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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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I've read the rules, they're simple to follow and nice.

Would like to join, already had an opportunity and visited the Dojo, a really nice and well made, i do admit.

My previous clan got.. umm dead mostly almost no one is playing.

I am wanting to join because i heard this is a cheerful and warm community, so it's what i am looking for, to meet peoples i can play and enjoy my time in Warframe.


IGN: Niffin

Mr: 13

Age: 18+


Howdy Niffin,


Sorry to hear about your previous clan. I see no reason to deny you and I hope we live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I have read the rules and would like to join the Crusaders. I've been soloing the game and while I considered joining a clan multiple times, I was always turned off by the atmosphere of most of the other clans. After reading your rules and guidelines, I feel that the CMC would be a good match for me.


IGN: NanoxVox

MR: 7


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Howdy Niffin,


Sorry to hear about your previous clan. I see no reason to deny you and I hope we live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Thank You for the invite. And wish You a really good day!

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I've read the rules and I would like to join you clan.


My friend told me about the clan and atmoshpere within and i liked it. I'am not very experienced in warframe (just hit 4 MR) and that's why i really like to join the clan that's helpful and nice to new players. Also if I see anyone who will need any help within the game then I'll be glad to help in any way I can. Just my english is not great but this is just another occasion to practice it right? So if that's no problem for you i will be glad to join ^^

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Good afternoon! Not much of a talker, so I hope you don't mind that I go straight to the point. 


I'm a beginner.. as in, I joined the game only 2 days ago, but I've spent the last 2 days thinking of nothing but playing the game. I fell in love with the hospitality of the game - people were always willing to help. The reason I'm here is that I'm looking to delve deeper into the game by learning from people who are much more experienced. Not only that, I want to learn from people who I could identify with and not any random stranger whom I'm never going to talk to again.


I hope you don't mind that I ask for an invitation?



MR: 2

Age: 23

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I've read the creed

I wanna join, I've been in yours Gardens they are pretty well made. I'd like to play in one clan with my friend :)

IGN: Neekess

Mr: 3

Age: 19

Hey there, Neekess.

Glad you enjoyed the gardens, but I'm afraid your reason for joining is not acceptable. Please head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join" section another looking over.




I have read the rules and would like to join the Crusaders. I've been soloing the game and while I considered joining a clan multiple times, I was always turned off by the atmosphere of most of the other clans. After reading your rules and guidelines, I feel that the CMC would be a good match for me.


IGN: NanoxVox

MR: 7


Greetings, NanoxVox.


We are dedicated to a friendly and welcoming environment for all Crusaders, so I'm sorry to hear that this has been an issue for you to find, so far. Do let either myself, or JTBoogie14 know if you ever experience issues and follow the "Report a user" instructions on the first page to help us insure we are maintaining this promise.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.




I've read the rules and I would like to join you clan.


My friend told me about the clan and atmoshpere within and i liked it. I'am not very experienced in warframe (just hit 4 MR) and that's why i really like to join the clan that's helpful and nice to new players. Also if I see anyone who will need any help within the game then I'll be glad to help in any way I can. Just my english is not great but this is just another occasion to practice it right? So if that's no problem for you i will be glad to join ^^

Hello, MrDerius.


Always glad to hear that we are making good impressions outside the clan. No need to worry about your english. While the vast majority is English speaking, so long as you are able to communicate your thoughts in a clear, respectful manner, which I do believe you have done so here, you should have no troubles. Should anyone give you issues about this, do not hesitate to let JTBoogie14, or myself know so we may address it promptly.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Good afternoon! Not much of a talker, so I hope you don't mind that I go straight to the point. 


I'm a beginner.. as in, I joined the game only 2 days ago, but I've spent the last 2 days thinking of nothing but playing the game. I fell in love with the hospitality of the game - people were always willing to help. The reason I'm here is that I'm looking to delve deeper into the game by learning from people who are much more experienced. Not only that, I want to learn from people who I could identify with and not any random stranger whom I'm never going to talk to again.


I hope you don't mind that I ask for an invitation?



