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We Have The Potential, Time To Build On It


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Hello Tenno!

Now, I'm fairly new to Warframe, I've only been playing for a few days. However, in that time I've taken note of a few things that would enhance gameplay and I'm going to list and talk a little more into them here. If you have any thoughts or other ideas that would make this game better, feel free to post them below.

1: Not being locked into male or female;

Now, being locked to being a male or female warframe is kinda annoying. Sure, it's not a big deal, but this game is already very customizable, why not enhance that somewhat?

2: More customizable guns;

We can already modify the stats on our guns, but there's not a whole lot of visual customization on our firearms. For instance, I use the Braton. It's a good gun, very nice to use, but not particularly nice to look at. If there were options to change the look of your guns with different external modifications that would be another enhancement to customization that's already there.

3: An open player to player trade market.

Did you just pick up a bunch of blueprints but can't get your hands on the parts to start making it? Do you have an abundance of parts that could help someone else? Why not sell those parts and enhance your wallet! This would be a major change to gameplay that could make credit and material grinding less of a problem.

4: Clans!

We've got the option to be in a clan, but so far nobody has been able to make one as far as I've seen. Clans could include things from other MMO's as well, such as Clan Bank, Clan Symbols and it would be a very nice addition to enhance the social elements of the game.

5: Ships;

I'm not talking about bringing an enormous warship to help fight your battles for you. I'm talking about an area that is owned by you (or your clan; could house the Clan Bank), that could add an area that you and others can walk around in to show off that new bit of bling for your suit or just to hang out with your buddies.

6: PvP;

While I understand that Warframe is primarily a PvE game, it would be a nice change of pace to do a test battle against other Warframe users.

That's the lot. Like I said before, if anyone has any thoughts on my points or has points of their own please feel free to post them.


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*takes a deep breath* Ok, I will give you the benefit of the doubt since you don't watch the Q & As

1. Right now it's sort of a budget issue (it would take away from new frame making), I never understood why people don't like gender lock but they did it equalize all the "male" frames there should be more male ones coming soon. Later on if the community wants it they will consider it

2. cosmetic stuff is becoming a more and more should be coming as players start supporting the game

3.a trading system is in the works

4.UP8 should bring a lot of the clan stuff and the start of competitive PVE (my hunch on the competitive PVE)

5. Not sure about this, we shall see if anything comes of this idea edit: They are thinking more of a base such as the Orokin Tower, I think

6. PVP isn't a priority now, only thing they are mulling over in that dept. is dueling. They are trying to implement lore/story/endgame/add more mechanics

Edited by shoudra
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1. They said that there characters are unique and they will not be implementing a swappable sex for any of them. I agree with DE on this.

2. I'm not 100% sure how they would go about this but I do agree with you that some of the guns are in dire need of remodeling. The Hek for instance looks like a 4 legged camera stand.

3. I think I heard from somewhere that they may introduce a clan based trading system over a normal open trade system. I like the idea of clan based more as it encourages players to socialize. Not sure if this is confirmed yet so it's just a rumor as far as I'm concerned.

4. I really like the idea you have here with the clan storage and customizable clan icons would be pretty neat. It could definitly have a place in this game.

5. That ship idea sounds awesome but like a lot of man hours needed to create such a thing. This one will take some time. I'm curious as to what the DE will say about this idea. It could be like your ship in KOTOR I & II.

6. They have a pvp thread already created and any other threads that spark huge pvp debates are up to be locked or deleted so I would probably take that part out for now and comment what you think on the pvp thread. Which for the life of me I cannot seem to find lol.

Overall very good ideas and reminders of what this game could use.

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There's so much potential indeed. [size=4]If people would stop going mad whenever they see the word PvP, this could be an even better game. [/size]

[size=4]Besides, no one is forcing you to participate.[/size]

It wouldn't have to be a Deathmatch.

There could be games like Capture the Flag. Have NPC's defend the flag, so people won't complain about player fights.

They could implement some kind of race. Two teams trying to complete objectives/missions as fast as they can.

Or a mode where different kind of kills are rewarded by a certain amount of points. Like X points for a headshot, a sliding kill, wall running kill etc. Whatever team/player scores the highest wins.

The simple fact is, having competitive elements will add so much longevity and replayability to the game.

A[size=4]s much fun as they are, even the Defense missions will get boring in time.[/size]

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I agree with most of your suggestions except the gender part. I don't mind playing gender locked characters, I think it makes them unique, and personality.

I think the game should have more maps too, maybe outside ships and in actual planets.

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There can be unique characters that use a particular Warframe, but the player doesn't have to be that character. Genderlocked Warframes isn't exactly a problem, no, it's just that it would be better if it wasn't genderlocked.

Think about it this way: Any player used to RPG games or other MMOs will be used to character customization - I've been playing Champions recently myself, which probably has one of the best character creators I've encountered. It's incredibly jarring for players who are used to creating and playing their own characters to be forced into playing someone else. A genderlocked Warframe says "This is not your character. This is our character."

And that's all well and good, except that you can still have that character without restricting the players. By allowing players to choose the gender of their own character, they're allowed to... well, have their own character. There's a huge set of players to which such an idea would cater to. Roleplayers, etc. Obviously you'd need more variety than just gender, but gender is the first step. There are people that will spend hours in character creation. There are people that would spend money to get things to customise their character further. These are potential players to market to.

