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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"With pleasure"

Wasting no time, Damin lead Cardina through the maze like hallways of the ship, dispatching any poor souls that were foolish enough to try and stop them. On their way to the hanger he mentally queued his comms, opening a channel with the Lotus corvettes standing by outside. "Good news ladies and gents, I have recovered Cardina, however there is a slight change of plans regarding our extraction. The hanger bay doors are still lacking power, so we will have to improvise. Return to the derelict, we're going to need all the firepower we can get." Damin didn't wait for a reply, turning off his comms as they arrived at the hanger housing the Corpus Navi.

"Hmmm, I think I know a way through those doors"

Walking over to the entrance ramp of the Navi, Damin smiled as he stood beside it and bowed to Cardina.

"Your chariot my lady, compliments of the Captain. You don't think he would mind us...borrowing...his ship do you? Then again, I don't think he'll be minding much from now on, so..." he gestured towards the ship, "ladies first."


Cardina stepped past Damin onto the ramp. "How polite of you, though I'd expect it more from Arkas. Actually," she looked over her shoulder at the Ash, "Does he know how strong your Technocyte is? I fear I've made it worse, if- if I'd known how corrupted you already were, I wouldn't have used my vines. He may want to know, the Hive will contact you the next time you encounter the Infestation."


She strode into the cockpit, her injuries now fully healed. "Anyway. What's your big plan to get back to my Church?"

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Cardina stepped past Damin onto the ramp. "How polite of you, though I'd expect it more from Arkas. Actually," she looked over her shoulder at the Ash, "Does he know how strong your Technocyte is? I fear I've made it worse, if- if I'd known how corrupted you already were, I wouldn't have used my vines. He may want to know, the Hive will contact you the next time you encounter the Infestation."

She strode into the cockpit, her injuries now fully healed. "Anyway. What's your big plan to get back to my Church?"

"Well, those hanger doors aren't going to open themselves" Damin explained as he sat himself at the Navi's controls, "So I think we're going give them a nudge in the right direction, then haul Ash" Powering up the Corpus Stealth Ship, he swung her around and aimed the Navi's Missle Pods at the doors. He unloaded their entire payload, leaving nothing but huge junks of twisted metal shrapnel. "Ta-Da"

Cardina is right, I'm starting to do stuff Arkas would do. Some of his consciousness must have bled through during our "bonding"

Maneuvering through the debris field with the Navi wasn't quite as smooth as it was with the Nocturne, but Damin was able to get them safely through. Approaching the derelict he tried to activate the docking sequence for Hanger 2, however it wouldn't initiate, displaying a malfunction caused by the damage to the bay doors from the Hyena pods. "Seems we're going to have to go for a differe-" a sudden explosion cut him off. The Navi's main thrusters had overloaded, probably due to damage caused by the EMP. Hurtling towards the Derelict, all Damin had was vector thruster control. Not having enough thrust to do anything else, he steered the Navi towards hanger bay 2. "Hang on Cardina! This is going to be a tight fit!"

The Navi broke through the hole left from the pods, it's wings shearing clean off. Carving it's way down the runway, the ship slid towards the large group of Tenno who were unfortunate enough to be there. Just as the burning wreckage was about to crush Tyranis, it ground itself to a halt.

They were back on the derelict.

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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"Well, those hanger doors aren't going to open themselves" Damin explained as he sat himself at the Navi's controls, "So I think we're going give them a nudge in the right direction, then haul Ash" Powering up the Corpus Stealth Ship, he swung her around and aimed the Navi's Missle Pods at the doors. He unloaded their entire payload, leaving nothing but huge junks of twisted metal shrapnel. "Ta-Da"

Cardina is right, I'm starting to do stuff Arkas would do. Some of his consciousness must have bled through during our "bonding"

Maneuvering through the debris field with the Navi wasn't quite as smooth as it was with the Nocturne, but Damin was able to get them safely through. Approaching the derelict he tried to activate the docking sequence for Hanger 2, however it wouldn't initiate, displaying a malfunction caused by the damage to the bay doors from the Hyena pods. "Seems we're going to have to go for a differe-" a sudden explosion cut him off. The Navi's main thrusters had overloaded, probably due to damage caused by the EMP. Hurtling towards the Derelict, all Damin had was vector thruster control. Not having enough thrust to do anything else, he steered the Navi towards hanger bay 2. "Hang on Cardina! This is going to be a tight fit!"

