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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Tyranis saw Lady Gaia make her way in. Stepping aside so Cardina could be on her way he greeted her in the same manner, crossing his arms and bowing. "Lady Gaia. It would seem your missing Herald has returned. I feel rather ashamed of myself that i could not get acquainted with her sooner. She has quite the... peculiar aura about her. It fascinates me, but at the same time makes me feel uneasy... I mean no disrespect of course."


He felt very uncomfortable talking about Cardina, it seemed like Cardina gave off a mixture of Gaia and Mortos' auras. It shifted and morphed, changed and fluxed. But he had more pressing concerns. "Lady Gaia seeing as your Herald is now safe and the Corpus have been cleared from the ship there is only one more issue to deal with. The mole... In my company is a Nyx who claims she can find him. Please give me time and i will have him at your feet within the hour." This time he put his hand up to his chest and made a small bow. "If you will excuse me"



As Excalibur asked about Ansilm remembering the first part of war what cost only one Tenno but second one required even more good thing not from side where he was on this war "Never mind what I said. You would find... Everything what I would say to you about that bloodbath would be... Highly enraging" he said (I must not let them know. What kind of era I made upon... This clan where I was or I am still) he thought. After hearing what this Nyx said he just nodded at Excalibur that everything is fine. (I also need to find out what caused my amnesia or memory loss) he thought.


Following Tyranis Jinx told him "I might detect some residue from his presence there but the best way of finding him would be to move around the ship to scan. I suggest a surface scan to beguine with so we don't risk alerting him. And when we do find a mach for the mind I sensed before then I can continue with a deeper scan to confirm."


Arthur looked still with a raised eyebrow at the other Tenno as he followed Jinx and Tyranis. At least he presumed it was a Tenno. At this point he was very tempted to ask his sister to take a look in the patchworks head. 

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Ansilm followed with Nyx and Excalibur then thought a moment about being secretive "Just let me know when you want to talk about it but for now. It is better to be silent. We have enough trouble... Well after what I have heard to this point" Ansilm said as watched around the hallways like he is sensing something nearby but actually he is looking at damage around hallways. "Feel free to ask things when you feel like it but I need to remind you... Again... That my memory is not the best friend of mine currently" he said.

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Miho nods but couldn't help but ask, "What about the invasion? The Corpus will be coming in full force, aren't we going to need every Tenno available? I want to fight!"


Tatsuya was conflicted, he was happy he was going to be a father, but scared, with the Corpus coming, he was scared, not for himself, but for Miho, 'I am going to fight, if Miho and my child are going to be in danger. AND DAMN HIM! ARKAS, DAMIN WHOEVER  AND WHATEVER THE F*CK HE IS! HE TALKS TO ME LIKE THAT AS IF HE KNOWS ME! I may not be as strong as other Tenno, BUT I AM NOT WEAK!'


Miho couldn't help but worry at Tatsuya, whatever he is thinking, it is getting her worried. "Tatsu are you okay?" Tatsuya snaps out of his thoughts, "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm just worried, for you and the baby, with the Corpus coming, how can I not?" he turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, what do you suggest?" Yuzuki just tilts his head and beeps.



--With Argus, Attakai and Samantha--


Argus, who somehow brought the shish kebab Hyena with him teases his son by talking with Attakai and Samantha, "Ha! You must be Samantha! I can see why my son fancies you! SO! When can I expect grandchildren huh?"


Gaia thought about it. Yes, Miho could use the experience but it was highly likely that she would get injured and possibly even killed. She didn't have much training so far and it would be best to keep her out of the line of fire as long as possible. In the end, Gaia sighed softly. "It wouldn't be wise to send you into battle with your limited training and especially considering that you are pregnant. However, you need experience in combat and I have a compromise that can work. How does helping keep those aboard the derelict safe sound? I will be remaining here to protect the Acolytes defending and operating the derelict. With you in my cell, you will be safe and have a chance to help as well."

