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This is the first game I have played on PC, and frankly I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm an xbox kind of girl so I have my xbox controller hooked to play. I'm working on getting a decent mouse, soon. Any help is welcome xD

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Welcome, Tenno!


Here, have some tips from my warframe_tips.txt




Well, first of all, you may want to check the Wiki. Later you can also use Warframe Builder to browse weapon/frame builds and maybe even submit your own.


Boltor is a good choice for an anti-Grineer weapon. Karak is equally decent against Corpus.

I'd recommend using your Lato to create Bolto, and later Akbolto.

Rhino is a good choice as your second frame - if you have him, you can farm pretty much any mission.


How do you trade stuff? Simple, you need to be in a clan and use Trading Kiosk. And you need to be mastery rank 2 at least.a

Clans? I'm sure you'll find a good clan somewhere. Search on forums. And look for a big clan with every research done, like - for example - Asuro.


As for general tips:

 - Don't sell your weapons untill you level them up to 30, or you'll miss the Mastery

 - Do Survival, Endless Defence and Mobile Defence missions for exp and resources

 - When in any of the defences stay near the objective, or you'll be a door hero

 - Door heroes are even more hated than Leechers, so don't do it

 - When in Survival don't activate the capsule untill the support level reaches ~60%

 - People who are activating capsules early are probably even more hated than door heroes

 - Don't waste Platinum on buying weapons/frames - you can get every each of them during the gameplay

 - If you have spare Platinum buy slots. Lots and lots of slots.

 - I've mentioned Leechers... Leecher is a person that stays at the beginning and does nothing during the mission

 - If you happen to go afk - say that. Simple "brb phone" would do

 - Revive your teammates, unless you'll be put in danger. Or unless they are door heroes or leechers. Then teabag them.

 - Always wait for your team in the elevator

 - If you are the last person in the elevator you should activate it

 - Don't break reinforced glass on purpose

 - Try not to act stupid. It's irritating seeing somebody trying to meele a level 30 Napalm with his Cronus and reviving him constantly

 - Be polite. Unless you are talking to a door hero or a leecher.

 - If you are planing to leave Endless Defence or Survival - always inform your team about it. "Leaving at 15 min" will do.

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Firstly; I will start off with a: Welcome to Warframe.


Looking for help as in advice about the game? What would be a good route to go? Gear you should be looking for at the start?


As for the starting plat you get - DO NOT buy anything from the store with it. Use that plat to buy slots for weapons/Warframes. Since slots are the only thing you cannot get unless you have platinum.

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Plenty of resources around to help you pick it up fairly quickly. Mogamu posts all kinds of informational videos on Youtube, I follow a streamer that has some helpful videos and answers questions while streaming G4ryO4k. Also you are more than welcome to add me in game. I've been playing a while and it's always nice to see other ladies getting into the game.

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I have no idea what slots are. I've literally only been a member for a couple of days. The person that got me on here, didn't explain anything to me and we went straight to playing missions. I haven't bought anything and I've sort of just been clicking on things as I go. I know that the little blue and red orb things heal me and how to shoot and kill. xD I'm pretty sure I made a couple of people hate me already because I bled out 15 times.

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Welcome to Warframe PRINA, 


Its a fun game to play and is great fun when you get used to the controls.

You will be forever learning new things throughout updates and just by playing with friends. 


I'll be happy to lend a hand with anything.


Fight long, Die hard Tenno



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The.. the first game you've played on PC..? :O


Angius covered really everything there. Read up on the Wiki, once you're proficient enough in the game, start planning your builds on the Warframe Builder site.


If you need some help on missions or any mods, feel free to send a friend request!


I have no idea what slots are. I've literally only been a member for a couple of days. The person that got me on here, didn't explain anything to me and we went straight to playing missions. I haven't bought anything and I've sort of just been clicking on things as I go. I know that the little blue and red orb things heal me and how to shoot and kill. xD I'm pretty sure I made a couple of people hate me already because I bled out 15 times.

Slots: They're like inventory spaces. You get a few to begin with (some warframe slots, some weapon slots, some sentinel slots) but all the rest you must buy with platinum. So choose weapons and warframes wisely, or just make them and take them to rank 30 before selling. (mastery! :D)

Well, trial by fire, right? XD

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I've looked at the wiki. It's hard to follow at first and there's a lot on there. Is there voice chat on here or simply chat boxes?

Technically there is a voice chat. At least it used to be. I rarely see anybody using it, it's mostly the chat, or no communication at all.

And even without communication it still works, if you find a decent team!

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I've looked at the wiki. It's hard to follow at first and there's a lot on there. Is there voice chat on here or simply chat boxes?

Yeah, true enough. WarFrame is confusing at first, but it gets easier as you go. On the forums? There's only usermessages/PM'ing and topics. (misread XD) In-game, there's voice chat and chatboxes.

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I can recommend Microsoft mouse Comfort 4500 series. It's big, it's precise, it has a good sensor and works on every surface. And it has a thumb-button, so you can bind Shift there - parkouring and moving around will become much easier.

And the price is resonable. No need to buy some 30-buttons gaming mouses with tons of settings and 30 different weights, if it's your first PC game, it'll probably take some time to find the perfect size, buttons locaion, shape, stuff like that. And then you can look for a gaming mouse that suits your needs and put the cheap ones away, to use them in need.

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I'm available to help ingame with any questions too, that way you don't have to keep referring to the wiki or forums for smaller questions or know hows.

Send a friend request if you want!


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First off, Welcome to the friendliest community on the internet RAWRBOT :D


Second, don't be discouraged by the RPG elements of the game. They're difficult for everyone to grasp at first, and if you have no one to explain it to you, it can seem overwhelming.


I put together a youtube playlist with a few videos explaining the RPG mechanics in the game. It's quick"ish", it's thorough, and I demonstrate everything I'm doing to give you a better idea of how to do it yourself. It's 30 minutes of what I wish I could go back in time and tell myself when I started playing :)



Unfortunately, I made the videos before Melee 2.0 was released, so the more advanced melee options and stance mods aren't explained yet. Feel free to add me to friends, g4ryo4k, and I'd be happy to answer any questions your have or go more in depth with any of the video topics.


Glory to you Tenno! :D

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