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Is This Vauban's Best Build ?



i mean,

he is a great frame with great powers, 

it's just his health and shields are pretty low...


i made a build > 




i'm tempted to remove bestile and put vitality instead becouse again he needs allot of health

and i'll have 2 seperate builds, 1 with bestile, and 1 with vortex ....


what do you think ?



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this is the kind of build i would use for vauban. not much need for power strength when you can cast two for every one you could have before. if you don't really care for quick thinking, redirection would be a good replacement there. don't use vigor unless you specifically need more of only one type of the defenses. if you need both and don't already have both, use the one you don't have yet.


edit: you could max narrow minded as well and take the hit to range and make them last longer.

Edited by Retrikaethan
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drop vigor for vitality if you need health.

This. I feel like Vigor's only really useful if you want to squeeze every possible health and shield point out of your frame after using Redirection and Vitality, or if you just really need one of them without the other. If you need health and shields both, start with Redirection and Vitality both.

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