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Finally Trinity's Blessing Is Being Looked At!


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to be fair, so is everyone. and that's why I really don't see much of a problem with blessing. in endless survival, you end up being limited by how fast you can kill enemies, rather than how fast they can kill you, that's the only difference when playing with blessing vs. without it. I think that the former makes for a more fun gametype


you probably are. because every other trinity user will see that blessing is an incredible ability, and there would be no reason not to use it in a team game


unless you never play endless defense or survival. in which case you haven't seen blessing at its most useful



I'd be ok with a nerf to blessing if DE brought back link to its former glory. or at least have higher damage reduction, or be affected by strength mods




and yet, despite all this, DE lets rhino/prime slide again. iron skin shouldn't block knockdown or status procs. and rhino prime shouldn't have a base speed of 1. but DE has its favorites



edit: how embarrassing, forgot to mention that it was actually corrupted mods that "ruined" warframe. cutting the ult's cost from 100 down to 25 energy (yes, that would require streamline, I realize that. but that's not the point) is what made us so powerful

 Iron skin has a damage cap of 1560 with a max intesify mod. That isn't very much at higher levels and while you can get it up to 2700+ with blind rage, it costs more than the average player can put in and makes iron skin cost 77.5 energy. 2700+ isn't even that high because most t3 survival or defense enemies will rip it to shreds. Also, Iron skin doesn't block blast proc so if you get blasted, you will run out of iron skin in that time it takes to get up and die. As for the speed boost for rhino prime, who cares if he can run faster than loki (with one of his helmets which reduces focus) when most enemies are hit scan and primes should be better than their non-prime counterparts besides extra forma.  Being fast doesn't help you when your knocked down so I'm not sure why you complain about rhino. Loki definitely overshadows rhino by having better mobillity(most of the time) and his skills are all pretty useful. Blessing was invincibility that could last up to 30 seconds and ,while you could still be knocked down, it applied to the whole team and not just rhino. So unless everyone has a rhino in that mission, they won't get the benefit of being semi-invulnerable and even that isn't close to what one trinity can do.

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Do you try it already? I mean lvl 1000 Mobs, all i can just say that enemys around 2.5h Surv at Lvl ~550. And u say Nova make nearly the same dmg like on the Screenshot, on your Screen it looks like set for High Numbers maybe with Aura Mods for more dmg or debuffs for enemys i dont know. What i know theres a Roar-Buff (114% max) means deduct your high Number more than 50% from that result we take just 33% because heavy enemys have 300% more armor from that result u have to deduct the different of the Armor between this low level and a Lvl 1000 enemy. I dont know if they use Mprime or Banshee´s Skill for this Screen maybe u have to deduct this too and if your dmg still like that, ok i accept it but i like to see it pls make a Screenshot for me.


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Here is my argument with this. 

Now i absolutely love my trinity, one of my favorite roles in any game is a Full Support/healer and thats exactly what trinity is. She has no damaging abilities other than her 2, which i wouldnt necessarily consider a "damaging ability" As its main purpose is to grant energy to you and your team. Now i completely disagree with her 4 getting nerfed. I understand that some players may not find joy in being invincible in a game for a certain time but what about us players that find that skill to be completely useful? Now tell me, if DE were to nerf this skill and provide no invincibility, there would generally be no purpose for this skill other than healing some HP that you and your team mates lost while battling. But what would happen if one of your team mates were for say in a big cluster of level 40 infested, Her invincibility would allow that teammate to get out/ you or other teammates to revive him if he went down. Without that invincibility, your teammate would just lose all that regained health/shield within a matter of seconds, especially if they are a squishy frame. My biggest concern is that by taking away one of her most useful skills, they will generally make trinity useless compared to the other support frames. What would be the point of playing trinity with no invincibility when you could use a nekros who can always spawn red health orbs from fallen enemies, has damaging abilities and makes farming resources very easy, or a oberon who can Heal over time and again has damaging abilities. By taking trinitys invincibility away, you are making her a useless support compared to the others we have out there. People are complaining about it now but when you are in a long term survival or defense and you get crowded by enemies, you are going to be angry that your trinitys 4 did minuscule amounts of work when that regained HP and shield depletes in a matter of seconds. This just proves yet again that instead of looking at frames skills with all the consideration in tact, if we get enough people to cry about a frames ult, it gets nerfed. Instead of looking at her 4 that only a handful of players dont enjoy because they dont see the joy in the help it brings, why don't we look at buffing frames that seriously need it or instead nerfing a frame that seriously is OP. How about even re designing a frame or making new Maps/Bosses? 

