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[Boss Concept] The Heretic Corpus Robotic Boss: The Gecko


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I've also worked on these other concepts:


Dark Sector Expansions: https://forums.warfr...ector-missions/
Infested Boss and Assassin: https://forums.warfr...er-the-afflict/
Infested Boss with Counterable Finisher: https://forums.warfr...ntless-ravager/

Mission Mobile Sabotage: https://forums.warfr...-tile-set-only/

Corpus Boss with Finisher: https://forums.warfr...-suit-pillager/

Emergency Mission: https://forums.warfr...-home-tile-set/

Escort Mission: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/225836-mission-concept-escort-mission-can-you-trust-your-escort/


Now for the Boss. Now this boss is setup for another boss I'll be making later on, The Corpus Sniper. This boss is also associated with another sect of the Corpus I called the Heretics. The Heretics are actually a separate opposition to the Merchant Cult of the Corpus, but more will be explained when I complete my Corpus Sniper Boss.


The Gecko




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Tenno Operative,


At first, me and m team had believed we were being watched; as if something was lurking on the walls. Afterwards, we saw the floor moved and knew it was some sort of Corpus robotic we have yet to encounter before. We sprayed our full salvo at it until it's cloaking device gave in and it severed one of its two forearms.


It was not made like any of the Corpus robots. Its appearance seemed...feral...like it was not designed to look as good as the MOAs or Ospreys or any of those Hyenas back then. We then realized a symbol that belonged to the other Corpus sect, the Heretics. But records showed that they were imprisoned by the Corpus Board years ago. Could it be possible that the Corpus released them?


As soon as we moved in closer to check on the body of this bizarre robot, the arm...it moved as if it has a mind of its own then....


...I must've received a huge blow to the head. When I came to, I was surrounded with the corpses of my team, and no remains of this new foe to be found. Whatever that thing was, its a problem that should be dealt with.


The Setting of the Fight


This boss fight takes place in a room with four dormant reactor pillars that can be activated to create a short temporary surge of energy. Unlike the bosses we have fought these days, this boss is located in the entrance of a new planet. Think of this boss as an "introduction" before reaching the upcoming Sniper Boss.


The Purpose of this Boss


This boss is supposedly a created "pet" of the Sniper Boss used whenever the upcoming Sniper Boss is on the hunt. After noticing the Tenno's presence, the Corpus Sniper Boss sends this Gecko to say "hi."


The Abilities of the Gecko


This boss is  robotic-feral looking. It's head resembles the Raptor's head but has 2 protruding "eyes' to the side that move around erratically. It's two front legs are a bit bigger than its rear legs, and it does have an extended tail. The front arms are essentially big enough to hide a hidden gun inside the shoulders, but appear to be detachable.


The Gecko is around 2-3 times the size of Zanuka, but can move almost as fast as a Hyena.


The Gecko


Robotic: 3000

Proto Shield: 2000

Fertile Armor: 40


The Right Arm of the Gecko


Robotic: 2000

Proto Shield: 1000

Fertile Armor: 20


The Left Arm of the Gecko


Robotic: 2000

Proto Shield: 1000

Fertile Armor: 20


Attacks of the Gecko


Tail Sweep: (Used with and without arms) When Tenno are nearby, it spins around wildly with Impact and Slash damage.


Energy Spit: (Used with and without arms) Spits from its mouth a ball of energy that does a radial damage with Heat status effect.


Camouflage:(Only uses this when both arms are intact) The Gecko uses this often. It turns invisible. At this point, it either moves around using Tail Sweep or it jumps to one of the 4 dormant reactor pillars shooting a couple of Energy Spits from up top.


Tounge Sap: (Used with and without arms) The Gecko uses this ability rarely. It opens its mouth and fires a wire that will attach to a Tenno and slowly drains the Tenno's Energy. While it drains a point of energy, it gains some health. This attack latches to the Tenno for a duration around 10 seconds.


Detach and Attach: When you bring the Gecko to 60/30% of its health, it automatically jumps back and it detaches either of its two front arms. At this point, the arm(s) being to attack the Tenno. If one arm is detached, the Gecko's movements are slowed down and is unable to use Camouflage no latch onto the pillars. If both arms are detached, it's movements are slowed down further. An arm can reattach to the Gecko if the arm is not destroyed for a duration of20 seconds. When both of the front arms of the Gecko are detached, the Gecko will not receive damage any furhter from the 30% health mark until both arms are destroyed. Once an arm is detached, the Gecko recovers around 20% its maximum health.


Left Arm Stomp: The detached left arm jumps up and slams itself to the ground for a Blast radial damage.


Left Arm Machine Gun: The detached left arm will stand around and shoot machine gun fire for a short time.


Right Arm Erratic Shock: The detached right arm will roll over the ground like a crazy rabid creature and does Electric damage to any Tenno nearby it.


Right Arm Freeze Cannon: The detached right arm will stand and shoot a radial Cold damage attack.



The Flow of the Fight


When the fight begins, The Gecko will use its Camouflage ability to make the fight difficult at times. While you might be able to pinpoint its location, you can also activate one of the dormant reactor pillars to deliver a shock to the Gecko if its on the correct pillar. This in turn will temporarily paralyze the Gecko for you to do enough damage.


Once you do enough damage, it will detach an arm. Make sure you destroy the arms before it quickly reattaches to the Gecko.




To be done at another time





Comments? Suggestions? I will update this Boss in another time. For now, the focus on the Corpus Sniper Boss and the Heretics will be done soon.

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Also thinking of making a special 3 Orokin Boss which have drops required to create 2 legendary Katanas.


Also might be adding in one of my other boss idea to these three new Orokin Bosses: "Map Attacks"

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Teaser for the Orokin Bosses with the two special weapons their drops can make:



    We have been watching amongst the walls. We have seen countless of Corpus claiming our works theirs, we have seen the Grineer desecrate our holy grounds, and have seen the Infested roam freely in our halls. So in retaliation, we have decided to send the Neural Sentries to make them our slaves to prevent such intruders from tainting out home.


Until you, our kindred Tenno, came. We needed to use the Corrupted to put your abilities to the test; we needed to bear witness if you are worthy of controlling our great power.


Our two masters passed down to me and my sibling the tools to create two of Orokin's greatest weapons. The time has come for you, our descendents, to prove your worth of the very suits you wield. Enter the towers! Our invitations will come to you.



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Teaser for the 2nd Orokin Boss:


   I have little faith in you. You are reliant on the very tools of war given to you. True power is recognized from those who show it with their bare hands...as I have.


  My brother, Masa, is too passive to put you to the test. My sister is too supportive of you to see your weakness. But I...I will bring you to your knees using my very fists.


  COME, LITTLE TENNO! Convince your ancestor that you have what it takes to carry our will! Be forewarned: I show no ounce of mercy in the battlefield.


- Mura

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Last Teaser for the three Orokin Bosses and the two legendary blades


  I have only the utmost confidence in your future, my descendants. Though Mura will test your might and Masa will test your skills, I shall test your very will.


  Tread carefully when confronting me. Watch your steps and pray you won't fall prey to my staff.

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