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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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I am willing to abide to the creed of this clan as it seems completely fair and logical ^.^

I'm looking for a clan after all this searching and this seems to be a perfect fit.
I also have friends in this clan, and friends make the game all the better!
IGN: Sincerenity

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TBH mlp is the main reason I would join over any other group. I tend to find that it attracts a particular kind of crowd that I find I more easily fit in with.

Now I can understand your reasoning. Joining a group that you can get along in is a fair reason. Much appreciated for getting back to us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I am willing to abide to the creed of this clan as it seems completely fair and logical ^.^

I'm looking for a clan after all this searching and this seems to be a perfect fit.

I also have friends in this clan, and friends make the game all the better!

IGN: Sincerenity


Hey there, Sincerenity. Like the name, rolls off the tongue.


Seems like everything is provided and I see no reason why the CMC would not work for you.


Unfortunately, it appears you are already in a clan. If you wish to join the CMC, please disband yourself from your current clan and let us know in a new post.

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I am willing to abide by the creed.
Read the thing on the first post and looks like this clan would suit me perfectly compared to the others I've checked.
I wanna join to try and help others in the clan with runs or w.e or get some help and to make some new friends cause its awfully boring playing alone.

IGN: Niku133769

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@Haldos, yup, I have read the rules and am willing to abide to the creed of the clan.

Greatly appreciated.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I am willing to abide by the creed.

Read the thing on the first post and looks like this clan would suit me perfectly compared to the others I've checked.

I wanna join to try and help others in the clan with runs or w.e or get some help and to make some new friends cause its awfully boring playing alone.

IGN: Niku133769


Hey there, Niku133769.


Seems like you've already made the decision for me. I hope the CMC live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I have read and accepted the creed

The reason I want to join is due to the similar interest in the show which would make me feel more comfortable around the fellow members and make it easier to make friends and have fun I will also try my best to help the members around, friend or not that is if I'm accepted hopefully.

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I read the creed and everything else... the whole thing pretty much. I would love to be a part of your clan and community. I have alot of resources and am game to donate. Pls send me an invite the name is Fluttershy750 (You may reconize me from my deviantart)

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I have read and accepted the creed

The reason I want to join is due to the similar interest in the show which would make me feel more comfortable around the fellow members and make it easier to make friends and have fun I will also try my best to help the members around, friend or not that is if I'm accepted hopefully.

Hey there, Furret.


I see no reason the CMC would not be a good fit for you. We're all about making each other feel welcome and have fun. I'm glad to hear you also have this in mind.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I read the creed and everything else... the whole thing pretty much. I would love to be a part of your clan and community. I have alot of resources and am game to donate. Pls send me an invite the name is Fluttershy750 (You may reconize me from my deviantart)

Hello, Fluttershy750.


Sounds like everything is in order. We appreciate any and all help crusaders have to offer, but it is not mandatory. We can only ask that you give what you can spare, if you wish to do so.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



I'm perfectly fine with creed. I want to join your clan because i think that community here will be perfect for me. My ingame name is ajon0827.

Greetings, Ajon0827.


Straight and to the point, but if you feel the community is what you're after, I can agree to this reason.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Going on a trip for about two weeks, just a heads up that I won't be on as frequently. I'm bringing along a laptop but no idea if I'll have reliable internet so there you go. See ya soon.

Good to hear, Dark. I do hope the trip is for pleasure and not business, as everyone needs a vacation. No worries about checking in, just focus on relaxing and having fun.


Hope your trip goes well.

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Hello, I have read all da rules, no problem with respecting them, and the reason for me to join is fact that I'm new to this game, so this treehouse will be nice place to find help in missions or tips, and I watch the show so it's always something in common with players here.

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Hello, I have read all da rules, no problem with respecting them, and the reason for me to join is fact that I'm new to this game, so this treehouse will be nice place to find help in missions or tips, and I watch the show so it's always something in common with players here.

Hey there, Xitrab.


