longer in any immediate danger, Temperance. Damin just made quite a display of slaughter and swordsmanship, though if I'm honest I'm less than impressed with his lack of technique. 


"Hm. This is worrisome, I'll have to find a way to make myself less bright if I ever fight Infested, they could track me down from across a continent. Then again, they may not want to." She stood at the door, leaning her shoulder on the frame for support. "Where to now, Damin? I don't have a HUD, so I can't follow a waypoint."


"What!-" Cardina stepped forward, staring shocked at nothing. "Temperance, what are you doing! Why- why are you- you attacking my Acolytes?" Cardina's fists clenched as her anger boiled over the link, her slowly replenishing energy making her rage seep into the minds of anyone near her. "Damin. Let's go. I need to talk some sense into my boyfriend."

Edited by SnaleKing
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The couple and their Zanuka ran through the hall as they entered the hangar where their ship was docked, as they entered their ship Tatsuya called out "Miho grab a Latron from the weapons rack!" Miho nods and grabs it, Tatsuya switched out his Vasto for a pair of Akstilletos, and restocked on ammo, with the Corpus coming, they were going to need it. Tatsuya looks at Miho once more, "You all set?" Miho nods hesitantly, he notices her nervousness and gives her a kiss, "You'll be fine, I'll make sure of it." they put on their helmets and set out for the main hangar where the action seems to be going.


As they reach the main hangar, they spot their friends and other Tenno gathered around what seems to be Corpus pods set on fire. Argus grins and spots the couple and their Zanuka, "Tatsuya and Miho! How nice of you to join us! It seems you have brought your pet as well! HAHAHAHA!" Argus grabs a metal rod and impales one of the burning Hyenas and places it over his shoulder, "We are having shish kebab tonight! HAHAHAHAHA!"


Tatsuya notices an unconscious Corpus officer on the floor, "Uhm, why is there a knocked out Corpus officer here?"

Being focused on the Hyena in front of them Jinx and Arthur completely ignored the new arrivals to the hangar and continued circling their target. The Hyena went to the offence with an ice wave which Jinx gracefully avoided and in midair sent away a wave of psychic bolts at the one spot she knew wasn't protected by armour, its joints. And when down on the ground again she continued her assault of its joints with dread arrows. 


With the joints weakened Arthur slashed dashed at one of the legs, effectively cutting it off. Screaming it its mechanical tongue the Hyena made a three-legged charge against the Excalibur. Arthur managed to avoid being tackled down if only by a few inches. The Hyena did however manage to hit his already hurt hand as it passed.


Arthur hissed in pain as he tried to put more force into his  other hand as he swung the Hate at the Hyena's other leg.

All the while Jinx made a high jump into the air, drawing her own Hate and struck down with it in the Hyena's neck. When she tried to pull it out for another swing it wouldn't budge, the Hate had effectively gotten stuck in the Hyenas body, but with each yank it started twitching as if the scythe had hit a neural network.


Noticing this Jinx quickly let go of the Hate, pulled out a Dread arrow and started to repeatedly stab the mechanic creature in its now injured neck until she had hit enough circuits to cause it to malfunction. Jinx then flipped backwards to let her brother finish it off with one final blow.


In one swift movement Arthur managed to separate the Head from the body and what was left of the Hyena Proxy then collapsed on the hangar floor with a few final twitches.


The twins then stood there for a while, admiring their handiwork.

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The voice that responded was... off. It sounded, ever so slightly synthetic....


Cyrios didn't much time to think about such things, however, as two pods slammed into the floor to either side of him. "HOLY SH*T" he exclaimed across the mic, as his eye automatically scanned the two vessels. Hyenas. Great. "I, ah, don't have much time for chit-chat now. Bye! Cyrios out! See-ya!" He began to sprint towards the nearest hallway exit even as the pods hissed open, releasing their packages. The door opened in front of him and Cyrios sprinted through, the Hyenas in hot pursuit. Cyrios leaped towards the right wall, golden electricity arcing from his fingertips like sparks as he made contact and started sprinting across its smooth surface, bullets pinging all around him as they slammed into the wall and his personal shields.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up." He updated any nearby folks' maps with a mobile waypoint on himself as he ran. Seeing what appeared to be Temperance below, Cyrios launched himself from the wall, landing behind the man with an audible CLANK as Orokin gold, skeletally designed feet slammed into the floor. Cyrios spun, facing the oncoming Hyenas whilst simultaneously using Temperance ((Synder)) as a meatshield.