MR: 2

Age: 23



Really happy to hear you've been having so much fun already and only 2 days in. I can understand your interests in learning more about the game, as Warframe can be a little confusing when you start getting into the nitty gritty of the mechanics and what not.


I'd say you have a fantastic reason for wanting to join, but there is one last thing we need to confirm, prior to your invitation. Please head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join" section a good reading and get back to us.

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I have been playing solo or with random pubs for awhile and I've decided enough is enough and I wanted to find a friendly and helpful atmosphere to continue playing Warframe.  I fully agree with the creeds of being kind, helpful and charitable to members as well as rando pubs.  Hopefully we can work together to enjoy warframe.


IGN: Renmeechum

MR: 7

Age: 28

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I have been playing solo or with random pubs for awhile and I've decided enough is enough and I wanted to find a friendly and helpful atmosphere to continue playing Warframe.  I fully agree with the creeds of being kind, helpful and charitable to members as well as rando pubs.  Hopefully we can work together to enjoy warframe.


IGN: Renmeechum

MR: 7

Age: 28

Hi, Renmeechum.


Everything appears to be in order, and I don't see why the CMC would not be a good fit for you.


Curious as to why the whole Mastery Rank and age thing keeps coming up, but no matter.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I've been reading recrutation requirements and I apologie for my previous behavior.
I'd like to start from the begining once more :)

I'm helpful person with much time and always willing to help in missions or help new players get through the quests.
However my low mr (4) I'll try my best :)

Greetings! (Sorry once more)

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I've been reading recrutation requirements and I apologie for my previous behavior.

I'd like to start from the begining once more :)

I'm helpful person with much time and always willing to help in missions or help new players get through the quests.

However my low mr (4) I'll try my best :)

Greetings! (Sorry once more)

Much appreciated for getting back to us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Good Day,


I have recently become community less and I am looking for a group to play this game with, because you can only do this solo for only so long.


hope to here from you soon.




Howdy Sleepytotem.


It doesn't seem like you've read our front page, so I'm going to have to turn you away.


Stay safe.

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I do see your point as to how it looks that I am just staying I want to be apart of a big clan, but I would rather give you an honest reason as to why I would like to join your community instead of just coming up with a random one that may not be as truthful. I completely understand your decision and hope that you are able to find those that you feel would be a better fit.


Have a great day :D 

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I do see your point as to how it looks that I am just staying I want to be apart of a big clan, but I would rather give you an honest reason as to why I would like to join your community instead of just coming up with a random one that may not be as truthful. I completely understand your decision and hope that you are able to find those that you feel would be a better fit.


Have a great day :D 


Howdy again, Sleepytotem.


I very sincerely appreciate your honesty. I apologize if I had sounded rude, as my response was a bit terse, but we do these checks on applicants to ensure that the Cutie Mark Crusaders are the best fit clan for you. That's why we like to confirm that your reason for wanting to join us isn't something as broad as wanting to be in a "big" clan. I do hope that you find what you're looking for and if you come to the realization that the CMC is in fact the best fit clan for you, do let us know by submitting a proper application and telling us what changed your mind.


You have a great day as well. Stay safe, friend.

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Hello Again,


Let me start off by saying that I did not find your original response to me first post to be mean or rude. If I had you would never have gotten a response from me as I would have been very perplexed and turned off. Anywho. I would Like to try again at applying again to join your ranks.


As a higher master ranked player I have found that I have more time on my hands to help out new players or lower MR players. I know that I have gotten to were I am in the game due to the help from others and would like to repay their kindness by helping out new players too. As y'all seem to be all about helping others out I feel that I would be a great fit. I do not claim that my builds are the best or that my way of doing things are the only way to do them, but they can be used as a starting point for new players to develop their own play styles.

My mind has not changed about wanting to join your clan. Although I have applied to other clans, I would still rather be apart of this community over the others.

I have also read the creeds and encouraged guidelines several times over at this point and agree with them. I do hope that the line of reasoning that I have put forth in this post will be an acceptable one.


