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Pfft What Reckoning


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This is an endless cycle..


Stalker too stronk, nerf pls


Stalker too weak, buff pls


Stalker too stronk, nerf pls








They will find a balance eventually, being honest though it is hard for stalker to present a challenge when you can literally one-shot him because of your 4+ forma'd primary.

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They really need to make it so that he spawns in a room next to where you're at and enter the game invisible until he starts attacking you.  It's stupid how he spawns right next to you, just letting you fill his face full of bullets before he can even start attacking.  The invisibility would be less about keeping the player character from attacking him before he can perform the first strike and more about keeping other NPCs from attacking him when he spawns away from you, which I think is why they keep him from spawning in another room.  All other NPCs attack him so if he spawned away from you the NPCs would just attack him and distract him from attacking you or chip away at his shields/health and weaken him before he can even attack you.  I'd debate whether or not he should be injurable while invisible, though. 


On one hand it'd be cool if he had a Predator style distortion so the player could potentially find him and attack first but on the other hand even if he spawns away from your position if you have a "Press 4 to win" frame he'd just get taken down like a chump anyway.  Maybe go so far as to not have a "I'm coming for you Tenno!" thing and you're just going along with a mission and BAM! Stalker's there Slash Dashing your &#! from the shadows.  It seems stupid for him to let you know he's there to kill you.  The mark message is fine since it's there to terrorize you, but to basically sneak perfectly into the same room as the person you're going to kill, stand on the other side of that room and then scream out "I am here to do battle with you!  Die, scum!" and let them know you're there seems silly.

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