The Navi broke through the hole left from the pods, it's wings shearing clean off. Carving it's way down the runway, the ship slid towards the large group of Tenno who were unfortunate enough to be there. Just as the burning wreckage was about to crush Cyrios, it ground itself to a halt.

They were back on the derelict.


The Navi sat steaming in the hanger for a minute. With a slow, rumbling roar, vines crawled towards the broken ship, wrapping around protruding shards of armor plating. With a shriek of metal, the hull was torn clean off, revealing a cold, glaring Herald of the Ascension.


"Acolytes, guests." she stepped from the abused wreck that was once a ship, her hands clasped behind her bare back. "What did I miss?"

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"Well, those hanger doors aren't going to open themselves" Damin explained as he sat himself at the Navi's controls, "So I think we're going give them a nudge in the right direction, then haul Ash" Powering up the Corpus Stealth Ship, he swung her around and aimed the Navi's Missle Pods at the doors. He unloaded their entire payload, leaving nothing but huge junks of twisted metal shrapnel. "Ta-Da"

Cardina is right, I'm starting to do stuff Arkas would do. Some of his consciousness must have bled through during our "bonding"

Maneuvering through the debris field with the Navi wasn't quite as smooth as it was with the Nocturne, but Damin was able to get them safely through. Approaching the derelict he tried to activate the docking sequence for Hanger 2, however it wouldn't initiate, displaying a malfunction caused by the damage to the bay doors from the Hyena pods. "Seems we're going to have to go for a differe-" a sudden explosion cut him off. The Navi's main thrusters had overloaded, probably due to damage caused by the EMP. Hurtling towards the Derelict, all Damin had was vector thruster control. Not having enough thrust to do anything else, he steered the Navi towards hanger bay 2. "Hang on Cardina! This is going to be a tight fit!"

The Navi broke through the hole left from the pods, it's wings shearing clean off. Carving it's way down the runway, the ship slid towards the large group of Tenno who were unfortunate enough to be there. Just as the burning wreckage was about to crush Cyrios, it ground itself to a halt.

They were back on the derelict.


The Navi sat steaming in the hanger for a minute. With a slow, rumbling roar, vines crawled towards the broken ship, wrapping around protruding shards of armor plating. With a shriek of metal, the hull was torn clean off, revealing a cold, glaring Herald of the Ascension.


"Acolytes, guests." she stepped from the abused wreck that was once a ship, her hands clasped behind her bare back. "What did I miss?"


Attakai just stared at the ship, he just stood there as the ship rammed through the hole where the pods wen through. Just as the ship was about to hit them it ground itself into a hault. Seeing Cardina come out of the ship, he looked at Sam, "Well we can forget about finding Lady Cardina, she found us," she turned to Cardina and casually spoke to her, "Well Milady Cardina, you seem to have enjoyed yourself.You didn't really miss much, just Hyenas and a mole still running around the derelict."

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Attakai just stared at the ship, he just stood there as the ship rammed through the hole where the pods wen through. Just as the ship was about to hit them it ground itself into a hault. Seeing Cardina come out of the ship, he looked at Sam, "Well we can forget about finding Lady Cardina, she found us," she turned to Cardina and casually spoke to her, "Well Milady Cardina, you seem to have enjoyed yourself.You didn't really miss much, just Hyenas and a mole still running around the derelict."

Sam quickly rushed over to Help Cardina and Arkas out of the ship "Are you two aright?"

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Attakai just stared at the ship, he just stood there as the ship rammed through the hole where the pods wen through. Just as the ship was about to hit them it ground itself into a hault. Seeing Cardina come out of the ship, he looked at Sam, "Well we can forget about finding Lady Cardina, she found us," she turned to Cardina and casually spoke to her, "Well Milady Cardina, you seem to have enjoyed yourself.You didn't really miss much, just Hyenas and a mole still running around the derelict."


Sam quickly rushed over to Help Cardina and Arkas out of the ship "Are you two aright?"


Cardina smiled at Sam. "I'm quite alright, brave human. What a remarkable strength of character it takes to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with the likes of Tenno." She turned to Attaki, her smile vanishing. "Hyenas, though? Are they anything like Harvesters?" She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. Either way I need my warframe.


