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Map Errors, Invisible Walls, Interesting Places, Etc.


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Grineer Asteriod set - long corridor with red-light center, snow version

Possible to map out through a missing mesh.






Happy falling...


Which reminds me, guys, devs, DE level designers - how about finally giving us a hand, when we are searching for holes in your maps you somehow overlooked?

I mean, I like searching, exploring, but when I am falling through a bottom less pit, or got stuck in a small space between crates, I lose all gameplay progress. You are basically punishing me for trying to help you.


So some suggestions to make the testing for us a bit more convenient and less "F*** you":


1) Solve the problem with falling out of map bounds, or to be more precise, when we are already falling in the middle of the nowhere. I was thinking and here are some ideas for solutions:


- adding a map chunk/section wide safe return area, which is located few meters below the whole chunk, so no matter where we fall, we will return to safe spot in the chunk


- adding a safe return key or click-able UI button, which appears (can be used) under special conditions, such as after falling for 30+ second without touching ground


- unstuck button, which can be used in limited way - I am well aware this would be probably abused, but is there should be way to solve it



2) Allow us to tell in which particular chunk we are located, so it is easier for you to navigate in screenshots and videos. Simple on/off toggle shortcut with information on screen should be enough. I assume each map chunk have its unique title or number.


Thank you.

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And once again some obvious immersion breaking lighting issues in Grineer Asteroid set

There are actually much more of them, but I think a proper QA member can point them all out in one session (not going to do that without means to point out the map chunk coordinates).









And in the same map chunk, you can fall to marked holes and not be able to get out (or at least it was this way before patch 10, didn't tried it now, because I didn't want to lose progress).



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And another batch of map errors and gaps


Grineer Asteroid set


On the stone platform in front of the warframe and behind the cart, there is a gap, where when crouching, it is possible to get, but it's not possible to get out.








In a section with lot of stable carts above the gap, there is big vertical pipe, just chilling out there being all non-solid :)






And in the same section, we can see a cart going from left to right - yet we can't access it, because this is just another great example of a level designer @(*()$ TROLLING US WITH S#&$ LIKE THAT. Is it really that hard to follow some basic good level design rules, such as not showing us interesting places, where we should be able to get and then preventing us to going there?

When I first saw this, I was like "OMG SECRET FOR SURE!"...




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follow-up to previous post


in the same section, where we got trolled with inaccessible cart ride, there is a hole next to the door, which we can use to get to the underground (below the safe return zone) and we can possibly jump out of the map there.




Look at all the gaps, clearly we should be able to get there - but considering the gap...





Also since I am experimenting with Lightworks, check the whole video with above mentioned locations - enjoy


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Orokin Derelict

Part of map is missing in the big room, where artifact is located in the former Orokin void set.

Looking forward to find more places like this :)







Also I will delete this thread as soon as I recheck all places located here and write them down elsewhere (see big plans for a single web page few posts earlier).

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And look at that... more lighting issues in Grineer Asteroid.

I know currently there are lot of other more important issues, but I still hear these dark or overblown spaces scream "unprofessional" all the time I pass them by...










This one is from "reparation" due to a hole in the ground at the same spot. Looks like the level designer forgot to add some values to the object.



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And back to the Grineer Asteroid set

In the room with "lava river" in the middle, it is possible to get under one of the platform, which leads to one of the exits from the room and once there, there is nice little spot in the corner, where you can stuck.




This is the spot...


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[size=5]EDIT: Addressed and corrected) Glass was added there.[/size]

Grineer Asteroid set

Big room with lot of stairs and platforms...


I was always wondering, whether it is possible to get up there...




But not having a Excalibur with Super Jump or any other Warframe with "useful" Power, I decided to use good old front-flip, which gets you higher than normal jump. And once there...




As you see, I kind of messed up, so I tried again...




See, one thing is having a small "well hidden" hole in the map, something else is a clearly visible windows without glass there...0

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Grineer Asteroid set

This "error" is pretty old and it's not as much error as stupid design. I confess, I am strongly allergic to unnecessary and stupidly placed invisible walls...


Not only we can't climb the fence from the ground as other same fences. But we can't climb on it and then fall down to the gap, because, guess what? Invisible wall!

v10.0.4-006b.gif   v10.0.4-006.gif


1) Why can't we climb the fence normally, but we can do it everywhere else? This is inconsistent behavior of environment and that is bad design.


2) Why is there an invisible wall preventing us from falling into the safe return zone there, but it's okay to have basically the same are like 50 meters from this spot and there we can jump into it and be returned by the safe return zone.


