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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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Greetings, Miendo.

Im afraid your reason is not sufficient. Please provide more information on why you wish to join.

Was hoping to go the simple route with my response since I can only post from my phone.

Let's see, I've been a fan of MLP since early S2, I know that fans of the show tend to be easier going then the average person, which creates a very friendly environment. One of the biggest reasons I'm looking to join is that other than a single friend I have no one to play the game with, and as such I'm looking to expand the amount of people I play with, both helping them and them helping me. The emblem you guys have is very awesome, though that's a very minor reason.

Having the no arguing and no insulting rules are nice to me personally because I tend to worry about making a fool of myself.

These are all of my reasons I'd like to join that I can presently think of.

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I'd like to join the Crusaders! I'm looking for a fairly laid-back Clan with friendly, helpful players and you sound ideal. I've already had a few runs with a couple of your Clan members (DameScootaloo and Flameslash) and had a lot of fun. Of course, I've read the rules, no problems there.

Besides, you can't have the Crusaders without Sweetie!

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Hello. I have read the Creeds and I would like to join. I am joining this clan because I am looking for an talkative group that I can chat and hang out with while I'm online. I was once a part of Gryphus Tech, and I enjoyed the community that they had, and it's various, funny members. Due to frustrations with certain issues, I have decided to leave the clan and the friends that I've made behind, but I have yet found people as wonderful as them. I hope you will accept me. :)


Hey there, Yazeth.

Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with your other clan. Hopefully things will go a different way this time.

I see no reason the CMC would not work for you.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

Was hoping to go the simple route with my response since I can only post from my phone.

Let's see, I've been a fan of MLP since early S2, I know that fans of the show tend to be easier going then the average person, which creates a very friendly environment. One of the biggest reasons I'm looking to join is that other than a single friend I have no one to play the game with, and as such I'm looking to expand the amount of people I play with, both helping them and them helping me. The emblem you guys have is very awesome, though that's a very minor reason.

Having the no arguing and no insulting rules are nice to me personally because I tend to worry about making a fool of myself.

These are all of my reasons I'd like to join that I can presently think of.


My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience. I am also having trouble with the forums and am actually responding to you via my phone.

Much appreciated for getting back to us.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


I'd like to join the Crusaders! I'm looking for a fairly laid-back Clan with friendly, helpful players and you sound ideal. I've already had a few runs with a couple of your Clan members (DameScootaloo and Flameslash) and had a lot of fun. Of course, I've read the rules, no problems there.

Besides, you can't have the Crusaders without Sweetie!

Greetings, Sweetie.Belle.

Everything appears to be in order.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

My apologies for being terse.

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Greetings fellow crusaders!


I would like to send a request your way to join your group of well rounded, helpful, friendly individuals that share similar qualities i would like to say i possess as well. They say strength is greater in numbers and well, this seems to be the place where that thrives! While i'm still young in the ranks, I'd be happy to offer assistance when needed whether it be trading, farming, or just a fellow brethren to fight alongside with. 


Thanks guys, I hope to hear back soon!

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Greetings fellow crusaders!


I would like to send a request your way to join your group of well rounded, helpful, friendly individuals that share similar qualities i would like to say i possess as well. They say strength is greater in numbers and well, this seems to be the place where that thrives! While i'm still young in the ranks, I'd be happy to offer assistance when needed whether it be trading, farming, or just a fellow brethren to fight alongside with. 


Thanks guys, I hope to hear back soon!

Hey there, Icky_thump.

Sounds like the CMC would be a great fit for you, however, there is one last thing to confirm prior to your invite.

Please head back to the first page and give the want to join section another look.

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Hey there, Icky_thump.

Sounds like the CMC would be a great fit for you, however, there is one last thing to confirm prior to your invite.

Please head back to the first page and give the want to join section another look.


My mistake, I have read over and understand the creed. 

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My mistake, I have read over and understand the creed.

Much appreciated. Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

I am a returning member. I quit for a while to play MMOs with some buddies but now I'm back! I have read the rules again :) and would love to be apart of this awsome community once more.

IGN: Norok

Good to see you again, Norok.

A lot has changed since you were last gone so thank you for taking a moment to get reacquainted with the creeds.

Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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  I've recently joined the warframe community and I am loving this game more and more. Clans like the CMC make the game even more enjoyable as it is. My reason as to why I would like to join the group is that I like mature, helpful and friendly environment and the CMC fits perfectly. I was previously apart of a clan named "Blessed", the clan mates were inviting but most of the times not so willing to help fellow lower ranked members.

Also as a plus, I also am a fan of MLP. I would lvoe to join this clan and make great friendships among clan-mates.

I've read and acknowledged the creed as common courtesy in any clan.

Thanks , hope to see you in-game soon.

