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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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Good to see you again, NagiOkamigen.


As a small update, LadyScootaloo stepped down as active leader because he wanted to persue other things. He is still very much a member and stops by from time to time, but JTBoogie14 and I have been looking over the CMC since his departure.


As for your invitation, you are more than welcome to come back but first, please head back to the first page and let us know you've fully looked over the Creeds. Your reference to LadyScootaloo and "The creeds have not changed" is conflicting as JT and I added quite a few ground rules and guidelines since LadyScootaloo departed and we want to make sure you're fully informed.



We will not tarnish the name of the CMC


Sorry, I just said they hadn't changed because they were sort of unspoken but I do see your point. My apologies. I absolutely agree to uphold the name of the Crusaders and in general be excellent to everyone.


Also, get well soon, friend. Being sick is no good and I hope your health improves ASAP.


Edit: I absolutely will keep myself PG in conversation, too. I usually don't talk much anyway.

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We will not tarnish the name of the CMC


Sorry, I just said they hadn't changed because they were sort of unspoken but I do see your point. My apologies. I absolutely agree to uphold the name of the Crusaders and in general be excellent to everyone.


Also, get well soon, friend. Being sick is no good and I hope your health improves ASAP.


Edit: I absolutely will keep myself PG in conversation, too. I usually don't talk much anyway.

Much appreciated for getting back to us.


Everything looks good, so I'm glad to welcome you back.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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hey can i get an invite to this clan? i have read the rules and i have a friend in the clan (battlemage777) that i would like to be clanmates with. I may be a low mastery on pc, but im a mastery 14 on xbone (long story) but if i could get an invite that would be amaysing... thank you :D

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Hey, an oooooold CMC member returning yet again! Read the new creed and ready to hunt for our marks together!


Howdy again TheAtomicRainbomb, sorry for the wait.


As long as you continue to abide by our creeds, you will always be welcome with us.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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hey can i get an invite to this clan? i have read the rules and i have a friend in the clan (battlemage777) that i would like to be clanmates with. I may be a low mastery on pc, but im a mastery 14 on xbone (long story) but if i could get an invite that would be amaysing... thank you :D


Howdy CD3Tears.


Wanting to play with your friend is reason enough to join, I just hope that you can make many more friends with us in the future.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I, Adam-De-Locke, would like to be in the CMC clan.


I've read the rules and promise to follow them TO THE LETTER under my honor as a Tenno.


The reason I want to join your clan is because the last clan I was in was lead by someone who would be willing to kick me just because I suggested to reorganize the dojo instead of having it a room casserole. Said he'd been looking for a reason to kick me because I was "annoying" even though I only talked to him like... Once a month and that was just to discuss major updates.


I just want to be in a clan where I can be treated with as much respect as I give others.


Thank you for taking time to read this and I hope you accept me.

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I, Adam-De-Locke, would like to be in the CMC clan.


I've read the rules and promise to follow them TO THE LETTER under my honor as a Tenno.


The reason I want to join your clan is because the last clan I was in was lead by someone who would be willing to kick me just because I suggested to reorganize the dojo instead of having it a room casserole. Said he'd been looking for a reason to kick me because I was "annoying" even though I only talked to him like... Once a month and that was just to discuss major updates.


I just want to be in a clan where I can be treated with as much respect as I give others.


Thank you for taking time to read this and I hope you accept me.


Howdy Adam-De-Locke.


I'm sorry to hear that you've had such an awful experience with your old clan. We would be glad to have you. You can ask either myself or Haldos for assistance in any issues you may have and we will take care of it. I hope your time with us will provide a better clan experience for you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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My apologies for the late replies.


i wanna join!

i've read the rules. my friend jonshoo is in the clan and i like mlp

Greetings, Rattlesnac.

Short and concise, but playing with a friend is fair enough. Much appreciated for looking over the Creeds.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Back to this game after 2 years. Was a member of CMC before I left, I've read the new creed and looking forward for an invite.

IGN: Annoyz


Hello again, Annoyz. Glad to see you've made your way back to the CMC. I hope everything has been well in your absence.


