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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Spider Carrier



A heavy infested guy covered with many small some sort of infested spiders or something like that. Comes with huge cannon that shoots toxic spears. Walks a bit slower than other light units but a bit faster than ancients. Also comes with good amount of HP. Should look something like big infested napalm with huge mutated arm and lots of Infested spiders on his back.



Shoots big toxic spears at long range from his big arms(something like bows and arrows but without charge shots with much slower fire rate).

At close range it punches players knocking them down.

On death releases huge number of small infested spiders that crawl towards players and deal toxic damage ignoring the shield which cannot be killed when attached to players. Drops about 10-15 spiders. Should be the size of Seeker's latcher.


Environmental Restrictions:

Can spawn anywhere like all other infested units.

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Name: Raptor


Behaviour: This soldier can use his two sword quickly, for deflecting your shots. He can use teleportation to move                          quickly, for  example behind you, so it's a danrgerous warrior to fight, because you cannot know where it will appear.


Attacks: Suddenly disappear during few seconds, then appear behind you and deal you a violent hit.

               Use his swords to deflect your shots


Environment restrictions: none, maybe a big room.


Art or Reference Images: Inspired by the "Dreamrunner" or "Drekavac" from "DMC Devil May Cry"



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Name Suggestion: Shambler


Behaviour:  This is what happens when a Crawler mutates. It's formed when a Crawler consumes / melds with a dead / incapacitated Charger, in order to gain the charger's mobility. The legs mutate into spider-like appendages, which helps it to climb on surfaces, and the "unneeded" parts of the charger are eventually "digested" and converted into ammo for its dangerous attacks, as indicated by a large pustule of acid/fluid where the charger meets the crawler, which is also its weak spot. It's rumored that any Crawler is capable of mutating in this way, but so far there has been no decisive evidence. (Translation: Ideally, there'd be a Electric Shambler, Lobber Shambler, Nauseous Shambler, but that probably counts as more than one enemy, and their attacks would have different effects based on the Crawler they mutated from.) Witnessing a Crawler mutating in this way is a rare treat to a scientist, but a nightmare to those who must face it. (Translation: Chance of it mutating in-mission, in front of Tenno?)


Attacks: The Shambler has a few attacks. It is essentially the "artillery / backline" for the infested. It'll try to evade Tenno, and get in a position where it can attack them, whether on ceilings, walls, or anywhere far enough away. Its basic attack is a shot of acid that will do damage and attract nearby infested to target the affected Tenno, basically acting as a beacon to draw infested to mobilize against a specific target.  If a Tenno gets near them, they will melee Tenno if they're healthy, but they might force their acid sac to explode, hurting nearby Tenno and sacrificing themselves if they are near death. (Some have been known to do this even if they're healthy.) If they are killed with an attack to their acid sac, they will explode and hurt nearby infested. Tenno / Enemies affected by this acid explosion are slowed and take damage over time, which makes the Shambler an important priority to take down quickly. (Or to be used tactically and damage other infested.)


Environment restrictions: Anywhere without Crawlers, and any extreme cold environments.

Edited by Sokina
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Name Suggestion: Homunculus Kuharibu

Behaviour:  Lurks above chests, canisters and lockers, waiting for an enemy to come within range. It's melee attacks act like DNA component gathering / Codex entries for further development of the technocyte virus. If it causes bleeding it introduces a "capture side mission".

Attacks: 1 - Descend. the Kuharibu Homunculi fall upon unsuspecting Tenno, drawing blood and gaining warframe research.

2 - Vomit. Leaves evaporating puddles of toxic acids while fleeing to exit. 

3 - Stinger. Uses a projectile weapon similar to the Djinn sentinel. 

Environment restrictions:  Cielings and walls above / beside lockers, canisters and chests in infested maps.


These infested appear like miniature human nervous systems.


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Name Suggestion: Piker

Behavior : It is an infected Bombard/Napalm/Tech(location) that slowly (rhino with hobbled key slow) moves about. It has a large Pike like hand hand that he uses to attack its foes. It is large in size and has part of its armor/sheilds on it still,but they only cover parts of the body.

Attacks: It slowly attacks with that large hand and the attacks have a small aoe to them, but they are really slow(3 second charge). Then if the tenno are to far away it flings spikes at them with decent speed

Environment restrictions: The type of unit it is depends on the enemy that was originally there (Grinner= bombard variant/ Corpus= tech variant) cannot be found in the Derilect only on infestaions.Also can not be in room with low ceilings because of large size and the arching types of attacks it uses.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Parasitoid

Behaviour:  The Parasitoid flies around groups of infested in the same way an Shield/mine Osprey would with a tendency to stay near combat but keeping its distance in an attempt to keep Tenno within its ability range. This infested has many brightly glowing parts of its body so that a sharp eyed tenno could attack it with a gun from afar. Its body is a heavily mutated Loki Swindle helmet with wings coming out from the "horns" and the very front of the helmet forming the head of the infested.

