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Pc To Ps4 Merger


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PS4 players seem so butt hurt about exclusives. I couldnt give a rat about my exclusives. I payed money to support the game when it was in beta thats all thats too it. I got afew skins OMG I'm so cool Ps4 players been jelly as hell.


If there is a merger my exclusives will come with me cause what your forgetting is I PAYED MONEY FOR THEM. If DE want to refrund me my money when I transfer over all my stuff bar Excal prime etc...thats fine.


If they dont there is no way they will offer a deal like that with compensation.


And to the guy that had the big speech about exclusives and that players would quit the game over it, thats fine your probly like 1% of the market most people arent that petty so be gone.

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PS4 players seem so butt hurt about exclusives. I couldnt give a rat about my exclusives. I payed money to support the game when it was in beta thats all thats too it. I got afew skins OMG I'm so cool Ps4 players been jelly as hell.


If there is a merger my exclusives will come with me cause what your forgetting is I PAYED MONEY FOR THEM. If DE want to refrund me my money when I transfer over all my stuff bar Excal prime etc...thats fine.


If they dont there is no way they will offer a deal like that with compensation.


And to the guy that had the big speech about exclusives and that players would quit the game over it, thats fine your probly like 1% of the market most people arent that petty so be gone.

I'm pretty sure you paid Sony nothing. So you're not getting what you haven't paid for. Same as platinum. You haven't purchased it from Sony so it won't transfer. Same deal with founders pack excusives.


Speaking of people they are quitting already, you don't need any statistics, just start the game and see how numbers shrunk. Then again, they are quitting for various reasons. What that guy meant was probably most/all players who spent a lot quitting. Which I guess is a few percent.


The whole beta thing is eww... Today I've started the game and decided to do T3 mobile defence. It actually ran below 10 FPS. The entire time. Granted, I just returned to grinding sword materials in Yakuza Ishin.

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You....you're joking right? Theres been LOTS of complaints about update delays. 





No, you are welcome. You don't see some of the bugs we do because they are sorted before the big patch itself is shipped to you. Ergo, you are welcome. Get off your high horse with "elitist" attitudes. Does not come close to some of the PS4 attitudes (yours example) I've seen. I have only ever been impressed by two people on the PS4 side, if pushed perhaps three.

i understand you guys do bug testing and get a lot of the bugs out of the update before it hits, so i appreciate that....because i also play on the P.C. and so i see things fixed really quickly and i get to play without too many problems.


what i came in to say is that, we(PS4) generally have our own set of bugs that you guys cant work out, because they are exclusive to the system, (YAY FOR EXCLUSIVES!!!), and we don't get hotfix'd. we wait weeks for them to fix the bugs. so basically im saying, it wouldn't change things all that much if they dropped the updates for us a little sooner, because what we get is usually broken anyway.


for example 96% percent of the time i play currently it fails to save and i get logged out. this wasn't happening to me before the last update...and it will take weeks until they drop another update. i know a lot of people are going to say its Sony's fault, but there end usually takes 3-7 days to complete. the other few weeks that are involved for the update is DE.


anyways, im just trying to give you some perspective from the ps4 side of things, not trying to make anything worse. hope you have a good day :)

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Oh I know there are bugs on the PS4 that we haven't experienced, my point was there would be even more if we had to wait. You'd all have to go bug Sony to drop updates quicker. I've seen a lot of the PS4 perspective, The Void is still unplayable for more than 2 players at once I believe?

thats what i have heard about the void also, but i really only ever play that with one other person, so it hasnt affected me yet.


for the record i personally dont think that p.c. players should wait for the ps4 updates to be available.


what i think should happen is that DE should make smaller weekly or every other week hotfixes/updates for the ps4 also, instead of the larger updates they put out. the reason i think this is because this would get DE and Sony to start working with eachother more frequently on putting them out and most likely they would get used to routine and it would perhaps streamline the process. Plus Sony wouldnt have to sort through as much data at one time, so maybe the cert would be a little quicker, which is actually already the fastest part of the update since you know it will only take them 3-7 days to complete.(if we consider how long it took from past updates)

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Oh I know there are bugs on the PS4 that we haven't experienced, my point was there would be even more if we had to wait. You'd all have to go bug Sony to drop updates quicker. I've seen a lot of the PS4 perspective, The Void is still unplayable for more than 2 players at once I believe?

Defense runs perfectly fine. Mobile defense unplayable with 10 FPS. Extermination sometimes randomly runs fine and sometimes drops to 0 FPS every couple of minutes.

It's really jarring if you play a different PS4 game at the same time. I've mentioned I play Yakuza Ishin - it runs at locked 60 FPS, non-interactive cutscenes at 30. When you go to Warframe (which sporadically twitches between 60 and 1 FPS) you really wonder if you play on the same console. And loading times on Warframe... They are just absurd considering level size and overall graphical fidelity.


On a side note, I really love heat action in Yakuza Isin where you stab an enemy with katana through abdomen, lift him like kebab, then spin around and throw him to knock down a bunch of other enemies. I wonder if you can do stuff like that in Warframe in melee 2.0.