Damin, you're with me, I'm not getting ambushed again." Cardina pulled down her robe to her collarbone, activating her throat comm; it was an uncoded message directed to Temperance. "TEMPERANCE! If you ever want something more than a peck on on the cheek, you'll meet me in the Garden and tell me exactly what's going on, personally." She switched the transmission to a private, coded channel to Rien only. "Rien, this is Cardina. Get to the garden and stay cloaked. If someone resembling Temperance shows up, kill him on sight, that's our mole." She closed the transmission.


Temperance, ignore that transmission and meet me at my room. Don't b*tch about my security, I know you can get past it.


Cardina turned to everyone in the hanger. "The rest of you search out and destroy Hyenas so we can go on the offensive! Any questions?"

Edited by SnaleKing
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He paused for a moment, this news was something most would think to report as soon as possible. But this would alert whoever had taken Temperance's form. "So hes taken the form of Temperance then. It could be problematic if hes running around causing trouble. Knowing the Church they'll have the real Temperance killed. But i'm afraid we can't report this to anyone. Our little shape shifter will know we are on to him... Jinx can you track him?"


"Well, those hanger doors aren't going to open themselves" Damin explained as he sat himself at the Navi's controls, "So I think we're going give them a nudge in the right direction, then haul Ash" Powering up the Corpus Stealth Ship, he swung her around and aimed the Navi's Missle Pods at the doors. He unloaded their entire payload, leaving nothing but huge junks of twisted metal shrapnel. "Ta-Da"

Cardina is right, I'm starting to do stuff Arkas would do. Some of his consciousness must have bled through during our "bonding"

Maneuvering through the debris field with the Navi wasn't quite as smooth as it was with the Nocturne, but Damin was able to get them safely through. Approaching the derelict he tried to activate the docking sequence for Hanger 2, however it wouldn't initiate, displaying a malfunction caused by the damage to the bay doors from the Hyena pods. "Seems we're going to have to go for a differe-" a sudden explosion cut him off. The Navi's main thrusters had overloaded, probably due to damage caused by the EMP. Hurtling towards the Derelict, all Damin had was vector thruster control. Not having enough thrust to do anything else, he steered the Navi towards hanger bay 2. "Hang on Cardina! This is going to be a tight fit!"

The Navi broke through the hole left from the pods, it's wings shearing clean off. Carving it's way down the runway, the ship slid towards the large group of Tenno who were unfortunate enough to be there. Just as the burning wreckage was about to crush Tyranis, it ground itself to a halt.

They were back on the derelict.

Jinx looked away from the Corpus Officer and up at Tyranis. "Probably, I would recognise his mental fingerprint now. I can reach pretty far with surface scans but I have my limits. I can't scan the entire ship from here, and any deeper mental scans could alert someone with that kind of training. So if we want to find him we better get moving. Just tell me when you want me to start the scanning."


Not soon after she had finished there was a loud crash and loud scraping almost shrieking noises as she could feel the entire hangar shaking.


"What in the void just happened?" Arthur said as he tried to calm himself. He'd had enough of surprises for one day.


"Something must have hit us....oh...this presence is familiar...the Herald is back"

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"Good to see ya Temp! Kill these please? Not so good at the combat thing myself."

((Sorry for being gone and missing some important character interaction.  I'll see what I can do to remedy the problem.))


Synder checked his vocal receptors, ensuring he sounded like Temperance.  "Sorry for the delay, Cyrios; I've had acolytes on my back for a while.  There's an impostor who looks just like me around here somewhere, and he is slowly picking off our acolytes.  I need you to make sure these people know that I am the real Temperance."


Synder paused as a ship blasted into the second Hangar.   "--give me moment, Cyrios.  I need to check on the Tenno in that Hangar."  He tried as hard as he could to hold back the anger in his voice, but a little couldn't help but drip through.


Synder rounded the way into the hangar, trembling when he saw, standing there in perfect condition, the Herald of the Ascension.  You've GOT to be joking.  That's Cardina...another Ash...my ship--Synder paused as he saw the flaming mess that was once the Navi.




Synder was alarmed with the fact that his crew had failed so miserably at capturing one unarmored Tenno and holding off one Ash.  He could only imagine how much damage had been caused.  Before entering the third hangar, he hid in another part of the hall and shifted over to his Cyrill disguise.


"Oh my!  What has happened while I've been out?!"  Synder walked over to the wreckage, examining the Ash that had made his mission fail.  So this bastard ruined my plans.  I'm going to enjoy watching him get blown off the face of the universe when Silac unleashes the fleet.  "Quite the hero you are, brother!"



