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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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can i get another invite i acidentally deleted it when i deleted stalkers message


Accidents happen.


Invite re-sent.



ok i have read the creed


Thank you.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.



This clan seems laid back and focused on enjoying the game rather than personal drama or just being unpleasant people.

Can I get an invite?

IGN: Aramisathei


Edit: Forgot to mention I read the rules.


Howdy Aramisathei.


We do pride ourselves in being the most casual of casuals. As long as you have read and adhere to our creeds, you should fit in just fine.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I have read the rules. The reason i would like to participate is because it seems like a friendly and helpful clan, and of course if someone needs help i will try the best i can. 

IGN: MaCiiee

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I have read the rules. The reason i would like to participate is because it seems like a friendly and helpful clan, and of course if someone needs help i will try the best i can. 

IGN: MaCiiee


Howdy, MaCiiee.


We could always use more people willing to help. As long as promise to uphold our creeds, you will fit in just fine.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I understand, Boogie, and have now gone clanless as of this moment. I look forward to meeting you guys ingame soon!


Howdy again, thanks for getting back to us.


An invitation has been sent to you. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hiya! I was pleasantly surprised to see a Ponyish clan right up on the first page I saw when looking for a clan. I'm eager to be a member.


I've read through the CMC Creeds, and I feel like they are all just common sense. I suppose that means I've got them down already. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.


Let's PARTY!

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Please accept my apologies for the late reply.


Hiya! I was pleasantly surprised to see a Ponyish clan right up on the first page I saw when looking for a clan. I'm eager to be a member.


I've read through the CMC Creeds, and I feel like they are all just common sense. I suppose that means I've got them down already. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.


Let's PARTY!

Hey there, Angelfyre.


I like your enthusiasm and see no reason to think the CMC would not be a good fit for you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I read and understand the rules, and would like to join the CMC clan because it's hard and sad to play alone.

Hey there, Lordemom.

Short and sweet.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Man i Join my Ingame name is hihi4605


I Love this clan already may i join? I have read the rules and they seem completely reasonable my in-game name is hihi4605 cant wait to hear back FLUTTERSHY FOR LIFE :>


Howdy hihi4605.


Reading the rules and agreeing with them is a terrific first step, and we appreciate it. But, you are missing a bit of information in your post(s) here. I'd like for you to make another post (or message myself or Haldos, whichever is most convenient for you) telling us why you'd like to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, specifically. We do this to ensure that the CMC is the right clan for you and you won't be disappointed. So once you complete this step, we'll go from there.

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Hello there!


I am usually one for the smaller clans and was in 2 pony focused ones (bout 15-20 people) before,

but unfortunately their activity times don't quite fit with mine, so almost nobody is online once i play.


This clan here seems pretty big but what i heard its still intimate and laid back-friendly, which helped my decision to wanting to join it.

(plus it got a nice emblem)

I am more than happy to contribute material to the clan and help other players, its the thing which makes the game fun in my eyes for me.


my In-game name is NeraconisDiTa


and yes, i've read the FrontPage.


Good day!

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Hello there!


I am usually one for the smaller clans and was in 2 pony focused ones (bout 15-20 people) before,

but unfortunately their activity times don't quite fit with mine, so almost nobody is online once i play.


This clan here seems pretty big but what i heard its still intimate and laid back-friendly, which helped my decision to wanting to join it.

(plus it got a nice emblem)

I am more than happy to contribute material to the clan and help other players, its the thing which makes the game fun in my eyes for me.


my In-game name is NeraconisDiTa


and yes, i've read the FrontPage.


Good day!

Hey there, NeraconisDiTa.


Sorry to hear your previous clans have been unsuccessful, but I'm happy to see that you've found us. I don't see a reason why the CMC would not work for you.


I'm afraid it says you are already in a clan. Please disband yourself from it and then get back to us.

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Hey, my friend is part of this guild and I'm a fan of MLP: FiM so I would like to join the guild.

Greetings, Nealend86.


Always good to hear friends getting together, just need to confirm one last thing prior to your invite.


Please head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section a good looking over.

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