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Arcane Helmet Change Nerfing Not Again...


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Beta. Beta. Beta. Beta. Better?


Read the damn EULA people.

Beta Implies that it will fished open at some point well xmas is coming maybe then huh, cant keep falling back on that old excuse and do u think that once beta is finished the same thing wont happen ?

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except your super long post there has unnecessary metaphors and is 101% incorrect.



- Arcane Helmets have not changed.

- your Arcane Blueprints are all still in your inventory, but you cannot have more than one of these built at a time, so in order to build your other Blueprints, you'll need to get rid of your built Helmets.

- there are Blueprints available in the market to convert Arcane Helmets to Cosmetic only ones.

- Helmets are now only available as Cosmetic items, Alerts and the Market will not give you Arcane Helmets.



that is all that was changed.

whatever you're complaining about is either false or some magic corruption goof that's specific to just you. if the latter, only Support can help you.

Yeah i already said that my game is bugged glitched i compared with other players screen and sent swap screen shots with each other to confirm mine is different but it is still a discussion about nerfing now and later perhaps after beta as well, your either for it or againt nerfing in games i geuss

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But isn't the whole point of buying powerful weapon earning it and skilling it and modifying it at your time and expense so u can be a kick &#! player and as a game gets harder and the missions are tiered for lowers class players meaning not very skilled to extremly hard the whole reason in the first place.


Only to have the golden axe you have nerfed down to a stick just a blatant way of satisfying the whims and complaint s of the haves and the haves not, the doers who get things from hard work and the ones that just what it given to them.


Nerfing is never off topic lol

Edited by WarHeroman
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Of course i sent in a support ticket, but thanks for the heads up, but seeing the last 2 tickets in put in took 5 days respond ill have to hold my breathe.


I Sincerely Hope i am just bugged out and it s a glitch.


It is definitely a glitch. I do not experience your problem, and the patch notes made no mention of arcane helmets being removed, nerfed or changed in any way (besides being removed from the shop). They can even be traded now.


Indeed support tickets are being answered slowly. However, DE has a good track record with hotfixing major game bugs.


I wouldn't worry about this getting fixed soon along with other issues this patch brought (for instance, arcane bps don't show up in the foundry, I experience this problem myself).


Also, allow me to suggest you post future similar threads under bug reporting and describe your problem clearly, and to the point. Don't take offense, but your original post is one big head scratch, and even the most patient people won't be able to tell what it is about.

Edited by HansJurgen
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This sounds more like something a submitted ticket complaint should be on. You made it sound like all of your arcane helms were reverted to normal. Unless you yourself chose to do that, file a ticket.

Otherwise, there is no nerf. This change from stat to cosmetic helms has been planned for a long time. They kept the original stat helms for all those that owned them, and gave the option to switch to cosmetic.

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There we go. Problem solved, aye? 



Well, I'm sorry for your predicament, then. It's quite unfortunate, and in light of that, I think we should apologize for poking at your spelling.


I think it's a bit unnecessary to be so rude right at the go, though; Your case really would have been made much more forgiving had you actually explained this fact on the first reply, or on the OP itself. Calling people trolls is really asking for it.


unFortunately every single time i do a post in this or any forum i am constantly picked on about my gammmer and spelling and it became so bad that i complained the devs of this game very early in the piece and they were so a ashamed that i was so upset the put a clause in the eula just because of me bringing it to there attention that disabled people in the world and players of different nationalities who don't have English and have a learnign problem can no longer be corrected or picked on or i i use the word troll loosely meaning people whos first and only comment after a post is to pick on them instead of reading or replying or offering a opinions to a post are not being constructive and it is a negative practice and wont be tolerated and can and will get you kicked banned from the forum. i have made a huge protest many times in the past about that practice and will continue to inform players that only do that now and in the future until people relises that it is not becoming anymore and the world is changing, OMG my hands are about to fall off i cant type for much longer this is really taking it out of me lol


As for this... No, stat helmets will never come back. What they said "May change" is whether you get to trade arcane helms or keep them. That's the only thing that will change. As for obtainable helmets, all of them are stat-less now. Market and alert. 