Cardina pulled down her robe to her collarbone, activating her throat comm; it was an uncoded message directed to Temperance. "TEMPERANCE! If you ever want something more than a peck on on the cheek, you'll meet me in the Garden and tell me exactly what's going on, personally." She switched the transmission to a private, coded channel to Rien only. "Rien, this is Cardina. Get to the garden and stay cloaked. If someone resembling Temperance shows up, kill him on sight, that's our mole." She closed the transmission.



Oh...this could be fun.  I'll have to keep my guard up but I'm sure I can get away with this.

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((Sorry for being gone and missing some important character interaction.  I'll see what I can do to remedy the problem.))


Synder checked his vocal receptors, ensuring he sounded like Temperance.  "Sorry for the delay, Cyrios; I've had acolytes on my back for a while.  There's an impostor who looks just like me around here somewhere, and he is slowly picking off our acolytes.  I need you to make sure these people know that I am the real Temperance."


Synder paused as a ship blasted into the second Hangar.   "--give me moment, Cyrios.  I need to check on the Tenno in that Hangar."  He tried as hard as he could to hold back the anger in his voice, but a little couldn't help but drip through.


Synder rounded the way into the hangar, trembling when he saw, standing there in perfect condition, the Herald of the Ascension.  You've GOT to be joking.  That's Cardina...another Ash...my ship--Synder paused as he saw the flaming mess that was once the Navi.




Synder was alarmed with the fact that his crew had failed so miserably at capturing one unarmored Tenno and holding off one Ash.  He could only imagine how much damage had been caused.  Before entering the third hangar, he hid in another part of the hall and shifted over to his Cyrill disguise.


"Oh my!  What has happened while I've been out?!"  Synder walked over to the wreckage, examining the Ash that had made his mission fail.  So this bastard ruined my plans.  I'm going to enjoy watching him get blown off the face of the universe when Silac unleashes the fleet.  "Quite the hero you are, brother!"


Oh...this could be fun.  I'll have to keep my guard up but I'm sure I can get away with this.



Cardina turned to Synder, her eyes lighting up. "Cyril! Excellent, I needed someone decent with tech," she brought up a holo-display, tapping a few icons. "I have a favor to ask. Could you go through the Derelict's surveillance footage and look for any instances of the same person being in two places at once? I'm giving you the access codes now, they should be encrypted to your frame."

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Cardina turned to Synder, her eyes lighting up. "Cyril! Excellent, I needed someone decent with tech," she brought up a holo-display, tapping a few icons. "I have a favor to ask. Could you go through the Derelict's surveillance footage and look for any instances of the same person being in two places at once? I'm giving you the access codes now, they should be encrypted to your frame."


Damn it.


"Of course, Herald Cardina.  However..." Synder paused here, thinking about all that had happened with the mole and his old Vauban friend--


"When the Volt mole attacked me, my encryption codes were scrambled.  He messed me up quite a bit, actually.  If you wouldn't mind giving them to these new codes..." he said as he pulled out a data chip from his helmet, "...I can get to work as soon as possible.  Of course I'll need a waypoint to Engineering as well."


Two birds; one stone.

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Cardina smiled at Sam. "I'm quite alright, brave human. What a remarkable strength of character it takes to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with the likes of Tenno." She turned to Attaki, her smile vanishing. "Hyenas, though? Are they anything like Harvesters?" She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. Either way I need my warframe.


Damin, you're with me, I'm not getting ambushed again." Cardina pulled down her robe to her collarbone, activating her throat comm; it was an uncoded message directed to Temperance. "TEMPERANCE! If you ever want something more than a peck on on the cheek, you'll meet me in the Garden and tell me exactly what's going on, personally." She switched the transmission to a private, coded channel to Rien only. "Rien, this is Cardina. Get to the garden and stay cloaked. If someone resembling Temperance shows up, kill him on sight, that's our mole." She closed the transmission.


Temperance, ignore that transmission and meet me at my room. Don't b*tch about my security, I know you can get past it.


Cardina turned to everyone in the hanger. "The rest of you search out and destroy Hyenas so we can go on the offensive! Any questions?"



Rien replied over the private channel, "Herald Cardina, it is great news that you are well and back home once more. Temperance and I are currently tracking the spy that orchestrated your capture. I am already closing on his location."