Attacks: The Parasitoid has formed from a fallen Loki and has been mutated from its head, as such it has discovered a way to reverse engineer one of Lokis main abilities, and in doing so improved upon it to a degree. When any Tenno is within a 15m Range of this infested, they are hit with the Radial Disarm ability and are forced into melee only mode until the infested has been killed. (If the Tenno doesn't have a weapon equip, they are forced to punch as they do when taken to the Harvester mission.) This is the only attack the infested has, otherwise it is left floating around.

Environment restrictions: None, can appear anywhere Chargers can.

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Name; Howler




Imagine a monkey with realy long, almost tentacle like arms, that uses those arms to swing across the roof in a sort of spiderman/monkeybar kind sort of way. When you're in the same room as them, a distinct howl occurs as they begin the frantic chase from above. This guy has a little more health than a charger but nowhere near as much health as an ancient. Also, they're constantly dribbling. It's a gameplay mechanic that allows you to see what's above you without needing to look up. 


They're the most agile enemies in the game. If you shoot their arms whilst they're swinging on the ceiling, they fall, roar and beserk. When sprinting on the floor, the front arms are used like legs. 




The howler will choose to either; 


A: drop down to the ground when near you. The howler has impressive leaping capability but can also swing his tentacle arms in powerful wide arcs.


B: the Howler becomes a drop bear and kicks off from the ceiling directly on top of you, of course, right before this happens an extra saliva escapes, telling you to dodge the attack. 




Looks like a skinny leaper/runner, but with ancient arms. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Name Glider



This enemy crawling walls and ceilings

This enemy is a melee Dodge
This enemy pounce as flying squirrel 
Narrow range of power-up roar 


Tail attack: effect knockdown
Corpus Outpost,Grineer Forest
Tile set of outdoor

Img art


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name: scourge



Very similar-looking to the fungus-like material that is seen on the floors of infestation missions. Travel like a swarm of wingless insects; they move in large, formless groups (simply represented by one large, amorphous entity in-game), can go on walls and ceilings but cannot separate themselves from the environment; they cannot jump from platform to platform, etc. They move at a slightly faster rate than a Crawler. Large swarms of scourge can and will separate into smaller groups when attacked. As might be expected, AOE weapons such as Penta and abilities such as fire blast are most effective at combating them.



swarms of Scourge will slow players down on contact and deal constant damage until the player separates themselves from them. Other infested in contact with Scourge swarms receive boosted attack damage and health; on higher levels, infested will actively seek out Scourge swarms to stay in contact with.


environmental restrictions:

restricted to traveling on the environment's geometry; cannot travel through the air.

Edited by Recqubas
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Name : Iratus

Behaviour : This huge and awful creature don't feel any pain, and can accumulate a lot of damages. When it is grinding an ennemi, friends forces can give its some backup. The Iratus can use his horrifying scream to reduce Tenno's defence, or speed.
The Iratus is an incredible cration made of flesh and bones, full of strong muscles. Its mask hides an horrible and tortured face. Many tubes and medicals machines are push in its body, to help its to stay alive.


Attacks : Possibility of hit multiple targets with a giant blade who is part of his arm.

             Scream to weaken close enemies.

Environnement restriction : None

Inspired by a Black Eldar's Talos from Warhammer 40000


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Название существа: Зараженный Тенно.


Поведение: Сражается только в ближнем бою своим первоначальным оружием (Скана).

Щиты отключены так как вирус пробивший часть тела (изуродовано) повреждает реактор щитов.


Особенности: Обычно заражаются вирусом ученики Тенно на первых своих заданиях, на которых нет опыта как бороться с зараженными.


Тип атак: Ставя изящные блоки, зараженный быстро контратакует, перенося свою зараженную энергию в оружие, тем самым отравляя жертву.Умения ближнего боя и скорость атаки улучшаются за счет получения урона зараженному.


Ограничения: Не приспособлен к жаркому климату, так как его тело начинает разлагаться при температуре +11С. Чаще всего встречается в космосе на заброшенных станциях.

