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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Infested Lifestealer


Behavior: The Lifestealers are Corpus Ospreys that have been infested by an airborne version of the Technocyte virus. They walk around using multiple legs quickly, allowing it to crawl across walls or ceilings.


Attacks: The Lifestealer may latch itself onto an enemy, draining its health. It can be detached by rolling to shake it off, which will stun if for a while before it gets back up. Destroying the Lifestealer will release a gas cloud into the area.


Environmental Restrictions: Lifestealers are typically restricted to Infested Corpus ships, while a different species can be found on Orokin derelicts, which more closely resemble Orokin Drones.





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Name: The Hunter


Behavior: a flying type infested that has the ability to seek out body heat signatures even if you use cloak and with pin point accuracy targets you.


Attack: The hunter acquires his target then shoots poisonous darts from his head.


Environment restriction: can't acquire body heat signatures while inside of frosts snowglobe or if you in a extremely hot local as it disrupts it's readings.

Edited by 911nsidejob
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Name:  Walker

Behavior: Will hunt down and kill Tenno for killing Phorid (or other infested boss in the future) and talks like stalker, with infested sayings instead

Attacks: same as stalker, except uses embolist and mire instead of despair and hate.

Environmental Restrictions: You have to have killed an infested boss before he appears like a stalker would.

Description: Green and infested stalker pretty much; also, instead of disappearing in a cloud of smoke like stalkers would, maybe have him melt or disintegrate like infested usually do.



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Name Suggestion: Jugo (Latin for 'Leash')


Behaviour: Jugo are a flora derived infected strain that hangs from ceilings near computer consoles in infected structures. When a prey animal passes (ie: a Tenno), it drops from the ceiling and lashes onto the back of the target, often undetected, and begins siphoning shield energy from the target. This is a very gradual/slow drain, and often isn't immediately noticeable. This energy is transmitted to other nearby infected, and supercharges their regenerative abilities (ie: it grants a significant regen health buff to them). This causes those infected to emit more light than usual (or at all), and so can be a means for a lone Tenno operative to detect the Jugo's presence, assuming the energy drain hasn't been noticed. If an enemy has no more shields, it will enter a topor state until that enemy's shields recharge to full, then resume draining after a few more seconds. Either by design or an unfortunate side effect of this ability, the Jugo cannot store the energy it siphons. If there are no other/non Jugo infected nearby, it will build up a charge and explode, dealing a sizable amount of damage- with more damage done if it has gathered more energy.


If a Jugo is in energy transmission mode, it can be easily cut off by a fellow Tenno, but if it is in bomb mode, any attack against it will cause it to detonate prematurely. Still, this is often preferable to letting it explode at full power.


Options for a solo operative to combat the Jugo are more limited than one with allies, but not totally absent. A solo operative with any sort of area of effect attack may damage and kill the Jugo, as well as particularly strenuous movements (ie: you can cause it to lose its grip while parkouring- even a somersault has a chance to dislodge it)


Visually, the Jugo appears as a sort of sack-like body with vine-like tentacles stretching out from both ends- it initially uses these to hang from ceilings, but later uses them to anchor to its chosen prey. Its body is a mustard-yellow with spot-like depressions that range from black to green, while the tentacles range from green to brown in colour. In transmission mode, it emits green coloured energy from the various dark colored spots, while in bomb mode, it begins emitting light from the spot-like depressions, the intensity of which grows the more fully charged it becomes. 

Concept art: http://i.imgur.com/i1PSs49.png

Edited by Kerrus
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Name: Barnacle/Polyp




It's basically a mass of Infested tissue that's stuck to the wall or ceiling. It comes in sentry gun, area denial and surveillance flavors.





A. Spike/Thorn Variant


  • Shoots bone spikes at high velocity.
  • Lightly armored, can't take much punishment.
  • Good at medium-long range.
  • Medium-Fast rate of fire.
  • May come in Toxin, Viral or Serrated Spike (very high chance of causing slash proc, as if Elite Lancers weren't annoying enough) variants.



B. Sputum/Spitter Variant


  • Launches blobs that explode on contact, coating the area with a noxious goo that deals DoT to things standing on it.
  • Medium armor.
  • Can deal friendly fire.
  • Good for medium-short range. Inaccurate at long range due to slow projectile speed.
  • Medium-Slow/Slow rate of fire
  • May come in Corrosive (the proc should be temporary, for balance reasons), phlegmatic (slows down things that walk on it, a la Cold) and Blast (EXPLODING phlegm, but no DoT) variants.