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Gaia thought about it. Yes, Miho could use the experience but it was highly likely that she would get injured and possibly even killed. She didn't have much training so far and it would be best to keep her out of the line of fire as long as possible. In the end, Gaia sighed softly. "It wouldn't be wise to send you into battle with your limited training and especially considering that you are pregnant. However, you need experience in combat and I have a compromise that can work. How does helping keep those aboard the derelict safe sound? I will be remaining here to protect the Acolytes defending and operating the derelict. With you in my cell, you will be safe and have a chance to help as well."


Tatsuya sighed, this was perfect. "We will like that Mother Gaia, and thank you, if it is alright with you, I would like to be in the cell as well, not just to be with Miho, but I don't have a cell anymore..... not since that mission." Tatsuya said that last part a little silent. He had moved on about that mission gone wrong, but it doesn't mean he has forgotten.

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Following Tyranis Jinx told him "I might detect some residue from his presence there but the best way of finding him would be to move around the ship to scan. I suggest a surface scan to beguine with so we don't risk alerting him. And when we do find a mach for the mind I sensed before then I can continue with a deeper scan to confirm."


Arthur looked still with a raised eyebrow at the other Tenno as he followed Jinx and Tyranis. At least he presumed it was a Tenno. At this point he was very tempted to ask his sister to take a look in the patchworks head. 

"Then let us proceed." Tyranis said to Jinx as they reached the generator room. "Like i said we will start here and work our way around..." He paused "Cyrill was with Cardina when she returned as well as that Ash. She told him to go to engineering... The last time i saw Cyrill he was injured. the Acolytes who were killed were here... where i left him..." He turned to Jinx "You don't suppose he could have stolen Cyrill's form while he was out do you?"

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Synder waved a hello to the engineers, and took a seat in front of one of the terminals.  Let's see.  I need to think as fast as possible to get this done safely.  What can I do to make this easier?  His conniving brain walked itself through the outside of the derelict, and he explored the vulnerabilities and disadvantages in the ship itself.  If I was to try and fill in the chinks in this ships armor, I'd focus first on preparing the turrets.  Directly afterwards, I'd seal the hangars.  Check life support levels and make sure everyone was in the safest area conceivable.
That would be a good days' work.

Now I just need to do it all backwards.


Inserting a data stick into a port in the old terminal, Synder began a download that would slowly bring down the system from the inside, while making it appear as though the Corpus were using EMP weaponry.  Synder hid the terminal with the download on it below his work area, and turned off the monitor it was on.


I also can't have anyone finding the footage of me.  Luckily for me, the cameras in the area where we took the Herald were destroyed in that insolent mole's suicide, so there is no trace of me taking the form of Temperance.  However, the cameras around Cyrill were still active, so I have to get rid of that footage somehow, all in about 3 minutes due to turret shutdown.  Time for some cajolery.


"Hello all, just making sure you know Cardina has sent me here.  I'm to look for an impostor by the name of Synder.  He is hidden as the Ash named Temperance, and there's a chance they might have been in the same area.  If anyone wishes to help, the security footage is available on that terminal."  Synder redirected his footage to a terminal far from where he was to distract the engineers, but he made sure to cut out any traces of himself.  Unlike that Volt I'm not an idiot.  Thank Profit for this suit, though, I would've had no chance without all this encryption-decryption software.  With that he plugged the footage into the main terminal in his workspace and pretended to not know what was going on.


2 minutes.  Maybe I--I mean, Temperance--will go pay the Herald a visit.  Synder smirked under the pseudo Gambit helm of his long lost friend, walking away.  "Brothers, keep up the good work.  Remember, you're looking for an Ash.  I must go to the Herald and give her some data," and with that he left the room.


"Silac.  This is Synder."


"Prepare the fleet."

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"Then let us proceed." Tyranis said to Jinx as they reached the generator room. "Like i said we will start here and work our way around..." He paused "Cyrill was with Cardina when she returned as well as that Ash. She told him to go to engineering... The last time i saw Cyrill he was injured. the Acolytes who were killed were here... where i left him..." He turned to Jinx "You don't suppose he could have stolen Cyrill's form while he was out do you?"