"Good to see ya Temp! Kill these please? Not so good at the combat thing myself."


A cell of Acolytes headed for hangar 1 to deal with the Hyenas there but the cell that was originally sent to hangar 2 followed Cyrios' waypoint instead as they responded to his call for help. The cell consisted of a Trinity, a Rhino, a Mag and a Saryn. They were closing in on Cyrios' waypoint from the direction that the Hyenas were chasing from and thus spotted the Hyenas before actually spotting Cyrios who seemed to be hiding behind Temperance.


With the updates they had received regarding Temperance, the group had kill orders not just on the two Hyenas but regarding Temperance as well. One Hyena was stopped by the Trinity's Energy Vampire which staggered it and left it disoriented while the Mag used Pull to send the other Hyena flying right into the one stunned by Energy Vampire. The Rhino used Rhino Stomp to send the two Hyenas into the air before the Saryn used Miasma to corrode them into green puddles.


Tyranis noticing the Hyenas suddenly bursting into flames turned around to see Pyre approaching from behind, leaving a trail of fire in her wake. "Miss Pyre! How nice of you to join us. You don't seem to be well rested, i'd imagine you aren't very pleased with our friends here waking you. I will see to their quick removal." He turned back to Argus who had already impaled the Hyena on a metal rod and was already on his way back to them carrying it over his shoulder "Damn it Argus what did i tell you?!" He noticed Miho and Tatsuya enter from the side of the hanger "Well it would seem we've got quite the party going on here." He placed his Galatine back on his back and sighed


Pyre sighed tiredly. "Things got hectic. Seems I chose a bad time to go to sleep. That's about when the Corpus decided to make a move, I think. I would volunteer to go over and burn those greedy bucket-heads if I wouldn't rather return to my bed right now."


The couple and their Zanuka ran through the hall as they entered the hangar where their ship was docked, as they entered their ship Tatsuya called out "Miho grab a Latron from the weapons rack!" Miho nods and grabs it, Tatsuya switched out his Vasto for a pair of Akstilletos, and restocked on ammo, with the Corpus coming, they were going to need it. Tatsuya looks at Miho once more, "You all set?" Miho nods hesitantly, he notices her nervousness and gives her a kiss, "You'll be fine, I'll make sure of it." they put on their helmets and set out for the main hangar where the action seems to be going.


As they reach the main hangar, they spot their friends and other Tenno gathered around what seems to be Corpus pods set on fire. Argus grins and spots the couple and their Zanuka, "Tatsuya and Miho! How nice of you to join us! It seems you have brought your pet as well! HAHAHAHA!" Argus grabs a metal rod and impales one of the burning Hyenas and places it over his shoulder, "We are having shish kebab tonight! HAHAHAHAHA!"


Tatsuya notices an unconscious Corpus officer on the floor, "Uhm, why is there a knocked out Corpus officer here?"





Attakai nods, "We should head for the infirmary, Lady Gaia might be there as she is a Trinity, our best is to start from-" he notices his comm going off.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up."


Attakai grits his teeth, "Dammit, Sam we need to help him! C'mon!" he activates his comm, "Cyrios! This is Attakai, me and Sam heard your transmission, where are you!?"


"I guess there are plans to interrogate him?", Pyre inquired as she walked over to the Corpus and poked him with her right foot. She was much too tired to dealing with all this and at this point, she wished to just burn every Corpus aboard the ship and go back to bed but she could tell it probably wasn't going to be so straightforward and easy.


Temperance exalted as Cardina's mind found his again, but just as quickly turned grim.


I'm sorry Cardina, he sent.  I only wish I wasn't.  We have a rather talented saboteur on board who's taken my form, and your acolytes are doing a splendid job of keeping me very occupied.  I don't have enough energy to Void-port, but Damin is coming for you, and there are three Lotus corvettes waiting outside to cover your retreat.  If anyone can get you out of there, they can.  I'm sorry I can't be there for you.  Come back safe, Cardina.  I l...I'll see you soon.


"Thank you, Rien, this helps a great deal," Temperance said.  "Now I know to stay far away from all the blue dots.  Really now?  Heinous crimes?"  he called to the four approaching Acolytes.


They fanned out, readying weapons and powers.  Temperance sighed.


"Look, I'm in a bit of a hurry to catch a saboteur and save the whole ungrateful lot of you, so I really don't have time to explain.  Apologies in advance for the headaches."