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No she is not. 75% reduction is absolutely crap. Seriously, go run an ODE and link yourself and watch you die in like 2 seconds from them attacking you.


But in the end, who needs invincibility when you can pull off numbers like this? Right?



Because this is so much more "balanced"


All blessing does is take a bit off your shoulders so you have one less thing to worry about, yourself. Meaning you can do the most stupid crap and still get away with it and blessing isn't even needed early - mid tier because of how easy the game is.


But lock the map down with the right CC for Nova to pull off damage numbers like that and you've pretty much got a one hit KO to level 2000 mobs.


If your idea of end game is 30 - 45 like somebody else here stated then every single frame is viable to go that high and easily too but of course if end game is waves 150+ all frames that make that easy should be completely nullified also. That's the only way I'll be happy with the nerf.

I mean you can nerf trinity to the ground as long as you nullify those around her as well because that's what "balance" is and in doing that, you're going to have even more people complaining and not about trinity but about their other favourite frames who also got toned down in the process.

Trinity+ogris can outdps anything your nova can do alone so dont try that one with me


And dont act i said trinity is the only one that needs work


The others will have their day


Right now its trinitys turn


And to say she only takes a bit  off your shoulders is a massive understatement


Trinity has no damage buff at all.


Trinity has a single-target CC that isn't even worth slotting.


Trinity has little to no survivability without Blessing or Link running and frequently dies between Blessings even with Natural Talent slotted, whereas Valkyr has ridiculous health and armor that allows her to re-cast Hysteria more easily without dying in high-level content.


Hysteria lasts 3x longer, dropping your chances of dying between Hysterias.


Valkyr can CC with a regular jumping melee attack just like every other frame can, so the CC from a Penta/etc. isn't really that big of an advantage, especially when you consider that you have to build it for proc chance if you want it to reliably proc blast for the knockdown. Jump attack's guaranteed AoE knockdown.


I don't think it's entirely accurate to say there are absolutely no tradeoffs whatsoever.



I always play either solo or with one or two friends, so I'm looking at this issue from a mainly solo player's perspective. Valkyr's invulnerability and Trinity's invulnerability are pretty much identical to me. I don't really care if they remove Blessing's ability to make your team-mates invulnerable, but we have no idea if that's the change being made yet, so, again:  Speculation. My concern is that Blessing may be nerfed in a way that disproportionately affects solo players in an attempt to resolve issues that allegedly only occur in team play.


And, again: If you feel like you have to apologize at the end of your post, you should probably re-write your post. It's not like verbal communication where everything's said in real-time. And alleged "poor arguments" are no excuse for poor behavior. You can't belittle someone in one sentence, apologize and then make yet another belittling comment without appearing disingenuous.