The tactical officer reported to Cardina, "Thank the Divinities. Welcome home, Herald. As far as we know, the Hyenas and Harvesters have been disposed of. One of the Hyenas has even been captured in working order and the Acolytes are working on reprogramming it as we speak. Temperance is also considered an enemy of the church and orders have already been issued to kill on sight."


Meanwhile, engineering teams were dispatched to the hangars to make repairs to the hangar doors. Aside from the hunt for Temperance by the majority of the Acolytes and the hunt for the infiltrator by Temperance and Rien, not much of interest seemed to be going on.

Edited by Sumika1204
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As Ansilm heard Excalibur saying about accident somewhere or about what he heard "We should check it out? What do you all think?" he asked and blinked eyes few times as stared towards the hangar door. He focused his sight on Excalibur then. Grey steel colored eyes were speaking nothing but awaiting for answer.

Edited by Revel72
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The Twins see Cardina's public message to Temprance.

Jeez, is everyone doing it today or something?

Who the h*ll knows all I know is that Card and Temp have something goin' on

Well, regarding my shape-shifting abilities, I think i need a sample of their DNA before I can do that as I took some of yours in making my self.

Who do you plan on mimicking next?

I think Cardina, ya know just to mess around or should I do someone else?

But how are you going to get her DNA with out her killing you?

Good point, dunno I'll try someday.

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Damn it.


"Of course, Herald Cardina.  However..." Synder paused here, thinking about all that had happened with the mole and his old Vauban friend--


"When the Volt mole attacked me, my encryption codes were scrambled.  He messed me up quite a bit, actually.  If you wouldn't mind giving them to these new codes..." he said as he pulled out a data chip from his helmet, "...I can get to work as soon as possible.  Of course I'll need a waypoint to Engineering as well."


Two birds; one stone.

Rien replied over the private channel, "Herald Cardina, it is great news that you are well and back home once more. Temperance and I are currently tracking the spy that orchestrated your capture. I am already closing on his location."


The tactical officer reported to Cardina, "Thank the Divinities. Welcome home, Herald. As far as we know, the Hyenas and Harvesters have been disposed of. One of the Hyenas has even been captured in working order and the Acolytes are working on reprogramming it as we speak. Temperance is also considered an enemy of the church and orders have already been issued to kill on sight."


Meanwhile, engineering teams were dispatched to the hangars to make repairs to the hangar doors. Aside from the hunt for Temperance by the majority of the Acolytes and the hunt for the infiltrator by Temperance and Rien, not much of interest seemed to be going on.


"What?" Cardina snapped at the officer, her eyes burning white. "We do not issue a kill-on sight order for the Lotus' emissary! Especially not without my permission!" She switched to broadcast to the whole Derelict. "Acolytes! The kill-on-site order for Temperance is rescinded, on my authority as the Herald of the Ascension! Track, disarm and disable only!"


She sighed and turned to Synder. "I don't really know how to do that, I only had your frame's codes on record. We can just use mine, but they're stored in my warframe, and that's back in my room. Come on," she started walking out of the hanger. "We'll stop by my quarters so I put on my frame and give you the codes, and then I'll come with you to engineering. I'd very much like to see the footage for myself."

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"Well, those hanger doors aren't going to open themselves" Damin explained as he sat himself at the Navi's controls, "So I think we're going give them a nudge in the right direction, then haul Ash" Powering up the Corpus Stealth Ship, he swung her around and aimed the Navi's Missle Pods at the doors. He unloaded their entire payload, leaving nothing but huge junks of twisted metal shrapnel. "Ta-Da"

Cardina is right, I'm starting to do stuff Arkas would do. Some of his consciousness must have bled through during our "bonding"

Maneuvering through the debris field with the Navi wasn't quite as smooth as it was with the Nocturne, but Damin was able to get them safely through. Approaching the derelict he tried to activate the docking sequence for Hanger 2, however it wouldn't initiate, displaying a malfunction caused by the damage to the bay doors from the Hyena pods. "Seems we're going to have to go for a differe-" a sudden explosion cut him off. The Navi's main thrusters had overloaded, probably due to damage caused by the EMP. Hurtling towards the Derelict, all Damin had was vector thruster control. Not having enough thrust to do anything else, he steered the Navi towards hanger bay 2. "Hang on Cardina! This is going to be a tight fit!"