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  I've recently joined the warframe community and I am loving this game more and more. Clans like the CMC make the game even more enjoyable as it is. My reason as to why I would like to join the group is that I like mature, helpful and friendly environment and the CMC fits perfectly. I was previously apart of a clan named "Blessed", the clan mates were inviting but most of the times not so willing to help fellow lower ranked members.

Also as a plus, I also am a fan of MLP. I would lvoe to join this clan and make great friendships among clan-mates.

I've read and acknowledged the creed as common courtesy in any clan.

Thanks , hope to see you in-game soon.

Hey there, Bake-Waifu.


Couldn't have asked for a better application. 


Sorry to hear your last clan did not work out. I do hope we live up to your expectations, but let me know if you need anything.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hi :)

I was a member of CMC before, but about a year ago, i quit playing due to difficult life curcumstances. If I am welcome back now that I've started playing again, I would greatly appreciate it ^_^ I have always been a helpful player, eager to support new and experienced players alike and I really miss the social aspect of Warframe now that I am clanless.

My in-game name is "Cilutan"

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I've been a long time player of Warframe and I've honestly had issues with past clans. They've claimed to be upright and respectful, but that has yet to be the case. I read over the Creed and all the various implications for helping and being a contributing member and it made me really excited. I'm at a point in this game where I can help and contribute whatever need be.


I want to join because I like the ideals behind this clan. I am looking for fun and an enjoyable social environment to enjoy this game I've dedicated so much time to. I love to help and lend a hand, I hope that I am able to join and make an impact.




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Hi :)

I was a member of CMC before, but about a year ago, i quit playing due to difficult life curcumstances. If I am welcome back now that I've started playing again, I would greatly appreciate it ^_^ I have always been a helpful player, eager to support new and experienced players alike and I really miss the social aspect of Warframe now that I am clanless.

My in-game name is "Cilutan"

Good to see you, Cilutan. Happy to hear you took a break to handle personal matters, those things come first.

You are absolutely welcome to rejoin, but please head back to the front page and give the Creeds a looking over. A lot has changed since you've been out. Let us know when you have.


I've been a long time player of Warframe and I've honestly had issues with past clans. They've claimed to be upright and respectful, but that has yet to be the case. I read over the Creed and all the various implications for helping and being a contributing member and it made me really excited. I'm at a point in this game where I can help and contribute whatever need be.

I want to join because I like the ideals behind this clan. I am looking for fun and an enjoyable social environment to enjoy this game I've dedicated so much time to. I love to help and lend a hand, I hope that I am able to join and make an impact.



Hey there, Viragox.

Sorry to hear that clans haven't been living up to standards. We strive to uphold our creeds, so do let either myself or JTboogie14 know if you find members who are creating an unfriendly environment. Be sure to include screen shots of the entire conversation for review.

As for your application, I don't see why the CMC wouldn't be a good fit for you.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello, I'd like to join your clan. I have read and agree to both the guidelines and creed. I have been playing this game since the original founder packs were around. Even though I still enjoy myself on a day to day basis, I have grown lonely of mostly playing alone. I've heard of the great community in this clan and was motivated to try and sign up for my first clan. I'm hoping if given an invite, to make friends and enjoy the game with a group players instead of just myself.

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Hello, I'd like to join your clan. I have read and agree to both the guidelines and creed. I have been playing this game since the original founder packs were around. Even though I still enjoy myself on a day to day basis, I have grown lonely of mostly playing alone. I've heard of the great community in this clan and was motivated to try and sign up for my first clan. I'm hoping if given an invite, to make friends and enjoy the game with a group players instead of just myself.

Hey there, Summers.


Good to hear a founder still sticking with the game after all this time. I also played solo for quite a while, but eventually found myself wanting some company, so I can understand where you're at now.


Everything checks out and I don't see why the CMC would not be a great place for you. I do hope we live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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can i join please?

i am looking too help others and get to know new people this clan look seems too be full of friendly people and yes i know your rules and the creeds 


mr 19

Hey there, Cynthia_Von_Starstriker.


A bit short, sweet and direct but I can't fault you for that.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



Hey I would like to join back with the clan sorry for not trying to join back earlier the reason i got kicked before is because I left for a bit and didn't tell anyone that was my bad my IGN: DESTROYER041 and if I could rejoin that would be sweet :D

Good to see you again, DESTROYER041.


No worries at all about taking some time off, we all need to at some point. Just need you to confirm you've re-read the rules for consistency. Let us know when you've done so and we'll get an invite to you ASAP.

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I've read the rules, they're simple to follow and nice.

Would like to join, already had an opportunity and visited the Dojo, a really nice and well made, i do admit.

My previous clan got.. umm dead mostly almost no one is playing.

I am wanting to join because i heard this is a cheerful and warm community, so it's what i am looking for, to meet peoples i can play and enjoy my time in Warframe.


IGN: Niffin

Mr: 13

Age: 18+

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