Glad to hear you've given Warframe a chance, not to mention the CMC as well. Looks like the CMC would be a good place for you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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hey, i accept the creed and shall show no disrespect, my reasons to join are my old/current clan has been dead for close to 400 days now with me being the only active member so its kinda lonely and although i don't know much about the game (still) i can be of great use to any beginners since im always active and willing to help, also crowds like this are easier to get along with than some of those in other clans    

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hey, i accept the creed and shall show no disrespect, my reasons to join are my old/current clan has been dead for close to 400 days now with me being the only active member so its kinda lonely and although i don't know much about the game (still) i can be of great use to any beginners since im always active and willing to help, also crowds like this are easier to get along with than some of those in other clans    

Hello, Wolfy_The_Abyss_Hound.


Sorry to hear that you're old clan didn't work out, but glad you've considered us to continue on. Sounds like you'll fit in just fine and we're happy to have you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I would like to join this clan, because 1) I want to be in a clan that is active, and relatively helpful and nice 2) I have a friend that is already in this clan 3) You have very appropriate rules and ways that I can accept with no problem. Oh, and I forgot to mention, but i did read the rules.

Hey there, Anime_Disguise.


You've hit all the nails on all the heads and the CMC would love to have you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I want to join this clan, because I think it's will be very friendly place for me and also my friend offered me to join.

Greetings, SirShrubbery.


Please head back to the front page and give the "Wanna join?" section a good looking over. There is one last bit of information to confirm before your invite.

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I hope there is more space for you guys,as i am am interested to join the clan :D

I already have read the rules and i am pretty sure i am capable of not being a complete #$&(% :D


Howdy Facehunter66.


It's a good start that you have read the rules and plan to behave, but I would like to get a bit more information from you. Specifically, why do you want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders? I ask this so that we can assure we are the best fit for you. Why choose us over another casual clan?

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Howdy Facehunter66.


It's a good start that you have read the rules and plan to behave, but I would like to get a bit more information from you. Specifically, why do you want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders? I ask this so that we can assure we are the best fit for you. Why choose us over another casual clan?


Reason Number 1: The Name catched my attention right off the bat,while other clans try to sound super cool (using stuff like Dark,Death,etc),this clan name really blew my mind.

Reason Number 2: I saw someone with that clantag on the mercury-relay,why i actually came to the forums to search for you guys :D

Reason Number 3: I really,really want to stay in a clan,where i can be sure,that i can always be playing with some other clan members.

While playing in a smaller clan might offer better communication,they need to have set times to play the game,what i dont want.

Reason Number 4: Im a casual :P

Reason Number 5: Dat Emblem.

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hi can i join this clan? the creed is we should not tarnish the name of CMC. cuz got some friends in this clan :) i havent play warframe since last year. inactive due to studies.. but now i got time for WF again :D too many changes from last year, i kinda clueless. but some of my friends can teach me. thanks :)

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I've got a brother within your ranks already who'd be stoked to have me join you guys, being in the same clan would be a positive boon since we already play Warframe together regularly. The clan's prestige is impressive and I find myself in alignment with your creeds, is there room for another blood-kin within the legacy of the Crusaders?

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Reason Number 1: The Name catched my attention right off the bat,while other clans try to sound super cool (using stuff like Dark,Death,etc),this clan name really blew my mind.

Reason Number 2: I saw someone with that clantag on the mercury-relay,why i actually came to the forums to search for you guys :D

Reason Number 3: I really,really want to stay in a clan,where i can be sure,that i can always be playing with some other clan members.

While playing in a smaller clan might offer better communication,they need to have set times to play the game,what i dont want.

Reason Number 4: Im a casual :P

Reason Number 5: Dat Emblem.


Howdy again, thanks for getting back to us.


Thank you for all of the information you provided. Everything checks out and I see no reason to deny you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



hi can i join this clan? the creed is we should not tarnish the name of CMC. cuz got some friends in this clan :) i havent play warframe since last year. inactive due to studies.. but now i got time for WF again :D too many changes from last year, i kinda clueless. but some of my friends can teach me. thanks :)




If you ask nicely, I'm sure many of our members would be glad to help you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.





I've got a brother within your ranks already who'd be stoked to have me join you guys, being in the same clan would be a positive boon since we already play Warframe together regularly. The clan's prestige is impressive and I find myself in alignment with your creeds, is there room for another blood-kin within the legacy of the Crusaders?


Howdy Sovamorne.


I wouldn't call it a legacy, but we do have a nice thing going here. I see no reason to deny you, so be sure to have fun and make many new friends with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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