The four Acolytes had just enough time to blink before Temperance hurled a Smoke Bomb, stunning and blinding them for a split second.  Then the Ash was in motion, flickering into existence behind the Loki and expertly knocking him unconscious with a few precise strikes.  The Mag was next; her domed helmet made a smooth impression in the steel floor when Temperance swept her feet out from under her and slammed her down face-first.  The Excalibur managed to recover and raise his sword for a Radial Blind, but again Temperance beat him to the punch, taking advantage of the Acolyte's exposed posture to blink in and pistol-whip him across the face.  A blow to the back of his head sent him down as the Ash turned to face his last opponent.  A high ping indicated that the Banshee had cast Sonar, and Temperance dove to avoid an arrow that would have skewered his throat.  A Shuriken flashed, and the Banshee's bowstring snapped with a discordant twang.  She backpedaled, attempting to draw her Glaive as he came for her, but there was no way in all nine hells that a Banshee could match an Ash in melee combat.  In short order, she had joined her kin on the floor.


Please don't be angry at me Cardina.


"Trinity to the reactor room please," Temperance announced over the Church net.  "We have nine Tenno down, two dead and two severely injured."


He killed the transmission without waiting for a reply, and set off for the nearest grey marker on his map by the quickest, least populated route he could find.  He sent Rien the waypoint as he ran, checking his gear one last time.  Hangar Three.  What a lovely place to catch a Loki.


Rien followed Temperance's waypoint, rushing past what little patrols were remaining in the derelict. The patrols had been reduced in number but increased in individual size, forming full cells in the event that there might be any Harvesters or traitors hiding about the halls.


Meanwhile, a patrol cell escorted a Trinity in accordance to the call for a medic as they headed for the reactor room. Temperance would find most of the way clear and what patrols were roaming could be avoided in their entirety by using the large ventilation ducts and side paths of the derelict which required some parkour to navigate but ensured he would be undetected.

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Attakai nods, "We should head for the infermary, Lady Gaia might be there as she is a Trinity, our best is to start from-" he notices his comm going off.


"Cyrios to any nearby personnel, I've got two Hyenas on my &#! and I'm not sure how long I can keep this game of catch up."


Attakai grits his teeth, "Dammit, Sam we need to help him! C'mon!" he activates his comm, "Cyrios! This is Attakai, me and Sam heard your transmission, where are you!?"

"No arguments there!" shouted the Human, rushing as best as she can to keep up with Attakai, Ultimatly she ends up jumping on his back to get a piggy-back "Sorry for this!"

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Pyre sighed tiredly. "Things got hectic. Seems I chose a bad time to go to sleep. That's about when the Corpus decided to make a move, I think. I would volunteer to go over and burn those greedy bucket-heads if I wouldn't rather return to my bed right now."



"I guess there are plans to interrogate him?", Pyre inquired as she walked over to the Corpus and poked him with her right foot. She was much too tired to dealing with all this and at this point, she wished to just burn every Corpus aboard the ship and go back to bed but she could tell it probably wasn't going to be so straightforward and easy.


Argus still with holding a barbequed Hyena over his shoulder, looked at the Ember Prime and smiled, "Ah a fellow Prime! You must be Shinkiro's lover! HAHAHAHAHA!" looking at the unconscious Corpus, "Yes, I believe we should interrogate this little man."


Tatsuya just looks at Argus and sighs, "Argus, for a Grand Master and a Prime, you were always so laid back." Yuzuki the Zanuka Prime starts beeping frantically and Miho notices, "Yuzuki what's wrong?" Tatsuya walks over to Yuzuki and plugs his gauntlet to him, narrowing his eyes he gets everyone's attention, "GUYS! Yuzuki just detected two more Hyenas in the derelict!" he pets the Zanuka Prime on the head, "Good job Yuzuki!"


Cyrios mentally facepalmed and sent them a mobile waypoint, which would htrack him whether or not he moved.


"No arguments there!" shouted the Human, rushing as best as she can to keep up with Attakai, Ultimatly she ends up jumping on his back to get a piggy-back "Sorry for this!"


The Loki just laughs at his girlfriend, "No objections there love!" he then races to the coordinates Cyrios gave them with Samantha riding piggy-back back.


'By the Void I love this woman!'