Jinx now stared at Tyranis. He's telling us that now? "I'd say that's a very high probability of that, why didn't you say anything sooner?" She could hear her own voice grow loader as she spoke. The very thought of having your pray slip away vexed her greatly.


"Easy" Arthur now stepped in "We don't know that for sure. But if it really is the infiltrator then we shouldn't stay here just talking about it. There's a lot of things he could have come up with already"


"You're right, let's run to engineering then" And with that the two siblings sprinted down the hallway. "Hey, remember that hallway?"




"I got the feeling engineering is that way"


"You go with your instinct, I'll go with my map" 

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Jinx now stared at Tyranis. He's telling us that now? "I'd say that's a very high probability of that, why didn't you say anything sooner?" She could hear her own voice grow loader as she spoke. The very thought of having your pray slip away vexed her greatly.


"Easy" Arthur now stepped in "We don't know that for sure. But if it really is the infiltrator then we shouldn't stay here just talking about it. There's a lot of things he could have come up with already"


"You're right, let's run to engineering then" And with that the two siblings sprinted down the hallway. "Hey, remember that hallway?"




"I got the feeling engineering is that way"


"You go with your instinct, I'll go with my map" 


Tyranis ran after the twins, it didn't take long for him to catch them. He ran beside them and spoke "I'm opening a private comm channel, stay in touch. The layout of the derelict says the only way into and out of engineering is through an elevator. If we can make it to that elevator before he leaves we will have him cornered. If he does get out before we arrive and if you do spot him mark your location with a waypoint and follow him. Do not confront him until we are regrouped he can not be allowed to escape!"


Tyranis split away from the twins and ran off in a different direction, taking an alternate route to engineering in case the mole made it out and ran. A cross connector was linked to the elevator. He opened his comm with them. "The elevator to engineering is in a cross connector hallway, he has three directions he could go if he tries to escape. I'm coming around from the right, you two split up and cover the other two exits. Tyranis out."

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Tyranis ran after the twins, it didn't take long for him to catch them. He ran beside them and spoke "I'm opening a private comm channel, stay in touch. The layout of the derelict says the only way into and out of engineering is through an elevator. If we can make it to that elevator before he leaves we will have him cornered. If he does get out before we arrive and if you do spot him mark your location with a waypoint and follow him. Do not confront him until we are regrouped he can not be allowed to escape!"


Tyranis split away from the twins and ran off in a different direction, taking an alternate route to engineering in case the mole made it out and ran. A cross connector was linked to the elevator. He opened his comm with them. "The elevator to engineering is in a cross connector hallway, he has three directions he could go if he tries to escape. I'm coming around from the right, you two split up and cover the other two exits. Tyranis out."

"We're on our way and almost there" Arthur replied as they continued to run. He could see the waypoint getting closer, and surprisingly it wasn't far off from Jinx's original route. As they split up on the other two exits Jinx asks "Is the elevator at the other level?"


"Looks like it"


"Then we might actually have a chance of caching him right here."


And so they waited. Jinx could sense Tyranis being in the opposite direction of herself and Arthur thought he caught a glimpse of the Oberon. As silence fell the twins anticipation raised.

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Tatsuya sighed, this was perfect. "We will like that Mother Gaia, and thank you, if it is alright with you, I would like to be in the cell as well, not just to be with Miho, but I don't have a cell anymore..... not since that mission." Tatsuya said that last part a little silent. He had moved on about that mission gone wrong, but it doesn't mean he has forgotten.


Gaia hugged Tatsuya. "Of course you can be in our cell, Tatsuya and don't worry. We can't change the past but we can shape the future."  As usual, her voice was warm and comforting as she lived up to one of the titles she had.


Synder waved a hello to the engineers, and took a seat in front of one of the terminals.  Let's see.  I need to think as fast as possible to get this done safely.  What can I do to make this easier?  His conniving brain walked itself through the outside of the derelict, and he explored the vulnerabilities and disadvantages in the ship itself.  If I was to try and fill in the chinks in this ships armor, I'd focus first on preparing the turrets.  Directly afterwards, I'd seal the hangars.  Check life support levels and make sure everyone was in the safest area conceivable.