Trinity can use weapons to CC and damage >Ogris and Penta< More than most if not all damage dealing frames


If youre dying regularly between blessings with trinity youre doing it wrong. And if she dies that easily so will anyone else that isnt blessed, moreso when she isnt there. Your logic is flawed here


Valkyrs hysteria is a hindrance to the party


She becomes much less useful with it


Nothing more than a bullet sponge in many cases


Trinity can also jump attack to CC...Or just use Ogris and kill things while CCing<I have a 6 forma ogris build on purely max dmg corrosive and blast dmg and i can tell you it procs often. I played on lvl 200 enemies and kept them off their feet well enough to stay alive


Blessing affects the entire team regardless of distance and can keep the party invincible 99% of a match easily. That is absolutely broken


I wouldnt have to worry about belittling anyone if i didnt face such poor arguments


Its frustrating that anyone has the lack of mentality to compare blessing to hysteria as if theyre on par

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If you insist on playing for hours of defense or survival, that's something you have to deal with yourself. The game is never going to be balanced around those levels.

you know those defense and survival mission are considered ENDLESS right?

there's no end to it, the only possible ends is when you failed the mission.



Blessing has no downside whatsoever.

^Agree, the only downside is that trinity have to recast it...


I just want Oberon to become a viable healer, man :(

^ same here. i hate when trinity is taking both healer seats


Trinity+ogris can outdps anything your nova can do alone so dont try that one with me

^ true,

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Look both sides of this stupid argument, how about instead of saying which side is right how about finding a good suggestion to rebalance her power without making her worthless at the only thing she is good with. My suggestion was keep the invulnerability but make it only on for a small percentage of time blessing is activated, the rest of the time you got a nice buff which would increases just about everything based on intensity.

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Do you try it already? I mean lvl 1000 Mobs, all i can just say that enemys around 2.5h Surv at Lvl ~550. And u say Nova make nearly the same dmg like on the Screenshot, on your Screen it looks like set for High Numbers maybe with Aura Mods for more dmg or debuffs for enemys i dont know. What i know theres a Roar-Buff (114% max) means deduct your high Number more than 50% from that result we take just 33% because heavy enemys have 300% more armor from that result u have to deduct the different of the Armor between this low level and a Lvl 1000 enemy. I dont know if they use Mprime or Banshee´s Skill for this Screen maybe u have to deduct this too and if your dmg still like that, ok i accept it but i like to see it pls make a Screenshot for me.


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Yes, I've done high waves of defense (100+) with those numbers. I don't think you know the mechanics of AMD and how it actually works lol. Have you ever even used Nova in your life? Like properly use her and not just spam M Prime.

Trinity+ogris can outdps anything your nova can do alone so dont try that one with me


And dont act i said trinity is the only one that needs work


The others will have their day


Right now its trinitys turn


And to say she only takes a bit  off your shoulders is a massive understatement

Are you @(*()$ kidding me? LOL. Why would you even use Ogris in combination with Trinity? Assuming you're doing Link + Blessing. It's so @(*()$ slow and the amount of damage you pull is nowhere as fast. Even if you were to do 50k (that's what my penta does) you'd only be hitting 3 targets.


If you're going to use Link + Blessing. Then even castanas or stug would be so much better than Ogris. Wipe out a room in seconds.


Anybody can also use Ogris. I can use Ogris with Loki. It takes an idiot to actually damage themselves and if you think Ogris and out damage a Nova's AMD then lol. Try hitting 5 mil on your ogris.

Edited by PeterKha
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For the last time.


1) Why AMD is soooo good for endgame ?

Because nova can position herself to do so.


2) But if there are level 200 enemies, shouldn't they 1 shot her ?

But there is Trinity spamming her 4.



So everything boils down to.....

Trinity makes the team invulnerable.

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I always see so many posts in other threads complaining about how easy the game is and that DE should make things more challenging. Problem is that if you have a perma invincible trinity on your team then no matter how hard DE makes their content it will always be easy. Once you take that away, then people will find it challenging to make it to 1 hour in Survival.


Honestly, what is the point of going past 20 minutes in survival? That's when your best rewards appear. Then you have to wait another 20 minutes to get another chance at those same rewards. At that point you might as well just restart the mission if you're farming. And if you're playing it only for the challenge then nerfing Blessing means you don't have to wait 2 hours for it to become challenging. 