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Just to put this out there. Whenever(if ever) they do a merger, they will lose a hefty number of playstation players. There are so many groups, clans, leagues of players that will be highly against a merger for a multitude of reasons. A few reasons being some, not all, of the PC players have major elitist attitudes and treat anyone other than their clique like dirt. Especially PSN players. With these attitudes coming over to PSN there will be a lot of people who will lose their love for the game because other players are being jerks to them. Another being major collectors or achievement hunters will quit playing the game the moment they play with someone who has gear they never had the opportunity to get on the playstation. It's one thing to miss an event due to life or lack of skill. But it's a whole other issue seeing gear from a different platform. That's like playing on Xbox and getting your exclusives from that and then magically transferring your save file to the playstation and keeping the xbox only items. Guess when that happened? Never. I for one am all for playing with my buddies who are currently on the PC, love you guys, but even they agree (looking at life in someone else's shoes) if an item was never available on PSN then those items should stay with PC. So if you do decide to do a merger then you will have to make a decision, keep your exclusives and stay on PC, or convert fully into a PSN member and keep only what everyone else in the PSN family could acquire. Choose wisely DE, you chose to do multi platform. That means you have to treat every platform the same(offering them everything from each other platform) or keep them separate from each other and offer whatever you want to the individual versions of the game.

i will never understand why people ALWAYS think one specific group of..... anything (black people, pc players, etc.) has all the bad attitudes. dear lord it's borderline insanity to me. You will find major elitists who treat anyone outside of their clique like dirt EVERYWHERE, period.


Also, I don't think they would even allow account migration if PC and ps4 weren't on the same update so players on the playstation not having stuff that players on the PC do wouldn't even be an issue. If something is exclusive to the PC, maybe the person who's transfering should be notified that they will lose that Item, whatever it was.

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Sony execs want to keep their paying customers. They "know" that. Sony execs are against having games on their consoles that have exclusive items on other platforms and not their own. Sony is allowing it now because the game is in Beta and not actually a complete game. When they start hearing that PS4 players aren't getting either the same stuff or exclusives of their own then Sony will step in and tell DE to fix it or there will be no further progress on Sony's end. Especially since there are people buying PS4s to play Warframe and care little about other games. If Sony execs hear that people are returning their systems or selling/trading them in because of this what do you think will happen? Sony is very good at keeping their core fan base happy. Just like DE likes to keep their "core players" happy(Founders and PC players) Don't see either one stopping anytime soon. Do you?

Holy hyperbole Batman. If people are quitting the game then they're doing it because its unplayable most of the time, not because of Founders items that they won't use once its level 30 if they had the chance.

Edited by (PS4)DavidBallZ
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The only advice I could give to PS4 players is playing the game on PC if their computer is powerful enough.


DE completely failed the optimisation or greatly overestimated PS4 power.

i can agree with this. i do play it on my p.c. and you are able to use an xbox controller with it. NOW HERE IS THE COOL THING, someone has made a program that lets you use your ps4 controller and the program is made to trick your computer/game into thinking its an xbox controller.

the program is great, it actually gives you a lot of control over different things your controller can do, including customizing the color of the glow.


im not sure if im allowed to link to outside sites or anything, so i wont, but you can Google using a ps4 controller on computer and its the first thing that comes up im pretty sure.


the only reason i haven't switched completely to p.c. is because i have bought so much platinum to support the devs on the ps4 side i cant see myself giving it all up. so i just play here and there on the p.c. when a new update comes out. I REALLY AM SO EXCITED TO USE ALL OF MY STUFF IN MELEE 2.0 ON MY PS4!! i only have like to swords or something on pc. haha.

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I would like to be able to play with my friends on PS4 and maybe play Warframe on the couch with everything my PC account has but that won't work currently.


The only way PC x PS4 cross-play to happen is for both games to be the same version.  As long as Sony has the cert process, the PS4 will always be behind PC until updates stop.  DE could delay updates for simultaneous release on both platforms, but that would probably slow the entire process down since DE would need to test updates entirely in-house.


Since DE is free to patch and hotfix PC updates immediately, content can be released in a less polished form that probably wouldn't make it through Sony's Cert process.  Everyone playing this game is effectively an unpaid QA(Quality assurance) tester and the more QA testers you have working through a piece of software the quicker bugs are found and fixed.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that by having PC updates first, the PS4 gets updates quicker too since the more bugs PC players catch, the quicker the game's current version will reach a point where DE can send it in for cert.

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This would only work if DE didn't have to deal with Sony's cert process. 

i understand that the cert takes time(if that's what you meant), but what i was trying to say was the cert is usually the most reliable fastest part of the process. we know it usually takes 3-7 days, but DE getting them the update they need to sift through takes a long time. that's why i think smaller weekly updates that are designed to fix the bugs on the ps4 side would be a good idea.



edit:i just noticed for some reason it signed me into my p.c. account, i am "octus" on the ps4.

Edited by Magic_Face
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You do realize that up until now if you had a game released on some non-Sony platform and wanted to bring it to any Playstation you were required to add substantial exclusive content or Sony won't certify it? That's why some of us are very much content with Sony. They almost always made sure you got the best version content-wise.