C. Sputum/Spitter Colony


  • A bunch of Spitters/Sputum fused to a single mass, and thus has enhanced health.
  • Slow rate of fire, as all the Spitters fire at once.
  • Used for long-range bombardments. Don't expect to see this variant in close quarters.
  • May come in a Blast variant.



D. Siren Variant


  • Functions like a security camera.
  • Upon spotting a player, emits a loud scream that alerts nearby Infested.
  • Well camouflaged, to compensate for its low health.
  • No Eximus variants.
  • Only found in Derelicts.


Design Suggestions

Barnacles/Polyps encountered in Corpus/Grineer territory should be made of a freshly-converted corpse or two, with some human features still visible if you wish (kill...me..........).


Barnacles encountered in Derelicts can take design cues from Ancients, suggesting they're as old as the Ancients. "Fresh" Barnacles/Polyps are fine as well.

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Name: Apex (meaning highest point)


Apex is the height of Infested modification. It is a naked grey humanoid, like the one in the placeholder cryo pod, with large infested pores running down his back.

Though it follows the Infested quota, it has individual sentience.

It believes by infecting the Solar System will accelerate evolution and give rise the next great civilization, if you will. It believes the current civilizations are short-sighted and will eventually destroy the Solar System.

It can appear at any time, much like the Stalker. However, it targets everyone rather than just the Tenno, and does not require a Death Mark.

Edited by Cunshmack
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Name: Infested Swordsman/swordswomen


Behavior: Agile and very deadly, a former tenno mainly who was infected with the infestation. He is very agressive and takes alot of bullets to take down since he is a Tenno and uses a Mire, Ichor or Scoliac. Fast moving and very deadly as well as block bullets and even roll away from your attacks and can even parry if not careful. This is why the Tenno executed their own and why non were ever spared.


Attacks: Has many abilities mostly of the warframe that is infected and can be easy or powerful kinda like a spector. Also the stats of the warframe used will be the stats of the type of swordsman/swordswomen. Saryn and Excaliber will be the most powerful. It will use ether a mire and scoliac and will be updated if new infested melee is added as well as ichors for very high level missions. Has a slide move and uses the default stances or any stance of the weapon used.


Enviormental Restrictions: Will only be found between Levels 20 and on, will become more common the higher the level gets and even more powerful and unpredictable.


Description: It will be a warframe covered in infested material and it's helmet will be missing and will have a face that is half infested covered and some like saryn will look the same as a normal saryn but will use her true power and conrtol infested also, she will remove her armor and helmet and be completly covered in infested material and her head will be mutated.

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Behaviour:  (max 200 words)

Attacks: (max 200 words)  

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).



Name Suggestion: Enrager

Behaviour: Infested crawler type. It is basically an infested head of a Grineer.
It moves Like a spider, fast and can jump from floor and wall. Tries to stay in the background and circle around Tenno or move very fast.

Attacks: No real attack. It is a parasite so it only has one means of attack and that is to attach itself to the victim.

Tries to evade detection to surprise it´s prey. It jumps, and wrapps the legs/tentacles around the tennos head.

For a short duration it takes direct control of the tenno, inducing a great rage.
For the duration the victim attacks nearby allies with power or melee untill time runs out or it is killed by melee by an ally.

It is weak and defenceless while running and can easily be killed.


Environment restrictions: Not open spaces. Likes walls and tight spaces.


Edited by arch111
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Name: Siren



Sirens are the infested support units. Sirens have the unique ability to meld like shadows to the ground to either close in or create a gap to the warframes. These infested move similarly to those like in God of War 2.  Blue sirens tend to glide away when too close to warframes and they like to stay in the back of groups with other infested. They aren't as aggressive as the other infested.  Red sirens are relentless attackers and are much more agile than their blue counterpart. Sirens always come ins pairs of blue-red.



Blue Siren:

A) Charges for 2 sec then screams in a narrow cone that reaches ~15m. It does low damage but causes a debuff of speed similar to a freeze proc and has a blue hue on a warframe.

B) When close range, it will attack with one-claw swipe then retreats.

C) Charges for 1.5 sec and screams. Allies within 7m receive speed buff.


Red Siren:

A) Charges for 1 sec then screams in wide cone that reaches ~8m.  It has low damage but has knockdown.