I think what they may do is give her a damage reduction rather than invincibility which you can mod with Intensify and Blind Rage. It will still make her viable, but not to the point it breaks the game. This is why they nerfed Iron Skin, Bastile, and Snow Globe.

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Are you @(*()$ kidding me? LOL. Why would you even use Ogris in combination with Trinity? Assuming you're doing Link + Blessing. It's so @(*()$ slow and the amount of damage you pull is nowhere as fast. Even if you were to do 50k (that's what my penta does) you'd only be hitting 3 targets.


If you're going to use Link + Blessing. Then even castanas or stug would be so much better than Ogris. Wipe out a room in seconds.


Anybody can also use Ogris. I can use Ogris with Loki. It takes an idiot to actually damage themselves and if you think Ogris and out damage a Nova's AMD then lol. Try hitting 5 mil on your ogris.

what ever weapon trinity use which has self-damage, she can hit 5 targets + 3 extra by link. with orgis.




this man knows what is he talking about, listen to him.

Edited by low1991
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what ever weapon trinity use which has self-damage, she can hit 5 targets + 3 extra by link. with orgis.




this man knows what is he talking about, listen to him.

And how long exactly does it take to charge up an Ogris? I can clear a wave of ODD in about 5 seconds from the moment they spawn with Stug + Link + Blessing.



I always see so many posts in other threads complaining about how easy the game is and that DE should make things more challenging. Problem is that if you have a perma invincible trinity on your team then no matter how hard DE makes their content it will always be easy. Once you take that away, then people will find it challenging to make it to 1 hour in Survival.


Honestly, what is the point of going past 20 minutes in survival? That's when your best rewards appear. Then you have to wait another 20 minutes to get another chance at those same rewards. At that point you might as well just restart the mission if you're farming. And if you're playing it only for the challenge then nerfing Blessing means you don't have to wait 2 hours for it to become challenging. 


I think what they may do is give her a damage reduction rather than invincibility which you can mod with Intensify and Blind Rage. It will still make her viable, but not to the point it breaks the game. This is why they nerfed Iron Skin, Bastile, and Snow Globe.

You don't even need a trinity to get to an hour in survival, Nekros would be more appreciated. No point in them not being able to kill when you can't even find life support to keep the game going. 


There's no point in damage reduction when you get 75% from Link and even 90% damage wouldn't work. They tried an 85% with Rhino Skin before putting a damage cap on it.

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Yes, I've done high waves of defense (100+) with those numbers. I don't think you know the mechanics of AMD and how it actually works lol. Have you ever even used Nova in your life? Like properly use her and not just spam M Prime.

Are you @(*()$ kidding me? LOL. Why would you even use Ogris in combination with Trinity? Assuming you're doing Link + Blessing. It's so @(*()$ slow and the amount of damage you pull is nowhere as fast. Even if you were to do 50k (that's what my penta does) you'd only be hitting 3 targets.


If you're going to use Link + Blessing. Then even castanas or stug would be so much better than Ogris. Wipe out a room in seconds.


Anybody can also use Ogris. I can use Ogris with Loki. It takes an idiot to actually damage themselves and if you think Ogris and out damage a Nova's AMD then lol. Try hitting 5 mil on your ogris.

Have you properly modded an ogris?


Its faster than you might think and certainly outdamages the penta


In survival youll definately run into groups higher than 3, that should go without saying


And considering you can 0distance spam with no penalty its safe to say ogris wins out


If all yo0u have is insults then you wont get anywhere with me

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Have you properly modded an ogris?


Its faster than you might think and certainly outdamages the penta


In survival youll definately run into groups higher than 3, that should go without saying


And considering you can 0distance spam with no penalty its safe to say ogris wins out


If all yo0u have is insults then you wont get anywhere with me

I can clear a whole room of an ODD defence up to about 30 in the span of 5 seconds with stug link and blessing which is a lot faster than ogris. I assure you and even Nova can clear a room faster than you can clear one with Ogris Link and Blessing.


I'm not here to fight with you.