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Name: Infested Enfeebler, Demolisher


     The Enfeebler (or Demolisher) is a heavy class infested. Using its Hammer like arm, It harnesses the blast attack most heavy “Grineer” use to defend themselves as a powerful offensive weapon. Unlike the “Ancients” this heavy unit will be taking strides with the “Runners” and grunts. Once a “Tenno” is in its sights the Enfeebler will let out a deafening roar and then proceed to leap toward its target, smashing its hammer down on the target area. Blasting any foe away and rendering them shortly stunned. All though like the Heavy “Grineer”, this attack will need a large amount of time to recharge. You can tell an Enfeebler is ready to strike when its hammer like arm is glowing a dark yellow (Topaz). When it has done its slam the Enfeebler will proceed to relentlessly strike at its enemy with it’s hammer. Though not quit as effective as the “Charger’s” swipes,  it is strong against shields.   

Environment restrictions: Infested Grineer settlements, or once Grineer controlled ships.




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Name Suggestion: Fallen Tenno/Infested Tenno

Appearance: Infested Nekros like body, but about 1.5x the size of a regular tenno. Long arms with infested spores growing on them. Topped off with an excalibur-like helmet with tendrils on it. Right arm has an embolist looking thing built into the hand. Left arm has an ether sword built in.

Behavior: Specter-like AI, but with different abilities. 1st attack uses an built in embolist type weapon, but does moderately lower damage, with a 10 second cool down. 2nd attack uses an ether sword (with again lower damage so it takes a bit more than a few hits to down a tenno) with melee 1.0 style, with charging, etc. Note that he can also parkour, like wallrun and stuff, but you can change that if you like.

Enviromental Restrictions: High leveled infested outbreaks, and heavily infested areas (like on the new infested planet thats coming out)

Reference Image: http://i.imgur.com/Rdj1DVf.png

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Name: Turahk

Behaviour: This enemy from the darkness want to kill you with poisoned Orthos of Fear. It is very angry and dangerous for you, Tenno! 

Attacks: Turahk has 3 attacks:

1) Turahk uses his Orthos of Fear. This is special version of Orthos, where is special attack - Explosion. Turehk uses Orthos combos. 

2) Turahk has 3 skills:

   1) Sound Quake

   2) Renewall

   3) Warcry

3) The Turahk can punch the ground and knock down Tenno

Environment restrictions : none


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Name Suggestion : Reaper

Behaviour : Staying close to Infested Group.

Attacks : Attack when player in sight and have high chance to do Slash Damage and knock back and have the same speed as Ancient and as big as normal Corpus Tech.

Environment Restrictions : None. This infested always stay in group.


Art or Reference Image



sry if the picture abit dirty. Erase side effect :P

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Name Suggestion: Infested Grymspawn 


Behaviour:  A hulking infested support unit that actively avoids combat to breath infested life back into it's fallen team mates. This creates a much more challenging task of infested enemies as they can come back even more grotesque. (Create crawling units from fallen leapers etc) 



Pustule Burst - Lobbs a pustule from a sack with a DOT effect similar to the torrid.

Infected Swing - Swings an infected scythe like arm at the tenno causing toxic/corrosive DOT

Call of Infest - Screams causing tenno to cover there ears as well as calling more infested to the battle.

Corrosive Presence - A passive AOE effect that all tenno have there attack and movement speed slowed.


Environment restrictions: Must be in infested environments (Similar to Orokin Derelict)


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 

Image is of an exploder from Dead Space


Edited by -CM-LEMMING
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Name Suggestion: Shield Leach


Behavior: Floating, Aerial, Medium paced movements, able to move in all directions.


Attacks: From a distance the Shield Leach can emit a steady stream of electricity threw It's mouth that does high damage by drastically draining shields and making Tenno highly substitutable to further attacks. If too close the Shield Leach will retaliate by latching on to Tenno causing further damage and the only escape is to use a melee attack.


Environment restrictions: All environments


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152369795471438.1073741827.748621437&type=1&l=b20854ba22

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Name Suggestion: Infested Carrier


Behavior: Acts in a manner similar to Corpus Osprey's by doing negligible damage but significantly bolster their allies in the process.

The manner in which they do this though is based around the concept of the Mosquito.


The Infested Carrier would accompany Infested waves out and would attack the Tenno obliquely. Any successful attacks create a virus proc to the attacked Tenno and then they would feed what was stolen to its' infested allies if it can successfully return to them.

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Runs like the other infested, but stays behind and slowly fires viral or corrosive darts, begins kicking when the Tenno get close (does not flee). It should have about the same stats as normal infested (charger, leaper etc.)