That would be a good days' work.

Now I just need to do it all backwards.


Inserting a data stick into a port in the old terminal, Synder began a download that would slowly bring down the system from the inside, while making it appear as though the Corpus were using EMP weaponry.  Synder hid the terminal with the download on it below his work area, and turned off the monitor it was on.


I also can't have anyone finding the footage of me.  Luckily for me, the cameras in the area where we took the Herald were destroyed in that insolent mole's suicide, so there is no trace of me taking the form of Temperance.  However, the cameras around Cyrill were still active, so I have to get rid of that footage somehow, all in about 3 minutes due to turret shutdown.  Time for some cajolery.


"Hello all, just making sure you know Cardina has sent me here.  I'm to look for an impostor by the name of Synder.  He is hidden as the Ash named Temperance, and there's a chance they might have been in the same area.  If anyone wishes to help, the security footage is available on that terminal."  Synder redirected his footage to a terminal far from where he was to distract the engineers, but he made sure to cut out any traces of himself.  Unlike that Volt I'm not an idiot.  Thank Profit for this suit, though, I would've had no chance without all this encryption-decryption software.  With that he plugged the footage into the main terminal in his workspace and pretended to not know what was going on.


2 minutes.  Maybe I--I mean, Temperance--will go pay the Herald a visit.  Synder smirked under the pseudo Gambit helm of his long lost friend, walking away.  "Brothers, keep up the good work.  Remember, you're looking for an Ash.  I must go to the Herald and give her some data," and with that he left the room.


"Silac.  This is Synder."


"Prepare the fleet."


If there was one thing that Synder had not taken into account, it was the Valkyr that was largely in charge of engineering aboard the derelict. She didn't trust the real Cyrill or any outsiders for the most part. She was always wary around them and watched everything they did inside engineering. When what seemed to have been Cyrill came inside, she watched him from a distance as she had done before with the real Cyrill.


Over the course of her observation, she found several things to be unusual. One was him being a lot more talkative than before despite that he was only giving necessary information or reassuring that he did have permission to even be working on anything in engineering. Another thing she caught, however, was that he referred to everyone as 'Brothers' before leaving. The first time, he just waved to them before leaving without a word.


While the other engineers checked the terminal Cyrill seemed to have sent them to, the Valkyr walked over to the one which he had been working on to inspect his work. She thoroughly inspected his workspace, seeing something jutting out below and upon further inspection, found it to be a data stick. Further probing revealed it to be attached to a terminal which had its screen deactivated for some unknown reason and in accordance with her search, she reactivated it see just what the terminal was being used for.


Finding that something was being downloaded into the system, she ceased the download and checked to see just what was being transferred from the data stick. Considering that the terminal had been hidden and the screen deactivated, she bet he didn't want anyone finding it. No doubt, it was likely attempted sabotage.

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The Nova twins have returned to their ship.

"So, 'Draya who do you plan on impersonating?"

"Dunno yet although I don't think now is a good time as people would start to think I;m a spy or something.

"Yea I guess you're right, wait until the invasion is over, also who can you transform in to currently? other than you, me and your sphere."

"I don't think I can do anyone else yet, I need to have some sort of contact with them via frame or flesh underneath."

"Regardless lets prepare for the rest of the corpus invasion."

The Nova Twins sort through their arsenal and pick out weapons to use against the hordes to come. Aran stays with the Miter, Detron and her Hate. Gandraya equips her self with a Dread, Wraith vipers and her Hate. Both twins use the stalking fan stance. Also preparing their ship for the Corpus ships arrival.

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Tenno, as a rule, were trained to be masters of their emotions.  Most novices just out of basic training could overload the reactor of an enemy ship and watch it explode without batting an eyelash.  Temperance had thought that he was more than capable of handling himself, but watching Cardina dress was not something he had trained for.  Ever.  The *clink* of her fingertip against his pectoral armor nearly stopped his heart.


"Back to business?"