These things wouldn't take anything away from the current players - it expands the market. Players can still play the way they want; if they don't want to spend time on character creation, sure, just pick the default. Meanwhile there are other players who are turned off of a game just because of the lack of character creation that could actually add to the playerbase, and more of these players mean more money. That, in turn, means more resources to make more of the warframes that you guys want.

Of course, this is from the perspective of someone who enjoys building a story around his characters, giving them their own backgrounds, etc - but I'm not the only one. Many of the friends I know that play this game would prefer to have this option as well.

Edited by Quetzhal
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I love character customization myself, but somehow I think it won't really fit in warframe. Reason for that is, you're wearing a warframe, see it as your armor. You can change your armor, but you can't change it's appearance, other than dyeing it.

What doesn't make much sense to me though, is how my character can fit in both male and female warframes.

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I love character customization myself, but somehow I think it won't really fit in warframe. Reason for that is, you're wearing a warframe, see it as your armor. You can change your armor, but you can't change it's appearance, other than dyeing it.

What doesn't make much sense to me though, is how my character can fit in both male and female warframes.

As it is right now, I think every Warframe is a separate character and you're forced to play each of them as is. I'd like to be able to play my own character, that occasionally switches Warframes depending on what's tactically appropriate- when you think about it, it makes sense. I see no reason a Tenno would use a less tactically appropriate Warframe unless he wanted to challenge himself, or unless the Warframe itself was stuck on him. Course, the Warframe he switches to would have to be gender appropriate, yeah. XD

You can change individual aspects of the armour, though. The helmets - that's already implemented to a certain extent, so it's not too much of a stretch. I wouldn't want anything really ridiculous looking in Warframe, but there are a few neat addons that could go onto armour to make it look better, and to make each Warframe more individualised. (Halo has armour customisation with addons that fit the armour sets, but I don't really play it so I can't specify. I've just seen it a few times while my brother was playing.)

They could always be tied in to certain mods. Like, I don't know, adding an Enemy Sense mod could give you the option to put a radar dish on your face to show that you have it. (I'm joking, obviously, but the general idea is there).

Addons in general would probably have to keep the overall sleek look of the Warframe, though, so that part might be tough.

Edited by Quetzhal
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Halo has armour customisation with addons that fit the armour sets, but I don't really play it so I can't specify. I've just seen it a few times while my brother was playing.)

Well Halo is using armors while you use a Suit in Warframe. Its a weapon and it was created that way to do exactly what it does. There was no intention to make it customizable more than changing the whole outfit

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Warframes are exoskeletons, the actual character is inside of it. You can check it on the wiki.

So in-depth character customization as I'm used to from MMO's wouldn't make sense. (think sliders for body/facial features)

Different pieces of armor would work, I have no doubt that they'll be adding more of those. Just don't expect the amount of customization Halo has. Cause all Halo has to do is adjust the armor for male and female. This is not the case in warframe, what fits on Rhino surely doesn't fit on Loki for example.

They'd have to adjust the models for each warframe.

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1: That wont happen. It is part of the Lore and I like it that way.

2: Customization? Meh.. A larger array of guns/weapons would be more interesting, but I can see your idea working.

3: Trading is coming...

4: Clans are getting a better stuff in the near future.

5: Clans are getting a "dojo" from what was talked about.

6: PvP is most likely coming (personal opinion) but the Devs had said they are looking into it but it is not a priority at all

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Warframes are exoskeletons, the actual character is inside of it. You can check it on the wiki.

So in-depth character customization as I'm used to from MMO's wouldn't make sense. (think sliders for body/facial features)

Different pieces of armor would work, I have no doubt that they'll be adding more of those. Just don't expect the amount of customization Halo has. Cause all Halo has to do is adjust the armor for male and female. This is not the case in warframe, what fits on Rhino surely doesn't fit on Loki for example.

They'd have to adjust the models for each warframe.

Fair enough. I definitely wasn't expecting facial sliders and such (...though playing with a miniature Rhino would be hilarious). It's not really a major concern for me - I'm more interested in choosing the gender first. At the least that option together with colour customisation lets me feel like I'm playing my own character, instead of just playing different given ones. I know Warframes are exoskeletons.

@TheOperator: I'm glad it works out for you specifically, at least. I still stand for being able to swap genders because I'd like to be able to play my own character/characters. Besides, lorewise it wouldn't make sense for two Excaliburs to be on the same team, either.

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@TheOperator: I'm glad it works out for you specifically, at least. I still stand for being able to swap genders because I'd like to be able to play my own character/characters. Besides, lorewise it wouldn't make sense for two Excaliburs to be on the same team, either.

Well, lorewise there are dozens of tennos each in "standard" model warframes (or as close to standard model as you can call them). That means that there isn't just one excalibur, or just one ash in existence at any one time, its just that those warframe models are rare/expensive/hard to build.

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Well, lorewise there are dozens of tennos each in "standard" model warframes (or as close to standard model as you can call them). That means that there isn't just one excalibur, or just one ash in existence at any one time, its just that those warframe models are rare/expensive/hard to build.

What I meant was that if "lore" is used as an argument to genderlock warframes (because they're supposed to represent specific characters, I guess? I don't know where that information came from but yeah), then to have two of the same character in one mission wouldn't (technically) make sense. I was pretty much just trying to say I didn't think lore should factor in that much cause otherwise a bunch of other issues would come up. xD Sorry, I wasn't too clear and it's not a very good case anyway.

What I assumed in the first place was that there are standard model warframes that different Tenno use. If that is the case, then it would make sense for each Warframe to have gender variations.

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