And Sony is always very picky about exclusive items. To the point when they secured PS3-exclusive weapons and skins, sometimes making deals that involved several platforms. AC2 PS3 exclusive weapons unlocked via PSP AC Bloodlines comes to mind.


The sheer fact that Sony allowed Warframe to be released without founders items and other exclusive stuff is a jaw-dropping shocker. As simple as that. The only explanation I see here is them trying to get stuff for PS4 launch quickly and such details indeed slipping through the cracks. But at this point I wouldn't expect them to miss that kind of thing.


Now, I could imagine account transfer eventually happening, although it won't transfer any content that wasn't available on PSN store and there will be mod and slot limitations.


Yeah at this time I could care less about Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime and Machete Wraith...  I just don't want to start the game all over again, and I want to play from the comfort of my couch.


My point of getting my PC account over to PS4 is because I own the console and would like to play on it more often, I really don't care if a few virtual items I have will make PS4 players feel bad, or if I didn't have those virtual items on my PS4 account to stop them from feeling bad or at some kind of weird loss. (frankly it's silly.)  Why would I want to play a game to make others feel miserable?  I play it to enjoy myself and enjoy with friends.


Yeah I just don't want to grind to MR15, craft and re-forma my stuff all over again.  Simple as that.


I will say that I refuse to buy platinum through the PSN store until the migration happens.  I'm sure many PC players that want to migrate feel the same way.


The whole founder, not founder thing is a different discussion altogether.  Unfortunately PS4 players can't "founder" this game, because it was founded by us early bird PC players. The game is already founded. However, DE could simply offer alternative founders items to the original founders (though that would be changing their original deal which would upset a great majority of their "paying" customer base.)


Who knows.


While I find it to be ridiculous business to hold up possibly hundreds of thousands of new players for Sony, over a few virtual items like a Warframe and a few weapons, I guess it's possible.  


Players who would theoretically migrate from PC (not really migrate but have a cloned account) would also mean new customers for other PS4 games/services.  To completely ignore this for as long as they have is just bad business.

Edited by sushidubya
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  • 3 weeks later...

Look, i started on the pc, i have PS4. My friends play on PS4, thts the only reason i want to migrate, i don't care about any of the exclusive stuff i got on PC, as long as i keep all my warframes, weapons, and mods that the PS4 players can get at their current level, i will be happy to migrate.

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Yeah at this time I could care less about Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime and Machete Wraith...  I just don't want to start the game all over again, and I want to play from the comfort of my couch.


My point of getting my PC account over to PS4 is because I own the console and would like to play on it more often, I really don't care if a few virtual items I have will make PS4 players feel bad, or if I didn't have those virtual items on my PS4 account to stop them from feeling bad or at some kind of weird loss. (frankly it's silly.)  Why would I want to play a game to make others feel miserable?  I play it to enjoy myself and enjoy with friends.


Yeah I just don't want to grind to MR15, craft and re-forma my stuff all over again.  Simple as that.


Well, ability to copy your PC account to PS4 while losing all items that were never offered/available on PS4 is something I can see happening.

The whole founders items thing will come back and bite DE in the soft spot. Noone would have made a big deal if it was about exclusive sydanna, weapon dongles, skins, colors or cosmetic helmets. The reason it will always come up is because those 3 prime items are part of core game that every player will expect to be there. Say you start the game, what prime items you would expect to be there 100%? Mag, excalibur, loki, skana, lato and braton. And 3 are missing. This is like Elder Scrolls Online locking up Imperial race - entire race - under extra paywall. Except Bethesda has the decency to at least not stop offering piece of core content.

Wraiths and Vandals are not that big of a deal. But 3 out of 6 most expected core prime items being removed from PC version and never available on PS4 version will always be an issue.

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Only if you guys continue to make it an issue, it's a dead-and-buried (or it should be) thing.

Every single new player I meet on PS4 always asks of Excalibur Prime when we get to the point of discussing Prime farming/trading. I usually give some prime parts for free to new clan - and now alliance - members when they reach rank 2, along with serration, split chamber and some other stuff, and it's where it usually comes up. Nobody thinks that making it PC exclusive is acceptable.

I have to admit nobody asked of lato or skana primes yet (but many complained about Lato being S#&$). They usually ditch those as soon as they can. Most PS4 players never visit these forums though.

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Look, we can all argue till we turn purple, but that's not going to solve anything. The fact of the matter is that making a frame, the special version of the poster-boy no less, exclusive to people who gave DE money was stupid. Should those people have been rewarded? Yes, they put money towards a game without knowing if it would succeed, but a frame was a horrible idea. Their decision locked us console players out forever of a frame, and when migration happens, there's going to be problems with PC players bringing items over that were never available on PS4.

It's better if those items stay on their PC accounts instead of transferring. Imagine if a PC player brought over Legendary Cores? I've also seen people threaten to leave any Founder alone to die if they see them. I'm not looking forward to account migration since DE doesn't seem to have very good foresight.

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