Temperance nodded reluctantly, quickly setting his thoughts and expression in order.


"Back to business,"  he affirmed.  He retrieved his Soma from the corner as his helmet folded back into place and sealed with a quiet hiss.  "Much as I would like to, we can't risk lifting the capture order on me just yet, but I can go where ever you need me, as long as it's not a hall full of angry Acolytes.  If you could though, would you mind checking in on the seven Tenno I referred to Medical?  I'm still feeling guilty about those Acolytes, and Cyril and that Oberon looked to be in bad shape."


"I'm sure they're all fine," Cardina waved her hand dismissively while attaching her helmet, then took her Wraith Vipers from the weapon rack. "I didn't know Cyril was injured, actually, I was just talking to him in hanger two. I sent him to engineering to check for any footage of the doppelganger, though his codes were scrambled so I let him borrow-" she froze halfway through picking up her Machete Wraith. "... son of a B*TCH!" She grabbed Temperance by the arm, dashing out of her room towards engineering. "This is Cardina to medical! Lock down Cyril!" She switched channels as she skidded around a corner. "Cardina to Engineering, assault and incapacitate Cyril immediately and without warning, I'm on my way now!"


Temperance, follow me but stay out of sight. If our mole runs past, get the drop on him. We need to find out how much he knows.

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Gaia hugged Tatsuya. "Of course you can be in our cell, Tatsuya and don't worry. We can't change the past but we can shape the future."  As usual, her voice was warm and comforting as she lived up to one of the titles she had.


Tatsuya smiled, he knelt down and placed his forehead on Miho's stomach, "Yes, watashtachi no mirai*." Miho could only smile, placing he hand on Tatsuya's head, "Mmm, our future."


Tatsuya stood back up, "Well, I feel like going to the sparring room, get some training done before the Corpus comes. Miho do you want to come?" Miho just slips her arms around Tatsuya's, "Of course I do." she then turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, we will see you later."


With that they headed for the sparring room, Tatsuya turns to Miho, "There is a firing range in there I believe, you can practice with your Latron there."



*Watashtachi no mirai - Our future

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Tatsuya smiled, he knelt down and placed his forehead on Miho's stomach, "Yes, watashtachi no mirai*." Miho could only smile, placing he hand on Tatsuya's head, "Mmm, our future."


Tatsuya stood back up, "Well, I feel like going to the sparring room, get some training done before the Corpus comes. Miho do you want to come?" Miho just slips her arms around Tatsuya's, "Of course I do." she then turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, we will see you later."


With that they headed for the sparring room, Tatsuya turns to Miho, "There is a firing range in there I believe, you can practice with your Latron there."



*Watashtachi no mirai - Our future


In the firing range, Shinkiro was tossing a kunai up and down his hand. In front of him about a few meters away was a wooden dummy with multiple kunai embedded in different parts of the body. He had his helmet sitting on a table next to him. Without the assistance of his frame's targeting, it just made things much more challenging for him.

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In the firing range, Shinkiro was tossing a kunai up and down his hand. In front of him about a few meters away was a wooden dummy with multiple kunai embedded in different parts of the body. He had his helmet sitting on a table next to him. Without the assistance of his frame's targeting, it just made things much more challenging for him.


Miho and Tatsuya with Yuzuki following walked into the training room, they spot Shinkiro playing with his kunai, "Shinkiro! Good to see you again! Congratulations with Pyre!" Miho giggled at that last part. Yuzuki just beeps and lies down in a corner.



--Hangar 4--


3 Tenno ships land into the Derelict's hangar, bearing the Rising Sun's Insignia, as the door opens a Frost with a Galatine on his back walks out escorted by a Volt and an Avalon Excalibur.


The Frost smirks under his helmet, "Ah.... It is good to be back." chuckling as he walks himself out of the hangar with his escorts.

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Miho and Tatsuya with Yuzuki following walked into the training room, they spot Shinkiro playing with his kunai, "Shinkiro! Good to see you again! Congratulations with Pyre!" Miho giggled at that last part. Yuzuki just beeps and lies down in a corner.


