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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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Hello. I'm StarfallDragon. I would like to join this clan. Yes, I have read the rules. I would like to join this clan because I was told how friendly it was, plus I'm also a fan of MLP. I would like to be able to play with people who have the same interests as I do. As I am a fairly new player in Warframe, I am willing to aid those who are just starting out. I hope we can all have fun together.


Edit: Thought I might as well add that I plan on following the creed to the letter.

Hey there, StarfallDragon.


Couldn't have asked for a better application. I can't see a reason the CMC would not be a good fit for you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hiya! Ive read the creeds and and 100% plan on following these rules if i am let in. I would like to join because this seems like an over all very friendly, fun, and helpfull guild, and i in turn, would also help, to the best of my extent, anyone i can. Its always more fun to play with friendly people. Makes for great friends, and fun games!

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Hiya! Ive read the creeds and and 100% plan on following these rules if i am let in. I would like to join because this seems like an over all very friendly, fun, and helpfull guild, and i in turn, would also help, to the best of my extent, anyone i can. Its always more fun to play with friendly people. Makes for great friends, and fun games!


Howdy maxime123450


We couldn't ask any more from you. I hope you have fun and make many friends with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello again, may I rejoin the clan? I was kicked due to inactivity. I made sure to read the rules again!


Howdy again Souldrainr.


As long as you continue to follow the creeds, you will always be welcome here.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Same as Souldrainr here, I just returned on U17, I've been in the clan for over a year and would like to rejoin, never had any problems with the people in the guild, good bunch. Thanks!

Greetings, Kantham.


Please head back to the first page and give it a good looking over. There's one last thing to confirm prior to your re-invitation.

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I would like to re-join the clan. I was removed due to inactivity while I spent three months in a different state with no access to my computer. I am not sure if there is an appeal process but I would like to come back and continue contributing to the clan.


Edit: I know the Creeds.

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I would like to re-join the clan. I was removed due to inactivity while I spent three months in a different state with no access to my computer. I am not sure if there is an appeal process but I would like to come back and continue contributing to the clan.


Edit: I know the Creeds.


Howdy again VanillaRegal.


All we needed to know was that you've read the creeds and are interested in joining us again.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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Hello. I'm scouteronly. I would like to join this clan.I have read the rules and agree and willing to do the rules . I would like to join this clan because for all this time (about 3 weeks actually) i play warframe alone, it's kinda sad, i want new friends to help and share with , so i'll play warframe with more purpose and ofcourse i want to do it with this clan. Also  I was told how friendly this clan was,  I would like to be able to play with people who need my help or even when i need their help. As I am kinda new player in Warframe, I am willing to aid those who are just starting out. I hope i can be more useful by joining this team !


P.S : sorry for the bad english ! im Indonesian

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Um... hey guys i also got kicked for inactivity can i rejoin the clan? it will be fun playing together again

and yes i have read the creed :D


Howdy again Hellbriggz.


As long as you continue to follow our creeds, you will always be welcome with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.




Hello. I'm scouteronly. I would like to join this clan.I have read the rules and agree and willing to do the rules . I would like to join this clan because for all this time (about 3 weeks actually) i play warframe alone, it's kinda sad, i want new friends to help and share with , so i'll play warframe with more purpose and ofcourse i want to do it with this clan. Also  I was told how friendly this clan was,  I would like to be able to play with people who need my help or even when i need their help. As I am kinda new player in Warframe, I am willing to aid those who are just starting out. I hope i can be more useful by joining this team !


P.S : sorry for the bad english ! im Indonesian



Howdy scouteronly.


With that positive attitude, I'm sure you'll make new friends in no time. Make sure to let Haldos, myself or one of our Heros know if you need anything or have any problems.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Greeting, I'm Rayzake, deaf gamer and MLP fan. As new warframe player (started today actually). I read your first post, I will follow and agree your Creed “We will not tarnish the name of the CMC” I like that!

I been browsing for clan without voice comm. requirement, I believe your clan could fit for me because I like friendly and active clan.


At any case, Thanks for your time to read my post and hoping you have a wonderful evening. :)

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Greeting, I'm Rayzake, deaf gamer and MLP fan. As new warframe player (started today actually). I read your first post, I will follow and agree your Creed “We will not tarnish the name of the CMC” I like that!

I been browsing for clan without voice comm. requirement, I believe your clan could fit for me because I like friendly and active clan.


At any case, Thanks for your time to read my post and hoping you have a wonderful evening. :)

Hey there, Rayzake.


You are correct in thinking there is no voice communications requirements here. You should have no issues in that regard here. Everything looks to be in order. Happy to have you aboard.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello, I would like to join this clan and have read the creed and plan on following it, my reason being is that my brother is in this clan and has said how wonderful it is. I do plan on playing often and would be glad to help anyone and everyone if the need arises.

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I wish to join also.   I already follow this creed in life.  


As for why I wish to join, because pony. Seriously though, I seem to have more fun with a game since we all like the same thing.  Even if we never discuss it.  In Trove, the pony clan (well, "club" as its called there) we have helped each other out and they have helped me out alot and I wish to do the same here if possible :D

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Hello, I would like to join this clan and have read the creed and plan on following it, my reason being is that my brother is in this clan and has said how wonderful it is. I do plan on playing often and would be glad to help anyone and everyone if the need arises.


Howdy Tallimun.


I'm glad you've heard great things about us. I hope we can live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I wish to join also.   I already follow this creed in life.  


As for why I wish to join, because pony. Seriously though, I seem to have more fun with a game since we all like the same thing.  Even if we never discuss it.  In Trove, the pony clan (well, "club" as its called there) we have helped each other out and they have helped me out alot and I wish to do the same here if possible :D


Howdy MiniAllko.


I see no reason to deny you. I believe you will be a good addition to the CMC.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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im looking to join this clan my ING is Hannakarii.

im starting to get back in to warframe after not playing for a long time im having alot of fun but it would be even better in a clan.

i do have a friend in the clan named Mr Tinman

im a loyal player and read the rules of the clan and i understand them and will follow them.

im not a hardcore player just play for fun and to make friends.



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im looking to join this clan my ING is Hannakarii.

im starting to get back in to warframe after not playing for a long time im having alot of fun but it would be even better in a clan.

i do have a friend in the clan named Mr Tinman

im a loyal player and read the rules of the clan and i understand them and will follow them.

im not a hardcore player just play for fun and to make friends.

Hey there, Hannakarii.


Having fun and making friends sounds like a solid plan for joining. Surely you'll have no problems here.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hi! I have reason to suspect I was removed for inactivity. I had some serious IRL stuff pop up and I was not able to play for a while. I'm hoping I can be re-accepted! I've already re-read the rules for consistency. My IGN is Slicevicious!

Hey there, Slicevicious.


I just looked over our listings and it says you are still with the CMC. There may be an issue with clans that we are not aware of, so do let me know if this issue persists.

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