This inconsistent behavior of environment is bad and it breaks the last remains of immersion, especially in cases there is no reasonable need for an invisible wall.


Let's say you don't want us to jump into the gap behind the fence - was it really that hard to add a matching solid object above it instead of @(*()$ invisible wall?

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At the same chunk as previous "stupid invisible wall" issue, there are two lockers, which are floating few centimeters above the ground.




And my favorite "already reported in the past and completely ignored" gap is also located at the same chunk as well as another misplaced invisible wall.


Invisible wall - yep, just a huge unnecessary invisible wall in front of completely normal wall...it is actually possible to climb it and it looks pretty stupid, since you are climbing "the air".



And the gap and how to get there (notice I can normally climb the fence and I can stand on it - something that is impossible on the different fence in the same map chunk)




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Talking completely unnecessary invisible walls/ceilings.

Corpus Ship

I assume you all know this section



And on the pillars, there are platforms, where it should be able to get there, because there is nothing blocking us to do so, right?



Well guess what?

Even in closed room with no reason at all to not allow us to get there (would be another great "secret" spot) there is still an invisible ceiling.


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  • 2 months later...

Long time no seeee and we are already in at version 11.2.1 and that means more hole in levels!

Oh new parts in old tilesets, how I love you...

on the other hand we got the BIG MAP mode, which is awesome, especially for reporting errors like this...


There is a obvious hole between the "fence" and the rock wall.



And after it, there is just wall missing.



And there we can jump around and finally wallclimb out of the bounds... wondering when falling out of the map bounds will be finally addressed...


it's only like half a year or maybe longer we want this problem solved...



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^ That happened to me too. Just look for the line on the floor for the defective tile so you know to avoid it while DE fixes it.


Yeah I know but it still baffles me how S#&$ like this is overlooked - is there really no QA check before the patch is released?


Also lot of classic lighting issues in some maps, which will probably never get corrected...

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So this happened last night in Cambria, Earth





I joined a squad with 3 high lvl frames and they disconnected after host migration in wave 7 so I was stuck with lvl30+ mob

After I died I accidentally hit Revive and bam I'm next to the core of the artifact


There is an invisible wall so I can slash my way through 2 waves without being hit by Chargers, Crawlers, Runners

Ancients arms could still reach me, however they couldn't damage the core and if I run to the opposite site, the Ancients would stand idly

Jumpers could jump inside the core through a little gap on top, I think, because that was how I died

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Talking the Forest tile set, it is great how in one part of the map, there is clear invisible ceiling and wall and in next section of the map, there is  no ceiling or wall, but "fade to black" safe return area instead.

Maybe your level designers should follow some kind of rules for these places to keep it consistent? It really looks like one doesn't know what the other is doing.

In case the set was made by one person only, dear person, you should definitely consider sticking to some basic rules and use the invisible walls and safe return areas responsibly and in unified/consistent manner. Thank you. (Looking for proper research for gaps in the following days :))

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Following to the last post, i.e. "consistency" in Forest tile set...


Here is map of my last Cicero run.

Green areas are areas with safe return (i.e. "fade to black") ceilings, while red are the ones with classic invisible wall/ceiling.


It's not a game breaker, but this should be consistent at least in the the whole map/mission. (I would dare to say in whole game, in all tile sets.)


Especially the green location in the first screenshot is funny, because the safe return ceiling is located so low you can actually jump into it accidentally during fight and that is some WTF material - http://zelgaris.com/_temp/wf/2013-12-23_00019.jpg - it's not dark because of some kind of Photoshop filter, the screenshot was just taken in the middle of the fading out to black and in the middle of normal jump from the ground in normally accessible location).







And let's not start with section like these, where you should OBVIOUSLY be able to jump and go to, but you cannot, because bad level design and invisible walls everywhere. This bs is so common these days in the games... I wrote about this problem several times and I am well aware players don't usually care about stuff like this, but for me, openings and inaccessible places like this are just completely unnecessary teasers, especially considering that there are secret locations in the missions (and the one at the extraction point is sweet one).

From level design point of view, there is just no reason for invisible wall here - don't want to have solid walls everywhere, leave the gaps there, but make them so small it is obvious the warframe wouldn't fit there and don't make the invisible walls few meters in front of them (see the second screenshot below)...





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And still talking Cicero mission...

It's one of the locations with the toxin reactor or whatever it is.


Bad lighting on the locker on top of the building.



Bad collisions on the part of the building (first screenshot, where rectangle is) - collision box is way bigger than the model, so this happens.








And at extraction point, there are problem with lighting at the lower sections around the extraction point. Feels amateurish to allow us to get there, but forgetting proper lighting.




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