The Tenno turned, his purple eyes aimed directly at the two. "Eh...? Oh... Guess the cat is out of the bag." Shinkiro shrugged some before tossing another kunai straight into the head of the dummy. "What gave it away?"

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The Tenno turned, his purple eyes aimed directly at the two. "Eh...? Oh... Guess the cat is out of the bag." Shinkiro shrugged some before tossing another kunai straight into the head of the dummy. "What gave it away?"


Tatsuya laughed, "Besides Lady Pyre dragging you away?" Miho giggles, she walks over to the firing range grabbing her Latron, aiming at a target, she fires and was taken aback by the gun's recoil. She was going to need a lot of work.


Tatsuya chuckles and walks over placing his arms over her, positioning her arms, "Just tighten your arms towards your body, that itself will mitigate much of the recoil, place your left foot forward." Miho was in cloud 9, his muscular arms, his voice, his breath, it was just captivating, "Miho are you listening?"


Miho snaps out of her daze, "Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah I was!" Tatsuya just sighs, "Alright let's just try this again." Miho positioning herself carefully, aims at the target once more, she squeezes the trigger and fires. The round lands at about 5 inches below the bullseye, "Good! Not a bullseye, but a good shot, just keep practicing and you'll be getting head shots in no time! There's a burston in that rack over there, feel free if you want to try that as well." Miho nods and smiles, she was happy she got a good shot, she just hopes she will be ready for the invasion.

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The Tenno turned, his purple eyes aimed directly at the two. "Eh...? Oh... Guess the cat is out of the bag." Shinkiro shrugged some before tossing another kunai straight into the head of the dummy. "What gave it away?"


Tatsuya laughed, "Besides Lady Pyre dragging you away?" Miho giggles, she walks over to the firing range grabbing her Latron, aiming at a target, she fires and was taken aback by the gun's recoil. She was going to need a lot of work.




Having been dismissed by Cardina, Damin decided to check out the training room. Walking into the middle of the conversation, he couldn't help but laugh mockingly. "You people sure picked one heck of a time for all this. The Corpus invasion fleet could come and wipe us out any moment now, and you thought the best idea would be to "do" it." Observing Miho's shooting, a smile crept across his lips. "Well, at least she's not completely hopeless, but if those were real targets, you would be dead." Damin leaned back against the wall, a look of amusement on his face.

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Tatsuya laughed, "Besides Lady Pyre dragging you away?" Miho giggles, she walks over to the firing range grabbing her Latron, aiming at a target, she fires and was taken aback by the gun's recoil. She was going to need a lot of work.


Tatsuya chuckles and walks over placing his arms over her, positioning her arms, "Just tighten your arms towards your body, that itself will mitigate much of the recoil, place your left foot forward." Miho was in cloud 9, his muscular arms, his voice, his breath, it was just captivating, "Miho are you listening?"


Miho snaps out of her daze, "Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah I was!" Tatsuya just sighs, "Alright let's just try this again." Miho positioning herself carefully, aims at the target once more, she squeezes the trigger and fires. The round lands at about 5 inches below the bullseye, "Good! Not a bullseye, but a good shot, just keep practicing and you'll be getting head shots in no time! There's a burston in that rack over there, feel free if you want to try that as well." Miho nods and smiles, she was happy she got a good shot, she just hopes she will be ready for the invasion.


Having been dismissed by Cardina, Damin decided to check out the training room. Walking into the middle of the conversation, he couldn't help but laugh mockingly. "You people sure picked one heck of a time for all this. The Corpus invasion fleet could come and wipe us out any moment now, and you thought the best idea would be to "do" it." Observing Miho's shooting, a smile crept across his lips. "Well, at least she's not completely hopeless, but if those were real targets, you would be dead." Damin leaned back against the wall, a look of amusement on his face.


"Anyway..." Shinkiro ignored the newcomer and teleported to the dummy, removing the kunai from it's body. In a cloud of smoke he would reappear next to Miho and Tatsuya. "If you are going to get her used to firing a weapon, why not start with a MK-1 Braton. Easy for beginners."

