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About Katinka

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  1. It doesn't really matter if they are idiots, my concern is that DE support will at best need to spend time checking false reports and at worst will end up restricted an innocent user, but okay, feel free to ignore that concern, hopefully it just wont be a problem. I still think the promo page for the Initiate Bundle would be better if it mentioned that some of the weapons come with Forma, and the Sobek being completely missing from the other page should really be fixed.
  2. On Reddit I saw this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1azblo6/can_anyone_tell_me_what_this_symbol_means_new/ discussion in which a new player was confused by the 5 Forma symbol on their Sobek. Some people explained that it's how much Forma has been added to the weapon, which led to follow up questions like "What's Forma?", "What does Forma do?", "How do I get Forma?". I, and others, questioned how someone who doesn't know what Forma is, does or how to get more of it had managed to put 5 Forma on a Sobek and began to suspect account selling. Then someone mentioned that there's a new pack that includes max ranked gear, some of which has Forma, so I went lookling and found what I guess is the pack in question, https://www.warframe.com/initiate-pack, but I don't see any mention there of Forma being included, and the Initiate Pack on https://www.warframe.com/buyplatinum doesn't even mention that there's a Sobek! I reckon this is going to lead to a few people getting wrongfully reported for using someone else's account when they actually just innocently bought a pack that dumps them into the unknown without explanation of their conspiciously advanced gear. They'll look for help from the community and be met with "How did you do that without knowing? Did you buy this account?"
  3. What thing doesn't apply, and why doesn't it? Don't just assert your position, back it up with something.
  4. Oh, so you aren't following this thread? I assumed you were since you chimed in without having been quoted earlier. My bad. Wasn't trying to avoid anything. Bit weird to be claiming I have 'sycophants' though. The post has two likes and no further comments based on it, not like I'm going viral or anything here. Terms of Use Agreement defines "you," "your," "user," & "users" as "all customers, visitors, users of the Website and Game and its respective and related pages" so everything in the EULA that says "you" or "user" also applies to customers, which generally means anyone who buys goods or services from a business. I have bought both physical goods and virtual services from DE so I am both a customer and a user. It's not your job to explain the EULA, but if you make a claim about it then you have the burden of proof if you expect anyone to actually believe you. For example if I say DE have the right to make a change to any virtual item and we as users have agreed not to bring any claim against them then I would back that point up by referring to Virtual Goods and Game Currency section c where it says: In particular (B)(II), adjustments to the game that result in the value of virtual goods or game currency changing, which I would think covers any suggestion that the exclusive status of Heirloom skins has a perceived value that would be lost if they were no longer exclusive. Now, this section does apply "except as otherwise prohibited by applicable law" so there may be jurisdictions in which this part of the agreement wouldn't apply to exclusive items that lost their exclusive status, but the burden of proof would lie with the person making that claim and it is not on me to try to prove that DE can't do that as it isn't my claim. If it was in my power to make him available, I would.
  5. I'm hardly throwing myself on my sword. I'm making posts in my spare time after getting an alert that there was activity while watching Youtube in another tab and playing Warframe in another window. And what does it matter if it's about Platinum? Can't it be about that and also be about disliking FOMO? DE is a business and they make money off Platinum sales. I'm a customer giving feedback about why I've stopped buying Platinum on a regular basis, I stopped so I could save up for this bundle and I haven't started again because I have no idea what they plan to do next time around. I notice though that my questions were avoided. What was meant by "everything you're trying to discuss is already covered by the term End User, so you're not even discussing the correct thing" and when do you think is the appropriate time to give feedback?
  6. How does the term 'End User' already cover this in a manner that means we aren't discussing the correct thing? General spit-balling to remind DE that people still aren't happy while they think about what to do next time? When would you like us to discuss it? Apparently there was no point discussing it when it was leaked before Tennocon because it wasn't final and we should wait until it was actually released, but then when it was released there was no point in us trying to convince them to change anything because it was in writing that it was a limited time exclusive and they couldn't change that term of sale once it was on sale. If not now, then when should we be telling DE that we don't want limited time exclusive skins at premium prices that devalue the Platinum we've already bought?
  7. From what direction I've seen EU law going in, they are more likely to get in trouble for creating artificial scarcity than for going back on a small part of a bundle's description. Even that's not going to happen any time soon though as the behaviour of came companies is not exactly a big priority for law makers.
  8. As someone who owns the Heirloom collection, I say bring it back and never make this mistake again. (And yes, as a Founder I hold the same opinion on that too.)
  9. One of the 4 Passcodes for the secret stash challenge was in a location that is at least difficult if not impossible to collect (I gave up on trying to position myself in a way to get teh context action to pop-up). It was in the large room with the tethers that need blown up to release the ship.
  10. Please either drop the 120 minutes time down a few minutes or let the stream run late for a bit. Delayed notifications and adverts can lead to people missing out when the time required is the exact length of the stream.
  11. Pretty sure it wasn't counting Anatomizers last time I tried that challenge. Has that been fixed?
  12. Some items could be locked behind completion of 2-5 schools, other items could help with that task e.g. access to Lenses or simply spending Focus from one school on Focus for another at some kind of conversion rate.
  13. Nope, disabled that as soon as I could. Even with it on I don't see why there would be a wobbly camera while standing still talking to an NPC with no action going on.
  14. I'm noticing it again while interacting with the Jahu Gargoyle in the current event but I've noticed it in the past while interacting with vendors in Fortuna etc. When I'm I'm standing still next to the NPC my camera will sit still as long as I don't move, as soon as I interact and enter the menu for that NPC the camera will wobble around like crazy. Why does this need to happen? It's distracting at best and nauseating at worst. Please let me disable it.
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