I'm telling you that if you think only Trinity can use Ogris then you're wrong and if you think it can clear a room faster than a stug, you're also wrong.

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You don't even need a trinity to get to an hour in survival, Nekros would be more appreciated. No point in them not being able to kill when you can't even find life support to keep the game going. 


There's no point in damage reduction when you get 75% from Link and even 90% damage wouldn't work. They tried an 85% with Rhino Skin before putting a damage cap on it.


Yes, it's even possible to go past an hour in survival even when playing solo, but my point is it would be more challenging getting there without perma invincibility. So for the people wanting more challenge in the game they may find it more fun not having to wait over 2 hours for enemies to become a threat.

Perhaps they may nerf the range so it's no longer infinite. Most Trinity users going with a perma invincible build will use Narrow Minded and that would destroy your range to where it wouldn't hit your party unless they were all standing next to you. Not sure how well that would work, but I'm open to suggestions.

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I can clear a whole room of an ODD defence up to about 30 in the span of 5 seconds with stug link and blessing which is a lot faster than ogris. I assure you and even Nova can clear a room faster than you can clear one with Ogris Link and Blessing.


I'm not here to fight with you.


I'm telling you that if you think only Trinity can use Ogris then you're wrong and if you think it can clear a room faster than a stug, you're also wrong.

how the hell do you finish off a wave in ODD in 5 seconds? when those mob will take their own sweet time to come out?

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how the hell do you finish off a wave in ODD in 5 seconds? when those mob will take their own sweet time to come out?

Link + Blessing + Stug. Link goes for like 33 metres and transfers moment enemy is killed and i shoot myself with like 20 bullets of stug and spam that over and over whilst walking around so link hits everything

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Link + Blessing + Stug. Link goes for like 33 metres and transfers moment enemy is killed and i shoot myself with like 20 bullets of stug and spam that over and over whilst walking around so link hits everything

wow, now that's OP...

being able to kill enemies over 33 meters without a LOS...


oh great

the next useless frame after ember and frost.


whos next `?

Hydroid? i know he's OP if used correctly.

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honestly, invulnerability is indeed ruins the fun.

you can just stand in the middle of level 9999 mobs without a scratch.

for me, no thrill means no fun.


"i survived level 9999 grineer on 12hrs survival with only 3 heath left" is way more fun and cooler than

"i survived 99hrs survival without a scratch"


what i'm trying to say is

the process is more fun than the result.


the "3 health left" gameplay certainly having more "action" than pressing 4.



Wow, just wow at so mcuh Easy Mode Lovers...


Why do you even play?

Would you also be happy to have a Frame that has "Press 4 to skip the Mission"?


Perma Blessing isn´t al lthat far from that...



Invincibility cheat completely removes half of combat basics that is avoiding damage. 

No skill, no challenge, no decisions to make - everything is made redundant. Its half of the core gameplay getting  thrown away. How can you defend something that makes the game half-interesting?



Back in the day. You had to use cheat codes to be 100% invulnerable in games. 



I feel that Blessing should get a minor nerf. I mean, it's not really fair, having an entire team with Energy Siphon spam the ability and never actually die. I always saw Blessing as more of a major healing ability rather than a way to permanently stay alive. The invincibility, in my opinion, is suppose to be a grace period. Because if you actually needed the heal, chances are that you're still in a bad spot.



On one note, I'm glad Trinity is being looked at as Blessing is just ridiculously easy to abuse to the point where it just trivialized the game.


On the other side however, I find it to be in severely poor taste that DE waited this long to actually do something about it.


Basically, players have been given far too long to have Blessing in its current form, to the point where it has come to be seen as an acceptable part of the gameplay by a fairly large portion of the community.  Of course there's the other side which has pretty much always hated it, but for some reason my brain is recalling that there was another issue alike this one just lately.  The community being divided upon the inclusion/nerf of an odd, yet undeniably swift, movement mechanic which reminded one of a rotary blade based flying device...  That same issue being left in for far, far too long, however the difference being that the former, Blessing, will likely cease to exist in its current form with the latter, coptering, getting a proverbial green light.