Edited by Unendingblade
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Argus still with holding a barbequed Hyena over his shoulder, looked at the Ember Prime and smiled, "Ah a fellow Prime! You must be Shinkiro's lover! HAHAHAHAHA!" looking at the unconscious Corpus, "Yes, I believe we should interrogate this little man."


Tatsuya just looks at Argus and sighs, "Argus, for a Grand Master and a Prime, you were always so laid back." Yuzuki the Zanuka Prime starts beeping frantically and Miho notices, "Yuzuki what's wrong?" Tatsuya walks over to Yuzuki and plugs his gauntlet to him, narrowing his eyes he gets everyone's attention, "GUYS! Yuzuki just detected two more Hyenas in the derelict!" he pets the Zanuka Prime on the head, "Good job Yuzuki!"




The Loki just laughs at his girlfriend, "No objections there love!" he then races to the coordinates Cyrios gave them with Samantha riding piggy-back back.


'By the Void I love this woman!'



Pyre sighed tiredly. "Things got hectic. Seems I chose a bad time to go to sleep. That's about when the Corpus decided to make a move, I think. I would volunteer to go over and burn those greedy bucket-heads if I wouldn't rather return to my bed right now."



"I guess there are plans to interrogate him?", Pyre inquired as she walked over to the Corpus and poked him with her right foot. She was much too tired to dealing with all this and at this point, she wished to just burn every Corpus aboard the ship and go back to bed but she could tell it probably wasn't going to be so straightforward and easy.






Being focused on the Hyena in front of them Jinx and Arthur completely ignored the new arrivals to the hangar and continued circling their target. The Hyena went to the offence with an ice wave which Jinx gracefully avoided and in midair sent away a wave of psychic bolts at the one spot she knew wasn't protected by armour, its joints. And when down on the ground again she continued her assault of its joints with dread arrows. 


With the joints weakened Arthur slashed dashed at one of the legs, effectively cutting it off. Screaming it its mechanical tongue the Hyena made a three-legged charge against the Excalibur. Arthur managed to avoid being tackled down if only by a few inches. The Hyena did however manage to hit his already hurt hand as it passed.


Arthur hissed in pain as he tried to put more force into his  other hand as he swung the Hate at the Hyena's other leg.

All the while Jinx made a high jump into the air, drawing her own Hate and struck down with it in the Hyena's neck. When she tried to pull it out for another swing it wouldn't budge, the Hate had effectively gotten stuck in the Hyenas body, but with each yank it started twitching as if the scythe had hit a neural network.


Noticing this Jinx quickly let go of the Hate, pulled out a Dread arrow and started to repeatedly stab the mechanic creature in its now injured neck until she had hit enough circuits to cause it to malfunction. Jinx then flipped backwards to let her brother finish it off with one final blow.


In one swift movement Arthur managed to separate the Head from the body and what was left of the Hyena Proxy then collapsed on the hangar floor with a few final twitches.


The twins then stood there for a while, admiring their handiwork.

"Let me see that feed for a second" Tyranis plugs into the Zanuka Prime to get the data on the Hyenas, two more of them disappeared from the HUD. "Well it seems they have been dealt with... Hang on a second there are still two left. Nobody seems to be engaging them..." Panic took his voice as he realized where the two Hyenas were headed "By the Lotus the last two Hyenas are heading for the Med-Bay!" No sooner had he finished his sentence did Tyranis start making a mad dash off in the direction of the Med-Bay shouting at the others as he ran off "You handle the interrogation the wounded need to be protected!"


Tyranis vanished from sight, he moved fast for an Oberon, his Galatine at the ready for when he made contact with the beasts, as he rounded the corner he saw them, just about to enter the Med-Bay, the doors were opening. Tyranis flung himself at the first Hyena, tackling it and sending themselves barreling down the hall. He could not stop the second one, but he knew the Med-Bay would not be unprotected. What he wasn't aware of was that Gaia was there and he would soon learn that appearances can be quite deceiving 

Edited by MasterDread
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Argus still with holding a barbecued Hyena over his shoulder, looked at the Ember Prime and smiled, "Ah a fellow Prime! You must be Shinkiro's lover! HAHAHAHAHA!" looking at the unconscious Corpus, "Yes, I believe we should interrogate this little man."


Tatsuya just looks at Argus and sighs, "Argus, for a Grand Master and a Prime, you were always so laid back." Yuzuki the Zanuka Prime starts beeping frantically and Miho notices, "Yuzuki what's wrong?" Tatsuya walks over to Yuzuki and plugs his gauntlet to him, narrowing his eyes he gets everyone's attention, "GUYS! Yuzuki just detected two more Hyenas in the derelict!" he pets the Zanuka Prime on the head, "Good job Yuzuki!"




