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Is Ember Underpowered?


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iv heard mixed reports from ember users in the comunity claiming that the ember whilst good for mass sluaghter on lower levels is completely unviable on higher difficulties due to the fact that all her abilties are sole damage/aoe. by this i mean that other frames always have secondary abilties that will aalways work no matter difficulties such as: a loki's invisibility allways is effective and a volt's electric shield always protects the user to moderate effect. however an ember only does damage which is great on mid to low levels but on mid to high is unviable due to the fact she has no atributes or abilities that are not "number based" by this i mean say overheat could kill an enemy in two seconds but on a high level could only do it in 7. this means all her abilities strength depends on difficulty with none that dont such as the two mentioned earlier.

my personal recomendation would be rather than painstakingly overhauling her skill set i would increse certain non level affected atributes of her powers. a prime example being the power of a target panicking. due to the fact a stun is not effected by level if this were buffed it would make it so on high level areas if not killing a target it would at least disable them and make them easy to dispatch

if any body has any evidenceor further enquiry into this subject feel free to comment, suggest, and improve

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i am on the same opinion. ember is underpowered. she does fine on high level infestation cause of her tons of fire damage but very weak against corpus and grineer.

ember really needs some love from the devs

as u cant change her skills completely (and i mean turning her fire damage into something else to make her effective against other factions) i would say she should rather get some defensive skill which could also support the squad. like a fire wall that absorbs bullets and redirect it to the enemy as fire damage.

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Hmm,that gives me an idea what if ember's overheat gave the user damage reduction. or if when a target is on fire it will "melt" the armour for allowing armour negation(from all damage sources) and give the ember a suppotive and "caster" feel rather than a broken flamethrower which is extremily confined in use

also what if over heat was casted on all allies in the immiediet vacinity

Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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Some kind of utility ability would be nice. Right now all her abilities are dot/aoe, which just means that players will most likely just use 1 or 2 abilities and ignore the others.

I would also tone down the visual effects of fire blast and world on fire. My squadmates find it a bit disorienting when I use these powers. Can't see anything.

Edited by HuggyBear27
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the effects, imo, are fine. cause, they also should be used for distraction of enemies.

and there are plenty of games which have tons of effects where u dont know what to do if u see them. so u just have to get used to it :)

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Overheat give the user damage reduction or at least it should.

Update 5.3 - "Blazing Embers"


Ember powers reworked:

Overheat moved to second ability, acts as a shield and radial damage power.


update 5.3 huh? good thing we are on build 7.7 already xD

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Overheat give the user damage reduction or at least it should.

Update 5.3 - "Blazing Embers"


Ember powers reworked:

Overheat moved to second ability, acts as a shield and radial damage power.


if that should be true then we really need some new tooltips for the skills e.g World of Fire "Does high dmg over time" -.-

Edited by Monstromo
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Only against Corpus.

she's extemely powerful against both infested and grineer. (while grineer take less damage, they also have less health to burn through)

she *does* have a ton of utility - her fire dots stunlock infested, most grineer, and corpus crewman. overheat cuts all incoming damage by 50% or so.

she could use some QoL fixes, and a little love for her 1&4... but i'd be wary of doing anything to boost her already powerful 2&3. and there's a few other frames that need work more than her - trinity (incapable of filling her role on non-assassinations) and mag (3 skills that are super situational, overcosted or just plain useless), for example.

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I think ember's #1 would be a lot more useful if it had an element of target tracking to it. Target tracking attacks are already in the game ala certain bosses so I don't think it would be all that hard to make this change. I'm not suggesting that you should be able to aim at the ceiling and it would become a heat seeking missile of doom and destruction, however. You'd still need to aim at your target just not be nearly as precise.

Just make it so once you've got your crosshair over an enemy and use the ability it goes to that enemy. That would fix the problem of it being extremely prone to missing at any decent range while being even just slightly off target. After that we could see how effective the ability really is.

Perhaps it could bypass enemy shields too, because fire? That might be a bit OP though.

And also make it so ability increasing cards work with her skills, too. That'd be nice.

Edited by f3llyn
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The main problem with Ember is, all of her abilities essentially do the same thing. Especially her 2, 3, and 4, at least her 1 can be used to nail an enemy at range. When all of your spells do the same thing, and there are no cooldowns, just a resource cost, you're going to use only the most effective one. In a cooldown based system rather than energy system, Ember would still have a function, consistently being able to deal very high AoE fire damage. But in this system, her entire kit is redundant, you could take away three spells and she would play the same way.

This is compounded by her complete lack of utility, and reliance on raw numbers. As mentioned previously, her damage will either be enough to pretty much one shot things, deal decent damage, or be worthless, all depending on the levels and faction that she is facing. A Warframe like Loki on the other hand has the same effectiveness on skills like Decoy and Invisibility from Mercury to Pluto, if not more, because they do not rely on fixed damage numbers against scaling enemies, and in the case of invisibility, grants a consistent multiplier to melee attacks, allowing it to scale with your weapon instead.

In order for Ember to function as a properly designed Warframe, at least two of her damaging abilities have to go and become something utility based, and the two remaining ones, likely fireball and world on fire, would need more to differentitate between them, world on fire would need to be worth using four fireballs, but fireball at the same time shouldn't be worthless due to the existence of world on fire. The remaining two abilities could still make some use out of the visuals that we currently have, "Overheat" could become a defensive ability that greatly reduces incoming damage for instance, while "Fire Blast" could have it's fire circle actually act as an impassable wall for enemies. Something as simple as that would make her choices engaging rather than redundant.

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the two remaining ones, likely fireball and world on fire, would need more to differentitate between them, world on fire would need to be worth using four fireballs, but fireball at the same time shouldn't be worthless due to the existence of world on fire.

The fireball could mildly home in on targets and proximety detonate. I think that would make it very useful as a sniper style power or to flush targets out of hiding.

I hope Ember gets some support as I've got her in the Foundry right now :P I love burninating my foes.

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The fireball could mildly home in on targets and proximety detonate. I think that would make it very useful as a sniper style power or to flush targets out of hiding.

I hope Ember gets some support as I've got her in the Foundry right now :P I love burninating my foes.

Yea, I think her 1 should do an aoe explosion, but it could be that there's another fire warframe planned with explosions.

It just didn't make sense to me that she didn't get explosive powers otherwise.

Edited by Stygi
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