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Map Errors, Invisible Walls, Interesting Places, Etc.


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Just a simple introduction

I tried to find a thread, where I can post gaps in maps and other things, but wasn't successfull in finding it, so I decided to start a new one.

You're welcome to post your own screenshots with maps errors, thank you.

EDIT: Also check this thread for more places https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15349-brokenbuggedunfinished-terrain-list/


Mission: Teserra, mission exit section

Problem: There is a obvious hole in the map, it is possible to fall through. Not game breaking.


See this video for the place -

(thanks TinFoilMkIV for it) Edited by zelgaris
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Misson: Venus, Tessera (random chunk with box and lower ceiling)


There are some places with boxes and other objects it isn't possible to climb on normally, but you can still wallclimb them or use super jump power to get there.



1) You can notice on the gif above the difference between the first and second unsuccessful jumps. The first one is fluid and I jump on the place without moving forward, the second one however jerks a bit. Not gamebreaking, but weird.

2) When you manage to get on the box, you can clearly see, your camera gets out of the map bounds. Not only this looks unprofessional, but when the camera is out of bound, the ambient sounds cannot be heard.

Possible solutions:

1) Just make it fluid somehow :)

2) Modify the camera movement and colisions it isn't possible to get out of bounds or forbid us to get onto these objects. In most cases it looks like the frame would hardly fit there. You can also resize the boxes a bit so player can't actually get there.

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Misson: All missions, where you start inside


Part of the ceiling drops down at the beginning of second mission start cinematic, but the ceiling at the place is not damaged.


Possible solutions

Yeah, nitpicking, but seriously, wouldn't be so difficult to change the maps in a way that starting locations actually shows a hole in the ceiling to keep the immersion.This problem is obviously not present in outdoor start locations :)

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Misson: Tessera (see below)

This section of map



Bad collision/clipping on a part of building. Found out when tried to use the part as a entry point for wallclimb.


Another case at the same chunk on the other side of the building


Edited by zelgaris
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Mission: Tessara (this section http://zelgaris.com/...Tessera-003.jpg)


When trying to get onto the building on the screnshot above by wallclimbing the arcs, this happens, when you don't cancel the wallclimb :)


Possible solutions

Don't allow us to wallclimb this kind of areas, e.g. cancel/stop the wallclimb as soon the regular vertical wall ends to prevent this :)

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Mission: Tessara (this section http://zelgaris.com/...Tessera-003.jpg)


Possible to get out of map bounds - can fall to death, see https://forums.warfr...p-bounds-death/ where I wrote about the fact that punishing player with death in this case is bad (this also prevents us from continual finding of bugs and map related problems, since we are limited to four revives a day, or restarting the map).

Also there is a invis wall on the ledge I jumped on in the first gif - that probably shouldn't be there, since we are able to walk up this kind of slopes elsewhere - unclimable wertical wall should be there instead - that way, you get your "wall" while not breaking the immersion with invisible blocks :)

Also notice the clipping problems with ground, but it's snow so...

I actualy love the fact I can go there, would expect some loot there, but wouldn't expect a nonsolid wall :D

How to get there


And once there, the game is like, whoa, you're dead :)


Possible solutions

Make the wall nonsolid wall solid :)

Edited by zelgaris
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And from the same section in Tessara another way to get out of the bounds.

Once you get to the "secret" platform - thumbs up for including places like this, seriously - (see below, circular platform with big locked gate on the left in the screenshot)...


you can do this...


And then you can jump off and die or jump back and continue with exploration :)

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Now a bit of Tolstoj, since I have to restart the game :/

Mission: Tolstoj


Elevator force you sometimes out of bounds.

In cases you don't fall through the floor it just moves right through you on the way down, and since you aren't standing on it, also while going up.

Tried only the one in the common starting section, but I assume this could be problem with all elevators.

Either cases, it looks highly unpolished, although I understand it's this way to prevent possible unnecessary deaths of players, but seriously...


Possible solution

Let's get the game more punishable, shall we? Nobody wants to die in the game randombly, but waiting for elevator BELOW THE MOVING ELEVATOR? Elevator should kill the tenno upon the impact - seriously going right under the moving elevator is stupid... real children now this :)

Edited by zelgaris
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More Tolstoj (random starting mission sector)


There is a slope (haven't tried others) that gives a player incredible boosted wall-run jump.


Also this on the one of the platforms I jumped onto.


Possible solution

Probably engine problem rather than map related one. In case it cannot be repaired on all places, would forbid doing wallruns on places these small.