The Loki just laughs at his girlfriend, "No objections there love!" he then races to the coordinates Cyrios gave them with Samantha riding piggy-back back.


'By the Void I love this woman!'


Pyre blushed behind her helmet. He's certainly a lively and jolly fellow. It's nice to see someone who can be merry even in all this chaos. Though I do wish it was under better circumstances that we met. "O-Oh, Shinkiro told you about me, I take it? I umm...wouldn't really say we're lovers though since we haven't really done...well...those things..." The flames around her died down before disappearing completely, a signal of her embarrassment.


When the mention of additional Hyenas was brought up, Pyre looked to the doorway before looking back to Argus. "Our work is never done, it seems. Maybe we can serve up some more roast Hyenas?" She chuckled, noting the scorched Hyena impaled on the metal rod Argus was holding.


"Let me see that feed for a second" Tyranis plugs into the Zanuka Prime to get the data on the Hyenas, two more of them disappeared from the HUD. "Well it seems they have been dealt with... Hang on a second there are still two left. Nobody seems to be engaging them..." Panic took his voice as he realized where the two Hyenas were headed "By the Lotus the last two Hyenas are heading for the Med-Bay!" No sooner had he finished his sentence did Tyranis start making a mad dash off in the direction of the Med-Bay shouting at the others as he ran off "You handle the interrogation the wounded need to be protected!"


Tyranis vanished from sight, he moved fast for an Oberon, his Galatine at the ready for when he made contact with the beasts, as he rounded the corner he saw them, just about to enter the Med-Bay, the doors were opening. Tyranis flung himself at the first Hyena, tackling it and sending themselves barrelling down the hall. He could not stop the second one, but he knew the Med-Bay would not be unprotected. What he wasn't aware of was that Gaia was there and he would soon learn that appearances can be quite deceiving 


The doors of the infirmary slid open, allowing the Hyena inside but just seconds after it ran inside, the robotic was sent flying back through the door, landing on its back. Gaia came walking through the doors, cracking her knuckles as the robotic scrambled back onto its feet. There was a large dent in its armour from the punch that it had received and it might make someone wonder just how strong Gaia was. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

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"Let me see that feed for a second" Tyranis plugs into the Zanuka Prime to get the data on the Hyenas, two more of them disappeared from the HUD. "Well it seems they have been dealt with... Hang on a second there are still two left. Nobody seems to be engaging them..." Panic took his voice as he realized where the two Hyenas were headed "By the Lotus the last two Hyenas are heading for the Med-Bay!" No sooner had he finished his sentence did Tyranis start making a mad dash off in the direction of the Med-Bay shouting at the others as he ran off "You handle the interrogation the wounded need to be protected!"

Jinx slowly turned her head so she could see the others "Did someone say...interrogation?" She then walked over to them soon followed by Arthur as she cracked her knuckles "Okey, what do I have to work with?" A toothy grin hiding under the helmet. 



The doors of the infirmary slid open, allowing the Hyena inside but just seconds after it ran inside, the robotic was sent flying back through the door, landing on its back. Gaia came walking through the doors, cracking her knuckles as the robotic scrambled back onto its feet. There was a large dent in its armour from the punch that it had received and it might make someone wonder just how strong Gaia was. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

At the same time over at the infirmary Munin was genially impressed by Gaia's show of strength. He got the distinct feeling that she probably didn't need his help but stayed close, ready with his Eather Reaper, Just in case.

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Pyre blushed behind her helmet. He's certainly a lively and jolly fellow. It's nice to see someone who can be merry even in all this chaos. Though I do wish it was under better circumstances that we met. "O-Oh, Shinkiro told you about me, I take it? I umm...wouldn't really say we're lovers though since we haven't really done...well...those things..." The flames around her died down before disappearing completely, a signal of her embarrassment.


When the mention of additional Hyenas was brought up, Pyre looked to the doorway before looking back to Argus. "Our work is never done, it seems. Maybe we can serve up some more roast Hyenas?" She chuckled, noting the scorched Hyena impaled on the metal rod Argus was holding.


