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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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Hey Haldos or JTBoogie.


I absolutely lurve your clan. The theme is amazing, the crest is a work of art and is totally incredible.

I have applied to join your clan before, but gave up because of commitments to it my other clan.

Unfortunately, I still cannot join, having been promoted within my clan, but if I were to be kicked from the clan, yours would be the first one I choose!


Happy Tenno-ing!

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I have read the rules and would like to join your clan. There are a few reasons I would like to join but one you would accept I think is that I find your rules to be well made and the people I have met in your clan are quite nice.

Hey there, Chronashowlett.


Always glad to hear that Crusaders are making good impressions outside of the clan and that you would like to join us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Hey Haldos or JTBoogie.


I absolutely lurve your clan. The theme is amazing, the crest is a work of art and is totally incredible.

I have applied to join your clan before, but gave up because of commitments to it my other clan.

Unfortunately, I still cannot join, having been promoted within my clan, but if I were to be kicked from the clan, yours would be the first one I choose!


Happy Tenno-ing!

Greetings, TheKingOfAllNoobs.


No hard feelings for moving along with your own clan and I'm glad to hear you're doing well with it. Best of luck to you and take care.

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I would like to join the clan.


I have read the Creed and the Rules, and i will treat other clan members well and respectfully.


I am a fan of MLP (though I have not seen the latest season,) and would like to join this clan. My friend told me about it, and I wanted to join a clan, and i didn't know where to start, so I decided to join this clan.

I am fairly new, so I would appreciate being accepted.


thank you in advance,



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IGN is Tsolerif


I've read le rules, I like how it seems like you care about keeping chat not stupid, that's great. I'd like to have a clan where I can group up with other players and kill things :l


Howdy Tsolerif.


I see no reason to deny you. I hope you make many friends with us in the future.


Invite sent.





I would like to join the clan.


I have read the Creed and the Rules, and i will treat other clan members well and respectfully.


I am a fan of MLP (though I have not seen the latest season,) and would like to join this clan. My friend told me about it, and I wanted to join a clan, and i didn't know where to start, so I decided to join this clan.

I am fairly new, so I would appreciate being accepted.


thank you in advance,




Howdy mettaray.


As long as you abide by our creeds, you will fit in just fine. I'm sure if you ask nicely, there will be plenty of our members willing to help you. If you need anything, have a question or a concern, don't hesitate to ask either Haldos, myself or one of our Heroes.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hey there.


I've been getting back into warframe lately and figured I would re-apply for clan citizenship since the game is more enjoyable with other people. Obviously I still agree to the creeds.

IGN: Erodian.



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I'm looking to join this clan. My old clan was rather inactive and had an unnecessary high tier that made researching things solo pretty much impossible. I just want a clan that has active players who are willing to help even when the mission might be long or I might not have properly leveled gear, as well as experienced players who are able to do long survivals in the void. I've been going too long playing by myself, and would like to finally join up with a larger group. I have read the creed and rules, and agree to them fully.


IGN: SurelyExploding

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Hey there.


I've been getting back into warframe lately and figured I would re-apply for clan citizenship since the game is more enjoyable with other people. Obviously I still agree to the creeds.

IGN: Erodian.



Good to see you again, Erodian.


Much appreciate for looking over the rules again, as much has changed since you've been gone.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.




I'm looking to join this clan. My old clan was rather inactive and had an unnecessary high tier that made researching things solo pretty much impossible. I just want a clan that has active players who are willing to help even when the mission might be long or I might not have properly leveled gear, as well as experienced players who are able to do long survivals in the void. I've been going too long playing by myself, and would like to finally join up with a larger group. I have read the creed and rules, and agree to them fully.


IGN: SurelyExploding

Hey there, SurelyExploding.

First and foremost, while we are a moon clan, we do not typically see a great amount of users on. Typically, there are about 18-20 at any given time on a standard day. Updates like these, we usually see the 40 range. Just as a precauton to you if this is not something that would fit your interests.


Other than that, I see no reason the CMC would not be a good fit for you.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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First and foremost, while we are a moon clan, we do not typically see a great amount of users on. Typically, there are about 18-20 at any given time on a standard day. Updates like these, we usually see the 40 range. Just as a precauton to you if this is not something that would fit your interests.

It's better than the 0 online that I got from my last clan :P

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I wish to join this clan. I am new to the game and i was looking for players to play with since this game alone is more boring!

I have read the rules and creeds and agree to them fully!


