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The Biology Of The Hirudinea Corpusus By Kao-Snake


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As one of the leading researchers of the Clan, I was tasked by the Oversee to hunt, find and study this species based of a rumor we have heard. Of course, I was thrilled with this task, it was something new, and if we were succesfull, we could further our cause.


However, no matter how many times I've went to the obscure and dark confines of Xini in the hunt of this particular subject, and no matter how many Hirudinea Corpusus found, none of the speciments ever had what I'm looking for.


Previous studies by the Dapartament of Exploration (DE), wich is lead by the Lotus herself, gathered that some subjects of this species of leech can develop a special kind of teeth called Talus Micans know by the populance as The Gleaming Talon. This kind of teeth can then be used enhance the performace of a weapon used by our Tenno warriors, wich is fascinating as this teeth is so small and can give this huge advantage at the same time.


I was joined by numerous others enthusiasts of both mine and other Clans in the hunt for the elusive leech that may have this teeth, we agreeded should one of us find it, we would call the others and share our findings, but so far we've had no success, wich makes me self-conscious about the rank I worked to gain as for naught.


To this day, I'm hunting for this teeth, even if I grow wary of this task, I cant say that I will give up on it, I'll confess have been offered this teeth for money by more successfull researchers, but I want to get it by my own merits.


For my fellow researchers who are still looking for this leech, I give you this advice: a bottle full of coffee and a few calming pills...... having an attractive assistant like Mag would help too.


I wish luck for all of you.


Kao-Snake, Hunter and Researcher.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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You want gleaming talon stance mod? Transmute is another option.


You make this thread for what purpose? Are you complaining to DE about drop chance? Are you just doing a interesting role playing character description? If so the fan zone is for such things not general.


Though I do like your role playing story I do not get the point. Is this a question or not?

And yes I am dead inside.

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You want gleaming talon stance mod? Transmute is another option.


You make this thread for what purpose? Are you complaining to DE about drop chance? Are you just doing a interesting role playing character description? If so the fan zone is for such things not general.


Though I do like your role playing story I do not get the point. Is this a question or not?

And yes I am dead inside.

I made this thread because I wanted to vent about how annoying it can be to find it, but when I started, this idea of making it a documentary came to me and I decided "Why the hell not?", and I had a few chuckles doing this, wich made what was supposed to be a vent/complain that went from the usually seen "WTH DE?!?!? Y CANT I FIND THIS DAMN MOD!" to something I belive is better and funny and still makes the point cross, the fact that it lifted my mood while I made it was a bonus.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Ah cool. The thing was I really did not feel your sense of frustration in the story. That is why I was so confused, though it mentions some negative bits the overall message was positive.


Could have added other bits like.


" ...I worked to gain as for naught. As time passed more of peers gave in to despair or grief over lack of progress in the research. Though we have lost many I alone will progress to the end. Though it maybe the end of me as well."


Really ham up the one man struggle for success bit.


Oh and the purchase them bit. I felt you could have them call them fakes.

"I'll confess have been offered this teeth for money by more apparently "successful" researchers. I do not trust these charlatans and snake oil salesmen pedaling their false hoods and knock offs. The true goal is still out their eluding me but I will find it. Oh, it will be all the more the rewarding once I find the true article myself through my own efforts."

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The search for the Talus Micans was intense, the elusive Hirudinea Corpusus that has the teeth was proven to be even more elusive than I could have ever predictied. Still I did not give up, it was my duty, I could not give up, my pride as a Hunter and a Scientist wouldn't let me, I made a tent in Xini so I would not need to make the trip from the Dojo to the cavern... it almost proved to be my undoing, as I sometimes found those leeches around me, ready to feast on my blood when I went to sleep, most of my nights were spend awake then.

After 6 more days of being in Xini, I was captured by 4 Corpus Tech, they were able to take my weapons while I slept, I put up a good fight, but I was somehow defeated, I blacked out---- next thing I knew, I was in the Dojo's Infirmary, it turned out that the Corpus where actually my fellow Clanmates, and I was hallucinating from the stress and exhaustation. It seems my time there worried them, and had orders to take me back by force if necessary. While I'm gratefull for their worry, I still had to find the Talus Micans!

I was able to sneak out of the Infirmary at night, and had plans to make it back to Xini, but I had to go back to my quarters to get my materials, while there I came across the book of faith called Spiritis and Gods that Nyx, our resident mystic, gave me a few months back as a Christmas gift "If you ever need it" she said, I didnt know why she did give me this, well she IS the oddball of the clan, always staring at the stars and sometimes seen praying to Rhea Neith Garuda (know to us as RNG for short) the Patron Goddess of Sun and War of the Tenno. I dont know what came over me at that moment, I just.... felt compeled to read it, I left all my materials and started to read. I was able to read the book in 2 hours (hey, being a High Ranking Officer and Scientist in Clan you read a LOT of reports, you learn to read fast, it also helps the book wasnt thick, only 500 or so pages).

After finishing reading it, I was about to leave the whole thing as rubbish, but then I though "Why not?". Book in hand, I sneaked once again through the sleeping Dojo, and into our Junno Water Garden, the sacrifacial circle was a bit hard to do, but I was able to finish it in 30 minutes, the book said there are needed 4 sacrifices to our Goddess: Tenno Blood, Sweat, Tears of Frustration and Blood from Enemies.... from the way things were going, it was easy to give those 4 (specially the last one, it was on my blades after all), I did the chant....... and nothing happened, "Why did I think it would work?" I though as I turned to go and gather my supplies to continue on my search, the circle lit up, and as I looked back at it, it was there, the Talus Micans was there! As I grasped the small teeth in my hand, everything went white.

I woke up once again in the Infirmary, sitting on a seat near my bed was Nyx, she was reading a book on her lap, she informed me that dragged from Xini by a 4 of our Clanmates 2 days ago and was sleeping since then.... so that was all a dream? The circle I made, the teeth? All a dream.... depression washed over me. "I failed" I told her, Nyx closed the book, raised from her seat and looked at my eyes "You didnt fail Kao, your were able to grasp your goal with your own hands."

I was confused, but at that moment, I noticed that there was something in my hand, looking down on it, I opened my hand.... it was there, it was actually there! I dont know for how long I was there, just looking at it, I snapped out of my stupor when I heard the door closing, Nyx had just left, again I was just staring at the door for a few seconds, then I noticed she left her book on the table beside my bed, picking it up I read the title:

Spirits and Gods.

I made it just for fun, but it actually says how I got Gleaming Talon in transmutation after days of farming Xini..... RPG style.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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