It's a tricky situation really, it's not like Trinity has a ton else going for her in many scenarios.  Her 2 is, in most cases, blatantly reliant on her 1 being in place, her 3 being in a generally good place in comparison to what most 3s are capable of across the board.  Trinity's 4 is currently just ludicrous however, that being said there's something that comes to my mind that could potentially ease the issue to an extent, which would be a sort of mass rework to her 3 & 4.


First off, if Blessing actually had a limited range (which it really always should have), running a corrupt build with maxed Narrow Minded would actually create a noticeably negative impact.  However what would stop someone from simply negating it with Overextended + Stretch?  In my mind it would be re-working Link so that power strength impacted both the damage resistance and damage reflection aspects of said skill.  Make a Trinity feel the negative impacts from a corrupted build on her 3 & 4.  Don't kill the invulnerability DE, as much as I personally hate it you've left it in too long at this point, in my opinion, as that will butcher far too many players' "endgames", but put some constraints on it.  If Trinity is support, having a range limiter which forces her to actually stay nearer to allies is definitely a worthwhile thing.


Another note though is that, from my standpoint at least, her 1 & 2 just feel a bit... lackluster.  That being said I'm not entirely sure as to how they could be remedied.  Potentially allowing them to be a free-aimed missile that creates a pulsating well of health/energy at any point on the map and modifying how they interact with duration modifiers?  Maybe adding flexibility in that targeting an enemy with either, as is currently working, would provide notably stronger beneficial effects in comparison to the non-enemy hit variants?


At this point I'd say it's just in everyone's best interest to acknowledge that Blessing will get changed and try to brainstorm on ways to do so that will prevent Trinity from being effectively crippled by it, increasing the worth of her entire kit so that Blessing isn't the crutch it currently is.



For some reason I suddenly can't quote anyone, so to go on the tangent mentioned above by madguy132 and Azawarau;  That's more an issue with how this game's overall balance has been handled.


Currently speaking, Warframe is going with a balance model where offensive stats, both of the player and of the foe, vastly outclasses the defensive stats of each.  This type of balancing leads to the eventual point where everything is so heavily skewed that nothing works.  To reach that stage of play, the players are already forma'ing their gear to a ridiculous degree as well as, in this case in point, relying on a horribly implemented/designed skill (Blessing).


This issue is tricky because these players have been allowed to dump a lot of time and resources into their frames and weaponry and now they effectively want a target that makes these things feel worthwhile.  However, the current "endgame" they're reaching at the high wave/long survivals is nothing more than a fallacy at best since they're only surviving there by removing their ability to be damaged by any source.  However at anything less than this point their weaponry does so much damage that it trivialized the difficulty anyways.


Without effectively overhauling the ways in which the game is balanced entirely around the defense to offense ration, the only solution would be to just add a game mode where the enemies are put at moderate/high levels to where their damage is appropriately challenging, talking 30-50 range roughly, but then having an innate modifier that drastically boosts their defensive traits so that they aren't so swiftly killed, allowing for heated gun-fights and what have you.


If you've delved so deep into an endless game mode where Blessing (aka ridiculous invulnerability) has become a necessity, then you've gone far beyond the point of balance.



It's a shame it took this long before being looked at. Now it's essential in high level content and people rely on it. :/


On one hand, yes, it does need to be changed. The fact that so many people are pleading for it not to be changed farther proves the point it needs to be changed - clearly a lot of people rely on it and don't want it gone for those high levels. If people are really worried about it because they won't be able to do as well in endgame, that there is no alternative, then yes, we have a severe case of imbalance that needs fixed. (If you claim imbalance in PvE doesn't matter, than I highly recommend doing some research on game design. It matters almost as much as it does in PvP, it just effects the game more passively.)