Have a great Day,


ING: SleepyTotem

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Hello Again,


Let me start off by saying that I did not find your original response to me first post to be mean or rude. If I had you would never have gotten a response from me as I would have been very perplexed and turned off. Anywho. I would Like to try again at applying again to join your ranks.


As a higher master ranked player I have found that I have more time on my hands to help out new players or lower MR players. I know that I have gotten to were I am in the game due to the help from others and would like to repay their kindness by helping out new players too. As y'all seem to be all about helping others out I feel that I would be a great fit. I do not claim that my builds are the best or that my way of doing things are the only way to do them, but they can be used as a starting point for new players to develop their own play styles.

My mind has not changed about wanting to join your clan. Although I have applied to other clans, I would still rather be apart of this community over the others.

I have also read the creeds and encouraged guidelines several times over at this point and agree with them. I do hope that the line of reasoning that I have put forth in this post will be an acceptable one.


Have a great Day,


ING: SleepyTotem


Howdy again, Sleepytotem.


I couldn't have asked for a better application. Thank you for the follow-up. I hope we can live up to your expectations, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders would be happy to have you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Edit: Formatting

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A want to join: ☑


Read the rules: ☑



Over a year ago I was in the clan, but do to IRL issues I had to take about a year break from the game. I guess I got removed in an "afk" sweep or something. Now that I have time to play again I'm looking to get back into the clan to play with people and enjoy the game again!

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I greet the crusading Clan for Cutie Marks!


I have read and understand the Creed and Rules, as why i want to join this clan.


The reason to join this Clan is to crusade for my Cutie Mark! No, wait, crusade for my Warframe! Wrong again, um, Scootaloo/Sweetie Belle/Applebloom is best pony? Argh, no. Sharing is Caring! Nope, where is the reason to join this clan? Ah yes, here!


I will be the Excalibur, who will clear the area to revive a fallen comrade! I will be the Rhino, who will stomp the enemies into the ground! I will be the Nyx to spread chaos under the foes for the victory! I will be the Ember, who will clear the path with fire and steel!


Wow, i think, i overdid it with the reason. What i want to say is, i would like to join a clan to leave the lone Tenno status behind me.


IGN: Darkkismeth (Yeah, i was long in Warframe before the MLP, but i left it behind me for a long time, now returned, i got hooked on it finally.)

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A want to join: ☑


Read the rules: ☑



Over a year ago I was in the clan, but do to IRL issues I had to take about a year break from the game. I guess I got removed in an "afk" sweep or something. Now that I have time to play again I'm looking to get back into the clan to play with people and enjoy the game again!

Hello again, TrixieThePony.


No hard feelings for taking a break, real life always comes first.

Much appreciated for taking the time to reread the rules.

Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.


I greet the crusading Clan for Cutie Marks!


I have read and understand the Creed and Rules, as why i want to join this clan.


The reason to join this Clan is to crusade for my Cutie Mark! No, wait, crusade for my Warframe! Wrong again, um, Scootaloo/Sweetie Belle/Applebloom is best pony? Argh, no. Sharing is Caring! Nope, where is the reason to join this clan? Ah yes, here!


I will be the Excalibur, who will clear the area to revive a fallen comrade! I will be the Rhino, who will stomp the enemies into the ground! I will be the Nyx to spread chaos under the foes for the victory! I will be the Ember, who will clear the path with fire and steel!


Wow, i think, i overdid it with the reason. What i want to say is, i would like to join a clan to leave the lone Tenno status behind me.


IGN: Darkkismeth (Yeah, i was long in Warframe before the MLP, but i left it behind me for a long time, now returned, i got hooked on it finally.)

Hey there, Darkkismeth.


Very theatrical, but I'm afraid I did not quite find an actual reason in your response for wanting to join. Please head back to the front page and give it another go.


Hi, i am a brazillian brony wanting to join


IGN: KarlosTheBrony


I read the rules and i want to join to have fun playing with not just random people.

Greetings, KarlosTheBrony.


Terse, but all nails have been hit.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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