Edited by WarHeroman
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This sounds more like something a submitted ticket complaint should be on. You made it sound like all of your arcane helms were reverted to normal. Unless you yourself chose to do that, file a ticket.

Otherwise, there is no nerf. This change from stat to cosmetic helms has been planned for a long time. They kept the original stat helms for all those that owned them, and gave the option to switch to cosmetic.

I allrady said i put in a ticket, and yes all of my arcane helms were reverted to normal in my foundry

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It is definitely a glitch. I do not experience your problem, and the patch notes made no mention of arcane helmets being removed, nerfed or changed in any way (besides being removed from the shop). They can even be traded now.


Indeed support tickets are being answered slowly. However, DE has a good track record with hotfixing major game bugs.


I wouldn't worry about this getting fixed soon along with other issues this patch brought (for instance, arcane bps don't show up in the foundry, I experience this problem myself).


Also, allow me to suggest you post future similar threads under bug reporting and describe your problem clearly, and to the point. Don't take offense, but your original post is one big head scratch, and even the most patient people won't be able to tell what it is about.

Ty for your response yes i hope its glitch and they do fix it and maybe a hotfix will fix it sooner,

Not every post has to make sense to you long as get you get the gist and gleam something form it otherwise dont comment i don't i just read most of them i read tones of post i cant get my head around hundreds in fact whats the big deal,why are so may people gammer police or if it s not written like a published book then i have to say something deal.

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I allrady said i put in a ticket, and yes all of my arcane helms were reverted to normal in my foundry


Awesome! Good for you!


Well, WarHeroman, if you don't mind a suggestion? Perhaps you can type a disclaimer which you can copy-paste later, explaining your handicap. Most people here won't be able to guess it right at the start, though to be fair, they shouldn't pick on you, either. But it's pretty hard to read, so to make it easier for them to sympathize with you, it's best to let them know you have difficulty doing what other people take for granted.


Trust me, there's a lot of nice people here, too. 


Wow, though. Kudos to DE. That's really very humane of them. I love them more and more every time. 


At any rate, though, I hope you'll forgive your fellows, and I hope your fellows will extend their courtesy to you as well, in light of your predicament. Do take care, though! Hope your hand doesn't give you too much trouble, after all the passing heart-ache on the forums. ;)

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I Seriously have to put a HUGE disclaimer at the end  my post.


Rule 1 Who Cares


2 if you dont get what i have written, refer rule 1

3. if i dont write or spell like you refer rule 1

4. if you dont like what i have written refer rule 1

5. if you want to comment or not refer rule 1

6. things i havennt though off refer rule 1


That is supposed to be funny its a JOKE if u dont like it refer rule 1 ROFL

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I Seriously have to put a HUGE disclaimer at the end  my post.


Rule 1 Who Cares


2 if you dont get what i have written, refer rule 1

3. if i dont write or spell like you refer rule 1

4. if you dont like what i have written refer rule 1

5. if you want to comment or not refer rule 1

6. things i havennt though off refer rule 1


That is supposed to be funny its a JOKE if u dont like it refer rule 1 ROFL


LoL, aw, man, dude. That's pretty funny, but don't try it for real. :P  


Usually, people have a tendency to "Do unto others what's done unto them". So if you treat your fellow Tenno with respect, and consider their difficulties as you hope people do for you, then they're more likely to help you out and bear with it. What goes around, comes around, yeah? Don't make fun of them or antagonize people, cause no one deserves it. You should know. ;)  


Explain your disability clearly. A little transparency and accepting some people react harshly will go a long way. 

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Ty for your response yes i hope its glitch and they do fix it and maybe a hotfix will fix it sooner,

Not every post has to make sense to you long as get you get the gist and gleam something form it otherwise dont comment i don't i just read most of them i read tones of post i cant get my head around hundreds in fact whats the big deal,why are so may people gammer police or if it s not written like a published book then i have to say something deal.


I wasn't picking on your grammar man. Common... be reasonable. I said, if it wasn't for your other post saying what your problem actually was, I could not tell from your original post what your issue was. I do not read minds, man. I wish I could, alas I do not.