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"Anyway..." Shinkiro ignored the newcomer and teleported to the dummy, removing the kunai from it's body. In a cloud of smoke he would reappear next to Miho and Tatsuya. "If you are going to get her used to firing a weapon, why not start with a MK-1 Braton. Easy for beginners."


Tatsuya and Miho decided to ignore Arkas, he was not helping, and stressing Miho out since she is pregnant would not help, she picked up a Mk-1 Braton like Shinkiro suggested, she aimed at the target and fired, the bullet landed 3 inches to the left of the target, she smiled content with the weapon, it was easy to use and had little recoil, she liked the burston as well though, the turned to her lover, "Tatsu I liked them both, so which one should I take?"


Tatsuya smiled, "Take the Braton, I have a Burston back at the ship, you can have that as well," he turns to Shinkiro, "Shinkiro thanks for your help but thanks to a certain eyesore, we can't stay, I would have liked to spar with you but I do not think that is possible at this time."


Putting their helmets back on they took one of the Bratons and made their way out of the sparring room, avoiding Arkas. Yuzuki approached Arkas and did a virtual hiss at him, and then made his way back to his masters. They made their way out and went to find Gaia.

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With no-one in the hallway to interact with, Cyrios decided to return to his ship and see if he can't repair the Harvester he disabled. While walking, a realization struck him: He hadn't seen any of the camera feeds, as they were hooked up to his ship's monitor. Increasing his pace, he arrived at the mechanical wreckage that used to be a Harvester, with his tattered gray shirt nearby. Carefully resting the shirt upon his right shoulder, Cyrios began the arduous process of dragging the heavy Harvester inside his ship for inspection. 


Eventually he succeeded, despite the upwards slope of the docking ramp. Closing the ramp and making the ship's monitor the greater part of his HUD, which was permanently imbued into his vision thanks to his cybernetic eye, he began to watch everything that the Church's recorded even as he gently peeled the hull off the Harvester, to get a better look at its inner workings. Completely fried. Fantastic. Retrieving plenty of circuits from a wall-based shelf, Cyrios got to work repairing and manually recoding the Harvester. He paused as discrepancies came from the cameras, which were displaying two Temperances. Brow furrowed, Cyrios lended the footage more attention as Temperance entered the reactor room, butchered several Tenno and stuffed Cyrill into a locker, only for Temperance to later enter the very same reactor room, discovering Cyrill and the bodies of the others. Then he got to the more recent footage, from the cameras just outside Hangar 2. He saw Temperance -- the very same one he talked to just before -- change chape and turn into.... Cyrill?


Then it hit him. The reason why the Temperance he talked to had an almost synthetic, distorted voice. Why there were two Temperances running around. Why one butchered, while the other incapacitated. One was fake, an impostor; and the other was real. Oh you clever bastard. You're playing that old game, huh? Cyrios quickly finished his work on the Harvester and reattached its hull, purposely neglecting to reactivate it. Two thoughts raced simultaneously, and only one was his own. The other was a dark, grumbling, beastial... thing that resided within his body.


No one lies to me.



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Miho and Tatsuya with Yuzuki following walked into the training room, they spot Shinkiro playing with his kunai, "Shinkiro! Good to see you again! Congratulations with Pyre!" Miho giggled at that last part. Yuzuki just beeps and lies down in a corner.



--Hangar 4--


3 Tenno ships land into the Derelict's hangar, bearing the Rising Sun's Insignia, as the door opens a Frost with a Galatine on his back walks out escorted by a Volt and an Avalon Excalibur.


The Frost smirks under his helmet, "Ah.... It is good to be back." chuckling as he walks himself out of the hangar with his escorts.


Tatsuya and Miho decided to ignore Arkas, he was not helping, and stressing Miho out since she is pregnant would not help, she picked up a Mk-1 Braton like Shinkiro suggested, she aimed at the target and fired, the bullet landed 3 inches to the left of the target, she smiled content with the weapon, it was easy to use and had little recoil, she liked the burston as well though, the turned to her lover, "Tatsu I liked them both, so which one should I take?"