B) Primarily attacks with faster two-claw swipes.

C) Charges for 2 sec then screams. Allies within 5m receive damage buff.


Environment Restrictions:

Can be everywhere but has a low spawn rate.


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Name : Technocyte Hive
They are like arc traps.
Technocyte virus grows here and wait for a life form
approach to attack as furious swarm, trying to colonize other areas of space.
The ancients Orokin created this species from a species harmless , symbiotic, but they escape
got out of control. they were the cause of unstoppable infestation and the great plague.
Attacks :
It is a static enemy shaped hives can
covering roofs , walls and floors without any problem.
Attacks like swarms if someone is detected
near their hive , drained the health of your target.
The only way to escape is offering another host,
approaching towards them melee ( grinner and corpus)
After attacking the new host, and after death ,
this becomes the so-called '' infested ''
Staying away from their hives or attacking distance
is the best way to avoid this enemy
Environmental Restrictions:
It only grows in damp places or near water , they will be seriously affected with cold
Art or reference images:



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Name Suggestion: Infested Aegis


Behavior: Normally slow "tank" unit capable of lessening blows with it's "shield" arm, when spotting an enemy will rush towards it in a charge in an attempt to (hopefully) separate the target from it's allies.



Shield bash: Basic attack. Smashes the target with it's "shield" causing knock-back/stun (Possible combo with gore?)

Gore: Basic attack. Gores adjacent enemy with it's frontal spikes (Possible combo with bash?)

Charge: Charges towards a target with great speed. If contact is made target will be "pinned" and carried along with the Aegis for the remaining duration of the charge (Bonus damage if charge is interrupted by a wall). If the target dodges the charge, the Aegis will continue charging for the remaining duration (easy target)

Aegis: Guards itself with it's fleshy "shield" arm, lessening damage slightly. (Like a- albeit far weaker- shield lancer)


Environment Restriction: There is no real limit as far as environment goes. However, it would obviously be much more effective in more open areas to better utilize it's charge.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: Rough concept of it's general body shape. Imagine this, but with more Grineer and/or Corpus bits.


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Name: Infested Overlord


Behaviour: A rare infested. Floats around like the grineer probe. and buffs nearby infested with more armour and life and life regeneration. When it spots a tenno, it'll attempt to spray it with its puke or sludge once painted it'll let out a scream and every infested in the area will target that targeted tenno, ignoring other aggro, with a boost of speed.


Attack: snipes the tenno with a ball of puke.


Environmental Restriction: Since sounds doesn't travel in empty space , it stays away from cramped ships.


Description: Infested grineer probe.

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Behavior: The Scylla is a two bodied infested that like to stay in the shadow. The Main body is a Mound of worm-like tissue that stays on ceilings in vessels. The Charybdis has a very long and hard to see tongue that attaches to any infested unit that wanders directly below the Main Body. When the unit is attached it becomes a vessel labeled with the unit's name designed to lure the tenno.

Attacks: Any attempt to melee attack the Scylla results in the tenno being dragged up with Charybdis's tongue and they have to struggle to break free before they reach the mouth. 

Environmental Restrictions: Inside Infested Ships, large rooms/rooms with high roof, infested tileset only

Edited by deathmask99
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Name Suggestion: Kubrow Swarm




The Kubrow Swarm like to hunt in pack and are extremely agile. There are 3-4 members per swarm with one of them being the alpha male or female. The alpha will give a speed boost and attack boost to his underlings for as long as he or she lives. They will generally try to corner you.




Bite: They bite you and have a small chance to proc the viral status.

Swipe: They swipe at you with their claws.

Charge: (Alpha Only) The Alpha charges and you and knocks you down so its underlings can maul you.

Howl: (Alpha Only) Makes the pack more aggressive and further increases their attack speed.


Environment restrictions:  None, they can spawn everywhere. Be careful, Tenno.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 






One final note: Alphas should be the "Armored" variant and have "Sinew" armor. The general idea of this enemy suggestion is to make it a priority to take out the Alpha as soon as you can, if not, you're in for a surprise!

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Name: Drainer


Behavior: Travel's with a group of infested enemies in the front of the pack throwing player's around while summoning enemies overtime.


Attacks: Throw: Throw's around players if they are in melee range.

Siphon: Drains the environment for health, damage, and extra effects (like in a Orokin Derelict it gains electric damage).