To use your analogy method. If you feel back pains and go to the doctor, you tell him you have back pain. You do not start telling him fishing stories for an hour and then get upset because he could not figure out you have back pain. It is disrespectful.


If you want to talk about fishing, do not go to a doctor for medical assistance. :)


Help us help you by being clear and concise. (nothing to do with grammar)


Makes sense?

Edited by HansJurgen
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LoL, aw, man, dude. That's pretty funny, but don't try it for real. :P  


Usually, people have a tendency to "Do unto others what's done unto them". So if you treat your fellow Tenno with respect, and consider their difficulties as you hope people do for you, then they're more likely to help you out and bear with it. What goes around, comes around, yeah? Don't make fun of them or antagonize people, cause no one deserves it. You should know. ;)  


Explain your disability clearly. A little transparency and accepting some people react harshly will go a long way. 

I am getting to old to change my ways, besides my hands and fingers dont want to change i been trying for over 6 years 29 operations from a broken neck i should be dead in fact i died in January was in a coma from stress and complications, i have been a hard core gamer for over 35 years i was a computer programmer technician and a tech and even a teacher, i used to type 100 words a min near perfect, oh how the mighty have fallen, pretty much every in game that knows me knows my problems and think its amzing and inspiring that i still play and wont give up till i die gaming is in my soul. my spirit and past expeinces have devoted so much tme to the internet computers gaming and technology in the past.

In saying that it shard to convive everyone that i am sleep deprived in pain and drugged up to my eyeballs and yet i find energy to make a post about want i hate the most about gaming NERFING hehe

I treat everyone i know the way the treat me and i have no hate or towards other gamers i ony merly try to inform them and help them i am respected in game and anyone that knows me knows i go out of my way to help players and constantly told i do the right thing and have made many friends in this and so many games and forums form the past i cant count them.


Heh i love this game that why i put in close to 2000 hours i think so far lol, if anyone thinks i am antagonizing them they dont get me or my sacrcasim or are perhaps old enough or experienced enough in life to know what a conversation or discussion is anyways i am now rambling and getitng extremly sore and tied thats enpugh forum for tonight, i get back to that disclamer later or il just cut and paste the eula or the email from the devs in my posts.


Cheers Big Ears lol

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I wasn't picking on your grammar man. Common... be reasonable. I said, if it wasn't for your other post saying what your problem actually was, I could not tell from your original post what your issue was. I do not read minds, man. I wish I could, alas I do not.


To use your analogy method. If you feel back pains and go to the doctor, you tell him you have back pain. You do not start telling him fishing stories for an hour and then get upset because he could not figure out you have back pain. It is disrespectful.


If you want to talk about fishing, do not go to a doctor for medical assistance. :)


Help us help you by being clear and concise. (nothing to do with grammar)


Makes sense?

LOL LOL your doctor story dosnt quite work with me because u made me laugh i do tell fishing stories with him he has been my gp for 25 years and watched me go through hell i spend 15mins talking about my pain and then15 mins about each others life nothng to do with my medical problems he is my freind haha


Not everything i life is so clear cut and consise

Edited by WarHeroman
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I am getting to old to change my ways, besides my hands and fingers dont want to change i been trying for over 6 years 29 operations from a broken neck i should be dead in fact i died in January was in a coma from stress and complications, i have been a hard core gamer for over 35 years i was a computer programmer technician and a tech and even a teacher, i used to type 100 words a min near perfect, oh how the mighty have fallen, pretty much every in game that knows me knows my problems and think its amzing and inspiring that i still play and wont give up till i die gaming is in my soul. my spirit and past expeinces have devoted so much tme to the internet computers gaming and technology in the past.

In saying that it shard to convive everyone that i am sleep deprived in pain and drugged up to my eyeballs and yet i find energy to make a post about want i hate the most about gaming NERFING hehe

I treat everyone i know the way the treat me and i have no hate or towards other gamers i ony merly try to inform them and help them i am respected in game and anyone that knows me knows i go out of my way to help players and constantly told i do the right thing and have made many friends in this and so many games and forums form the past i cant count them.