Edited by zelgaris
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More Tolstoj (random starting mission sector)


Actually not a real problem, but I noticed (the same starting sector as in previous post), that you can jump on the lower wall-platforms without being "returned back" (is there any official phrase for this actually?) - see below.


Possible solution

Not sure if you like it, but how about making these areas just normally playable if they are actually modeled as solid terrain - I am not saying doing this with all of them (especially in the winter outdoor tileset it would be problematic), but at least these smaller ones. It looks okay, when the game returns you back, when you fall into the pit.

But it looks funnny and broken, when you are standing on a solid floor, and moving a meter away on the same solid floor is considered as not-allowed area. There is also visibly solid floor all around...

So anyway, returning a player back in the A Link to the Past way is ok at some places, but don't allow us hitting the ground before the screen fades in, it looks stupid - it needs a minor polish.

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And more Tolstoj


There is a simple reason I use excalibur as a explorer frame - one got stuck sometimes. This is one of the places, where you cannot get on your own without using Super Jump (or possibly other movement based power).

Probably nobody would get here accidentally, but it's still a bugged place.

It's here http://zelgaris.com/...-stuck-001b.jpg and how to get there below.


And few meters after this point, we have a misplaced invisible wall. The fun part is, it can be used for wallrunning and wallclimbing. It's located here http://zelgaris.com/...stoj-iv-001.jpg in the same sector as the above "stuck" place.


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And in the same room, there is this well known place, where enemies got stuck - found 3x shotgunner, 2x saw, 2x normal, stuck, not able/wanting to hunt me down...

Again, not a game breaking problem, but shows the lack of polish.


Also a bit unrelated, but since we can already check the Objective of the mission through ESC or Z, I assume having randomly appearing huge SIGN at the top of the scren is not necessary and it's abit annoying also...

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Still Tolstoj

[size=4]A little bit of offtopic with ad to the second related thread - Secret/interesting Locations[/size] - I love the wall running and wall climbing and getting into interesting places, I love doing this...


And getting to places like this




[size=5]But it also pretty often leads to this - i.e. head in the celining turning ceiling invisible.[/size]


Is there a way to actually prevent this from happening? I noticed there is not such problem in the big pipes transitions between sections (unless I jump my head into the ceiling). I know this also happens in other games, but it's just annoying and damaging the immersion :/

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Back to the Tolstoj

Minor annoyance, but still - I assume you are all very familiar with this particular window... What is special about it? The fact, that it cannot be climbed up normally, while it should, because there are lot of other places, where edge climbing works on even higher placed platforms.


The above described problem - 1st normal jump, doesn't work, 2nd super jump, duuh, obviously, 3rd one sometimes...


Please, make the window edge climbable :)

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And another Tolstoj now with the boss Vor

Despite he should be able to teleport, he kind of forgot to use his power against me - probably because of my sweet sniper spot :)

Problem is obvious, Vor should teleport to me and tried to kill me, but for some reason (probably configured to act only when the player is close enough), he just stand there, and died (would kill him faster with melee actually, but that's not the point).


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Ah good thread, I actually have been running a thread similar to this for a while, but I haven't been able to be around to update it the last few days so its gotten a bit burried. Check here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/15349-brokenbuggedunfinished-terrain-list/page__st__20 and please add the map bugs to the doc and I'll update.

Good stuff, just tryin to get it all in one place.

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Ah good thread, I actually have been running a thread similar to this for a while, but I haven't been able to be around to update it the last few days so its gotten a bit burried. Check here https://forums.warfr...st/page__st__20 and please add the map bugs to the doc and I'll update.

Good stuff, just tryin to get it all in one place.

Heh, no wonder I've not found it, since it's not in the "bugs" section :)

Will check the doc.

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Another Tolstoj, pretty interesting one

One of starting sectors (damn the fog)


Possible to go out of the map bounds. Possible to fall to death from the map (notice the while life in the first gif on the right when falling down). There is a pretty big gap in the map to get there.

Being able to move below the "return to safe spot" area.

BTW I love that I can go down there, already wrote about this before - shame the terrain is so raw. Work on it a bit and allow us to actually fall down there.

How to get there (pretty simple, no need to for edge climb exploit to get behind the invisible wall (where possible))


Safe spot area from below - funny :)


As stated above, I love the fact there is a terrain below - please, just modify it and leave it there. It's not hard to get back to the top - there is no need for "return to safe spot" area here.

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