Overflow: After draining the environment it releases a toxic gas that deals poison damage over.

Summon: Releases a gas like smell that will causes infested enemies to come and go berserk.


Environment Restrictions: Cannot be founded alone, swim, or climb on walls.


Art or Reference:


Edited by deathshunter77
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Name: Volatile Bomber


Behavior: They are long ranged shooters. They dont like to go close to the Tenno. They shoot flesh of volatile runners from their mouth. When it hits the ground it explodes and they also eat volatile runners to get the flesh that they throw . They are very big and shoot pretty far. Also they're  spit cause alot of damage. The spit also cause explosion damage. They dont emit much noise only when they spit the flesh you hear a sound of pain as if the flesh could not fit in their mouth. They have a hole in the belly to eat volatile runners.



Attack: He spits the flesh from long range if Tenno get close he will try to melee you with his belly (try to eat you). To escape this you have to melee him in the belly and when you do so the volatile flesh turns into a volatile runner.


Enviorment restrictions: They'er very rare enemys but can spawn anywhere.


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Infested Morphian


-A heavy Infested unit, deal's massive damage, but in slow burst. Massive size, and very tanky, about x4 more health than a level 25-30 ancient.


-Abilities: Morphing it's arm's and hand's into infested research weapon's, such as the Torid, Synapse, and Dual Ichor. Carries an Mire in it's hand's, when morphing, it stick's it into the center of it's chest until required. Can spawn infested egg's on wall's, within 1 minute, light infested will hatch from them.


-Restriction's: Do to it's massive size, it can only spawn in large room's.

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Don't know if this has been suggested already. Not even entirely sure if this would count as a boss encounter either!


Name Suggestion: Scion

Behaviour: The scion is an organism used mainly as a tool to spread infestation to new systems and is the source of infested outbreaks. It will stealthily teleport into the level several rooms ahead of the players. The lights will flash similar to the stalker/harvester/g3, but there will be no radio chatter to identify who it is.

Attacks: When the scion is found, it will explode violently and release all of its stored energy, knocking down all units in the area. The current room is changed to its infested  version (with the spores and webs coating the walls, and infested clouds floating around). The air takes on a red hue and becomes toxic, draining shields and health and locking down the doors in a manner similar to a hull breach Infestation coats the consoles, preventing players from hacking the doors back open. Any enemies caught in the room with the players are immediately turned into their infested counterparts. Numerous infested spawn pods begin growing and spawning enemies around the room. The players will have to kill every infested spawn pod and clear the room of every infested enemy before they're able to hack the doors open to proceed. Other players can still hack the doors open from the outside in the event that they get locked out. Infested units in the room will be be much stronger than the standard enemies encountered in the mission. If the players leave the area without killing all the spawn pods, infested will keep spawning at a rapid rate throughout the level.

Environment restrictions: The scion would be at home in larger rooms that are capable of sealing themselves either via a hull breach or lockdown. It can appear in every tileset except for the Orokin void, and can be found naturally (but not always) as a heavy enemy in infestation outbreak missions and on Orokin derelicts.

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The Wailer, a slow, armored Infected is not one to ignore. These monstrosities strike fear even to the most veteran of Tenno with their howls of anger and Warcry, rallying nearby Infested into a frenzied rage.




- Ranged Howl; Attacks health directly/ moderate CD


- Warcry; Buffs nearby infested attack speed/ Short AoE but able to be heard from far away, signifying players of it's appearance on the field. (Meant to invoke "Oh !@#$")


Environmental Restrictions:


-Considered "Harder" than typical infested, appears only in later waves and survival missions (15+m/15+waves)


-Super Heavy unit


-Can spawn anywhere.

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Name Suggestion: Plague



Plagues are semi-stationary "units" that spurts out new Infested units every few seconds. It only moves when there are less threatening lifeform/s nearby in order to devour and transform them into a Plague. When it are stationary, it's "belly" stretches and grows as a new Infested is being created. When the Plague is moving, it slides on the floor like an amoeba on steroids, reaching a target at it's maximum range in only half a second.





Searches for any Grunt-type unit within 20 meters, triggering Devour if one is found. Devour will only trigger once Hatchery has completed.



Consumes any non-Tenno, non-Infested unit and turns them into a Plague. These newly transformed Plague share a small semblance to their pre-devoured selves. The transformation from a normal unit into a Plague takes 6 seconds. If the targeted unit is dead before Devour is used but the corpse is still around, the transformation time is shortened to 3 seconds.



