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Tenno Courtesy


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As the title suggest my post is about in-game courtesy, and don't worry - this is not a rage, or rancorous commentary about player interaction. (You'd wish more players would tell you up front, sheesh!)



I want to ask a question...


After being revived by a teammate, I will promptly type Ty, or Thank you in recognition of my rescuer's efforts. Alternately, if a player does the same for me I will reciprocate a Yw, or Your welcome. 


So my question is: Do you thank / acknowledged other players for reviving you?  


I realize this is a minor thing - giving thanks - but humans do it all the time. After all, revival is technically optional. Courtesy would also include other players holding the elevator for you, or slowing down to let you catch up if you've fallen behind. 


Tell me what you think?

Edited by YourBusDriver
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I'll say "Sorry" if I get downed. Really, I have that much self-esteem (Zero).


But I actually like to wait for my teammates if I ever get ahead. It's just that, when they pass me, they never wait for me.


I'm a doormat.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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Sure, i usually leave a ty when i remember to do it. I started to do it fairly early after an "incident" when i was a "new" player, against the Jackal when a rank 5 "teabagged" me to death, then i realized that some people in this coop game can be total $&*^s, so that little ty is there to thank the player for rezing me and for not being a retard.

Edited by AvengerGrim
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You will always get good and bad players im afraid.

My pet hate is having someone run into an elevator like half a second before you ( because your right behind them not halfway across the map!!) and activate it, leaving you /other team mates miles behind or swarmed.

Fair enough if im at the opposite end of the map but right beside you....cant wait 1 sec?... * shakes his head*

i play with others for the TEAM aspect, if i wanted to run around doing my own thing i would play solo.


To your other points i always do the same with TY on revives as i see them as a kind offer of help, and agree its a players choice to revive someone.

Carry on with what your doing mate, i enjoy players you show courtesy to each other.

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I also say sorry if I fail to revive them probably because I'm too busy fending of other enemies.


Yea, unfortunately that seems to happen sometimes. I'll fight like hell to reach a downed teammate, but sometimes my efforts are in vain - especially if they are really far off. 

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I usually say "No worries" when the guy I revived thanks me, specially if they are low MR (0~1).

I think it's good to show to the new players that our community can be friendly. :]

Edited by Mukiz
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I generally don't say TY but I do occasionally respond to others thanking me.

It's tedious doing that every revive, anyway.


But I will comment if something unusual happens, e.g. I get 1hko'd when they're at 99% revival.

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I'll say "Sorry" if I get downed. Really, I have that much self-esteem (Zero).


But I actually like to wait for my teammates if I ever get ahead. It's just that, when they pass me, they never wait for me.


I'm a doormat.


It happens, lol. I'm that one guy covering everyone's retreat; who gets the short end of the stick at the elevator.  

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Why should someone thank me for doing what I'm supposed to do? It's like when people thank Medics in TF2. Your doing what your supposed to do, you don't need praise.


Good point. It doesn't make any logical sense not to revive a teammate, but such action remains a slight hindrance; and if it happens multiple times the action can soon become annoying - especially when you're running against the clock e.g. Nightmare Missions. 


When you consider most people are limited to (by choice, or circumstance) only four revival tickets per frame, healing a teammate has deeper implications than functionality. 


Never the less, I do agree. In some respects thanking someone is a formality based on the expectation of being revived. 

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I don't expect a thank you, nor will I think less of the person if I don't get one, but it's always nice to receive one. I personally never forget to express my thanks when I've been picked up. 'S the little things that count. 



But I actually like to wait for my teammates if I ever get ahead. It's just that, when they pass me, they never wait for me.


I'm a doormat.



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'No worries' and 'Not a problem' are literally my in-game catchphrases. Usually I say 'Ty' in battle, a full 'Thank you' if we're in a safe area and the enemies are dead or I did pentacide (in which case a 'Sorry about that' usually follows).


Words of thanks are always time-sensitive, so to speak. Saying thank you in a mosh pit of enemies isn't the best idea - kinda goes along with the less talking, more fighting principle. 



I thank them by killing enemies around me and continue doing so.


^ Basically, what he said. 

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The fact remains that we're more likely to remember that one toxic sack of &#! out of a hundred friendly and easy-going players.


Conspicuous by absence... indeed. One is more likely to remember eating a really bad apple, as opposed to countless good apples.  

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I thank people for reviving me, i even apologized if i died in a very stupid or silly way, like "trying to chew more than i could bite" i wait at elevators, and i generally treat people the way i like to be treated, if i see someone playing particarly good or being considerate or playing as a team member and not as a egomaniac m0ron i compliment them, i don't see anything bad in treating people as people, in general i believe people is good and "bad" is the exception, i do hate when people act like selfish rude idiots knowingly, i can understand if someone is making a mistake but i can't stand people who are like "Im a badass i answer to no one if you dont like it deal with it" on the other hand i have had the joy of seeing people like that die for being so "badass" and reckless. 

Overall i treat people in public games as i treat people in real life and i expect the same treatment or at least not a stupid unnecesary "badass" attitude.

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Words of thanks are always time-sensitive, so to speak. Saying thank you in a mosh pit of enemies isn't the best idea - kinda goes along with the less talking, more fighting principle. 




^ Basically, what he said. 

you have plenty of time to type TWO LETTERS T AND Y while you are being rezzed, off course it is not always easy but making that extra small effort to thank your team mate is what counts.

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you have plenty of time to type TWO LETTERS T AND Y while you are being rezzed, off course it is not always easy but making that extra small effort to thank your team mate is what counts.


Indeed, but would you want to risk distracting your teammate(s) for a fraction of a second when enemies are pouring in like rain? That is, especially if it prompts them to risk a reply. Post game would be an appropriate time to thank your savoir - besides, in the meanwhile, you may have returned the favor. 

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