Slow-firing Viral/corrosive darts on ranged distance and kicks on melee range.


Enviroment Restrictions:

nothing except the same as normal infested.


Art Reference:



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Name Suggestion: Loom

Behaviour:  Враг невиден. Режим невидимости постоянен. Виден только мираж от него.

Attacks: Атака ближнем боем. Если игрок теряет жизнь от его удара, то игрок становиться на некоторое время невиден. Другим игрокам тяжелее найти раненного что бы помочь ему.

Environment restrictions: Пол.

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Name: Hound 

Behavior: This enemy, codenamed 'Hound' is constantly moving and patrolling state. 

Attacks: Very quickly catches up to the enemy, cutting, deadly strikes, their powerful jaws and claws. 

Environment: This enemy can be in any infested map.


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Charger Brute




Big, strong, fast and agressive infected, attack anything on sight. Wandering around, searching for targets. 3 hearts provide energy for the infected, which can be seen in the exposed chest, this is also the weak point.




the charger brute like to kill his enemies fast, with brute force, attacking them with charging attacks, crush their bones, rip them apart with his enlarged and armored forearm.


Environment restrictions


only in large opened areas, avoid narrow areas



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Name Suggestion: Ancient Mind


Behaviour: Spawns on the back of another ancient. Destroying this unit doesn't kill the ancient attached, but destroying the ancient attached does kill this unit. Generally stays far from the Tenno, prefering only to attack when threatened.


Attacks: They boost the damage of nearby infested by 10%, which stacks 3 times. They are able to take control of any nearby infested, with a maximum of 5-7, and use them to search and destroy 1 specific tenno in a squad, most of the time also with at least 1 Ancient, with no Ancient Mind attached. Maximum of 1-3 ancients per squad. All squad members also gain 20% attack damage, but is not affected by any other buffs in return. May not form a new squad as long as the half of the old squad is still alive. 2 or more Ancient minds may colaborate to flank a single Tenno with their 'squads'.


If it is killed, the infested controlled are stunned for 2-4 seconds.


Environment Restructions: Orokin Derelict due to the special conditions required for it to form.

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Name: Shadow Walker.

Behavior: Middle-armored, a bit taller than regular leapers and runners, quick and deadly, shadow walkers are usually staying away from other infested, whose caloradiance prevents them from detecting their victims with help of infrared sensors. They usually hide in dark places and wait for their victims to appear. Sometimes they hunt in the groups (2-4 walkers in each). Some kinds of shadow walkers are able to deal toxic or electric damage.

Attacks: After detecting the hostile shadow walker becomes invisible and tries to get behind it. If a walker manages to do it, it knocks the opponent down with a strike of its left bone club-looking hand; after that the shadow walker stabs a lying victim rapidly with bony blades on its right upper extremity, dealing high damage. After a successful back attack a lone shadow walker retreats for a couple of seconds, becoming invisible again and trying to repeat this manouevre; a group of shadow walkers goes on with attacking the enemy without fading away from the victim's eyes. AoE-abilities are the best way to defeat a shadow walker; close combat is also effective (while using chanelling).

Environment restrictions: Regular infested ships (except Dark Sectors, other defense and survival missions).


Image: ht9LI4w.jpg?1 (drawn by me) 


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Infested: Phagia


Behavior and short background: Inspired by AP Biology :P, this infested is a clump of grineer, corpus, or even both* depending on the what ship got infected. After the Corpus was trying to contain the virus, they accidently mutated the virus into a colony like structure that engulfs multiple bodies similar to a macrophage. This infested enemy type is big and always on high alert for “food”. Although slow, it is able to alert nearby infested allies to attack the marked target or targets, and it has a few long distance attacks. In my opinion, this infested unit would make infestations more challenging but is going to be difficult to incorporate it into a mission as a result of its size and abilities.

*Maybe an infestation strike during an invasion.



1.       Able to alert nearby infested and strengthen their speed and attacks.

2.       Swallow nearby Tenno giving damage to health and later shot out—melee attacks are not recommended; sorry melee 2.0.

3.       Depending on what faction this infested enemy type is formed it can shoot out napalm (grinner napalm) or lasers (corpus fusion moa) out of its mouth (or maybe any random part of his body for variety.)

4.       Throw infested slobs that cling onto you—slow you down and leeches your health or energy.


Environment restrictions: Yes, ideal for large open areas for Tenno to run and gun down this infested; maybe a ship storage area. 


Image: Kind of like this but more linear, infested looking, and smaller. (replace the heads with grineer or corpus bodies)


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