Whenever the Plague doesn't move for at least 3 seconds, it will spit out a new Infested unit every 3 seconds. These Infested units range from all types of Infested units with the exception of Ancients and Plagues. Newly spat out Infested are "knocked down" for 2 seconds.



Environmental Restrictions:

-Spawns on all tilesets but only in specific tiles/rooms.

-Environmental Hazards changes the way it acts. Cyro-hazard causes Plague's Hatchery to produce Eximus units while Fire-hazard causes Plague to move and Devour at twice the speed.

-Plagues will not spawn in Defense mission type.



Codex Log:

"The scariest of Plague reports from the Lotus Codex were a whole Grineer cloning ship being Plague-infested, creating an almost endless stream of Plagues and Infested units at one time. It took the Tenno several months before the entire ship was eradicated of all Infested lifeforms. Inevitably, the ship was forcefully transported into the Void in order to avoid the Grineer and Corpus from taking samples of the Plague and researching new cloning techniques and bio-technological advances.


However, rumors of a new strain of Plague are beginning to surface. One that creates deadly Golem-Ancient hybrids. Be on guard, Tenno, as this may prove to be far worse than any ordinary Plague, if rumors are true."

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Name: Carrier

Behavior: This 2 foot tall infested troop crawls on the ground and is hard to see it has a toxic cloud arround it, the Carrier is also more contagious than other infested making it well known as the main plague spreader. It is a slow unit but deadly in groups and in boss fights sometimes surround the boss like a ring of melee protection to. The cure can be found from a nearby terminal. There is always a main Carrier who will not attack but will clone him/herself if killed all Carriers it has made will die but the Carriers made by it can also clone but attack more often.

Attacks: Toxic cloud: The toxic cloud it has causes confusion and stuns those who enter it also causing weak poison damage. Bite: The Carrier bites it's foe causing faster virus spreading thanks to the Carrier's increased contagiousness the bite causes bleeding and direct damage to your health and also poison that passes your shields and causes direct damage to your health. The DoT effects last at maximum 10-15s and the initial bite causes 10-50 direct health damage depending on toughness of level. The Carrier can suck the blood of it's foe like a tick or mosquito and gain health from them, if found in this state an ally must shoot it off of you. Echolocation: The Carrier uses echolocation (like a bat the animal) and all Tenno on the map are swarmed by enemies.

Environmental restrictions: Likes to hide near doors and corners, only found on infested ships or Grineer boss fights. Can be found at all ranks but strength and health grow as you go to tougher levels

Images:http: Looks like a giant tick with holes on its back from which the toxic gas is emitted //4.bp.blogspot.com/_dF_AK2nQIa0/TCaS9UPmE_I/AAAAAAAAAU4/qAb-vLuRP54/s1600/chig2.jpg


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Name: Ancient Rook


Behaviour: This heavily armored Ancient is a vanguard unit. When it spawns, it moves ahead of the mob. It's left arm is a large shell, and the Rook charges forward using it as a tower shield, protecting units behind it. The shell is invulnerable, but heavy stun procs might cause the Rook to briefly open it's defense. It's right arm resembles a three-headed flail: 3 spheres holding a volatile organic compound inside (similar in appearance to Saryn's Venom spores). The compound activates in contact with air. Different types of Rook carry different compounds: a freezing compound, a high explosive, etc. Between it's shell and it's torso hides a repository of the same compound - the Rook's weakspot. It's thick, plated skin is also highly resistant to damage.


Attacks: The Rook charges ahead, attempting a shield bash first. When it does, it's repository becomes briefly exposed and vulnerable. However, it will then swing its right arm in an overhead arc, widening the tendrils that hold the spheres, and smashing it on the ground. Upon contact, the spheres rupture and it's contents explode, dealing high AoE damage and prolonged status effects that vary according to the compound type. The spheres will slowly regenerate if the Rook is not dealt with. Note: While very difficult to target, Tenno can rupture the repository prematurely with accurate, high damage attacks, causing the Rook to consume itself from within. 


Environment Restrictions: None, but only spawns in higher difficulty levels.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Screamer

Behaviour:  This heavy unit keeps its distance from players, letting out a loud scream when spotting them. Hordes of enemies will stream in the room and attack the players until this unit is taken out.

Attacks: None

Environment restrictions:  Ground based enemy

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