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Do I Lose My Xp When I Craft A Twin Vipers


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i'm currently in the process of crafting the twin vipers, one is level 21 and the other is level 1, do they both loose experience and start from scratch, do they average out the experience, does it combine the total experience or does it take the highest experience. some help would be great, thanks.

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I suggest you level up your viper first the one at level 21 because you are losing 900 xp from crafting it unless you get it at lv 30 otherwise if you are talking about mastery rank then no but if you are talking about affinity then yes you lose xp if you were to craft another viper but why would you since you are getting a twin viper

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Your Twin Viper will be a brand new unranked weapon.  It does not gain Ranks from either of your Vipers.  You can gain Mastery from the Viper and Twin Viper separately so it is best to reach 30 with one Viper first or you'll have to craft another later and level it all over again if you want the mastery from rank 22+. 


It is best to think of ak/twin/dual weapons as not being related to the single version in any way other than crafting.  They are separate weapons with separate Mastery and Ranks, no more related than a Lato and a Bolto (which also doesn't get the Rank of the Lato used to craft it).

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