IGN: Gadiguibou01

Hey there, Gadiguibou01.


Unfortunately, it appears you are already in a clan. Please disband yourself from your current clan if you wish to join and get back to us.




Greetings, Tinytheo01.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to deny your application.


Take care.

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I'm from crescent moon. It imploded and my reason for joining is because I miss having a community. I dig the ponies and warframe so it seems a simple enough clan to want to join


Howdy 7419026.


I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but your application here is incomplete. Please go back to the first page of this thread and give the "Wanna join?" section a read to find out what you're missing.

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Hey there. 

I'd like to join this clan. I've been playing Warframe for a little while, but I'm still not all that experienced. So, besides just wanting to be a part of what seems to be a good community, the reason for my joining is to try and learn more about the game from some more experienced players.

I have read the creeds, and I will adhere to each one.

My in game name is OldFaithless.

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I've read the rules, creeds and encouraged guidelines. 

The rules CMC has set reflect my personal life, so I'm looking

for a clan with similar ideals and accepts those with limited

playtime.  I'm fairly new to Warframe and look forward to

many more hours of fun as a mystical space ninja!


Oh, and my daughter thinks it's awesome I want to join up with

a MLP based clan :)


in game name: mico_the_cat

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Hey there. 

I'd like to join this clan. I've been playing Warframe for a little while, but I'm still not all that experienced. So, besides just wanting to be a part of what seems to be a good community, the reason for my joining is to try and learn more about the game from some more experienced players.

I have read the creeds, and I will adhere to each one.

My in game name is OldFaithless.


Howdy OldFaithless.


I'm sure if you ask nicely, our members will be sure to help you. Feel free to ask Haldos, myself or one of our Heroes for anything you may need.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.




I've read the rules, creeds and encouraged guidelines. 
The rules CMC has set reflect my personal life, so I'm looking
for a clan with similar ideals and accepts those with limited
playtime.  I'm fairly new to Warframe and look forward to
many more hours of fun as a mystical space ninja!
Oh, and my daughter thinks it's awesome I want to join up with
a MLP based clan :)
in game name: mico_the_cat



Howdy mico_the_cat


I see no reason to deny you. The CMC would be happy to have you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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hi, im back i was out of the country and i couldnt log to warframe my player id is noirstream and seems like you kicked me in some spring cleanese (?) i guess, well i wanna ask if you mind having me back, i mean i wanna get in again 

and i wanna reafirm my point in why i wanna rejoin 



Howdy again noirstream.


Yes, you most likely have been caught in the inactivity sweep. But fear not, we are always open to accept returning Crusaders.


One thing I'm going to ask you to do before I send you an invite however, is to look over our creeds again and confirm that you've read them, as some things have changed in your absence.



Hey. I've read the rules. Me and cyck31 were part of the clan a few months before, we took a break from the game and got removed from the clan, would it be ok for us to join once more?


Howdy again EpicKlun.


Of course it would be okay for you to join again.


However at this time, I will only send you an invitation, as you have acknowledged that you have read the rules again and made a post. User cyck31 will have to make their own post saying that they have read and will continue to abide by the creeds if they wish to be admitted.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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Invite me!


But seriously,


I have read the rules.  I probably won't remember the creeds themselves very well, but since they are generally about being kind and respectful, I shouldn't have any trouble following them... well... except for the fact that I'll have to keep my *BLEEP*ing potty mouth in check...


The reason why I want to join is because I've been looking for a clan with good hearted, active members, and this is the only one I've found so far that sates my preferences.


-With good intentions, ... oh who am I kidding, even if you don't know my IGN yet, it's not hard to find/figure out...

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Invite me!


But seriously,


I have read the rules.  I probably won't remember the creeds themselves very well, but since they are generally about being kind and respectful, I shouldn't have any trouble following them... well... except for the fact that I'll have to keep my *BLEEP*ing potty mouth in check...


The reason why I want to join is because I've been looking for a clan with good hearted, active members, and this is the only one I've found so far that sates my preferences.


-With good intentions, ... oh who am I kidding, even if you don't know my IGN yet, it's not hard to find/figure out...


Howdy ADarkReminder.


As long as you abide by our creeds, you will always have a place here.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



I had to say this but THANKS FOR THE INVITE


This clan is awesome

I am not much disappoint :')


Howdy again Tsolerif.


I'm glad we could live up to your expectations. Remember, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, to direct them to Haldos, myself or one of our Heroes.

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