The Navi broke through the hole left from the pods, it's wings shearing clean off. Carving it's way down the runway, the ship slid towards the large group of Tenno who were unfortunate enough to be there. Just as the burning wreckage was about to crush Tyranis, it ground itself to a halt.

They were back on the derelict.



The Navi sat steaming in the hanger for a minute. With a slow, rumbling roar, vines crawled towards the broken ship, wrapping around protruding shards of armor plating. With a shriek of metal, the hull was torn clean off, revealing a cold, glaring Herald of the Ascension.


"Acolytes, guests." she stepped from the abused wreck that was once a ship, her hands clasped behind her bare back. "What did I miss?"



Damn it.


"Of course, Herald Cardina.  However..." Synder paused here, thinking about all that had happened with the mole and his old Vauban friend--


"When the Volt mole attacked me, my encryption codes were scrambled.  He messed me up quite a bit, actually.  If you wouldn't mind giving them to these new codes..." he said as he pulled out a data chip from his helmet, "...I can get to work as soon as possible.  Of course I'll need a waypoint to Engineering as well."


Two birds; one stone.

A loud crash had broken the long peaceful silence in the hanger that Tyranis and his company had been sitting in. It was clear the crash came from hanger two. Tyranis rose up from the Hyena corpse he had been sitting on. He looked to Jinx and Arthur, To Tatsuya and Miho, to Argus and the Nova Twins. "It seems the Corpus just don't know when to quit. That crash came from hanger two. We deal with this and we can go looking for the mole." He started making his way to the hanger exit, hoping his company would follow. He ran ahead of them, he had grown tired of the Corpus and wanted this ended as quickly as possible.


Tyranis would not find any Corpus in the hanger though, He saw Cardina and Arkas and promptly greeted them. Crossing his arms and bowing Tyranis spoke "Ah Herald Cardina, i do believe this is the first time i have made your acquaintance. A pleasure it is to finally meet you." He had not noticed Cyrill close behind them, but even if he had noticed it seemed that they were in quite a hurry and Tyranis had no reason to stand in their way.

Edited by MasterDread
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"What?" Cardina snapped at the officer, her eyes burning white. "We do not issue a kill-on sight order for the Lotus' emissary! Especially not without my permission!" She switched to broadcast to the whole Derelict. "Acolytes! The kill-on-site order for Temperance is rescinded, on my authority as the Herald of the Ascension! Track, disarm and disable only!"


She sighed and turned to Synder. "I don't really know how to do that, I only had your frame's codes on record. We can just use mine, but they're stored in my warframe, and that's back in my room. Come on," she started walking out of the hanger. "We'll stop by my quarters so I put on my frame and give you the codes, and then I'll come with you to engineering. I'd very much like to see the footage for myself."




((Ignore this))


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A loud crash had broken the long peaceful silence in the hanger that Tyranis and his company had been sitting in. It was clear the crash came from hanger two. Tyranis rose up from the Hyena corpse he had been sitting on. He looked to Jinx and Arthur, To Tatsuya and Miho, to Argus and the Nova Twins. "It seems the Corpus just don't know when to quit. That crash came from hanger two. We deal with this and we can go looking for the mole." He started making his way to the hanger exit, hoping his company would follow. He ran ahead of them, he had grown tired of the Corpus and wanted this ended as quickly as possible.


Tyranis would not find any Corpus in the hanger though, He saw Cardina and Arkas and promptly greeted them. Crossing his arms and bowing Tyranis spoke "Ah Herald Cardina, i do believe this is the first time i have made your acquaintance. A pleasure it is to finally meet you." He had not noticed Cyrill close behind them, but even if he had noticed it seemed that they were in quite a hurry and Tyranis had no reason to stand in their way.


Tatsuya and Miho decided to follow Tyranis into the other hangar where the Corpus ship crashed, "Miho, Yuzuki, let's go!" they ran ahead of the others hoping to catch up with Tyranis, as they head into the other Hangar, they caught up with Tyranis, they also find Attakai with Sam, Arkas and thankfully Cardina.


Tatsuya sighs in relief, "Lady Cardina thank the Void you are alright!" Miho smiles in relief, "We're so glad you're okay!" Yuzuki the Zanuka Prime just approaches Cardina and nudges her leg, "Beep Beep!"

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Taranis pulled out his Latron Prime and aimed at the ship that crashed. He walked closer before the trunks came to life and revealed Cardina and an Ash were in the ship. Sighing as he placed his golden weapon on his back, he approached the herald along with everyone else. He stayed quiet and simply observed.