On the other hand, I can understand why people are upset: The high level content they are so used to doing could be completely jeopardized, and it doesn't leave much for them to go to. However, the fact that only one frame is capable of making that possible tells me that the real problem here is that high level content really needs its own rework, to make more options viable, make it more accessible, (not sitting through 30 minutes of "meh" to get to it) etc..



Whether or not Blessing needs nerfed before or after that rework I'm unsure. It really depends on how DE handles it and how the community reacts, which I cannot predict either. I know DE is working on endgame elements, and Dark Sectors are one, but that's not enough for everyone to flock to yet in my opinion.

Assortment of posts I agree on.

It seems we found out some bottom line issues:

-Blessing felt like good spell before corrupted mods introduction.

-Blessing trivializes all in-game content.

-Blessing being one of the few abilities that work in high end-game content.

-Invincibility is bad gameplay mechanic, focusing on ideas of changing Blessing to make it better and more fun to play without being cheesy seems a way to go.

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-For those who want bigger challenge : go solo! there's no bigger challenge than that.


-Look at all the other games that have healers , they can keep you alive forever with a pure healing build the only difference is they spam more the x or y or a chain of powers instead of one like here , now why is just one here because that's what fits this type of game or at least how the game is now , unless the DE comes up with a total rework of trinity skills and be viable solution to the ability to keep your team alive endlessly like a pure healer will do (tho the result would be pretty much the same as it is now) , it's not something unheard of.


-Not everyone plays trin + ogris or trin + castanas or any other weapon combos,it does require a lot of focus to keep an eye on the bless time in the intensity of the fight,may it be just to many enemy may it be the life support or pod health or any other things you have keep an eye in a mission.The game is not about lasting longer it's about killing faster but you'll never kill that fast enough when the enemy can one shot you and yes not all have your uber weapons builds or what ever , so it doesn't really matter how invincible you are you still gonna get overrun and you can still fail the mission.


-Offer more build option like a "battle cleric" with less heal or mostly healing just yourself a bit and do more damage , i'm sure most will say darn heal and support the team let's have a blast.


-Remove the aoe of the blessing let it affect just trinity if it just kills the fun for other because they feel invincible. /sarcasm


-How you play and with who you play it's entirely up to you , public party as been said are random if you chose that was your choice as is the lag it might come with it , as is afk ppl that comes with it and so on , the only one who really benefits from those parties are the new starter players and the more is your frame modded the more helpful will be for them to advance through the game.


-Why is never a pool or a thread or both from DE when they decide to change , nerf , balance a frame ability or whole set and spam a link in game to get all player come forward and state the opinion or solutions.What am i to think they just take decisions based on few or some who don't like a x frame or a x power while the rest of community it's left to hang and see what they will end up with and like or not.

Edited by RavensNight
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-Why is never a pool or a thread or both from DE when they decide to change , nerf , balance a frame ability or whole set and spam a link in game to get all player come forward and state the opinion or solutions.What am i to think they just take decisions based on few or some who don't like a x frame or a x power while the rest of community it's left to hang and see what they will end up with and like or not.


Actually, this would be really nice. It would help them collect a lot of feedback and give the community more of a voice.

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-Why not adding more warframe power mods sets with the condition that you can't combine the sets with each other or no 2 powers of same type(e.g.: can't equip x2 ulti or x2 power a , b or c , instead of chopping the less we have ,that will make builds more versatile and also fun. 

Tho this kinda adds to this point just more elaborated but it's also a solution for all frames:

-Offer more build option like a "battle cleric" with less heal or mostly healing just yourself a bit and do more damage , i'm sure most will say darn heal and support the team let's have a blast.


I'm for balance not by cutting off but adding more,i'm sure that will solve seeing same build over and over ,just like spreading the drops to more enemies so you don't do same map over and over fighting the rng and end up getting bored about it, there is constructive solutions let's use those instead.

Edited by RavensNight
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