Miho and Tatsuya blushed at Pyre's words, 'Done... those things...' Miho took off her helmet and bowed to Pyre and Shinkiro, "Hello lady Pyre, Shinkiro, it's good to see you two again." while she greeted them, she had that certain glow and smile on her face. "I believe you already know my boyfriend Tatsuya." Tatsuya takes off his helmet and bows as well, "It is good to see you both once again, Lady Pyre it is an honor to be in a presence of a Prime once again."



Jinx slowly turned her so she could see the others "Did someone say...interrogation?" She then walked over to them soon followed by Arthur as she cracked her knuckles "Okey, what do I have to work with?" A toothy grin hiding under the helmet. 


The Corpus begins to wake up, "Ughhhh." he notices someone cracking knuckles and looks over to his left and notices a Nyx, he says something that will probably get him killed a thousand times over.


"Ughh, you know for a female Tenno you have a nice &#!."



--With Attakai and Sam--


As they arrived at the coordinates where Cyrios is, they noticed other Tenno in the vicinity and two downed Hyenas, Sam gets off his back.


Attakai sighs, "Damn, are we late?"

Edited by Unendingblade
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Miho and Tatsuya blushed at Pyre's words, 'Done... those things...' Miho took off her helmet and bowed to Pyre and Shinkiro, "Hello lady Pyre, Shinkiro, it's good to see you two again." while she greeted them, she had that certain glow and smile on her face. "I believe you already know my boyfriend Tatsuya." Tatsuya takes off his helmet and bows as well, "It is good to see you both once again, Lady Pyre it is an honor to be in a presence of a Prime once again."


Gandraya notices the glow on Miho's face.

Hey Aran, I think Tatsuya and Miho just did it. I can see it on her face

No you-oh wait-yea-yep I see it too. But really at time like this?

Gandraya walks up to Miho and whispers in her ear

"I can tell you and him had a little fun just now, you might have wanted to wait a while before taking off your helmet."

"'Draya, really did you have to tell her you know about that...oh dear I'm so sorry, its just I can read her thoughts and...um-yea i'm gonna go over here for a bit.'Draya you're coming with me."

Aran turns to Shinkro.

"let me know when its safe to come down."

Aran grabs Gandraya and wormholes both of them up on to a support beam in the hangar. the worm hole after one use vanishes. 

Edited by Issun135
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Miho and Tatsuya blushed at Pyre's words, 'Done... those things...' Miho took off her helmet and bowed to Pyre and Shinkiro, "Hello lady Pyre, Shinkiro, it's good to see you two again." while she greeted them, she had that certain glow and smile on her face. "I believe you already know my boyfriend Tatsuya." Tatsuya takes off his helmet and bows as well, "It is good to see you both once again, Lady Pyre it is an honor to be in a presence of a Prime once again."




The Corpus begins to wake up, "Ughhhh." he notices someone cracking knuckles and looks over to his left and notices a Nyx, he says something that will probably get him killed a thousand times over.


"Ughh, you know for a female Tenno you have a nice &#!."



--With Attakai and Sam--


As they arrived at the coordinates where Cyrios is, they noticed other Tenno in the vicinity and two downed Hyenas, Sam gets off his back. "Hello.


Attakai sighs, "Damn, are we late?"


Pyre nodded and removed her helmet as well for the greetings. "How are you two doing?" She smiled warmly, no pun intended. She had heard a little about the two, including that Mother Gaia had pretty much adopted them and that they had some sort of romance going on but not much else.


She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked to the Corpus Crewman as she heard his remark. "Corpus pig..." She would do such terrible things to him if it weren't for that they needed him alive.


Gandraya notices the glow on Miho's face.

Hey Aran, I think Tatsuya and Miho just did it. I can see it on her face

No you-oh wait-yea-yep I see it too. But really at time like this?

Gandraya walks up to Miho and whispers in her ear

"I can tell you and him had a little fun just now, you might have wanted to wait a while before taking off your helmet."

"'Draya, really did you have to tell her you know about that...oh dear I'm so sorry, its just I can read her thoughts and...um-yea i'm gonna go over here for a bit.'Draya you're coming with me."

Aran turns to Shinkro.

"let me know when its safe to come down."

Aran grabs Gandraya and wormholes both of them up on to a support beam in the hangar. the worm hole after one use vanishes. 


Pyre heard the two Novas speak and just blinked. Those two have done that before me yet they're so young? What have I been doing with myself? She just looked down at the floor, feeling a mixture of jealousy and other emotions. She didn't exactly feel good about how much those two had progressed in their relationship yet she was older than either of them and yet was still...

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