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A loud crash had broken the long peaceful silence in the hanger that Tyranis and his company had been sitting in. It was clear the crash came from hanger two. Tyranis rose up from the Hyena corpse he had been sitting on. He looked to Jinx and Arthur, To Tatsuya and Miho, to Argus and the Nova Twins. "It seems the Corpus just don't know when to quit. That crash came from hanger two. We deal with this and we can go looking for the mole." He started making his way to the hanger exit, hoping his company would follow. He ran ahead of them, he had grown tired of the Corpus and wanted this ended as quickly as possible.


Tyranis would not find any Corpus in the hanger though, He saw Cardina and Arkas and promptly greeted them. Crossing his arms and bowing Tyranis spoke "Ah Herald Cardina, i do believe this is the first time i have made your acquaintance. A pleasure it is to finally meet you." He had not noticed Cyrill close behind them, but even if he had noticed it seemed that they were in quite a hurry and Tyranis had no reason to stand in their way.

Damin silently followed Cardina. Having access to Arkas' memories, Damin knew who Cyrill was, but something about him just didn't sit right. The Vauban was acting...off, to say the least. He would have to have a little chat with him when they got back, but right now Damin had to make sure Cardina wasn't captured....again.

Tatsuya and Miho decided to follow Tyranis into the other hangar where the Corpus ship crashed, "Miho, Yuzuki, let's go!" they ran ahead of the others hoping to catch up with Tyranis, as they head into the other Hangar, they caught up with Tyranis, they also find Attakai with Sam, Cyrios, Arkas and thankfully Cardina.


Tatsuya sighs in relief, "Lady Cardina thank the Void you are alright!" Miho smiles in relief, "We're so glad you're okay!" Yuzuki the Zanuka Prime just approaches Cardina and nudges her leg, "Beep Beep!"


Cardina nodded to Tyranis. "It's a pleasure to welcome you to my Church, though that's a pleasure I'll have to delay a bit longe- augh!" Cardina was tipped off-balance by Yuzuki's unexpected contact, glaring at the robotic construct for a moment before lifting her attention to Tatsuya and Miho. "Yes, yes, I'm quite alright. You both seem to have made it through the Harvester's assault fine. Ah, Cyril," she looked over her shoulder at Synder. "Go ahead to engineering, I'm setting a waypoint for you now. I'll meet you there later."


She brushed off Yuzuki roughly, breathing a sigh of relief as the unnatural construct left her alone. "I was worried you weren't ready for combat, Miho, but I can tell Tatsuya helped... comfort... you..." Cardina trailed off, squinting a bit at the two before her eyes snapped wide open. "You- you two-" Cardina stared a moment longer at the couple, then her expression turned suddenly sharp and critical. "I'm glad some of my Acolytes enjoyed themselves while I had the skin stripped from my back." Cardina's voice dripped venom as she brushed past Tatsuya towards the hanger's exit. "Come on Damin, I'd rather have my armor sooner than later."

Edited by SnaleKing
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A loud crash had broken the long peaceful silence in the hanger that Tyranis and his company had been sitting in. It was clear the crash came from hanger two. Tyranis rose up from the Hyena corpse he had been sitting on. He looked to Jinx and Arthur, To Tatsuya and Miho, to Argus and the Nova Twins. "It seems the Corpus just don't know when to quit. That crash came from hanger two. We deal with this and we can go looking for the mole." He started making his way to the hanger exit, hoping his company would follow. He ran ahead of them, he had grown tired of the Corpus and wanted this ended as quickly as possible.


Tyranis would not find any Corpus in the hanger though, He saw Cardina and Arkas and promptly greeted them. Crossing his arms and bowing Tyranis spoke "Ah Herald Cardina, i do believe this is the first time i have made your acquaintance. A pleasure it is to finally meet you." He had not noticed Cyrill close behind them, but even if he had noticed it seemed that they were in quite a hurry and Tyranis had no reason to stand in their way.

Seeing the others run towards the noise vexed Jinx a bit as she herself calmly walked back over to the now dead hyena to retrieve her Hate. "I really don't see the point with running, I've already told them that the Herald is back" She then proceeded to grab the scythe's handle, put her right foot on the Hyena for support and yanked the weapon out of the metallic corps. As she put it back in its maglock Jinx walked with dignifying steps as  she followed the others. 