Really do appreciate you looking over the rules. So much has changed in your time away.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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Hello there,


I'm back on Warframe after a 5months pause since I didn't have any PC i'm looking for a clan with a lot of Tennos which i can have fun with ! Feel free to contact me in-game, see you :)

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Hi, I'm looking for a big clan. I've read the rules.

Hey there, CookiEoverdose.


Please head back to the front page and give the "Wanna join" section another looking over. Looking for something more specific than what you've provided.


Hello there,


I'm back on Warframe after a 5months pause since I didn't have any PC i'm looking for a clan with a lot of Tennos which i can have fun with ! Feel free to contact me in-game, see you :)

Greetings, Eiky0.


Please also head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section another looking over. One last thing we need to confirm before your invitation.

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I forgot to say that I know the creeds and I'll follow them. Also, to be more precise i'm looking for an active clan with clear rules where I see a lot of people connected no matter what time it is and where people help each other. I'm French but i'm fluent in English for some reasons, I'm tired of French community in MMO so I've deicded to find a clan with another mentality.


If needed I can also watch My Little Poney but I may die in the process...

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I forgot to say that I know the creeds and I'll follow them. Also, to be more precise i'm looking for an active clan with clear rules where I see a lot of people connected no matter what time it is and where people help each other. I'm French but i'm fluent in English for some reasons, I'm tired of French community in MMO so I've deicded to find a clan with another mentality.


If needed I can also watch My Little Poney but I may die in the process...

Much appreciated for getting back to us. Definitely a much clearer picture of what you're after and I'd say the CMC would be a good fit for you.


We are mainly an english speaking clan, but so long as you are able to communicate with your fellow Crusaders in a respectful manner, you won't find any issues regarding language.


Also, while we do carry a MLP related name and emblem, we are not soley focused on it and we have many members who are not fans of the show. So long as you respect those who do like it, your disinterest in it will be respected as well.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hey there, CookiEoverdose.


Please head back to the front page and give the "Wanna join" section another looking over. Looking for something more specific than what you've provided.


Since early closed beta I've been playing irregularly as free time permits. I joined a clan early on that has been inactive for over a year now. I'm interested in joining a bigger, more active clan. That's my reason ^_^

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Since early closed beta I've been playing irregularly as free time permits. I joined a clan early on that has been inactive for over a year now. I'm interested in joining a bigger, more active clan. That's my reason ^_^


Howdy cookiEoverdose.


I thank you for taking the time to write back to us, sorry our response time is a bit slow.


While we certainly are a large clan, I cannot proudly say we are incredibly active. We have at most maybe twenty or so members online at one time. Our activity does tend to spike around the time of major updates however. If you are fine with what I've told you and would still like to join us, we'd be glad to have you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello I'm interested in joining through my friend Sn3ky! I agree to all your rules and stuff.

I forgot to mention that I agree and will follow the creeds. My reason for joining is to find a good clan with a familiar friend in it, which yours has both.

Hello I never recieved a reply- I have looked over the creeds and accept your terms and wish to join alongside a friend who is a current member named Sn3ky.


Howdy peridotic, I apologize for the wait. Haldos and I have been taking care of things on our end. Sorry your response has taken so long.


As long as you follow our creeds, you will always be welcome with us. I hope you can make many more friends with us in the future.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I'd like to join the clan.


Reason: Could use some help in levelling up and could use some clan weapons ;3 Also has few friends in it.


EDIT: I agree and I will follow the clan's creeds.


Howdy DragonXneoN.


I'm sure if you ask nicely and follow our creeds, we have members that will be happy and willing to assist you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I read the rules and i'm looking to join because i want to be in the same clan as my cousin. (pair0dice)  

Also i will follow the creeds (not just say that i read them) lol


Howdy Azailia.


I'd like to personally thank you for making the distinction between reading our creeds and actually following them. That is very much appreciated and the CMC would be happy to have a member like you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello. I'm StarfallDragon. I would like to join this clan. Yes, I have read the rules. I would like to join this clan because I was told how friendly it was, plus I'm also a fan of MLP. I would like to be able to play with people who have the same interests as I do. As I am a fairly new player in Warframe, I am willing to aid those who are just starting out. I hope we can all have fun together.


Edit: Thought I might as well add that I plan on following the creed to the letter.

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