Tatsuya smiled, "Take the Braton, I have a Burston back at the ship, you can have that as well," he turns to Shinkiro, "Shinkiro thanks for your help but thanks to a certain eyesore, we can't stay, I would have liked to spar with you but I do not think that is possible at this time."


Putting their helmets back on they took one of the Bratons and made their way out of the sparring room, avoiding Arkas. Yuzuki approached Arkas and did a virtual hiss at him, and then made his way back to his masters. They made their way out and went to find Gaia.


Gaia had decided to meet their visitor to have a word with him. She wanted to be sure that Desolas would be on his best behaviour and she was going to give him advance warning lest she have to banish him from the derelict a second time. When she saw him with his escort, she stopped them. "Excuse me but I would like to remind you before you proceed any further to be on your best behaviour. Otherwise, I will have to request that you leave again."

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 --Hangar 4--


3 Tenno ships land into the Derelict's hangar, bearing the Rising Sun's Insignia, as the door opens a Frost with a Galatine on his back walks out escorted by a Volt and an Avalon Excalibur.


The Frost smirks under his helmet, "Ah.... It is good to be back." chuckling as he walks himself out of the hangar with his escorts.

Aran and Gandraya notice 3 other ships arrive and dock near their ship and watch a Frost ((prime if I'm wrong)) escorted by a Volt and an Excalibur. Soon after Gaia confronts them.

"I wonder who that could be?"

"Dunno, but I think I'm going to stick with my trusty Lanka for this one. Lets go to meet up with Gaia and see who that is. After that We need to practice a certain move in the training room as well as practice hitting multipule enimies in a line with one shot."

"Sounds good to me, lets walk over there and greet Gaia and those guys with the classic intro."

The Twins make their way towards the group.

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Gaia had decided to meet their visitor to have a word with him. She wanted to be sure that Desolas would be on his best behaviour and she was going to give him advance warning lest she have to banish him from the derelict a second time. When she saw him with his escort, she stopped them. "Excuse me but I would like to remind you before you proceed any further to be on your best behaviour. Otherwise, I will have to request that you leave again."


Desolas smirks under his helmet, he makes a small bow, "Ah Lady Gaia, it is good to see you again, I am under orders from the council to come here and assist with the coming Corpus fleet, and it looks like you are going to need all the help you can get," he smiles, "Of course, I will be on my best behaviour."


Tatsuya and Miho were walking down the hallway when they notice Gaia talking to a Frost, he widens his eyes recognizing the Frost's voice, it was Desolas, he's back. They hide in a corner as to not get noticed by them.


Desolas turns, "Now if you'll excuse me Lady Gaia, I must find the Grand Master." he just walks away gesturing his escorts to follow him. As he is finally out of sight. Tatsuya, Miho and Yuzuki come out of hiding and approach Gaia.


"Mother Gaia, why is he here? I thought he was no longer welcome?" Tatsuya asks with his teeth gritting.

Edited by Unendingblade
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Desolas smirks under his helmet, he makes a small bow, "Ah Lady Gaia, it is good to see you again, I am under orders from the council to come here and assist with the coming Corpus fleet, and it looks like you are going to need all the help you can get," he smiles, "Of course, I will be on my best behaviour."


Tatsuya and Miho were walking down the hallway when they notice Gaia talking to a Frost, he widens his eyes recognizing the Frost's voice, it was Desolas, he's back. They hide in a corner as to not get noticed by them.


Desolas turns, "Now if you'll excuse me Lady Gaia, I must find the Grand Master." he just walks away gesturing his escorts to follow him. As he is finally out of sight. Tatsuya, Miho and Yuzuki come out of hiding and approach Gaia.


"Mother Gaia, why is he here? I thought he was no longer welcome?" Tatsuya asks with his teeth gritting.


Gaia turned to Tatsuya and Miho. "He isn't but at the moment, he is here on business and he assures that he will be on his best behaviour. If he causes any trouble then we'll deal with it. He does still have to follow our rules and regulations here."

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