As Ansilm heard Excalibur saying about accident somewhere or about what he heard "We should check it out? What do you all think?" he asked and blinked eyes few times as stared towards the hangar door. He focused his sight on Excalibur then. Grey steel colored eyes were speaking nothing but awaiting for answer.

Seeing as the stranger in the patchwork warframe seemed to be the only one not running away the others, Arthur nods to him and says "Let's go after them" As he himself follows Jinx. 

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Cardina nodded to Tyranis. "It's a pleasure to welcome you to my Church, though that's a pleasure I'll have to delay a bit longe- augh!" Cardina was tipped off-balance by Yuzuki's unexpected contact, glaring at the robotic construct for a moment before lifting her attention to Tatsuya and Miho. "Yes, yes, I'm quite alright. You both seem to have made it through the Harvester's assault fine. Ah, Cyril," she looked over her shoulder at Synder. "Go ahead to engineering, I'm setting a waypoint for you now. I'll meet you there later."


She brushed off Yuzuki roughly, breathing a sigh of relief as the unnatural construct left her alone. "I was worried you weren't ready for combat, Miho, but I can tell Tatsuya helped... comfort... you..." Cardina trailed off, squinting a bit at the two before her eyes snapped wide open. "You- you two-" Cardina stared a moment longer at the couple, then her expression turned suddenly sharp and critical. "I'm glad some of my Acolytes enjoyed themselves while I had the skin stripped from my back." Cardina's voice dripped venom as she brushed past Tatsuya towards the hanger's exit. "Come on Damin, I'd rather have my armor sooner than later."




Damin silently followed Cardina. Having access to Arkas' memories, Damin knew who Cyrill was, but something about him just didn't sit right. The Vauban was acting...off, to say the least. He would have to have a little chat with him when they got back, but right now Damin had to make sure Cardina wasn't captured....again.

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The doors for hangar 2 opened and Gaia came walking into the hangar. Everything was fine with the infirmary at the moment. The injured had been treated and were returning to active duty or in some cases, were headed back to their rooms to get bed rest. An example of the latter was the Oberon that had narrowly survived being run through by Synder.


She looked around and immediately noticed Cardina and the others as well as the damage caused by their method of escape. Oh well, she could easily have that repaired. She was just glad that the others were safe. "Greetings, everyone. I heard some noise and came this way from the Infirmary." She looked to Cardina in specific as she said, "It is good to see you are safe. I was worried when you disappeared."


Meanwhile, Pyre sat on the edge of the bed, having just put her Warframe back on. Her helmet was on the table beside the bed and avoided making eye contact at the moment. "That was umm...faster than I expected... I still enjoyed it though..." She tried to avoid saying it outright lest she damage Shnkiro's confidence.

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The doors for hangar 2 opened and Gaia came walking into the hangar. Everything was fine with the infirmary at the moment. The injured had been treated and were returning to active duty or in some cases, were headed back to their rooms to get bed rest. An example of the latter was the Oberon that had narrowly survived being run through by Synder.


She looked around and immediately noticed Cardina and the others as well as the damage caused by their method of escape. Oh well, she could easily have that repaired. She was just glad that the others were safe. "Greetings, everyone. I heard some noise and came this way from the Infirmary." She looked to Cardina in specific as she said, "It is good to see you are safe. I was worried when you disappeared."


Meanwhile, Pyre sat on the edge of the bed, having just put her Warframe back on. Her helmet was on the table beside the bed and avoided making eye contact at the moment. "That was umm...faster than I expected... I still enjoyed it though..." She tried to avoid saying it outright lest she damage Shinkiro's confidence.


Tatsuya and Miho approached Gaia, avoiding eye contact with Cardina, "Lady Gaia, it's good to see you again." both bowing to her, but with a face filled with guilt. They try to keep a straight face, but failed miserably, what Cardina said to them was too much for them.

Edited by Unendingblade
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Ansilm follows Excalibur who was following Nyx. "I think that it is not over yet... Even if Herald in here... I have bad feeling about this" he said as started to remember slowly few things... Words about his clan or something. "I think after I have finished up memory in here. I will need to make visit... At... Well... Should I call place... Where the bloodbath were... Really hated by our kind. Going to talk later about it... When I find time right" he said same time taking breath every time when he paused speaking. (Damn... Does remembering again hurt this much?) he thought.

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