Heh i love this game that why i put in close to 2000 hours i think so far lol, if anyone thinks i am antagonizing them they dont get me or my sacrcasim or are perhaps old enough or experienced enough in life to know what a conversation or discussion is anyways i am now rambling and getitng extremly sore and tied thats enpugh forum for tonight, i get back to that disclamer later or il just cut and paste the eula or the email from the devs in my posts.


Cheers Big Ears lol


LoL, cheers to you, too, WarHero. Take care! Never knew you were such an.. *Cough* Old guy, though. Glad you're still alive and with us, though! But hey, give us kids a chance, ey, pops? ;)  


Whipper snappers are just trying to be funny, as usual. Myself included, of course. 


Ah well. Lotus guide you, friend. Take care.

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LOL LOL your doctor story dosnt quite work with me because u made me laugh i do tell fishing stories with him he has been my gp for 25 years and watched me go through hell i spend 15mins talking about my pain and then15 mins about each others life nothng to do with my medical problems he is my freind haha



You sure are something, but I guess you already knew that. :)



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Grammer, full stops. comas, paragraphs point form bullet form its all the same thing its avoiding the topic and some people just cant stand it like a itch that needs scratching leave it alone or it will get infected lol

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Grammer, full stops. comas, paragraphs point form bullet form its all the same thing its avoiding the topic and some people just cant stand it like a itch that needs scratching leave it alone or it will get infected lol


you are right


on the internet, as long as you make sense, grammar is irrelevant


whoever told you your grammar is bad and blamed it for not understanding you was disingenuous and petty.

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Last Post its allllll GOOOOD,

Dam Straight im something-> Special hehe


ITS Just a Game

And heh im old but not that old i may have built the internet your using and helped design the computer your using and part of my brain is floating in the Game CODE your playing but at the end of the day its all cheese and crakers.. Food for thought hehe


NN Cheers guys

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PS.Found the section in the EULA


1) R E S P E C T – Let’s respect each-other and have fun. Respecting people means not insulting anyone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, skill-level or any other possible way to make someone feel uncomfortable in the Warframe community.

1a) BULLYING - This goes hand-in-hand with respect. Our forums are a place of understanding, and players with disabilities, handicaps, language barriers, etc should not be treated any different. There is zero tolerance for bullying in our forums. Picking on or pointing out other’s flaws is anything but constructive, we as a community need to focus on the feedback given and embrace everyone equally.

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Technically you didn't pay for the helmet, you payed for the platinum.

Also, I don't get why people can just be okay that helmet stats are now exclusive to older players.

I think the problem could have been solved if every helmet stat was available to each warframe.

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Technically you didn't pay for the helmet, you payed for the platinum.

Also, I don't get why people can just be okay that helmet stats are now exclusive to older players.

I think the problem could have been solved if every helmet stat was available to each warframe.

Because it doesn't negatively effect them and they enjoy scamming people to bank platinum.


Either way, the choice that DE made fixes nothing.


If balance was the issue, leaving stat helmets for "veterans" does not fix the problem.

If aestetics and human indecisiveness was the issue, then all they needed to do was add a stat toggle.


Should DE actually claim they don't know how to add a toggle for stats, then they are either lying out their rear end or are quite possibly the most incompetant coders in this known universe. They're simply skirting around a non issue to appease a small few people. It really bothers me that they can only justify their decisions with 'b-but its in beta'.


This game is not in beta, the moment they started adding more content than actual fixes (important engine based fixes epecially) is when they stepped out of beta. They need to leave 'balance' alone until they understand some semblance of what the word means and for when they've made the game client itself more stable and less buggy.

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They did say this might not be the end of the tale though. As far as I've read on their posts, they are willing to still take a step further on removing stats from cosmetics if they still deem it a necessary action... but as far as DE is involved, they usually find an interesting reward for those that are affected by decisions of this magnitude (as was with the "Steel Charge and the Legend of the Legendary Cores", for instance)

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